package dovetaildb.dbservice;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import dovetaildb.bagindex.Range;
import dovetaildb.bytes.ArrayBytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.Bytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.CompoundBytes;
import dovetaildb.querynode.FilteredQueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.QueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.QueryNode.NextStatus;
public class QueryNodeDbResult extends AbstractDbResult {
final Bytes prefix, suffix;
QueryNode node;
HashMap<String, QueryNodeDbResult> byObjectKey;
ArrayList<QueryNodeDbResult> byArrayIndex;
final DbResultMapView mapView = new DbResultMapView(this);
final DbResultListView listView = new DbResultListView(this);
// these change per result:
Status status;
Bytes firstTerm;
long docId;
char type;
private enum Status {clear, initialized, materialized};
public QueryNodeDbResult(QueryNode node) {
prefix = ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES;
suffix = ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES;
this.node = node;
protected QueryNodeDbResult(QueryNode parent, Bytes prefix, Bytes suffix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
this.suffix = suffix;
Range subRange = new Range(prefix, ArrayBytes.SINGLE_BYTE_OBJECTS[0], null, true, true);
node = parent.specialize(new Range(subRange));
if (node == null) {
} else {
if (node.doc() == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
} else {
if (node == null) {
} else {
status = Status.clear;
// initialize(docId);
public void clear() {
node = null;
byObjectKey = null;
byArrayIndex = null;
//firstTerm = null;
type = ' ';
status = Status.clear;
public void reset() {
type = ' ';
//firstTerm = null;
status = Status.clear;
if (byObjectKey != null) {
for(QueryNodeDbResult result : byObjectKey.values()) {
if (result.status != Status.clear) result.reset();
if (byArrayIndex != null) {
for(QueryNodeDbResult result : byArrayIndex) {
if (result.status != Status.clear) result.reset();
private void initializeAsNull() {
this.type = 'l';
this.status = Status.initialized;
//this.firstTerm = null;
public boolean initialize(long docId) {
this.docId = docId;
if (node.positionSet(docId, prefix)) {
int suffixLen = suffix.getLength();
int usedBytes = prefix.getLength() + suffixLen;
do {
Bytes term = node.term();
int curLen = term.getLength();
if (curLen > usedBytes &&
term.compareToParts(suffix, curLen-suffixLen, 0, suffixLen, suffixLen, 9)==0) {
firstTerm = term.copyInto(firstTerm);
type = (char)firstTerm.get(prefix.getLength());
this.status = Status.initialized;
return true;
} while (node.positionNext());
return false;
public boolean initialize(long docId) {
this.docId = docId;, prefix);
if (node.doc() == docId) {
int suffixLen = suffix.getLength();
int usedBytes = prefix.getLength() + suffixLen;
do {
Bytes term = node.term();
int curLen = term.getLength();
if (! prefix.isPrefixOf(term)) break;
if (curLen > usedBytes &&
term.compareToParts(suffix, curLen-suffixLen, 0, suffixLen, suffixLen, 9)==0) {
firstTerm = term.copyInto(firstTerm);
type = (char)firstTerm.get(prefix.getLength());
this.status = Status.initialized;
return true;
} while (node.nextTerm() == NextStatus.NEXT_TERM);
return false;
// Bytes aTerm = null;
// boolean startedEarlyEnough = node.compareTo(docId, prefix) <= 0;
// if (node.doc() <= docId) {
// // if we're mid way though, just finish the current pass before rewinding
// aTerm = scatterFind();
// }
// if (aTerm == null && ! startedEarlyEnough) {
// // we may have been part way into the current doc, rewind and try again:
//, prefix);
// aTerm = scatterFind();
// }
// if (aTerm == null) {
// initializeAsNull();
// return false;
// } else {
// firstTerm = aTerm.copyInto(firstTerm);
// type = (char)firstTerm.get(prefix.getLength());
// this.status = Status.initialized;
// return true;
// }
// }
private Bytes scatterFind() {
while (true) {
Bytes aTerm = node.findAnyMatching(docId, prefix);
if (aTerm == null) return null;
if (suffix.isSuffixOf(aTerm)) {
return aTerm;
public Object simplify() {
switch (type) {
case '[': return listView;
case '{': return mapView;
case 'f': return Boolean.FALSE;
case 'l': return null;
case 'n': return getDouble();
case 's': return getString();
case 't': return Boolean.TRUE;
throw new RuntimeException();
public char getType() { return type; }
public QueryNodeDbResult derefByKey(String key) {
QueryNodeDbResult result = getByKey(key);
if (result.status == Status.clear) {
return result;
public boolean containsKey(String key) {
QueryNodeDbResult ret = derefByKey(key); // ensures proper initialization
return (ret.type != ' '); // was the null initialized by an actual null term?
protected QueryNodeDbResult getByKey(String key) {
if (byObjectKey == null) {
byObjectKey = new HashMap<String, QueryNodeDbResult>();
QueryNodeDbResult result = byObjectKey.get(key);
if (result == null) {
Bytes byteKey = new CompoundBytes(DbServiceUtil.HEADER_BYTE_MAPOPEN,
new CompoundBytes(DbServiceUtil.sencodeMapKey(key),
Bytes subPrefix = new CompoundBytes(prefix, byteKey).flatten();
result = new QueryNodeDbResult(node, subPrefix, suffix);
byObjectKey.put(key, result);
return result;
public DbResult derefByIndex(int index) {
QueryNodeDbResult result = getByIndex(index);
if (result.status == Status.clear) {
if (!result.initialize(docId)) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(index));
return result;
protected QueryNodeDbResult getByIndex(int index) {
// index dref requires materialization
if (byArrayIndex == null) {
byArrayIndex = new ArrayList<QueryNodeDbResult>();
if (index >= byArrayIndex.size()) {
for(int addIdx=byArrayIndex.size(); addIdx<=index; addIdx++) {
QueryNodeDbResult result = byArrayIndex.get(index);
if (result == null) {
Bytes newPrefix = new CompoundBytes(prefix, DbServiceUtil.HEADER_BYTE_LISTOPEN).flatten();
Bytes newSuffix = new CompoundBytes(DbServiceUtil.sencodeListIndex(index),suffix).flatten();
result = new QueryNodeDbResult(node, newPrefix, newSuffix);
byArrayIndex.set(index, result);
return result;
* This is not supposed to modify the node position of this result or its children
private void materialize(Bytes term) {
int startIdx = prefix.getLength();
int suffixLen = suffix.getLength();
if (status == Status.clear) {
firstTerm = term.copyInto(firstTerm);
type = (char)firstTerm.get(prefix.getLength());
if (type == '{') {
// empty obj term can have nothing after the '{'
int termLen = term.getLength();
if (termLen-suffixLen != startIdx+1) {
String key = DbServiceUtil.sdecodeMapKey(term, startIdx+1);
QueryNodeDbResult item = getByKey(key);
// if (item.status==Status.clear) item.initialize(docId);
} else if (type == '[') {
// empty array term can have nothing after the '['
int termLen = term.getLength();
if (termLen-suffixLen != startIdx+1) {
int index = DbServiceUtil.sdecodeListIndex(term, termLen-(suffixLen+2));
QueryNodeDbResult item = getByIndex(index);
// if (item.status==Status.clear) item.initialize(docId);
status = Status.materialized;
private void materialize() {
if (status == Status.materialized) return;
status = Status.materialized;
if (node.positionSet(docId, prefix)) {
do {
} while(node.positionNext());
} else {
/* TODO QNWORK, prefix);
if (node.doc() != docId) {
status = Status.materialized;
do {
Bytes term = node.term();
if (! prefix.isPrefixOf(term)) break;
} while(node.nextTerm() == NextStatus.NEXT_TERM);
public int getArrayLength() {
if (type != '[') throw new WrongTypeException(type, '[');
if (byArrayIndex == null) return 0;
int arrMax = byArrayIndex.size();
for(int i=0; i<arrMax; i++) {
QueryNodeDbResult item = byArrayIndex.get(i);
if (item == null || item.status == Status.clear) return i;
return arrMax;
public Collection<String> getObjectKeys() {
if (type != '{') {
throw new WrongTypeException(type, '{');
ArrayList<String> validKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
if (byObjectKey != null) {
for(Map.Entry<String, QueryNodeDbResult> entry : byObjectKey.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue().status != Status.clear)
return validKeys;
public String getString() {
if (type != 's') throw new WrongTypeException(type, 's');
int startIdx = prefix.getLength() + 1;
int unusedBytes = startIdx + suffix.getLength();
byte[] bytes = firstTerm.getBytes(startIdx, firstTerm.getLength() - unusedBytes);
try {
return new String(bytes, "utf-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public double getDouble() {
if (type != 'n') throw new WrongTypeException(type, 'n');
Bytes term = firstTerm;
int s = prefix.getLength() + 1;
long bits = (((long)term.get(s+0)) << 8 * 7) |
(((long)term.get(s+1)&0xFF) << 8 * 6) |
(((long)term.get(s+2)&0xFF) << 8 * 5) |
(((long)term.get(s+3)&0xFF) << 8 * 4) |
(((long)term.get(s+4)&0xFF) << 8 * 3) |
(((long)term.get(s+5)&0xFF) << 8 * 2) |
(((long)term.get(s+6)&0xFF) << 8 * 1) |
(((long)term.get(s+7)&0xFF) << 8 * 0);
// see sencode for why we do these bit manipulations:
if ((bits & 0x8000000000000000L) == 0) {
} else {
bits ^= 0x8000000000000000L;
return Double.longBitsToDouble(bits);