package org.rsbot.script.randoms;
import org.rsbot.script.Random;
import org.rsbot.script.ScriptManifest;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSNPC;
//Checked 4/7/10
* Updated by Arbiter Sep 20, 10: Replaced getModelZoom with getComponentID() and new sets of possible IDs as solutions
@ScriptManifest(authors = {"PwnZ"}, name = "Quiz", version = 1.0)
public class QuizSolver extends Random {
public class QuizQuestion {
int[] IDS = {-1, -1, -1};
int answer;
public QuizQuestion(final int One, final int Two, final int Three) {
IDS = new int[]{One, Two, Three};
public boolean activateCondition() {
for (int ID : IDS) {
if (getSlot(ID) == -1) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean arrayContains(final int[] arr, final int i) {
for (final int num : arr) {
if (num == i) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean clickAnswer() {
answer = -1;
int count = 0;
sleep(1000, 1700);
for (int j = 0; j < items.length; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < IDS.length; i++) {
if (arrayContains(items[j], IDS[i])) {"Slot " + (i + 1) + ": " + names[j]);
if (count >= 2) {"Type Found: " + names[j]);
answer = j;
if (answer != -1) {
int slot;
if ((slot = findNotInAnswerArray()) != -1) {
return atSlot(slot);
} else {"findNotInAnswerArray() failed.");
return false;
} else {"answer fail.");
return false;
public int findNotInAnswerArray() {
for (int i = 0; i < IDS.length; i++) {
if (!arrayContains(items[answer], IDS[i])) {
return i + 1;
return -1;
private static final int quizInterface = 191;
private static final int[] Fish = {6190, 6189};
private static final int[] Jewelry = {6198, 6197};
private static final int[] Weapons = {6192, 6194};
private static final int[] Farming = {6195, 6196};
private static final int[][] items = {Fish, Jewelry, Weapons, Farming};
private static final String[] names = {"Fish", "Jewelry", "Weapons", "Farming"};
public boolean activateCondition() {
final RSNPC quizMaster = npcs.getNearest("Quiz Master");
return quizMaster != null;
public int loop() {
final RSNPC quizMaster = npcs.getNearest("Quiz Master");
if (quizMaster == null) {
return -1;
if (getSlotID(1) != -1) {"Question detected.");
final QuizQuestion question = new QuizQuestion(getSlotID(1), getSlotID(2), getSlotID(3));
if (question.clickAnswer()) {
return random(1000, 1500);
} else {"Trying Random Answer");
atSlot(random(1, 4));
return random(1000, 1500);
} else {
if (interfaces.clickContinue()) {
return random(800, 1000);
return random(1200, 2000);
int getSlot(final int id) {
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
if (getSlotID(i) == id) {
return i;
return -1;
int getSlotID(final int slot) {
return interfaces.getComponent(quizInterface, (slot + 5)).getComponentID();
boolean atSlot(final int slot) {
return interfaces.getComponent(quizInterface, (slot + 2)).doClick();