package systole.domain.persons;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import systole.domain.clinicalInformation.ClinicalInformation;
import systole.domain.clinicalInformation.FamilyPatientBackground;
import systole.domain.clinicalInformation.MedicinePatient;
import systole.domain.clinicalInformation.PathologyPatient;
import systole.domain.clinicalInformation.SportPatient;
import systole.domain.clinicalInformation.SurgeryPatient;
* @author jmj
public class ClinicalHistoryProxy {
private static final String NOT_FOUND = "No Disponible";
private Patient patient;
private List<ClinicalInformation> clinicalInfo = null;
private List<FamilyPatientBackground> background = null;
private List<MedicinePatient> medicines = null;
private List<PathologyPatient> pathologies = null;
private List<SportPatient> sports = null;
private List<SurgeryPatient> surgeries = null;
* @param patient
public ClinicalHistoryProxy(Patient patient) {
this.patient = patient;
* @return the clinicalInfo
private List<ClinicalInformation> getClinicalInfo() {
if (this.clinicalInfo == null) {
this.clinicalInfo = new Vector<ClinicalInformation>(this.patient.getClinicalInformation());
return clinicalInfo;
* @return the familyBackground
private List<FamilyPatientBackground> getBackground() {
if (this.background == null) {
this.background = new Vector<FamilyPatientBackground>(this.patient.getFamilyPatientBackgrounds());
return background;
* @return the medicines
private List<MedicinePatient> getMedicines() {
if (this.medicines == null) {
this.medicines = new Vector<MedicinePatient>(this.patient.getMedicinesPatient());
return medicines;
* @return the pathologies
private List<PathologyPatient> getPathologies() {
if (this.pathologies == null) {
this.pathologies = new Vector<PathologyPatient>(this.patient.getPathologiesPatient());
return pathologies;
* @return the sports
private List<SportPatient> getSports() {
if (this.sports == null) {
this.sports = new Vector<SportPatient>(this.patient.getSportsPatient());
return sports;
* @return the surgeries
private List<SurgeryPatient> getSurgeries() {
if (this.surgeries == null) {
this.surgeries = new Vector<SurgeryPatient>(this.patient.getSurgeriesPatient());
return surgeries;
* @return the getBackgroundByFamily
public List<String> getFamilyBackground() {
return this.getFamilyBackground(0);
* @param maxAmount
* maximum amount of items
* @return the getBackgroundByFamily
public List<String> getFamilyBackground(int maxAmount) {
Iterator<FamilyPatientBackground> it = this.getBackground().iterator();
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>();
int amount = (maxAmount > 0 ? maxAmount : this.getFamilyBackground().size());
while ((it.hasNext()) && (amount > 0)) {
FamilyPatientBackground backgorund = it.next();
if (backgorund.hasAnyBackground()) {
return result;
* @return complete background by family as string
public List<String> getCompleteFamilyBackground() {
return this.getCompleteFamilyBackground(0);
* @param maxAmount
* maximum amount of items
* @return complete background by family as string
public List<String> getCompleteFamilyBackground(int maxAmount) {
Iterator<FamilyPatientBackground> it = this.getBackground().iterator();
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>();
int amount = (maxAmount > 0 ? maxAmount : this.getFamilyBackground().size());
while ((it.hasNext()) && (amount > 0)) {
FamilyPatientBackground backgorund = it.next();
return result;
* @return complete patient medicines as string
public List<String> getPatientMedicines() {
return this.getPatientMedicines(0);
* @param maxAmount
* maximum amount of items
* @return complete patient medicines as string
public List<String> getPatientMedicines(int maxAmount) {
Iterator<MedicinePatient> it = this.getMedicines().iterator();
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>();
int amount = (maxAmount > 0 ? maxAmount : this.getMedicines().size());
while ((it.hasNext()) && (amount > 0)) {
MedicinePatient medicine = it.next();
return result;
* @return complete patient sports as string
public List<String> getPatientSports() {
return this.getPatientSports(0);
* @param maxAmount
* maximum amount of items
* @return complete patient sports as string
public List<String> getPatientSports(int maxAmount) {
Iterator<SportPatient> it = this.getSports().iterator();
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>();
int amount = (maxAmount > 0 ? maxAmount : this.getSports().size());
while ((it.hasNext()) && (amount > 0)) {
SportPatient sport = it.next();
return result;
* @return complete patient pathologies as string
public List<String> getPatientPathologies() {
return this.getPatientPathologies(0);
* @param maxAmount
* maximum amount of items
* @return complete patient pathologies as string
public List<String> getPatientPathologies(int maxAmount) {
Iterator<PathologyPatient> it = this.getPathologies().iterator();
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>();
int amount = (maxAmount > 0 ? maxAmount : this.getPathologies().size());
while ((it.hasNext()) && (amount > 0)) {
PathologyPatient pathology = it.next();
return result;
* @return complete patient Surgeries as string
public List<String> getPatientSurgeries() {
return this.getPatientSurgeries(0);
* @param maxAmount
* maximum amount of items
* @return complete patient Surgeries as string
public List<String> getPatientSurgeries(int maxAmount) {
Iterator<SurgeryPatient> it = this.getSurgeries().iterator();
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>();
int amount = (maxAmount > 0 ? maxAmount : this.getSurgeries().size());
while ((it.hasNext()) && (amount > 0)) {
SurgeryPatient surgery = it.next();
return result;
* @return complete patient clinical info as string
public List<String> getPatientClinicalInfo() {
return this.getPatientClinicalInfo(0);
* @param maxAmount
* maximum amount of items
* @return complete patient clinical info as string
public List<String> getPatientClinicalInfo(int maxAmount) {
Iterator<ClinicalInformation> it = this.getClinicalInfo().iterator();
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>();
int amount = (maxAmount > 0 ? maxAmount : this.getClinicalInfo().size());
while ((it.hasNext()) && (amount > 0)) {
ClinicalInformation clinicalInfoItem = it.next();
return result;
* @return if patient is smoker
public String getIsSmoker() {
return ((this.patient.getHabitPatient() != null)
? (this.patient.getHabitPatient().getSmoking() != null
? (this.patient.getHabitPatient().getSmoking() ? "Si" : "No") :"")
: "");