// Copyright 2011 The MOE Authors All Rights Reserved.
package com.google.devtools.moe.client.logic;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.AppContext;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.Ui;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.codebase.Codebase;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.repositories.RevisionMetadata;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.writer.DraftRevision;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.writer.Writer;
import com.google.devtools.moe.client.writer.WritingError;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Perform the change directive
public class ChangeLogic {
* Create a change in a source control system
* @param c the Codebase to use as source
* @param destination the Writer to put the files from c into
* @return a DraftRevision on success, or null on failure
public static DraftRevision change(Codebase c, Writer destination) {
return change(c, destination, null);
* Create a change with metadata in a source control system
* @param c the Codebase to use as source
* @param destination the Writer to put the files from c into
* @param rm the metadata associated with this change
* @return a DraftRevision on success, or null on failure
public static DraftRevision change(
Codebase c, Writer destination, @Nullable RevisionMetadata rm) {
DraftRevision r;
try {
Ui.Task t = AppContext.RUN.ui.pushTask(
"Putting files from Codebase into Writer");
r = (rm == null) ? destination.putCodebase(c) : destination.putCodebase(c, rm);
AppContext.RUN.ui.popTask(t, "");
return r;
} catch (WritingError e) {
AppContext.RUN.ui.error(e, "Error writing change");
return null;