package org.rsbot.script.methods;
import org.rsbot.client.TileData;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSCharacter;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSComponent;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSObject;
import org.rsbot.script.wrappers.RSTile;
import java.awt.*;
* Game world and projection calculations.
public class Calculations extends MethodProvider {
public static class Render {
public float absoluteX1 = 0, absoluteX2 = 0;
public float absoluteY1 = 0, absoluteY2 = 0;
public int xMultiplier = 512, yMultiplier = 512;
public int zNear = 50, zFar = 3500;
public static class RenderData {
public float xOff = 0, xX = 32768, xY = 0, xZ = 0;
public float yOff = 0, yX = 0, yY = 32768, yZ = 0;
public float zOff = 0, zX = 0, zY = 0, zZ = 32768;
public static final int[] SIN_TABLE = new int[16384];
public static final int[] COS_TABLE = new int[16384];
static {
final double d = 0.00038349519697141029D;
for (int i = 0; i < 16384; i++) {
Calculations.SIN_TABLE[i] = (int) (32768D * Math.sin(i * d));
Calculations.COS_TABLE[i] = (int) (32768D * Math.cos(i * d));
public final Render render = new Render();
public final RenderData renderData = new RenderData();
Calculations(final MethodContext ctx) {
* Returns the angle to a given tile in degrees anti-clockwise from the
* positive x axis (where the x-axis is from west to east).
* @param t The target tile
* @return The angle in degrees
public int angleToTile(final RSTile t) {
final RSTile me = methods.players.getMyPlayer().getLocation();
final int angle = (int) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(t.getY() - me.getY(), t.getX() - me.getX()));
return angle >= 0 ? angle : 360 + angle;
* Determines whether or not a given RSTile is reachable by the player.
* @param dest The <code>RSTile</code> to check.
* @param isObject True if an instance of <code>RSObject</code>.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if a path can be made to the specified tile; otherwise <tt>false</tt>.
public boolean canReach(final RSTile dest, final boolean isObject) {
return pathLengthTo(dest, isObject) != -1;
* Calculates the distance between two points.
* @param curr The first point.
* @param dest The second point.
* @return The distance between the two points, using the distance formula.
* @see #distanceBetween(RSTile, RSTile)
public double distanceBetween(final Point curr, final Point dest) {
return Math.sqrt((curr.x - dest.x) * (curr.x - dest.x) + (curr.y - dest.y) * (curr.y - dest.y));
* Returns the diagonal distance (hypot) between two RSTiles.
* @param curr The starting tile.
* @param dest The destination tile.
* @return The diagonal distance between the two <code>RSTile</code>s.
* @see #distanceBetween(Point, Point)
public double distanceBetween(final RSTile curr, final RSTile dest) {
return Math.sqrt((curr.getX() - dest.getX()) * (curr.getX() - dest.getX()) + (curr.getY() - dest.getY()) * (curr.getY() - dest.getY()));
* Returns the diagonal distance to a given RSCharacter.
* @param c The destination character.
* @return Distance to <code>RSCharacter</code>.
* @see #distanceTo(RSTile)
public int distanceTo(final RSCharacter c) {
return c == null ? -1 : distanceTo(c.getLocation());
* Returns the diagonal distance to a given RSObject.
* @param o The destination object.
* @return Distance to <code>RSObject</code>.
* @see #distanceTo(RSTile)
public int distanceTo(final RSObject o) {
return o == null ? -1 : distanceTo(o.getLocation());
* Returns the diagonal distance to a given RSTile.
* @param t The destination tile.
* @return Distance to <code>RSTile</code>.
public int distanceTo(final RSTile t) {
return t == null ? -1 : (int) distanceBetween(methods.players.getMyPlayer().getLocation(), t);
* Will return the closest tile that is on screen to the given tile.
* @param tile Tile you want to get to.
* @return <code>RSTile</code> that is onScreen.
public RSTile getTileOnScreen(final RSTile tile) {
try {
if (tileOnScreen(tile)) {
return tile;
} else {
final RSTile loc = methods.players.getMyPlayer().getLocation();
final RSTile halfWayTile = new RSTile((tile.getX() + loc.getX()) / 2, (tile.getY() + loc.getY()) / 2);
if (tileOnScreen(halfWayTile)) {
return halfWayTile;
} else {
return getTileOnScreen(halfWayTile);
} catch (final StackOverflowError soe) {
return null;
* Returns the screen location of a given point on the ground. This accounts
* for the height of the ground at the given location.
* @param x x value based on the game plane.
* @param y y value based on the game plane.
* @param height height offset (normal to the ground).
* @return <code>Point</code> based on screen; otherwise <code>new Point(-1, -1)</code>.
public Point groundToScreen(final int x, final int y, final int height) {
if (methods.client.getGroundByteArray() == null || methods.client.getTileData() == null || x < 512 || y < 512 || x > 52224 || y > 52224) {
return new Point(-1, -1);
final int z = tileHeight(x, y) + height;
return worldToScreen(x, y, z);
* Returns the length of the path generated to a given RSTile.
* @param dest The destination tile.
* @param isObject <tt>true</tt> if reaching any tile adjacent to the destination should be accepted.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if reaching any tile adjacent to the destination should be accepted.
public int pathLengthTo(final RSTile dest, final boolean isObject) {
final RSTile curPos = methods.players.getMyPlayer().getLocation();
return pathLengthBetween(curPos, dest, isObject);
* Returns the length of the path generates between two RSTiles.
* @param start The starting tile.
* @param dest The destination tile.
* @param isObject <tt>true</tt> if reaching any tile adjacent to the destination should be accepted.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if reaching any tile adjacent to the destination should be accepted.
public int pathLengthBetween(final RSTile start, final RSTile dest, final boolean isObject) {
return dijkstraDist(start.getX() - methods.client.getBaseX(), // startX
start.getY() - methods.client.getBaseY(), // startY
dest.getX() - methods.client.getBaseX(), // destX
dest.getY() - methods.client.getBaseY(), // destY
isObject); // if it's an object, accept any adjacent tile
* Checks whether a point is within the rectangle that determines the bounds
* of game screen. This will work fine when in fixed mode. In resizable mode
* it will exclude any points that are less than 253 pixels from the right
* of the screen or less than 169 pixels from the bottom of the screen,
* giving a rough area.
* @param check The point to check.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the point is within the rectangle; otherwise
* <tt>false</tt>.
public boolean pointOnScreen(final Point check) {
final int x = check.x, y = check.y;
if ( {
return x > 4 && x < - 253 && y > 4 && y < - 169;
} else {
return x > 0 && x < - 260 && y > 0 && y < - 149;
* Returns a random double in a specified range
* @param min Minimum value (inclusive).
* @param max Maximum value (exclusive).
* @return The random <code>double</code> generated.
public double random(final double min, final double max) {
return Math.min(min, max) + methods.random.nextDouble() * Math.abs(max - min);
* Returns the height of the ground at the given location in the game world.
* @param x x value based on the game plane.
* @param y y value based on the game plane.
* @return The ground height at the given location; otherwise <code>0</code>.
public int tileHeight(final int x, final int y) {
int p = methods.client.getPlane();
final int x1 = x >> 9;
final int y1 = y >> 9;
final byte[][][] settings = methods.client.getGroundByteArray();
if (settings != null && x1 >= 0 && x1 < 104 && y1 >= 0 && y1 < 104) {
if (p <= 3 && (settings[1][x1][y1] & 2) != 0) {
final TileData[] planes = methods.client.getTileData();
if (planes != null && p < planes.length && planes[p] != null) {
final int[][] heights = planes[p].getHeights();
if (heights != null) {
final int x2 = x & 512 - 1;
final int y2 = y & 512 - 1;
final int start_h = heights[x1][y1] * (512 - x2) + heights[x1 + 1][y1] * x2 >> 9;
final int end_h = heights[x1][1 + y1] * (512 - x2) + heights[x1 + 1][y1 + 1] * x2 >> 9;
return start_h * (512 - y2) + end_h * y2 >> 9;
return 0;
* Checks whether or not a given tile is on the minimap.
* @param t The RSTile to check.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the RSTile is on the minimap; otherwise <tt>false</tt>.
* @see #tileToMinimap(RSTile)
public boolean tileOnMap(final RSTile t) {
return distanceTo(t) < 15;
* Checks whether or not the centroid of a given tile is on the screen.
* @param t The RSTile to check.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the RSTile is on the screen; otherwise <tt>false</tt>.
public boolean tileOnScreen(final RSTile t) {
return pointOnScreen(tileToScreen(t, 0.5, 0.5, 0));
* Returns the Point on screen where a given tile is shown on the minimap.
* @param t The RSTile to check.
* @return <tt>Point</tt> within minimap; otherwise <tt>new Point(-1, -1)</tt>.
public Point tileToMinimap(final RSTile t) {
return worldToMinimap(t.getX(), t.getY());
* Returns the screen location of a Tile with given 3D x, y and height
* offset values.
* @param tile RSTile for which the screen location should be calculated.
* @param dX Distance from bottom left of the tile to bottom right. Ranges from 0-1;
* @param dY Distance from bottom left of the tile to top left. Ranges from 0-1;
* @param height Height offset (normal to the ground) to return the <code>Point</code> at.
* @return <code>Point</code> based on position on the game plane; otherwise <code>new Point(-1, -1)</code>.
public Point tileToScreen(final RSTile tile, final double dX, final double dY, final int height) {
return groundToScreen((int) ((tile.getX() - methods.client.getBaseX() + dX) * 512),
(int) ((tile.getY() - methods.client.getBaseY() + dY) * 512), height);
* Returns the screen location of a Tile with a given 3D height offset.
* @param tile RSTile for which the screen location should be calculated.
* @param height Height offset (normal to the ground) to return the <code>Point</code> at.
* @return <code>Point</code> based on position on the game plane; if null <code>new Point(-1, -1)</code>.
* @see #tileToScreen(RSTile, double, double, int)
public Point tileToScreen(final RSTile tile, final int height) {
return tileToScreen(tile, 0.5, 0.5, height);
* Returns the screen location of the south-west corner of the given tile.
* @param tile RSTile for which the screen location should be calculated.
* @return Center <code>Point</code> of the RSTile at a height of 0; if null <code>new Point(-1, -1)</code>.
* @see #tileToScreen(RSTile, int)
public Point tileToScreen(final RSTile tile) {
return tileToScreen(tile, 0);
* Updates the rendering data. For internal use only.
* @param r The client graphics toolkit.
* @param rd The client viewport.
public void updateRenderInfo(final org.rsbot.client.Render r, final org.rsbot.client.RenderData rd) {
if (r == null || rd == null) {
render.absoluteX1 = r.getAbsoluteX1();
render.absoluteX2 = r.getAbsoluteX2();
render.absoluteY1 = r.getAbsoluteY1();
render.absoluteY2 = r.getAbsoluteY2();
render.xMultiplier = r.getXMultiplier();
render.yMultiplier = r.getYMultiplier();
render.zNear = r.getZNear();
render.zFar = r.getZFar();
renderData.xOff = rd.getXOff();
renderData.xX = rd.getXX();
renderData.xY = rd.getXY();
renderData.xZ = rd.getXZ();
renderData.yOff = rd.getYOff();
renderData.yX = rd.getYX();
renderData.yY = rd.getYY();
renderData.yZ = rd.getYZ();
renderData.zOff = rd.getZOff();
renderData.zX = rd.getZX();
renderData.zY = rd.getZY();
renderData.zZ = rd.getZZ();
* Returns the screen Point of given absolute x and y values in the game's
* 3D plane.
* @param x x value based on the game plane.
* @param y y value based on the game plane.
* @return <code>Point</code> within minimap; otherwise <tt>new Point(-1, -1)</tt>.
public Point worldToMinimap(double x, double y) {
if (distanceBetween(methods.players.getMyPlayer().getLocation(), new RSTile((int) x, (int) y)) > 17) {
return new Point(-1, -1);
x -= methods.client.getBaseX();
y -= methods.client.getBaseY();
final int calculatedX = (int) (x * 4 + 2) - methods.client.getMyRSPlayer().getX() / 128;
final int calculatedY = (int) (y * 4 + 2) - methods.client.getMyRSPlayer().getY() / 128;
try {
final org.rsbot.client.RSInterface mm = methods.gui.getMinimapInterface();
if (mm == null) {
return new Point(-1, -1);
final RSComponent mm2 = methods.interfaces.getComponent(mm.getID());
final int actDistSq = calculatedX * calculatedX + calculatedY * calculatedY;
final int mmDist = 10 + Math.max(mm2.getWidth() / 2, mm2.getHeight() / 2);
if (mmDist * mmDist >= actDistSq) {
int angle = 0x3fff & (int) methods.client.getMinimapAngle();
if (methods.client.getMinimapSetting() != 4) {
angle = 0x3fff & methods.client.getMinimapOffset() + (int) methods.client.getMinimapAngle();
int cs = Calculations.SIN_TABLE[angle];
int cc = Calculations.COS_TABLE[angle];
if (methods.client.getMinimapSetting() != 4) {
final int fact = 256 + methods.client.getMinimapScale();
cs = 256 * cs / fact;
cc = 256 * cc / fact;
final int calcCenterX = cc * calculatedX + cs * calculatedY >> 15;
final int calcCenterY = cc * calculatedY - cs * calculatedX >> 15;
final int screenx = calcCenterX + mm2.getAbsoluteX() + mm2.getWidth() / 2;
final int screeny = -calcCenterY + mm2.getAbsoluteY() + mm2.getHeight() / 2;
return new Point(screenx, screeny);
} catch (final NullPointerException ignored) {
return new Point(-1, -1);
* Returns the screen location of a given 3D point in the game world.
* @param x x value on the game plane.
* @param y y value on the game plane.
* @param z z value on the game plane.
* @return <code>Point</code> based on screen; otherwise <code>new Point(-1, -1)</code>.
public Point worldToScreen(final int x, final int y, final int z) {
// perspective projection: hooked viewport values are calculated in
// client based on camera state
// (so no need to project using camera values and sin/cos)
// old developers named these fields very poorly
final float _z = renderData.zOff + (int) (renderData.zX * x + renderData.zY * z + renderData.zZ * y);
if (_z >= render.zNear && _z <= render.zFar) {
final int _x = (int) (render.xMultiplier * ((int) renderData.xOff + (int) (renderData.xX * x + renderData.xY
* z + renderData.xZ * y)) / _z);
final int _y = (int) (render.yMultiplier * ((int) renderData.yOff + (int) (renderData.yX * x + renderData.yY
* z + renderData.yZ * y)) / _z);
if (_x >= render.absoluteX1 && _x <= render.absoluteX2 && _y >= render.absoluteY1 && _y <= render.absoluteY2) {
if ( {
return new Point((int) (_x - render.absoluteX1) + 4, (int) (_y - render.absoluteY1) + 4);
} else {
final int sx = (int) (_x - render.absoluteX1), sy = (int) (_y - render.absoluteY1);
return new Point(sx, sy);
return new Point(-1, -1);
* @param startX the startX (0 < startX < 104)
* @param startY the startY (0 < startY < 104)
* @param destX the destX (0 < destX < 104)
* @param destY the destY (0 < destY < 104)
* @param findAdjacent if it's an object, it will find path which touches it.
* @return The distance of the shortest path to the destination; or -1 if no valid path to the destination was found.
private int dijkstraDist(final int startX, final int startY, final int destX, final int destY, final boolean findAdjacent) {
try {
final int[][] prev = new int[104][104];
final int[][] dist = new int[104][104];
final int[] path_x = new int[4000];
final int[] path_y = new int[4000];
for (int xx = 0; xx < 104; xx++) {
for (int yy = 0; yy < 104; yy++) {
prev[xx][yy] = 0;
dist[xx][yy] = 99999999;
int curr_x = startX;
int curr_y = startY;
prev[startX][startY] = 99;
dist[startX][startY] = 0;
int path_ptr = 0;
int step_ptr = 0;
path_x[path_ptr] = startX;
path_y[path_ptr++] = startY;
final int blocks[][] = methods.client.getRSGroundDataArray()[].getBlocks();
final int pathLength = path_x.length;
boolean foundPath = false;
while (step_ptr != path_ptr) {
curr_x = path_x[step_ptr];
curr_y = path_y[step_ptr];
if (Math.abs(curr_x - destX) + Math.abs(curr_y - destY) == (findAdjacent ? 1 : 0)) {
foundPath = true;
step_ptr = (step_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
final int cost = dist[curr_x][curr_y] + 1;
// south
if (curr_y > 0 && prev[curr_x][curr_y - 1] == 0 && (blocks[curr_x + 1][curr_y] & 0x1280102) == 0) {
path_x[path_ptr] = curr_x;
path_y[path_ptr] = curr_y - 1;
path_ptr = (path_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
prev[curr_x][curr_y - 1] = 1;
dist[curr_x][curr_y - 1] = cost;
// west
if (curr_x > 0 && prev[curr_x - 1][curr_y] == 0 && (blocks[curr_x][curr_y + 1] & 0x1280108) == 0) {
path_x[path_ptr] = curr_x - 1;
path_y[path_ptr] = curr_y;
path_ptr = (path_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
prev[curr_x - 1][curr_y] = 2;
dist[curr_x - 1][curr_y] = cost;
// north
if (curr_y < 104 - 1 && prev[curr_x][curr_y + 1] == 0 && (blocks[curr_x + 1][curr_y + 2] &
0x1280120) == 0) {
path_x[path_ptr] = curr_x;
path_y[path_ptr] = curr_y + 1;
path_ptr = (path_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
prev[curr_x][curr_y + 1] = 4;
dist[curr_x][curr_y + 1] = cost;
// east
if (curr_x < 104 - 1 && prev[curr_x + 1][curr_y] == 0 && (blocks[curr_x + 2][curr_y + 1] &
0x1280180) == 0) {
path_x[path_ptr] = curr_x + 1;
path_y[path_ptr] = curr_y;
path_ptr = (path_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
prev[curr_x + 1][curr_y] = 8;
dist[curr_x + 1][curr_y] = cost;
// south west
if (curr_x > 0 && curr_y > 0 && prev[curr_x - 1][curr_y - 1] == 0 && (blocks[curr_x][curr_y] &
0x128010e) == 0 && (blocks[curr_x][curr_y + 1] & 0x1280108) == 0 && (blocks[curr_x +
1][curr_y] & 0x1280102) == 0) {
path_x[path_ptr] = curr_x - 1;
path_y[path_ptr] = curr_y - 1;
path_ptr = (path_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
prev[curr_x - 1][curr_y - 1] = 3;
dist[curr_x - 1][curr_y - 1] = cost;
// north west
if (curr_x > 0 && curr_y < 104 - 1 && prev[curr_x - 1][curr_y + 1] == 0 && (blocks[curr_x][curr_y + 2] & 0x1280138) == 0 && (blocks[curr_x][curr_y + 1] & 0x1280108) ==
0 && (blocks[curr_x + 1][curr_y + 2] & 0x1280120) == 0) {
path_x[path_ptr] = curr_x - 1;
path_y[path_ptr] = curr_y + 1;
path_ptr = (path_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
prev[curr_x - 1][curr_y + 1] = 6;
dist[curr_x - 1][curr_y + 1] = cost;
// south east
if (curr_x < 104 - 1 && curr_y > 0 && prev[curr_x + 1][curr_y - 1] == 0 && (blocks[curr_x +
2][curr_y] & 0x1280183) == 0 && (blocks[curr_x + 2][curr_y + 1] & 0x1280180) == 0 && (blocks[curr_x + 1][curr_y] & 0x1280102) == 0) {
path_x[path_ptr] = curr_x + 1;
path_y[path_ptr] = curr_y - 1;
path_ptr = (path_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
prev[curr_x + 1][curr_y - 1] = 9;
dist[curr_x + 1][curr_y - 1] = cost;
// north east
if (curr_x < 104 - 1 && curr_y < 104 - 1 && prev[curr_x + 1][curr_y + 1] == 0 && (blocks[curr_x
+ 2][curr_y + 2] & 0x12801e0) == 0 && (blocks[curr_x + 2][curr_y + 1] & 0x1280180) == 0 && (blocks[curr_x + 1][curr_y + 2] & 0x1280120) == 0) {
path_x[path_ptr] = curr_x + 1;
path_y[path_ptr] = curr_y + 1;
path_ptr = (path_ptr + 1) % pathLength;
prev[curr_x + 1][curr_y + 1] = 12;
dist[curr_x + 1][curr_y + 1] = cost;
return foundPath ? dist[curr_x][curr_y] : -1;
} catch (Exception e) {
return -1;