Package com.tweetphoto.api

Source Code of com.tweetphoto.api.TweetPhoto

package com.tweetphoto.api;



import net.rim.blackberry.api.browser.URLEncodedPostData;
import net.rim.device.api.system.CoverageInfo;
import net.rim.device.api.system.RadioInfo;
import net.rim.device.api.util.StringProvider;

public class TweetPhoto {

  String  m_APIKey         = null;
  boolean  m_isOAuth        = false;
  String  m_ConsumerKey    = null;
  String  m_ConsumerSecret = null;
  int    m_StatusCode     = 0;
  String  m_LastError      = null;
  String  m_tokenIdentifier = null;
  String  m_tokenSecret     = null;
  String  m_tokenVerifier   = null;
  String  m_ServiceName     = "Twitter";
  int    m_httpStatus    = 0;
  // Logged in user's id
  long  m_userId      = 0;
  String  m_screenName    = "";
  // Other parms
  double  m_latitude;
  double  m_longitude;
  String  m_comment;
  String  m_tags;
  String  m_mimeType;
  public static final int CONNECTION_DEFAULT = 0;
  public static final int CONNECTION_BIS = 1;
  public static final int CONNECTION_BES = 2;
  public static final int CONNECTION_TCPIP = 3;
  public static final int CONNECTION_WIFI = 4;
  String describe() {
    String retVal = "APIKey: " + m_APIKey + "\nisOAuth: " + m_isOAuth + ",\nConsumer Key: " + m_ConsumerKey + ",\nConsumer Secret: " + m_ConsumerSecret;   
    retVal += "Token Identifier: " + m_tokenIdentifier + ",\nToken Secret: " + m_tokenSecret + ",\nService Name: " + m_ServiceName;
    return retVal;
  // Upload a photo to TweetPhoto
  TweetPhotoResponse uploadPhoto(byte[] photo, String comment, String tags, double latitude, double longitude, String mimeType) {
    String urlToRequest       = "";   
    m_latitude  = latitude;
    m_longitude = longitude;
    m_comment   = comment;
    m_tags      = tags;
    m_mimeType  = mimeType;
    try {         
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), photo, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "POST", this, true);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 201) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse()
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Delete a photo location
  TweetPhotoResponse deleteLocation(long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/location";

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "DELETE", this, false);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Set a photo location
  TweetPhotoResponse setLocation(long photoId, float latitude, float longitude) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/location";

    try {
      String data = "" + latitude + "," + longitude;
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), data.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "PUT", this, false);

      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Set a map type
  Settings setMapType(long userId, int mapType) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/settings/maptype";

    try {
      String data = "" + mapType;
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), data.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "PUT", this, false);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSettingsParser responseParser = new DomSettingsParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Settings response = (Settings)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Set PIN
  Settings setPIN(long userId, int pin) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/settings/pin";

    try {
      String data = "" + pin;
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), data.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "PUT", this, false);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSettingsParser responseParser = new DomSettingsParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Settings response = (Settings)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Set Shorten URL
  Settings setShortenUrl(long userId, int shortenUrl) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/settings/shortenurl";

    try {
      String data = "" + shortenUrl;
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), data.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "PUT", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSettingsParser responseParser = new DomSettingsParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Settings response = (Settings)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Set Do Not Tweet Favorite Photo
  Settings setDoNotTweetFavoritePhoto(long userId, int flag) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/settings/donottweetfavoritephoto";

    try {
      String data = "" + flag;
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), data.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "PUT", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSettingsParser responseParser = new DomSettingsParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Settings response = (Settings)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Set Hide Viewing Patterns
  Settings setHideViewingPatterns(long userId, int flag) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/settings/hideviewingpatterns";

    try {
      String data = "" + flag;
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), data.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "PUT", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSettingsParser responseParser = new DomSettingsParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Settings response = (Settings)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Set Hide Votes
  Settings setHideVotes(long userId, int flag) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/settings/hidevotes";

    try {
      String data = "" + flag;
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), data.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "PUT", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSettingsParser responseParser = new DomSettingsParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Settings response = (Settings)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Delete a photo
  TweetPhotoResponse deletePhoto(long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId;

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "DELETE", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // mark photo as "favorite" of a user
  TweetPhotoResponse favorite(long userId, long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest = "" + userId + "/favorites/" + photoId;

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "POST", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 201) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Delete a photo Favorite
  TweetPhotoResponse deleteFavorite(long userId, long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/favorites/" + photoId;

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "DELETE", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Post a comment
  AddPhotoCommentResponse comment(long userId, long photoId, String commentText) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/comments/" + photoId + ";deviceside=true";

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), commentText.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "POST", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 201) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomAddCommentResponseParser responseParser = new DomAddCommentResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        AddPhotoCommentResponse response = (AddPhotoCommentResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Delete a photo Comment
  TweetPhotoResponse deleteComment(long userId, long photoId, long commentId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/comments/" + photoId + "/" + commentId + ";deviceside=true";

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "DELETE", this, false);
          m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();

      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get friends
    Profiles friends(long userId, int ps, int ind, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/friends?ps=" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomProfilesParser profilesParser = new DomProfilesParser();
        profilesParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Profiles profiles = profilesParser.parse();
        return profiles;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Link a service to the currently auth'd user
    TweetPhotoResponse linkService(String apiKey, String identityToken, String identitySecret, String serviceName) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + ";deviceside=true";

    try {         
      String xmlBlob = "<LinkedProfile xmlns=\"\" xmlns:i=\"\"><APIKey>" + apiKey + "</APIKey><IdentitySecret>" + identitySecret + "</IdentitySecret><IdentityToken>" + identityToken + "</IdentityToken><Service>" + serviceName + "</Service></LinkedProfile>";
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), xmlBlob.getBytes(), getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "POST", this, false);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Un-Link a service connected to the currently auth'd user
    TweetPhotoResponse unlinkService(String serviceName) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + serviceName + ";deviceside=true";

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "DELETE", this, false);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get linked services profiles
    Profiles linkedServices() {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + ";deviceside=true";

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomProfilesParser profilesParser = new DomProfilesParser();
        profilesParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Profiles profiles = profilesParser.parse();
        return profiles;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get all friends
    Profiles friends(long userId, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/friends?sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomProfilesParser profilesParser = new DomProfilesParser();
        profilesParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Profiles profiles = profilesParser.parse();
        return profiles;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get photo viewers
    Profiles photoViewers(long photoId, int ps, int ind) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/viewers?ps=" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=desc" + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomProfilesParser profilesParser = new DomProfilesParser();
        profilesParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Profiles profiles = profilesParser.parse();
        return profiles;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get photo comments by user
    Comments photoCommentsByUser(long userId, int ps, int ind, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/photos/comments?ps=" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomCommentsParser commentParser = new DomCommentsParser();
        commentParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        Comments comments = commentParser.parse();
        return comments;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get photo comments
    Comments photoComments(long photoId, int ps, int ind) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/comments?ps=" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=desc" + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomCommentsParser commentParser = new DomCommentsParser();
        commentParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        Comments comments = commentParser.parse();
        return comments;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get user comments
    Comments userComments(long userId, int ps, int ind, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/comments?ps=" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomCommentsParser commentParser = new DomCommentsParser();
        commentParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        Comments comments = commentParser.parse();
        return comments;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get all user comments
    Comments userComments(long userId, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/comments?sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomCommentsParser commentParser = new DomCommentsParser();
        commentParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        Comments comments = commentParser.parse();
        return comments;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get all photo comments
    Comments photoComments(long photoId, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/comments?sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomCommentsParser commentParser = new DomCommentsParser();
        commentParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        Comments comments = commentParser.parse();
        return comments;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get photo comments
    Comments photoComments(long photoId, int ps, int ind, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/comments?ps=" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomCommentsParser commentParser = new DomCommentsParser();
        commentParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        Comments comments = commentParser.parse();
        return comments;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get favorites
    Favorites favorites(long userId, int ps, int ind, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/favorites?ind=" + ind + "&ps=" + ps + "&sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomFavoritesParser favoritesParser = new DomFavoritesParser();
        favoritesParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        Favorites favorites = favoritesParser.parse();
        return favorites;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
    // Get all favorites
    Favorites favorites(long userId, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest = "" + userId + "/favorites?sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomFavoritesParser favoritesParser = new DomFavoritesParser();
        favoritesParser.m_Xml = xml;       
        Favorites favorites = favoritesParser.parse();
        return favorites;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Sign In to TweetPhoto
  Profile signIn(String apiKey, String serviceName, boolean isOAuth, String userIdentity, String userSecret) {
    m_APIKey        = apiKey;
    m_isOAuth       = isOAuth;
    m_ServiceName     = serviceName;
    m_tokenIdentifier  = userIdentity;
    m_tokenSecret    = userSecret;
    String urlToRequest       = m_isOAuth ? "" : "";
    // Facebook connect
    if (m_ServiceName.equalsIgnoreCase("Facebook") ) {
      urlToRequest = "";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
            System.out.println("Response: " + httpConn.getResponseMessage());
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomProfileParser profileParser = new DomProfileParser();
        profileParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Profile profile = (Profile)profileParser.parse();
        m_userId     = profile.m_id;
        m_screenName = profile.m_screenName;
        return profile;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get the public feed (all)
  SocialFeed publicFeed(String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSocialFeedParser profileParser = new DomSocialFeedParser();
        profileParser.m_Xml = xml;
        SocialFeed feed = profileParser.parse();
        return feed;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get the social feed
  SocialFeed socialFeed(long userId, int ps, int ind, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/feed?ps=" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSocialFeedParser profileParser = new DomSocialFeedParser();
        profileParser.m_Xml = xml;
        SocialFeed feed = profileParser.parse();
        return feed;
    catch (Exception ex)
    return null;

  // Get the public feed
  SocialFeed publicFeed(int ps, int ind, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSocialFeedParser profileParser = new DomSocialFeedParser();
        profileParser.m_Xml = xml;
        SocialFeed feed = profileParser.parse();
        return feed;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Get the social feed (friends)
  SocialFeed socialFeed(long userId) {
    return socialFeed(userId, 10, 0, "desc");

  // Get Next Photo
  Photo next(long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/next" + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomPhotoParser photoParser = new DomPhotoParser();
        photoParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Photo photo = photoParser.parse();
        return photo;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get Previous Photo
  Photo previous(long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/previous" + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomPhotoParser photoParser = new DomPhotoParser();
        photoParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Photo photo = photoParser.parse();
        return photo;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get Photo Metadata
  Photo photoMetaData(long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomPhotoParser photoParser = new DomPhotoParser();
        photoParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Photo photo = photoParser.parse();
        return photo;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get the user profile
  Profile userProfile(long userId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200 && m_httpStatus != 201) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomProfileParser profileParser = new DomProfileParser();
        profileParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Profile profile = profileParser.parse();
        return profile;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get the user profile
  Profile userProfile(String userName) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userName + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200 && m_httpStatus != 201) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomProfileParser profileParser = new DomProfileParser();
        profileParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Profile profile = profileParser.parse();
        return profile;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get the user settings
  Settings settings(long userId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/settings" + ";deviceside=true";
    try {         
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200 && m_httpStatus != 201) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomSettingsParser settingsParser = new DomSettingsParser();
        settingsParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Settings settings = settingsParser.parse();
        return settings;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // mark photo as "viewed" by the user
  TweetPhotoResponse view(long userId, long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/views/" + photoId + ";deviceside=true";
    try {         
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "POST", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 201) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // vote for a photo
  TweetPhotoResponse vote(long photoId, String voteCast) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + photoId + "/" + voteCast + ";deviceside=true";
    try {         
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "PUT", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomTweetPhotoResponseParser responseParser = new DomTweetPhotoResponseParser();
        responseParser.m_Xml = xml;
        TweetPhotoResponse response = (TweetPhotoResponse)responseParser.parse();
        return response;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Get favorite status for a photo
  FavoriteQueryResponse favoriteStatus(long userId, long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/favorites/" + photoId + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomFavoriteQueryResponseParser favoriteParser = new DomFavoriteQueryResponseParser();
        favoriteParser.m_Xml = xml;
        FavoriteQueryResponse favoriteStatus = favoriteParser.parse();
        return favoriteStatus;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get all photos
  Photos photos(long userId, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/photos?sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomPhotosParser photoParser = new DomPhotosParser();
        photoParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Photos photos = photoParser.parse();
        return photos;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;

  // Get photos
  Photos photos(long userId, int ps, int ind, String sort) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/photos?ps=" + ps + "&ind=" + ind + "&sort=" + sort + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomPhotosParser photoParser = new DomPhotosParser();
        photoParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Photos photos = photoParser.parse();
        return photos;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Get leaderboard (types are viewed, voted, or commented
  Photos leaderboard(String type) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + type + ";deviceside=true";
    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomPhotosParser photoParser = new DomPhotosParser();
        photoParser.m_Xml = xml;
        Photos photos = photoParser.parse();
        return photos;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  // Get vote status for a photo
  VoteStatus voteStatus(long userId, long photoId) {
    String urlToRequest       = "" + userId + "/votes/" + photoId + ";deviceside=true";

    try {
      HttpConnection httpConn = HttpUtils.makeHttpConnection(urlToRequest, new HttpHeaders(), null, getCoverageBasedConnectionType(), "GET", this, false);             
      m_httpStatus = httpConn.getResponseCode();
      if (m_httpStatus != 200) {
               System.out.println("Error: " + m_httpStatus);
      } else {
        InputStream content = httpConn.openInputStream();
        String xml = convertStreamToString(content);
        DomVoteStatusParser voteParser = new DomVoteStatusParser();
        voteParser.m_Xml = xml;
        VoteStatus voteStatus = voteParser.parse();
        return voteStatus;
        } catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  public static int getCoverageBasedConnectionType() {
      if (CoverageInfo.isCoverageSufficient(
          return CONNECTION_WIFI;

      if (CoverageInfo.isCoverageSufficient(CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_BIS_B)) {
          return CONNECTION_BIS;

      if (CoverageInfo.isCoverageSufficient(CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS)) {
          return CONNECTION_BES;

      return CONNECTION_TCPIP;

  // Convert stream to string
  String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
  if (is != null) {
    try {
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      LineReader reader = new LineReader(is);
                String line = new String(reader.readLine());
            catch(EOFException eof)
                // We've reached the end of the file.
            catch(IOException ioe)
                // Error reading data from file
        return sb.toString();
    catch (Throwable tr) {
    return null;
  else {       
    return "";


Related Classes of com.tweetphoto.api.TweetPhoto

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