package org.rsbot.script.methods;
import org.rsbot.client.Client;
import org.rsbot.script.internal.InputManager;
import org.rsbot.script.task.executor.ScriptPool;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* For internal use to link MethodProviders.
public class MethodContext {
* The instance of {@link java.util.Random} for random number generation.
public final java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random();
* The singleton of skills
public final Skills skills = new Skills(this);
* The singleton of Settings
public final Settings settings = new Settings(this);
* The singleton of magic
public final Magic magic = new Magic(this);
* The singleton of bank
public final Bank bank = new Bank(this);
* The singleton of players
public final Players players = new Players(this);
* The singleton of store
public final Store store = new Store(this);
* The singleton of Grand Exchange
public final GrandExchange grandExchange = new GrandExchange(this);
* The singletion of Hiscores
public final Hiscores hiscores = new Hiscores();
* The singleton of ClanChat
public final ClanChat clanChat = new ClanChat(this);
* The singleton of Camera
public final Camera camera = new Camera(this);
* The singleton of NPCs
public final NPCs npcs = new NPCs(this);
* The singleton of GameScreen
public final Game game = new Game(this);
* The singleton of Combat
public final Combat combat = new Combat(this);
* The singleton of Interfaces
public final Interfaces interfaces = new Interfaces(this);
* The singleton of Mouse
public final Mouse mouse = new Mouse(this);
* The singleton of Keyboard
public final Keyboard keyboard = new Keyboard(this);
* The singleton of Menu
public final Menu menu = new Menu(this);
* The singleton of Tile
public final Tiles tiles = new Tiles(this);
* The singleton of Objects
public final Objects objects = new Objects(this);
* The singleton of Walking
public final Walking walking = new Walking(this);
* The singleton of Calculations
public final org.rsbot.script.methods.Calculations calc = new Calculations(this);
* The singleton of Inventory
public final Inventory inventory = new Inventory(this);
* The singleton of Equipment
public final Equipment equipment = new Equipment(this);
* The singleton of GroundItems
public final GroundItems groundItems = new GroundItems(this);
* The singleton of DynamicConstants
public final GameGUI gui = new GameGUI(this);
* The singleton of Nodes
public final Nodes nodes = new Nodes(this);
* the singleton of Account
public final Account account = new Account(this);
* The singleton of Summoning
public final Summoning summoning = new Summoning(this);
* The singleton of Environment
public final Environment env = new Environment(this);
* The singleton of Prayer
public final Prayer prayer = new Prayer(this);
* The singleton of Quests
public final Quests quests = new Quests(this);
* The singleton of Prayer
public final FriendChat friendChat = new FriendChat(this);
* The singleton of Trade
public final Trade trade = new Trade(this);
* The singleton of Lobby
public final Lobby lobby = new Lobby(this);
* The Bot's input manager
public final InputManager inputManager;
* The client
public final Client client;
* The Web
public final Web web = new Web(this);
* The ExecutorService
public final ExecutorService service;
public final Bot bot;
public MethodContext(final Bot bot) { = bot;
client = bot.getClient();
inputManager = bot.getInputManager();
service = new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(), new ScriptPool(), new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy());