package dovetaildb.api;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import dovetaildb.bagindex.TrivialBagIndex;
import dovetaildb.dbservice.BagEntry;
import dovetaildb.dbservice.BagEntryFactory;
import dovetaildb.dbservice.BagIndexBridge;
import dovetaildb.dbservice.DbService;
import dovetaildb.dbservice.DbServiceTest;
import dovetaildb.dbservice.ProcessTransactionMapper;
import dovetaildb.iter.Iter;
import dovetaildb.util.Util;
public abstract class ApiServiceTest extends TestCase {
protected DbService createDbService() {
BagIndexBridge b = new BagIndexBridge();
final ProcessTransactionMapper mapper = new ProcessTransactionMapper();
mapper.addRevsForTxn(0, new HashMap<String,Long>());
b.setBagIndexFactory(new BagEntryFactory() {
public BagEntry makeBagEntry(String bagName) {
TrivialBagIndex bagIndex = new TrivialBagIndex();
mapper.introduceBag(bagName, bagIndex);
return new BagEntry(bagIndex);
return b;
protected abstract ApiService createApi(DbService dbService);
public static List<Object >yank(Iter iter) { return DbServiceTest.yank(iter); }
public void checkEmpty(ApiService api) {
assertEquals(0, yank(api.query("nobag", Util.literalMap(), Util.literalSMap())).size());
assertEquals(0, yank(api.query("people", Util.literalMap(), Util.literalSMap())).size());
assertEquals(0, yank(api.query("people", Util.literalMap().p("name", Util.literalList().a("!").a("Joe")), Util.literalSMap())).size());
public void checkTwoInserts(ApiService api) {
assertEquals(2, yank(api.query("people", Util.literalMap(), Util.literalSMap())).size());
List<Object> rets = yank(api.query("people", Util.literalMap().p("name","Joe"), Util.literalSMap()));
assertEquals(1, rets.size());
assertEquals("Joe", ((Map<String,Object>)rets.get(0)).get("name"));
Random rand = new Random(234567);
protected <T> T pick(T[] items) {
return items[rand.nextInt(items.length)];
HashMap<String,Object> records = new HashMap<String,Object>();
protected int commonlySmallInt(int multiplier) {
double d = rand.nextGaussian();
if (d < 0.0) d *= -1;
return (int)(d*multiplier);
Character[] COMMON_CHARS = new Character[]{'a','e','i','o','u','b','c','d','f','g','h','p','s','t','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
protected String randString() {
int len = commonlySmallInt(8);
boolean unusual = (rand.nextInt(10) == 0);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len);
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
if (unusual) {
int codepoint;
do {
codepoint = rand.nextInt(1114112); // 0x10ffff + 1
} while(! Character.isLetter(codepoint));
try {
assertEquals(buf.toString(), new String(Util.decodeString(buf.toString()), "utf-8") );
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
return buf.toString();
protected Map<String,Object> genMap(int depth, boolean isQuery) {
int len = commonlySmallInt(5);
if (isQuery) len /= 3;
HashMap<String,Object> m = new HashMap<String,Object>(len);
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
m.put(randString(), genRecord(depth+1, isQuery));
if (depth == 1) {
m.put("id", randString());
return m;
protected Object genRecord(int depth, boolean isQuery) { // add sorting capability to this?
if (rand.nextFloat() > 1.0f/(0.05+(float)(depth*depth))) {
// primitive
switch (rand.nextInt(6)) {
case 0: return null;
case 1: return true;
case 2: return false;
case 3: return (double)((float)rand.nextInt());
case 4: return (double)((float)rand.nextGaussian());
case 5: return randString();
throw new RuntimeException();
} else if (pick(new Boolean[]{true,true,false})) {
return genMap(depth, isQuery);
} else {
int len = commonlySmallInt(5);
if (isQuery) len = 1;
ArrayList<Object> array = new ArrayList<Object>(len);
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
array.add(genRecord(depth+1, isQuery));
return array;
protected Map<String,Object> makeRecord(boolean isQuery) {
Map<String,Object> result = genMap(1, isQuery);
if (! isQuery) records.put((String)result.get("id"), result);
return result;
protected boolean matches(Object o, Object pattern) {
if (o instanceof Map) {
if (!(pattern instanceof Map)) return false;
Map oMap = (Map)o;
for(Object entryObj : ((Map)pattern).entrySet()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)entryObj;
String key = (String)entry.getKey();
if (! oMap.containsKey(key)) return false;
if (! matches(oMap.get(key), entry.getValue())) return false;
return true;
} else if (o instanceof List) {
if (!(pattern instanceof List)) return false;
Object innerPattern = ((List)pattern).get(0);
for(Object i : ((List)o)) {
if (! matches(i, innerPattern)) return false;
return true;
} else {
if ((o == null) ^ (pattern == null)) return false;
return o == pattern || o.equals(pattern);
public ArrayList<Object> getMatching(Object query) {
ArrayList<Object> results = new ArrayList<Object>();
for(Object record : records.values()) {
if (matches(record, query)) {
return results;
protected void betweenIters(DbService dbService, ApiService apiService) {
public void testComplex() {
DbService db = createDbService();
ApiService api = createApi(db);
//for(int numIters : new int[]{2,500,2000}) { // got a failure once with this set, might be useful too
for(int numIters : new int[]{2,5,20,50,200,500,2000}) {
System.out.println("testComplex numIters = "+numIters);
ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(records.keySet());
for(int i=0; i< keys.size()/4; i++) {
String key = keys.remove(this.rand.nextInt(keys.size()));
System.out.println("REMOVED |"+key+"|");
api.remove("test", key);
for(int i=0; i < numIters; i++) {
Map<String, Object> rec = makeRecord(false);
System.out.println("ADDED |"+rec.get("id")+"|");
api.put("test", rec);
for(int i=0; i < numIters*4; i++) {
Object query = makeRecord(true);
ArrayList<Object> matching = getMatching(query);
System.out.println(" "+query+rand.nextLong());
long checkpoint = rand.nextLong();
System.out.println("CHECKPOINT "+checkpoint);
if (checkpoint == -2452059308835280636l) {
Iter iter = api.query("test", query, Util.literalSMap());
List<Object> results = yank(iter);
System.out.println("expctd "+JSONValue.toJSONString(matching));
System.out.println("vs "+results);
assertEquals(matching, results);
betweenIters(db, api);
public void XXXtestAll() throws Exception { // TODO re-enable
DbService db = createDbService();
ApiService api1 = createApi(db);
ApiService api2 = createApi(db);
Map<String,Object> phil = Util.literalSMap().p("name", "Phil").p("age", new Long(31)).p("id", "p1");
Map<String,Object> joe = Util.literalSMap().p("name", "Joe") .p("age", new Integer(28)).p("id", "p2");
api1.put("people", phil);
api1.put("people", joe);
ApiService api3 = createApi(db);
ApiService api4 = createApi(db);