package org.rsbot.script.methods;
import org.rsbot.client.Node;
import org.rsbot.client.RSNPCNode;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSComponent;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSInterface;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSNPC;
* Summoning related operations.
* @author Unknown5000
* @author illusion
public class Summoning extends MethodProvider {
public static final int INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING = 747;
public static final int INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD = 2;
public static final int INTERFACE_DETAILS = 662;
public static final int INTERFACE_OPTIONS = 880;
public static final int INTERFACE_FOLLOWER_DETAILS = 9;
public static final int INTERFACE_SPECIAL_MOVE = 99;
public static final int INTERFACE_ATTACK = 14;
public static final int INTERFACE_CALL_FOLLOWER = 17;
public static final int INTERFACE_DISMISS_FOLLOWER = 18;
public static final int INTERFACE_TAKE_BOB = 12;
public static final int INTERFACE_RENEW_FAMILIAR = 13;
* Familiar constants.
* @author illusion
public static enum Familiar {
SPIRIT_WOLF("Spirit Wolf", 1, 6, 3, "Howl", 0),
DREADFOWL("Dreadfowl", 4, 4, 3, "Dreadfowl Strike", 0),
SPIRIT_SPIDER("Spirit spider", 10, 15, 6, "Egg Spawn", 0),
THORNY_SNAIL("Thorny snail", 13, 16, 3, "Slime Spray", 3),
GRANITE_CRAB("Granite crab", 16, 18, 12, "Stony Shell", 0),
MOSQUITO("Mosquito", 17, 12, 3, "Pester", 0),
DESERT_WYRM("Desert wyrm", 18, 19, 6, "Electric Lash", 0),
SPIRIT_SCORPION("Spirit scorpion", 19, 17, 6, "Venom Shot", 0),
SPIRIT_TZ_KIH("Spirit Tz-Kih", 22, 18, 6, "Fireball Assault", 0),
ALBINO_RAT("Albino rat", 23, 22, 6, "Cheese Feast", 0),
SPIRIT_KALPHITE("Spirit kalphite", 25, 22, 6, "Sandstorm", 6),
COMPOST_MOUND("Compost Mound", 28, 24, 12, "Generate Compost", 0),
GIANT_CHINCHOMPA("Giant chinchompa", 29, 31, 3, "Explode", 0),
VAMPIRE_BAT("Vampire bat", 31, 33, 4, "Vampire Touch", 0),
HONEY_BADGER("Honey badger", 32, 25, 12, "Insane Ferocity", 0),
BEAVER("Beaver", 33, 27, 3, "Multichop", 0),
VOID_RAVAGER("Void ravager", 34, 27, 3, "Call to Arms", 0),
VOID_SHIFTER("Void shifter", 34, 94, 3, "Call to Arms", 0),
VOID_SPINNER("Void spinner", 34, 27, 3, "Call to Arms", 0),
VOID_TORCHER("Void torcher", 34, 94, 3, "Call to Arms", 0),
BRONZE_MINOTAUR("Bronze minotaur", 36, 30, 6, "Bronze Bull Rush", 0),
BULL_ANT("Bull ant", 40, 30, 12, "Unburden", 9),
MACAW("Macaw", 41, 31, 12, "Herbcall", 0),
EVIL_TURNIP("Evil turnip", 42, 30, 6, "Evil Flames", 0),
SPIRIT_COCKATRICE("Spirit cockatrice", 43, 36, 3, "Petrifying Gaze", 0),
IRON_MINOTAUR("Iron minotaur", 46, 37, 6, "Iron Bull Rush", 0),
PYRELORD("Pyrelord", 46, 32, 6, "Immense Heat", 0),
MAGPIE("Magpie", 47, 34, 12, "Thieving Fingers", 0),
BLOATED_LEECH("Bloated leech", 49, 34, 6, "Blood Drain", 0),
SPIRIT_TERRORBIRD("Spirit terrorbird", 52, 36, 8, "Tireless Run", 12),
ABYSSAL_PARASITE("Abyssal parasite", 54, 30, 6, "Abyssal Drain", 7),
SPIRIT_JELLY("Spirit jelly", 55, 43, 6, "Dissolve", 0),
IBIS("Ibis", 56, 38, 12, "Fish Rain", 0),
STEEL_MINOTAUR("Steel minotaur", 56, 46, 6, "Steel Bull Rush", 0),
SPIRIT_GRAAHK("Spirit graahk", 57, 49, 3, "Goad", 0),
SPIRIT_KYATT("Spirit kyatt", 57, 49, 3, "Ambush", 0),
SPIRIT_LARUPIA("Spirit larupia", 57, 49, 6, "Rending", 0),
KARAMTHULHU_OVERLORD("Karamthulhu overlord", 58, 44, 3, "Doomspere Device", 0),
SMOKE_DEVIL("Smoke devil", 61, 48, 6, "Dust Cloud", 0),
ABYSSAL_LURKER("Abyssal lurker", 62, 41, 20, "Abyssal Stealth", 7),
SPIRIT_COBRA("Spirit cobra", 63, 56, 3, "Ophidian Incubation", 0),
STRANGER_PLANT("Stranger plant", 64, 49, 6, "Poisonous Blast", 0),
BARKER_TOAD("Barker toad", 66, 8, 6, "Toad Bark", 0),
MITHRIL_MINOTAUR("Mithril minotaur", 66, 55, 6, "Mithril Bull Rush", 0),
WAR_TORTOISE("War tortoise", 67, 43, 20, "Testudo", 18),
BUNYIP("Bunyip", 68, 44, 3, "Swallow Whole", 0),
FRUIT_BAT("Fruit bat", 69, 45, 6, "Fruitfall", 0),
RAVENOUS_LOCUST("Ravenous locust", 70, 24, 12, "Famine", 0),
ARCTIC_BEAR("Arctic bear", 71, 28, 6, "Arctic Blast", 0),
PHOENIX("Phoenix", 72, 30, 12, "Rise from the Ashes", 0),
OBSIDIAN_GOLEM("Obsidian golem", 73, 55, 12, "Volcanic Strength", 0),
GRANITE_LOBSTER("Granite lobster", 74, 47, 6, "Crushing Claw", 0),
PRAYING_MANTIS("Praying mantis", 75, 69, 6, "Mantis Strike", 0),
ADAMANT_MINOTAUR("Adamant minotaur", 76, 66, 6, "Adamant Bull Rush", 0),
FORGE_REGENT("Forge regent", 76, 45, 6, "Inferno", 0),
TALON_BEAST("Talon beast", 77, 49, 6, "Deadly Claw", 0),
GIANT_ENT("Giant ent", 78, 49, 6, "Acorn Missile", 0),
FIRE_TITAN("Fire titan", 79, 62, 20, "Titan's Constitution", 0),
ICE_TITAN("Ice titan", 79, 64, 20, "Titan's Constitution", 0),
MOSS_TITAN("Moss titan", 79, 58, 20, "Titan's Constitution", 0),
HYDRA("Hydra", 80, 49, 6, "Regrowth", 0),
SPIRIT_DAGANNOTH("Spirit dagannoth", 83, 57, 6, "Spike Shot", 0),
LAVA_TITAN("Lava titan", 83, 61, 4, "Ebon Thunder", 0),
SWAMP_TITAN("Swamp titan", 85, 56, 6, "Swamp Plague", 0),
RUNE_MINOTAUR("Rune minotaur", 86, 151, 6, "Rune Bull Rush", 0),
UNICORN_STALLION("Unicorn stallion", 88, 54, 20, "Healing Aura", 0),
GEYSER_TITAN("Geyser titan", 89, 69, 6, "Boil", 0),
WOLPERTIGER("Wolpertiger", 92, 62, 20, "Magic Focus", 0),
ABYSSAL_TITAN("Abyssal titan", 93, 32, 6, "Essence Shipment", 7),
IRON_TITAN("Iron titan", 95, 60, 12, "Iron Within", 0),
PACK_YAK("Pack yak", 96, 58, 12, "Winter Storage", 30),
STEEL_TITAN("Steel titan", 99, 64, 12, "Steel of Legends", 0);
private final String name;
private final int requiredLevel;
private final int time;
private final int requiredSpecialPoints;
private final String scrollName;
private final int bobSpace;
private RSNPC npcObject;
Familiar(final String name, final int requiredLevel, final int time,
final int sp, final String scrollName, final int space) { = name;
this.requiredLevel = requiredLevel;
this.time = time;
requiredSpecialPoints = sp;
this.scrollName = scrollName;
bobSpace = space;
public int getRequiredLevel() {
return requiredLevel;
public int getTime() {
return time;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getScrollName() {
return scrollName;
public int getRequiredSpecialPoints() {
return requiredSpecialPoints;
public int getInventorySpace() {
return bobSpace;
public boolean canStore() {
return bobSpace != 0;
public void setNPCObject(final RSNPC npc) {
npcObject = npc;
public RSNPC getNPC() {
return npcObject;
public Summoning(final MethodContext ctx) {
* Returns the number of summoning points left.
* @return The number of summoning points left.
public int getSummoningPoints() {
return Integer.parseInt(methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, 5).getText());
* Returns the current summoning level.
* @return The current summoning level.
public int getLevel() {
return methods.skills.getRealLevel(Skills.SUMMONING);
* Checks whether you have a familiar.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if you have a familiar.
public boolean isFamiliarSummoned() {
return methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, 3).getTextureID() == 1802;
* Does a action in the summoning skill bubble.
* @param act The action to perform.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if action is performed.
public boolean doAction(final String act) {
return methods.interfaces.get(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING).getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).isValid() &&
* Presses attack in the summoning tab.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the action was performed.
public boolean doAttack() {
return methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).interact("Attack");
* Casts the familiar's attack.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the action was performed.
public boolean doCast() {
return isFamiliarSummoned() && methods.inventory.getItemID(getFamiliar().getScrollName()) != -1 &&
methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).interact("Cast");
* Presses cancel in the summoning tab.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the action was performed.
public boolean doCancel() {
return methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).interact("Cancel");
* Renews the familiar from the summoning tab.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the action was performed.
public boolean doRenewFamiliar() {
return isFamiliarSummoned() && methods.inventory.getItemID(getFamiliar().getName() + " pouch") != -1 &&
methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).interact("Renew Familiar");
* Takes the BoB of the familiar.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the action was performed.
public boolean doTakeBob() {
return methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).interact("Take BoB");
* Dismisses the familiar from the summoning tab.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the familiar was dismissed.
public boolean doDismiss() {
RSComponent confirmInterface = methods.interfaces.getComponent(228, 2);
if (confirmInterface.isValid()) {
return confirmInterface.doClick();
} else {
RSComponent dismissInterface = methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD);
if (dismissInterface != null && dismissInterface.interact("Dismiss")) {
sleep(random(500, 750));
return false;
* Calls the familiar from the summoning tab.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the action was performed.
public boolean doCallFollower() {
return methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).interact("Call Follower");
* Shows follower details from the summoning tab.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the action was performed.
public boolean doShowDetails() {
return methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).interact("Follower Details");
* Returns the time left before the familiar vanishes.
* @return The time left before the familiar vanishes.
public double getTimeLeft() {
double res = Double.parseDouble(methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_DETAILS, 43).getText());
if (res == 9999.0) {
sleep(random(400, 600));
res = Double.parseDouble(methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_DETAILS, 43).getText());
return res;
* Sets the left-click option to the given action.
* @param action the action string
* @return <tt>true</tt> if action is performed.
public boolean setLeftClickOption(final String action) {
final RSInterface optionInterface = methods.interfaces.get(INTERFACE_OPTIONS);
int index = -1;
for (final RSComponent option : optionInterface.getComponents()) {
if (option != null && option.getText() != null) {
if (option.containsAction(action) || option.containsText(action)) {
index = option.getIndex();
return index != -1 && setLeftClickOption(index);
* Sets the left click option to the given index.
* @param option the option index
* @return <tt>true</tt> if action is performed.
public boolean setLeftClickOption(final int option) {
methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING, INTERFACE_TAB_SUMMONING_CHILD).interact("Select left-click option");
sleep(random(300, 400));
return methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_OPTIONS, option).doClick() && methods.interfaces.getComponent(INTERFACE_OPTIONS, 5).doClick();
* Finds your current summoned Familiar.
* @return your current Familiar
public Familiar getFamiliar() {
for (final int element : methods.client.getRSNPCIndexArray()) {
final Node node = methods.nodes.lookup(methods.client.getRSNPCNC(), element);
if (node == null || !(node instanceof RSNPCNode)) {
final RSNPC npc = new RSNPC(methods, ((RSNPCNode) node).getRSNPC());
if (npc.getInteracting() != null && npc.getInteracting().equals(methods.players.getMyPlayer())) {
for (final Familiar f : Familiar.values()) {
if (f != null && npc.getName().equals(f.getName())) {
return f;
return null;