/* $Id: ShooterGameLevel.java 1261 2013-01-05 00:51:42Z jenetic.bytemare@gmail.com $
* =======================================================================================
package de.christopherstock.shooter.level;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.*;
import de.christopherstock.lib.LibDebug;
import de.christopherstock.lib.Lib.ViewSet;
import de.christopherstock.lib.fx.*;
import de.christopherstock.lib.fx.LibFX.*;
import de.christopherstock.lib.g3d.*;
import de.christopherstock.lib.game.*;
import de.christopherstock.lib.game.LibShot.*;
import de.christopherstock.lib.gl.LibFloorStack;
import de.christopherstock.lib.math.*;
import de.christopherstock.lib.ui.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.ShooterSettings.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.g3d.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.g3d.mesh.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.g3d.wall.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.game.artefact.Artefact;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.game.artefact.ArtefactType;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.game.artefact.firearm.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.game.artefact.gadget.Gadget;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.game.bot.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.game.objects.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.ui.hud.*;
import de.christopherstock.shooter.ui.hud.HUD.ChangeAction;
* Holds all values that are bound to the current active level.
* @author Christopher Stock
* @version 0.3.11
public class Level implements LibFloorStack
* The global player-instance being controlled by the user. TODO ASAP why global static ??
private static Player player = null;
private Vector<ItemToPickUp> iItems = null;
private Vector<Bot> iBots = null;
private WallCollection[] iWallCollections = null;
private int iCurrentSectionIndex = 0;
private int iAdrenalineTicks = 0;
private int iAdrenalineDelayLevel = 0;
private int iAdrenalineDelayPlayer = 0;
public static enum InvisibleZeroLayerZ
private Level( int aConfig )
//keep target level as own config
iCurrentSectionIndex = aConfig;
public static final void init()
//ShooterDebug.bugfix.out( "Init level" );
//remove all bullet holes
//remove all particles
//create player
player = new Player
//init all game levels
LevelCurrent.currentSections = new Level[ LevelCurrent.currentSectionConfigData.length ];
for ( int i = 0; i < LevelCurrent.currentSectionConfigData.length; ++i )
LevelCurrent.currentSections[ i ] = new Level( i );
LevelCurrent.currentSections[ i ].initLevel();
//init the player for the 1st level section
LevelCurrent.currentSections[ 0 ].initPlayer();
public final void initPlayer()
//handle startup items and wearpons to the player
for ( ItemEvent i : LevelCurrent.currentLevelConfig.iStartupItems )
i.perform( null );
for ( ArtefactType w : LevelCurrent.currentLevelConfig.iStartupWearpons )
Artefact toDeliver = new Artefact( w );
player.iArtefactSet.deliverArtefact( toDeliver );
//reload if firearm
if ( w.isFireArm() )
//ShooterDebug.bugfix.out( "reload initial wearpon" );
toDeliver.reload( player.iAmmoSet, false, false, null );
//reset HUD-animation so change to 1st artefact can occur
//change to 1st artefact
player.orderWearponOrGadget( ChangeAction.EActionNext );
private void initLevel()
//spawn specified items
iItems = new Vector<ItemToPickUp>();
if ( LevelCurrent.currentSectionConfigData[ iCurrentSectionIndex ].iItems != null )
for ( ItemToPickUp aItem : LevelCurrent.currentSectionConfigData[ iCurrentSectionIndex ].iItems )
//load item's d3ds and add it to the stack
iItems.add( aItem );
//create and add all bots
iBots = new Vector<Bot>();
for ( BotFactory b : LevelCurrent.currentSectionConfigData[ iCurrentSectionIndex ].iBots )
//init / reset bot
Bot botToAdd = b.createBot();
//ShooterDebug.bugfix.out( "reset bot" );
addBot( botToAdd );
protected final void addBot( Bot botToAdd )
iBots.add( botToAdd );
ShooterDebug.bot.out( "adding bot. capacity is now [" + iBots.size() + "]" );
* Draws the level onto the screen.
public final void draw()
//draw all walls
for ( WallCollection meshCollection : iWallCollections )
public final Float getHighestFloor( LibGameObject aParentGameObject, LibVertex aAnchor, float aRadius, float aHeight, int aCollisionCheckingSteps, LibDebug aDebug, boolean aDebugDrawBotCircles, float aBottomCollisionToleranceZ, float aMinBottomCollisionToleranceZ, int aEllipseSegments, Object exclude )
return getHighestFloor( new Cylinder( aParentGameObject, aAnchor, aRadius, aHeight, aCollisionCheckingSteps, aDebug, aDebugDrawBotCircles, aBottomCollisionToleranceZ, aMinBottomCollisionToleranceZ, aEllipseSegments, Material.EHumanFlesh ), exclude );
public final Float getHighestFloor( Cylinder cylinder, Object exclude )
//collect all hit points
Vector<Float> hitPointsZ = new Vector<Float>();
for ( WallCollection meshCollection : iWallCollections )
//launch vertical collision check on all mesh-collections
hitPointsZ.addAll( meshCollection.checkCollisionVert( cylinder, exclude ) );
Float ret = cylinder.getHighestOfCheckedFloor( hitPointsZ );
//return nearest floor
return ret;
public final void launchAction( Cylinder cylinder, Gadget gadget, float faceAngle )
//launch action on all mesh collections
for ( WallCollection meshCollection : iWallCollections )
//launch the shot on this mesh-collection
meshCollection.launchAction( cylinder, gadget, faceAngle );
//launch action on all bots
for ( Bot b : iBots )
b.launchAction( cylinder, gadget, faceAngle );
public final LibHitPoint[] launchShot( LibShot s )
//collect all hit points
Vector<LibHitPoint> allHitPoints = new Vector<LibHitPoint>();
//launch the shot on all walls
for ( WallCollection wallCollection : iWallCollections )
allHitPoints.addAll( wallCollection.launchShot( s ) );
//launch the shot on all bots' collision unit ( if not shot by a bot! )
if ( s.iOrigin != ShotOrigin.EEnemies )
for ( Bot bot : getBots() )
allHitPoints.addAll( bot.launchShot( s ) );
//launch the shot on the player ( if not shot by the player )
if ( s.iOrigin != ShotOrigin.EPlayer )
allHitPoints.addAll( player.launchShot( s ) );
//get all affected hitpoints
LibHitPoint[] affectedHitPoints = null;
//check if wall-breaking ammo has been used!
if ( s.iWallBreakingAmmo )
//all hitpoints are afftected
affectedHitPoints = allHitPoints.toArray( new LibHitPoint[] {} );
//get nearest hitpoints ( considering penetrable walls )
affectedHitPoints = LibHitPoint.getAffectedHitPoints( allHitPoints );
//draw nearest hp in 3d
//if ( nearestHitPoint != null ) LibFXManager.launchStaticPoint( nearestHitPoint.iVertex, LibColors.EWhite, 0.05f, 300 );
//hurt all game objects only once
Vector<LibGameObject> hitObjects = new Vector<LibGameObject>();
//browse all afftected hitpoints
for ( int i = 0; i < affectedHitPoints.length; ++i )
LibHitPoint affectedHitPoint = affectedHitPoints[ i ];
//perform an operation if
//the game object is able to be hit
affectedHitPoint.iCarrier != null && affectedHitPoint.iCarrier.getHitPointCarrier() != null
//sharp ammo has been used
&& s.iType == ShotType.ESharpAmmo
//ShooterDebug.bugfix.out( " faceangle of hit face: [" + nearestHitPoint.horzFaceAngle + "]" );
//check the hitPoint's receiver
switch ( affectedHitPoint.iCarrier.getHitPointCarrier() )
case EWall:
Wall w = (Wall)affectedHitPoint.iCarrier;
boolean drawBulletHoleAndPlaySound = true;
//check if this is a projectile
if ( s.iProjectile != null )
//no bullet hole but projectile for last point ( if wall is not penetrable )
if ( i == affectedHitPoints.length - 1 && !affectedHitPoint.iWallTexture.getMaterial().isPenetrable() )
drawBulletHoleAndPlaySound = false;
//append projectile for last point
BulletHole.addBulletHole( affectedHitPoint, s.iProjectile );
//append bullet hole
if ( drawBulletHoleAndPlaySound && s.iBulletHoleSize != LibHoleSize.ENone )
//draw bullet hole
BulletHole.addBulletHole( affectedHitPoint, null );
//only once per wall
if ( !hitObjects.contains( w ) )
hitObjects.add( w );
//hurt wall ( not for projectiles
if ( s.iProjectile == null )
w.hurt( s.iDamage, affectedHitPoint.iHorzInvertedShotAngle );
//draw sliver
//play wall sound ( not for target wall ! )
if ( affectedHitPoint.iWallTexture != null && drawBulletHoleAndPlaySound )
affectedHitPoint.iWallTexture.getMaterial().getBulletImpactSound().playDistancedFx( new Point2D.Float( affectedHitPoint.iVertex.x, affectedHitPoint.iVertex.y ) );
case EPlayer:
//only once
if ( !hitObjects.contains( player ) )
hitObjects.add( player );
//player loses health
player.hurt( LibMath.getRandom( 1, 1 ) );
//draw sliver
case EBot:
//only once per bot
Bot b = (Bot)affectedHitPoint.iCarrier;
if ( !hitObjects.contains( b ) )
hitObjects.add( b );
if ( s.iProjectile == null )
//hurt bot
int damage = ( affectedHitPoint.iDamageMultiplier == -1 ? b.getHealth() : (int)( s.iDamage * affectedHitPoint.iDamageMultiplier ) );
ShooterDebug.bot.out( "damage is " + damage );
b.hurt( damage );
//draw blood
//player falls asleep
//play hit sound
affectedHitPoint.iWallTexture.getMaterial().getBulletImpactSound().playDistancedFx( new Point2D.Float( affectedHitPoint.iVertex.x, affectedHitPoint.iVertex.y ) );
//show debugs
//s.iDebug.out( "hit point: [" + nearestHitPoint.iVertex.x + "," + nearestHitPoint.iVertex.y + ", " + nearestHitPoint.iVertex.z + "]" );
//s.iDebug.out( "shotAngle [" + nearestHitPoint.iHorzShotAngle + "] SliverAngle [" + nearestHitPoint.iHorzSliverAngle + "] invertedShotAngle [" + nearestHitPoint.iHorzInvertedShotAngle + "] faceAngle [" + nearestHitPoint.iHorzFaceAngle + "]" );
//s.iDebug.out( "=====================================================================\n" );
return affectedHitPoints;
private final void animateWalls()
//browse all mesh-collections
for ( WallCollection meshCollection : iWallCollections )
//animate all mesh-collections
private final void animateBots()
for ( int i = iBots.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
//animate bot
iBots.elementAt( i ).animate();
//prune if disappearing
if ( iBots.elementAt( i ).isDead() )
//decrease disappear timer
--iBots.elementAt( i ).iDisappearTimer;
if ( iBots.elementAt( i ).iDisappearTimer <= General.FADE_OUT_FACES_TOTAL_TICKS )
iBots.elementAt( i ).fadeOutAllFaces();
if ( iBots.elementAt( i ).iDisappearTimer <= 0 )
iBots.removeElementAt( i );
public static Level currentSection()
return LevelCurrent.currentSection;
public static Player currentPlayer()
return player;
public final void drawAllBots()
//Debug.bot.out( "drawing ALL bots .."+botQueue.size()+"" );
for ( Bot bot : iBots )
public final boolean checkCollisionOnWalls( Cylinder cylinder )
//browse all mesh collections
for ( WallCollection meshCollection : iWallCollections )
//launch the collision on all mesh-collections
if ( meshCollection.checkCollisionHorz( cylinder ) ) return true;
return false;
public final boolean checkCollisionOnBots( Cylinder cylinder )
//browse all bots
for ( Bot bot : iBots )
//launch the cylinder on all mesh-collections
if ( bot.checkCollision( cylinder ) ) return true;
return false;
public final void drawBg( ViewSet cam )
if ( LevelCurrent.currentSectionConfigData[ iCurrentSectionIndex ].iBg != null ) LevelCurrent.currentSectionConfigData[ iCurrentSectionIndex ].iBg.drawOrtho( cam.rot.x, cam.rot.z );
public final void orderLevelSectionChangeUp( boolean reset )
LevelChange.orderLevelChange( LevelCurrent.currentLevelMain, iCurrentSectionIndex + 1, reset );
public final void orderLevelSectionChangeDown( boolean reset )
LevelChange.orderLevelChange( LevelCurrent.currentLevelMain, iCurrentSectionIndex - 1, reset );
public final void drawAllItems()
//Debug.item.out( "drawing ALL items .."+itemQueue.size()+"" );
for ( ItemToPickUp item : iItems )
private final void animateItems()
//browse reversed
for ( int j = iItems.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j )
//check if item is collected
if ( iItems.elementAt( j ).shallBeRemoved() )
//remove collected items
iItems.removeElementAt( j );
//check collisions on non-collected items
iItems.elementAt( j ).animate();
public final Vector<Bot> getBots()
return iBots;
public final LibColors getBackgroundColor()
return LevelCurrent.currentSectionConfigData[ iCurrentSectionIndex ].iBgCol;
public final void onRun()
boolean runPlayer = false;
boolean runLevel = false;
//check player and level animation
if ( iAdrenalineTicks-- > 0 )
//enable adrenaline fx
HUDFx.drawAdrenalineFx = true;
//check player animation
if ( iAdrenalineDelayPlayer > 0 )
//animate level and restart delay
iAdrenalineDelayPlayer = 2;
//animate player
runPlayer = true;
//check level animation
if ( iAdrenalineDelayLevel > 0 )
//animate level and restart delay
iAdrenalineDelayLevel = 10;
//animate level
runLevel = true;
//disable adrenaline fx
HUDFx.drawAdrenalineFx = false;
//animate player and level
runPlayer = true;
runLevel = true;
//run player
if ( runPlayer )
//run level
if ( runLevel )
//animate all walls
//animate all bots
//check if player picked up an item
//animate particle systems and HUD
public final boolean hasInvisibleZLayer()
return ( LevelCurrent.currentLevelConfig.iHasInvisibleZLayer == InvisibleZeroLayerZ.EYes );
public final void startAdrenaline()
iAdrenalineTicks = ShooterSettings.General.TICKS_ADRENALINE;
public final Bot getBotByID( int id )
for ( Bot bot : iBots )
if ( bot.iID == id )
return bot;
return null;
public final void assignWalls()
//assign walls
iWallCollections = LevelCurrent.getLevelWalls( iCurrentSectionIndex );
public final void addItem( ItemToPickUp p )
iItems.add( p );