// Copyright 2011 The MOE Authors All Rights Reserved.
package com.google.devtools.moe.client.logic;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.MoeProblem;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.codebase.Codebase;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.codebase.CodebaseCreationError;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.migrations.Migration;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.parser.Expression;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.parser.RepositoryExpression;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.project.InvalidProject;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.project.ProjectContext;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.repositories.MetadataScrubberConfig;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.repositories.Revision;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.repositories.RevisionMetadata;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.writer.DraftRevision;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.writer.Writer;
import java.util.List;
* Perform the one_migration and migrate directives
public class OneMigrationLogic {
* Perform a migration from specified source, destination, and specified Revisions
* @param c the Codebase to use as source
* @param destination the Writer to put the files from c into
* @param revisionsToMigrate all revisions to include in this migration (the metadata from the
* Revisions in revisionsToMigrate determines the metadata for the
* change)
* @param context the context to evaluate in
* @return a DraftRevision on success, or null on failure
public static DraftRevision migrate(Codebase c, Writer destination,
List<Revision> revisionsToMigrate,
ProjectContext context, Revision fromRevision) {
RevisionMetadata metadata = DetermineMetadataLogic.determine(
context, revisionsToMigrate, fromRevision);
return ChangeLogic.change(c, destination, metadata);
* Perform a migration from a Migration object. Includes metadata scrubbing.
* The DraftRevision is created at the revision of last equivalence, or from the head/tip of the
* repository if no Equivalence could be found.
* @param migration the Migration representing the migration to perform
* @param context the context to evaluate in
* @param destination the Writer to put the changes from the Migration into
* @param referenceToCodebase the reference to-codebase Expression used in case this Migration is
* an inverse translation
* @return a DraftRevision on success, or null on failure
public static DraftRevision migrate(Migration migration,
ProjectContext context,
Writer destination,
Expression referenceToCodebase) {
Revision mostRecentFromRev = migration.fromRevisions.get(migration.fromRevisions.size() - 1);
Codebase fromCodebase;
try {
String toProjectSpace = context.config.getRepositoryConfigs()
fromCodebase = new RepositoryExpression(migration.config.getFromRepository())
} catch (InvalidProject e) {
throw new MoeProblem(e.getMessage());
} catch (CodebaseCreationError e) {
throw new MoeProblem(e.getMessage());
MetadataScrubberConfig sc = migration.config.getMetadataScrubberConfig();
RevisionMetadata metadata = (sc == null)
? DetermineMetadataLogic.determine(context, migration.fromRevisions, mostRecentFromRev)
: DetermineMetadataLogic.determine(context, migration.fromRevisions, sc, mostRecentFromRev);
return ChangeLogic.change(fromCodebase, destination, metadata);