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package systole.view.charts;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYDrawableAnnotation;
import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYLineAnnotation;
import org.jfree.chart.annotations.XYPointerAnnotation;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor;
import systole.domain.analysis.results.Parameter;
import systole.domain.analysis.results.ParameterCoord;
import systole.domain.analysis.results.ParametersKind;
* @author user
public class XYParameter {
private XYPointerAnnotation startLabel;
private XYDrawableAnnotation startPoint;
private XYPointerAnnotation endLabel;
private XYDrawableAnnotation endPoint;
private XYLineAnnotation joinPath;
private XYLineAnnotation aidPath = null;
private Color fillPaint;
private final int RADIUS = 5;
private final Stroke solidStroke = new BasicStroke(1.5f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER);
private final Stroke dashedStroke = new BasicStroke(1.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 15.0f, new float[]{9}, 0.0f);
private Parameter paramModel;
public XYParameter() {
public XYParameter(Parameter p, Color paint) {
this.fillPaint = paint;
this.paramModel = p;
public void createGraphicParam() {
this.setStartLabel(this.createLabelAnnotation("P1", this.paramModel.getInitPos(), 17.0 * Math.PI / 16.0));
this.startPoint = this.createPointAnnotation(this.paramModel.getInitPos());
this.setEndLabel(this.createLabelAnnotation("P2", this.paramModel.getEndPos(), Math.PI / 4.0));
this.endPoint = this.createPointAnnotation(this.paramModel.getEndPos());
private XYPointerAnnotation createLabelAnnotation(String label, ParameterCoord p, double angle) {
XYPointerAnnotation pointer = new XYPointerAnnotation(label, p.getxCoord().doubleValue(),
p.getyCoord().doubleValue(), angle);
pointer.setFont(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12));
return pointer;
private XYDrawableAnnotation createPointAnnotation(ParameterCoord p) {
CircleDrawer cd = new CircleDrawer(this.fillPaint, new BasicStroke(1.0f), this.fillPaint);
return new XYDrawableAnnotation(p.getxCoord().doubleValue(), p.getyCoord().doubleValue(), this.RADIUS, this.RADIUS, cd);
private void createLines() {
if (this.paramModel.getDescription().equals(ParametersKind.AOD) || this.paramModel.getDescription().equals(ParametersKind.T)) {
ParameterCoord start = this.paramModel.getInitPos();
ParameterCoord end = this.paramModel.getEndPos();
ParameterCoord aid = new ParameterCoord(end.getxCoord(), start.getyCoord());
if (this.paramModel.getDescription().equals(ParametersKind.AOD)) {
this.joinPath = createLineAnnotation(start, aid, this.dashedStroke);
this.aidPath = createLineAnnotation(aid, end, this.solidStroke);
} else {
this.joinPath = createLineAnnotation(start, aid, this.solidStroke);
this.aidPath = createLineAnnotation(aid, end, this.dashedStroke);
} else {
this.joinPath = this.createLineAnnotation(this.paramModel.getInitPos(), this.paramModel.getEndPos(), this.solidStroke);
private XYLineAnnotation createLineAnnotation(ParameterCoord start, ParameterCoord end, Stroke typeline) {
return new XYLineAnnotation(start.getxCoord().doubleValue(), start.getyCoord().doubleValue(), end.getxCoord().doubleValue(), end.getyCoord().doubleValue(), typeline, this.fillPaint);
* @return the startPoint
public XYDrawableAnnotation getStartPoint() {
return startPoint;
* @param startPoint the startPoint to set
public void setStartPoint(XYDrawableAnnotation startPoint) {
this.startPoint = startPoint;
* @return the endPoint
public XYDrawableAnnotation getEndPoint() {
return endPoint;
* @param endPoint the endPoint to set
public void setEndPoint(XYDrawableAnnotation endPoint) {
this.endPoint = endPoint;
* @return the joinPath
public XYLineAnnotation getJoinPath() {
return joinPath;
* @param joinPath the joinPath to set
public void setJoinPath(XYLineAnnotation joinPath) {
this.joinPath = joinPath;
* @return the fillPaint
public Color getFillPaint() {
return fillPaint;
* @param fillPaint the fillPaint to set
public void setFillPaint(Color fillPaint) {
this.fillPaint = fillPaint;
* @return the aidPath
public XYLineAnnotation getAidPath() {
return aidPath;
* @param aidPath the aidPath to set
public void setAidPath(XYLineAnnotation aidPath) {
this.aidPath = aidPath;
public boolean existsAidPath() {
if (this.aidPath != null) {
return true;
return false;
public void paintInChart(XYPlot plot) {
if (this.existsAidPath()) {
* @return the startLabel
public XYPointerAnnotation getStartLabel() {
return startLabel;
* @param startLabel the startLabel to set
public void setStartLabel(XYPointerAnnotation startLabel) {
this.startLabel = startLabel;
* @return the endLabel
public XYPointerAnnotation getEndLabel() {
return endLabel;
* @param endLabel the endLabel to set
public void setEndLabel(XYPointerAnnotation endLabel) {
this.endLabel = endLabel;