package dovetaildb.bagindex;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import dovetaildb.bytes.AbstractBytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.ArrayBytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.Bytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.CompoundBytes;
import dovetaildb.bytes.SlicedBytes;
import dovetaildb.querynode.QueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.WrappingQueryNode;
import dovetaildb.querynode.QueryNode.NextStatus;
import dovetaildb.util.MappedIterator;
import dovetaildb.util.Util;
public class PrefixCompressedBagIndex extends WrappingBagIndex {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6106684392808661661L;
protected Bytes[] compressionLiterals;
protected CompoundBytes[] mapping; // first part is the (uncompressed) prefix and second part is a comparison string
protected int numCompressedBytes, numCompressedBits;
protected int numCenteringBits;
protected double LengthToRowRatio = 4.0;
public int getNumCompressedBytes() { return numCompressedBytes; }
public Bytes decompressPrefix(SlicedBytes compressed) {
int mappingIdx = 0;
for(int i=0; i<numCompressedBytes; i++) {
mappingIdx = (mappingIdx << 8) | (compressed.get(0) & 0xff);
compressed = compressed.subBytes(1);
CompoundBytes uncompressed = mapping[mappingIdx >> numCenteringBits];
return uncompressed.getPrefix();
public Bytes compress(Bytes uncompressed) {
if (uncompressed == null) return null;
int uncompressedLen = uncompressed.getLength();
if (uncompressedLen == 0) return compressionLiterals[0];
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(mapping, uncompressed);
if (pos < 0) pos = (-pos) - 2; // need one before the insertion point
Bytes prefix = mapping[pos].getPrefix();
assert prefix.isPrefixOf(uncompressed);
int prefixLen = prefix.getLength();
Bytes suffix = SlicedBytes.make(uncompressed, prefixLen,
uncompressedLen - prefixLen);
return CompoundBytes.make(compressionLiterals[pos], suffix);
private Bytes findCompressedPrefixContaining(Bytes uncompressed) { // TODO test
if (uncompressed == null) return null;
int uncompressedLen = uncompressed.getLength();
if (uncompressedLen == 0) return ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES;
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(mapping, uncompressed);
if (pos < 0) pos = (-pos) - 2; // need one before the insertion point
int startPos = pos;
int endPos = pos;
while (pos + 1 < mapping.length) {
Bytes prefix = mapping[pos].getPrefix();
if (! prefix.couldOverlapWith(uncompressed)) break;
endPos = pos;
if (startPos != endPos) {
Range range = new Range();
range.setBoundsAndExtractPrefix(compressionLiterals[startPos], compressionLiterals[endPos]);
return range.getPrefix();
Bytes prefix = mapping[startPos];
assert prefix.isPrefixOf(uncompressed);
int prefixLen = prefix.getLength();
Bytes suffix = SlicedBytes.make(uncompressed, prefixLen, uncompressedLen - prefixLen);
return CompoundBytes.make(compressionLiterals[pos], suffix);
class PrefixUncompressedBytes extends AbstractBytes {
Bytes prefix;
Bytes compressed;
int compIndex;
SlicedBytes sliceTemporary = new SlicedBytes(ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, 0);
public PrefixUncompressedBytes() {}
public void setCompressed(Bytes compressed) {
this.compressed = compressed;
sliceTemporary.reInitialize(compressed, 0, compressed.getLength());
prefix = decompressPrefix(sliceTemporary);
compIndex = sliceTemporary.getSlicePosition();
sliceTemporary.reInitialize(ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, 0, 0);
public int get(int position) {
int prefixLen = prefix.getLength();
if (position < prefixLen) return prefix.get(position);
return compressed.get(compIndex + (position - prefixLen));
public int getLength() {
return prefix.getLength() + compressed.getLength() - compIndex;
public String toString() {
return "Uncompressed(["+prefix.getAsString()+"]"+new SlicedBytes(compressed, compIndex, compressed.getLength() - compIndex)+")";
public Bytes copy() {
return copyInto(null);
public Bytes copyInto(Bytes other) {
// return super.copy();
if (other == null) {
other = new PrefixUncompressedBytes();
if (other instanceof PrefixUncompressedBytes) {
PrefixUncompressedBytes puOther = (PrefixUncompressedBytes)other;
puOther.compressed = compressed.copyInto(puOther.compressed);
puOther.sliceTemporary.reInitialize(ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, 0, 0);
puOther.compIndex = compIndex;
puOther.prefix = prefix;
return puOther;
} else {
return super.copy();
private QueryNode makeQueryNode(QueryNode subQueryNode) {
if (subQueryNode == null) return null;
return new PrefixUncompressedQueryNode(subQueryNode);
class PrefixUncompressedQueryNode extends WrappingQueryNode {
PrefixUncompressedBytes term = new PrefixUncompressedBytes();
private HashMap<Bytes, Bytes> prefixCache = new HashMap();
public PrefixUncompressedQueryNode(QueryNode subQueryNode) {
public Bytes term() {
return term;
public QueryNode copy() {
return new PrefixUncompressedQueryNode(subQueryNode.copy());
public QueryNode specialize(Range range) {
if (range != Range.OPEN_RANGE) {
QueryNode subRet = subQueryNode.specialize(range);
if (subRet == subQueryNode) return this;
if (subRet == null) return null;
return new PrefixUncompressedQueryNode(subRet);
public void seek(long seekDoc, Bytes seekTerm) {, compress(seekTerm));
private PrefixUncompressedBytes anyMatchingTerm = new PrefixUncompressedBytes();
public Bytes findAnyMatching(long docId, Bytes prefix) {
Bytes term;
if (prefix.getLength() == 0) {
term = subQueryNode.findAnyMatching(docId, prefix);
} else {
Bytes min = compress(prefix);
byte[] prefixBytes = prefix.getBytes();
Bytes max = compress(new ArrayBytes(prefixBytes));
Range r = new Range(ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, true, true);
r.setBoundsAndExtractPrefix(min, max);
term = subQueryNode.findAnyMatching(docId, r.getPrefix());
if (term == null) return null;
return anyMatchingTerm;
public boolean positionSet(long docId, Bytes prefix) {
this.positionDoc = docId;
this.positionPrefix = prefix;
Bytes compressedPrefix = prefixCache.get(prefix);
if (compressedPrefix == null) {
compressedPrefix = findCompressedPrefixContaining(prefix);
prefixCache.put(prefix, compressedPrefix);
boolean found = subQueryNode.positionSet(docId, compressedPrefix);
if (! found) return false;
if (prefix.isPrefixOf(term())) {
return true;
} else {
return positionNext();
public boolean positionNext() {
do {
boolean found = subQueryNode.positionNext();
if (! found) return false;
} while (! positionPrefix.isPrefixOf(term()));
return true;
public String toString() {
return "PrefixUncompressedQN("+super. subQueryNode+")";
protected Bytes makeCompressionLiteral(int value) {
byte[] compressedPrefix = new byte[numCompressedBytes];
value <<= numCenteringBits;
for(int i = numCompressedBytes-1; i >= 0; i--) {
compressedPrefix[i] = (byte)(value & 0xFF);
value >>= 8;
return new ArrayBytes(compressedPrefix);
public PrefixCompressedBagIndex(BagIndex inner, Bytes[] prefixes) {
mapping = new CompoundBytes[prefixes.length];
Bytes prev = ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES;
for(int i=0; i<prefixes.length; i++) {
Bytes cur = prefixes[i].flatten();
int curLen = cur.getLength();
int prevLen = prev.getLength();
while(prevLen > 0 && prev.get(prevLen-1) == 255) {
prevLen -= 1;
if (curLen >= prevLen) {
mapping[i] = new CompoundBytes(cur, ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES);
} else {
byte[] cmpBytes = new byte[prevLen-curLen];
for(int j=curLen; j<prevLen; j++) {
int thisByte = prev.get(j);
if (j == prevLen-1) { // incr byte
cmpBytes[j-curLen] = (byte)thisByte;
// needs a compare key
mapping[i] = new CompoundBytes(cur, new ArrayBytes(cmpBytes));
prev = cur;
assert (mapping.length & (mapping.length-1)) == 0; // assert length is a power of 2
this.numCompressedBits = integerLogBase2RoundDown(mapping.length);
numCompressedBytes = (numCompressedBits+7) / 8;
// center the bits in the space
int remainder = numCompressedBits % 8;
if (remainder == 0) {
numCenteringBits = 0;
} else {
numCenteringBits = (8 - remainder) / 2;
compressionLiterals = new Bytes[mapping.length];
for(int i=0; i<mapping.length; i++) {
compressionLiterals[i] = makeCompressionLiteral(i);
public long commitNewRev(Collection<EditRec> edits) {
for(EditRec rec : edits) {
rec.term = compress(rec.getTerm());
return subBagIndex.commitNewRev(edits);
public QueryNode getRange(Range range, long revNum) {
Bytes minTerm = compress(range.getMinSuffix());
Bytes maxTerm = compress(range.getMaxSuffix());
range.setBoundsAndExtractPrefix(minTerm, maxTerm);
return makeQueryNode(subBagIndex.getRange(range, revNum));
public QueryNode getTerms(List<Bytes> terms, long revNum) {
for(int i=terms.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
terms.set(i, compress(terms.get(i)));
return makeQueryNode(subBagIndex.getTerms(terms, revNum));
public QueryNode getTerm(Bytes term, long revNum) {
return makeQueryNode(subBagIndex.getTerm(compress(term), revNum));
public long rebuild(Iterator<EditRec> edits) {
// this capability is not yet ready, see comments in FsBlueSteelBagIndex.rebuild
Iterator<EditRec> compressedItr = new MappedIterator<EditRec,EditRec>(edits) {
public EditRec map(EditRec edit) {
edit.term = compress(edit.getTerm());
return edit;
return subBagIndex.rebuild(compressedItr);
static class SlotBufferItem {
Bytes bytes;
long hits;
public SlotBufferItem(Bytes bytes, long hits) {
this.bytes = bytes;
this.hits = hits;
public String toString() {
return "SlotBufferItem("+bytes.getAsString()+","+hits+")";
static class SlotBuffer {
public LinkedList<SlotBufferItem> slots = new LinkedList<SlotBufferItem>();
* transition types: specialize, generalize, increment
* XsYgX -> X*
* XsYsZ -> X*sZ
* XgYs(X+1) -> Xi(X+1)
* XgYsZ -> ---
* XiYgZ -> XgZ*
* XiYsZ -> ---
* XiYiZ -> ---
* XsYiZ -> X*sZ
* XgYgZ -> XgZ*
private static SlotTransition getTransitionType(SlotBufferItem i1, SlotBufferItem i2) {
if (i1.bytes.isPrefixOf(i2.bytes)) return SlotTransition.SPECIALIZE;
else if (i2.bytes.isPrefixOf(i1.bytes)) return SlotTransition.GENERALIZE;
else {
int l1 = i1.bytes.getLength();
int l2 = i2.bytes.getLength();
assert l1 == l2;
assert SlicedBytes.make(i1.bytes,0,l1-1).equals(SlicedBytes.make(i2.bytes,0,l2-1));
assert i1.bytes.get(l1-1) + 1 == i2.bytes.get(l2-1);
return SlotTransition.INCREMENT;
private static int NOT_COLLAPSABLE = -1;
private static int AT_END = -2;
public static long check(ListIterator<SlotBufferItem> pointer, long popThreshold) {
if (! pointer.hasNext()) return AT_END;
SlotBufferItem prev =;
if (! pointer.hasNext()) return AT_END;
SlotBufferItem slot =;
if (! pointer.hasNext()) return AT_END;
SlotBufferItem next =;
SlotTransition t1 = getTransitionType(prev, slot);
SlotTransition t2 = getTransitionType(slot, next);
boolean shiftHitsDown;
if (t1 == SlotTransition.GENERALIZE) {
if (t2 == SlotTransition.GENERALIZE) {
shiftHitsDown = true;
} else if (t2 == SlotTransition.INCREMENT) {
} else if (t2 == SlotTransition.SPECIALIZE) {
// can work if it is an increment
int len = prev.bytes.getLength();
if (slot.hits == 0 && next.bytes.getLength() == len) {
Bytes prevPrefix = SlicedBytes.make(prev.bytes, 0, len-1);
Bytes nextPrefix = SlicedBytes.make(next.bytes, 0, len-1);
if (prevPrefix.compareTo(nextPrefix) == 0 &&
prev.bytes.get(len-1) + 1 == next.bytes.get(len-1)) {
shiftHitsDown = true; // doesn't matter cause hits==0
} else {
} else {
} else throw new RuntimeException();
} else if (t1 == SlotTransition.INCREMENT) {
if (t2 == SlotTransition.GENERALIZE) {
shiftHitsDown = true;
} else if (t2 == SlotTransition.INCREMENT) {
} else if (t2 == SlotTransition.SPECIALIZE) {
} else throw new RuntimeException();
} else if (t1 == SlotTransition.SPECIALIZE) {
if (t2 == SlotTransition.GENERALIZE) {
shiftHitsDown = prev.bytes.isPrefixOf(next.bytes);
} else if (t2 == SlotTransition.INCREMENT) {
shiftHitsDown = false;
} else if (t2 == SlotTransition.SPECIALIZE) {
shiftHitsDown = false;
} else throw new RuntimeException();
} else throw new RuntimeException();
// In the -S-G- case, it's possible the prev and next have the same byte
// sequence, in which case they are redundant:
boolean doDoubleRemove = (next.bytes.compareTo(prev.bytes) == 0);
long lenDelta = 1 + slot.bytes.getLength() - (shiftHitsDown?next:prev).bytes.getLength();
long hitFactor = (slot.hits * lenDelta) / (doDoubleRemove ? 2 : 1);
if (hitFactor > popThreshold) {
// not attractive enough
return hitFactor;
if (doDoubleRemove) {
SlotBufferItem after =;
assert after == next;
prev.hits += next.hits;
shiftHitsDown = false;
if (pointer.hasPrevious()) pointer.previous();
if (shiftHitsDown) {
next.hits += slot.hits;
} else {
prev.hits += slot.hits;
// if we're editing prev, we want to start next time from the item before it
if (pointer.hasPrevious()) pointer.previous();
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
public void collapse(int size, long totalTerms) {
long threshold = (totalTerms / size) >> 8;
while(slots.size() > size) {
long smallestUncollapsed = Long.MAX_VALUE;
ListIterator<SlotBufferItem> pointer = slots.listIterator();
while(slots.size() > size) {
long szToCollapse = check(pointer, threshold);
if (szToCollapse == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
// removed
} else if (szToCollapse == NOT_COLLAPSABLE) {
// not collapse-able
} else if (szToCollapse == AT_END) {
} else {
if (szToCollapse < smallestUncollapsed) {
smallestUncollapsed = szToCollapse;
threshold = smallestUncollapsed;
private static class ByteTable {
long hits=0;
ByteTable[] tbl=null;
long termHits=0;
public void count(SlicedBytes term, long forkThreshold) {
if (term.getLength() == 0) {
} else {
if (tbl == null) {
if (hits > forkThreshold) {
tbl = new ByteTable[256];
} else {
int idx = term.get(0);
ByteTable subTbl = tbl[idx];
if (subTbl == null) {
subTbl = tbl[idx] = new ByteTable();
subTbl.count(term.subBytes(1), forkThreshold);
public void buildSlotBuffer(Bytes prefix, long minHits, SlotBuffer slotBuffer) {
if (tbl == null) {
slotBuffer.slots.add(new SlotBufferItem(prefix, hits));
slotBuffer.slots.add(new SlotBufferItem(prefix, 0));
for(int i=0; i<tbl.length; i++) {
ByteTable sub = tbl[i];
if (sub != null) {
if (sub.hits >= minHits) {
sub.buildSlotBuffer(CompoundBytes.make(prefix, ArrayBytes.SINGLE_BYTE_OBJECTS[i]), minHits, slotBuffer);
slotBuffer.slots.add(new SlotBufferItem(prefix, 0));
} else {
slotBuffer.slots.getLast().hits += sub.hits;
// for(SlotBufferItem item : slotBuffer.slots) {
// System.out.println(item.bytes+" -- "+item.hits);
// }
private static final Bytes[] EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY = new Bytes[]{};
private static int integerLogBase2RoundDown(long i) {
if (i==0) return 0;
return 63-Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(i);
public static Bytes[] determineCompressionTable(BagIndex index, double lengthToRowRatio) {
long forkThreshold = 25;
QueryNode query = index.getRange(Range.OPEN_RANGE, index.getCurrentRevNum());
ByteTable root = new ByteTable();
if (query == null) return EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
SlicedBytes slice = new SlicedBytes(ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, 0);
do {
Bytes term = query.term();
slice.reInitialize(query.term(), 0, term.getLength());
root.count(slice, forkThreshold);
} while(query.anyNext());
long counted = root.hits;
int numSlots = 1 << integerLogBase2RoundDown((long)(Math.sqrt(counted)/lengthToRowRatio));
long minHits = (counted / numSlots) >> 8;
SlotBuffer slotBuffer = new SlotBuffer();
root.buildSlotBuffer(ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES, minHits, slotBuffer);
slotBuffer.collapse(numSlots, counted);
Bytes[] slots = new Bytes[numSlots];
int i=0;
Util.logger.log(Level.FINEST, "New prefix compression table (size="+slots.length+") follows for "+counted+" terms in "+index.getHomedir());
for(SlotBufferItem item : slotBuffer.slots) {
item.bytes = item.bytes.flatten();
Util.logger.log(Level.FINEST, i+" : "+item.bytes.toString());
slots[i++] = item.bytes;
while(i < numSlots) {
slots[i++] = ArrayBytes.EMPTY_BYTES;
return slots;