package org.rsbot.script.randoms;
import org.rsbot.script.Random;
import org.rsbot.script.ScriptManifest;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSComponent;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSInterface;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSNPC;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSObject;
* Updated by Iscream Feb 04,10
* Updated by Iscream Feb 20,10
* Updated by Iscream Mar 01,10
* Updated by Arbiter Sep 20,10
* Updated by Arbiter Sep 23,10
@ScriptManifest(authors = {"Arbiter", "PwnZ", "Megaalgos", "Taha", "Fred", "Poxer", "Iscream"}, name = "Exam",
version = 2.1)
public class Exam extends Random {
public class NextObjectQuestion {
int[] numbers = {-1, -1, -1};
public boolean arrayContains(final int[] arr, final int i) {
for (final int num : arr) {
if (num == i) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean clickAnswer() {
int[] Answers;
if ((Answers = returnAnswer()) == null) {
return false;
for (int i = 10; i <= 13; i++) {
if (arrayContains(Answers, interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).
getComponent(i).getComponentID())) {
return interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).getComponent(i).doClick();
return false;
public boolean getObjects() {
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
numbers[i] = -1;
numbers[i] = interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).getComponent(i + 6).getComponentID();
return numbers[0] != -1 && numbers[1] != -1 && numbers[2] != -1;
public void guess() {
log("We don't know the answer, we're going to guess!");
interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).getComponent(random(10, 13)).doClick();
public int[] returnAnswer() {
final int[] count = new int[items.length];
int cards[] = {0, 0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < count.length; i++) {
count[i] = 0;
// Will verify that all IDs are IDs which we currently have
for (final int[] item : items) {
for (final int anItem : item) {
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
if (anItem == numbers[i]) {
cards[i] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
if (cards[i] == 0) {
log.severe("The " + i + " object is a new Object");
log.severe("The Missing Object ID is :" + numbers[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < items[i].length; j++) {
if (items[i][j] == numbers[0]) {
if (items[i][j] == numbers[1]) {
if (items[i][j] == numbers[2]) {
if (count[i] >= 2) {"Answer Type Found!");
return items[i];
return null;
public class SimilarObjectQuestion {
final String question;
final int[] Answers;
public SimilarObjectQuestion(final String q, final int[] Answers) {
question = q.toLowerCase();
this.Answers = Answers;
public boolean accept() {
return interfaces.getComponent(relatedCardsInterface, 26).doClick();
public boolean activateCondition() {
if (!interfaces.get(relatedCardsInterface).isValid()) {
return false;
if (interfaces.getComponent(relatedCardsInterface, 25).getText().toLowerCase()
.contains(question)) {"Question keyword: " + question);
return true;
return false;
public boolean clickObjects() {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 42; i <= 56; i++) {
for (final int answer : Answers) {
if (interfaces.getComponent(relatedCardsInterface, i).getComponentID() == answer) {
if (interfaces.getComponent(relatedCardsInterface, i).doClick()) {
sleep(random(600, 1000));
if (count >= 3) {
return true;
}"returns false");
return false;
private static final int nextObjectInterface = 103;
private static final int relatedCardsInterface = 559;
private static final int[] Ranged = {11539, 11540, 11541, 11614, 11615, 11633};
private static final int[] Cooking = {11526, 11529, 11545, 11549, 11550, 11555, 11560,
11563, 11564, 11607, 11608, 11616, 11620, 11621, 11622, 11623,
11628, 11629, 11634, 11639, 11641, 11649, 11624};
private static final int[] Fishing = {11527, 11574, 11578, 11580, 11599, 11600, 11601,
11602, 11603, 11604, 11605, 11606, 11625};
private static final int[] Combat = {11528, 11531, 11536, 11537, 11579, 11591, 11592,
11593, 11597, 11627, 11631, 11635, 11636, 11638, 11642, 11648, 11617};
private static final int[] Farming = {11530, 11532, 11547, 11548, 11554, 11556, 11571,
11581, 11586, 11610, 11645};
private static final int[] Magic = {11533, 11534, 11538, 11562, 11567, 11582};
private static final int[] Firemaking = {11535, 11551, 11552, 11559, 11646};
private static final int[] Hats = {11540, 11557, 11558, 11560, 11570, 11619, 11626,
11630, 11632, 11637, 11654};
private static final int[] Pirate = {11570, 11626, 11558};
private static final int[] Jewellery = {11572, 11576, 11652};
private static final int[] Jewellery2 = {11572, 11576, 11652};
private static final int[] Drinks = {11542, 11543, 11544, 11644, 11647};
private static final int[] Woodcutting = {11573, 11595};
private static final int[] Boots = {11561, 11618, 11650, 11651};
private static final int[] Crafting = {11546, 11553, 11565, 11566, 11568, 11569, 11572,
11575, 11576, 11577, 11581, 11583, 11584, 11585, 11643, 11652, 11653};
private static final int[] Mining = {11587, 11588, 11594, 11596, 11598, 11609, 11610};
private static final int[] Smithing = {11611, 11612, 11613};
private static final int[][] items = {Ranged, Cooking, Fishing, Combat, Farming, Magic,
Firemaking, Hats, Drinks, Woodcutting, Boots, Crafting, Mining, Smithing};
private final SimilarObjectQuestion[] simObjects = {
new SimilarObjectQuestion("I never leave the house without some sort of jewellery.", Jewellery),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("There is no better feeling than", Jewellery2),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("I'm feeling dehydrated", Drinks),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("All this work is making me thirsty", Drinks),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("quenched my thirst", Drinks),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("light my fire", Firemaking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("fishy", Fishing),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("fishing for answers", Fishing),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("fish out of water", Drinks),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("strange headgear", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("tip my hat", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("thinking cap", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("wizardry here", Magic),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("rather mystical", Magic),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("abracada", Magic),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("hide one's face", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("shall unmask", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("hand-to-hand", Combat),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("melee weapon", Combat),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("prefers melee", Combat),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("me hearties", Pirate),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("puzzle for landlubbers", Pirate),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("mighty pirate", Pirate),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("mighty archer", Ranged),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("as an arrow", Ranged),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("Ranged attack", Ranged),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("shiny things", Crafting),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("igniting", Firemaking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("sparks from my synapses.", Firemaking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("fire.", Firemaking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("disguised", Hats),
// added diguised Feb 04,2010
// Default questions just incase the bot gets stuck
new SimilarObjectQuestion("range", Ranged),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("arrow", Ranged),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("drink", Drinks),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("logs", Firemaking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("light", Firemaking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("headgear", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("hat", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("cap", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("mine", Mining),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("mining", Mining),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("ore", Mining),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("fish", Fishing),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("fishing", Fishing),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("thinking cap", Hats),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("cooking", Cooking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("cook", Cooking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("bake", Cooking),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("farm", Farming),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("farming", Farming),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("cast", Magic),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("magic", Magic),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("craft", Crafting),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("boot", Boots),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("chop", Woodcutting),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("cut", Woodcutting),
new SimilarObjectQuestion("tree", Woodcutting)
private RSObject door = null;
private static final int[] doorIDs = {2188, 2189, 2192, 2193};
private static final char[] directions = {'w', 'w', 'n', 'e'};
private static final String[] colors = {"red", "blue", "purple", "green"};
public boolean activateCondition() {
door = null;
return npcs.getNearest("Mr. Mordaut") != null;
public int loop() {
final RSNPC mordaut = npcs.getNearest("Mr. Mordaut");
if (mordaut == null) {
return -1;
if (getMyPlayer().isMoving() || getMyPlayer().getAnimation() != -1) {
return random(800, 1200);
if (door != null) {
if (!calc.tileOnScreen(door.getLocation())) {
sleep(random(1400, 2500));
for (int i = 0; i < doorIDs.length; i++) {
if (door.getID() == doorIDs[i]) {
if (door != null) {
if (door.interact("Open")) {
return random(4500, 5700);
return random(500, 1000);
final RSComponent inter = searchInterfacesText("To exit,");
if (inter != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
if (inter.getText().toLowerCase().contains(colors[i])) {
door = objects.getNearest(doorIDs[i]);
return random(500, 1000);
if (!interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).isValid() && !getMyPlayer().isMoving()
&& !interfaces.get(relatedCardsInterface).isValid() && !interfaces.canContinue()
&& door == null) {
if (!calc.tileOnScreen(mordaut.getLocation())) {
if (mordaut != null) {
return random(1500, 1700);
if (interfaces.get(nextObjectInterface).isValid()) {"Question Type: Next Object");
final NextObjectQuestion noq = new NextObjectQuestion();
if (noq.getObjects()) {
if (noq.clickAnswer()) {
return random(800, 1200);
} else {
return random(800, 1200);
} else {"Could not find get object. Making educated guess.");
return random(800, 1200);
if (interfaces.get(relatedCardsInterface).isValid()) {"Question Type: Similar Objects");
for (final SimilarObjectQuestion obj : simObjects) {
if (obj.activateCondition()) {
if (obj.clickObjects()) {
return random(800, 1200);
log.severe("This is a new question.");
log.severe("Please post this on the forums.");
log.severe("The Missing Question is :");
return random(800, 1200);
if (interfaces.clickContinue()) {
return random(800, 3500);
return random(800, 1200);
RSComponent searchInterfacesText(final String string) {
final RSInterface[] inters = interfaces.getAll();
for (final RSInterface inter : inters) {
for (final RSComponent interfaceChild : inter.getComponents()) {
if (interfaceChild.getText().toLowerCase().contains(string.toLowerCase())) {
return interfaceChild;
return null;