* GameServerImpl.java
* Created: 2008/02/23
* Copyright (C) 2008 Julien Aubin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package org.gojul.fourinaline.model;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameModel.GameModelException;
import org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameModel.GameStatus;
import org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameModel.PlayerMark;
* The <code>GameServerImpl</code> class is a simple implementation
* of the game server.<br/>
* This implementation is completely synchronous, i.e. it does not need
* to use the callback pattern. Each client gets the game when it's up
* to them to play.<br/>
* <br/>
* This server extends the <code>Observable</code> class in order
* @author Julien Aubin
public final class GameServerImpl extends Observable implements GameServer, ActionListener
* The class serial version UID.
final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The game model used.
private GameModel gameModel;
* The map, that ties a player name to a player.
private Map<String, GamePlayer> players;
* The name of the game owner.
private String gameOwnerPlayerName;
* The map, that ties a player mark to a semaphore.
private Map<PlayerMark, Semaphore> playerMarkSemaphores;
* The set of unused server tickets.
private Set<ServerTicket> unusedTickets;
* The map that ties a server ticket to a player name.
private Map<ServerTicket, String> usedTickets;
* The set of used player marks.<br/>
* The first mark found as unused is assigned to the next player.
private Set<PlayerMark> usedPlayerMarks;
* Boolean that indicates whether the score is updated for
* the current game or not.
private boolean isScoreUpdated;
* Boolean indicating whether we're in debug mode or not.
private boolean debugMode;
* The server name, in case the server is running on a multi-server instance.
private String serverName;
* The game player provider used to provide game players from the server.
private GamePlayerProvider gamePlayerProvider;
* The timer that notifies the global server repository that the game
* must be ended. It is reset every time a player plays.<br/>
* It has a 30 minute delay.
private Timer timeoutTimer;
* Constructor.
public GameServerImpl()
this(null, false, new DefaultGamePlayerProvider());
* Constructor.
* @param name the server name. This parameter may be null if the server
* is running as a single game server, i.e. not belonging to a global game
* server.
* @param playerProvider the game player provider used to deliver players to the
* server.
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>playerProvider</code> is null.
public GameServerImpl(final String name, final GamePlayerProvider playerProvider)
throws NullPointerException
this(name, false, playerProvider);
* Constructor.
* @param name the server name. This parameter may be null if the server
* is running as a single game server, i.e. not belonging to a global game
* server.
* @param debug true if the server must be started in debug mode,
* false elsewhere.
* @param playerProvider the game player provider used to store the game.
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>playerProvider</code> is null.
private GameServerImpl(final String name, final boolean debug, final GamePlayerProvider playerProvider)
throws NullPointerException
if (playerProvider == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
debugMode = debug;
gamePlayerProvider = playerProvider;
serverName = name;
// The timer has a 30 minute delay.
timeoutTimer = new Timer(30 * 60 * 1000, this);
players = new LinkedHashMap<String, GamePlayer>();
// We use a map there that is thread safe.
playerMarkSemaphores = new ConcurrentHashMap<PlayerMark, Semaphore>();
unusedTickets = new HashSet<ServerTicket>();
usedTickets = new HashMap<ServerTicket, String>();
usedPlayerMarks = new HashSet<PlayerMark>();
gameOwnerPlayerName = null;
Iterator<PlayerMark> it = PlayerMark.getPlayerIterator();
while (it.hasNext())
PlayerMark playerMark = it.next();
unusedTickets.add(new ServerTicket());
playerMarkSemaphores.put(playerMark, new Semaphore(0));
* In case this server is used in global mode, informs the
* server repository that this server instance must be deleted
* as it is no longer used.
private void releaseServer()
// Here only the player who are not disconnected
// are released from the game player provider.
// The other ones have already been released...
for (String playerName: players.keySet())
* Releases all the currently blocked processes.
private synchronized void releaseSemaphores()
for (Semaphore s: playerMarkSemaphores.values())
// Here it is safe to release all the semaphores
// with a huge number of permits since this method
// is called at the end of a game.
// The semaphores are then reset on the next game.
// This avoids interblocking processes with the getGame()
// method in case the game end just occurs between a client
// has tested that the game is running and then sleeps.
// See the getGame() method for further information.
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#endGame(org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer.ServerTicket)
public synchronized void endGame(final ServerTicket serverTicket) throws NullPointerException, ServerTicketException, RemoteException
gameModel = null;
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#getTicket()
public synchronized ServerTicket getTicket() throws ServerTicketException, RemoteException
if (unusedTickets.isEmpty())
throw new ServerTicketException("No more ticket available");
ServerTicket ticket = unusedTickets.iterator().next();
usedTickets.put(ticket, null);
return ticket;
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#releaseTicket(org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer.ServerTicket)
public synchronized void releaseTicket(final ServerTicket serverTicket) throws ServerTicketException, RemoteException, NullPointerException
String playerName = usedTickets.remove(serverTicket);
if (playerName != null)
// Notifies the global server that the game must be ended.
// This is the case if there's no more player or if the game owner has left.
if (usedTickets.isEmpty() || playerName != null && playerName.equals(gameOwnerPlayerName))
* Checks that the ticket <code>serverTicket</code> is valid, and if so resets
* the time out timer.
* @param serverTicket the server ticket to test.
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>serverTicket</code> is null.
* @throws ServerTicketException if <code>serverTicket</code> is not valid.
private synchronized void checkTicket(final ServerTicket serverTicket) throws NullPointerException, ServerTicketException
if (serverTicket == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
if (! usedTickets.containsKey(serverTicket))
throw new ServerTicketException("Invalid server ticket");
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#getGame(org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameModel.PlayerMark, org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer.ServerTicket)
public GameModel getGame(final PlayerMark playerMark, final ServerTicket serverTicket) throws NullPointerException, RuntimeException, RemoteException, ServerTicketException
// We want to avoid the risk of acquiring a bad semaphore reference so
// we get it in a synchronized way.
Semaphore s = null;
// In order to avoid interblocking processes,
// we synchronize only critical sections here.
if (!isGameRunning())
if (gameModel != null)
if (debugMode)
System.err.println("Not running.");
return new GameModel(gameModel);
return null;
s = playerMarkSemaphores.get(playerMark);
// The code here ensures that every client has only the game
// when it's up to them to play.
// In case the thread commutation happens between the if() clause
// and a end game occurs, the semaphores are all release with a huge
// number of permits in order to avoid interblocking processes
// at time a game is ended. This is safe since semaphores are reset
// at each game. The semaphore reference is ensured since it's gotten
// in a synchronized way and that the acquired semaphore is a semaphore.
// from the current game, not the next one.
// This method is not that clean but there's no other possible way
// to deal with the issue.
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// In order to avoid interblocking processes,
// we synchronize only critical sections here.
// The game model may have become null if a user called the endGame()
// method.
if (gameModel != null)
if (debugMode)
System.err.println("Running. Player : " + gameModel.getCurrentPlayer());
return new GameModel(gameModel);
return null;
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#play(int, org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameModel.PlayerMark, org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameModel, org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer.ServerTicket)
public synchronized void play(final int colIndex, final PlayerMark playerMark, final GameModel clientGameModel, final ServerTicket serverTicket) throws NullPointerException, RemoteException, ServerTicketException, GameModelException
// Here we must synchronize the play() method because it has no risk
// of interblocking threads but on the contrary it may release too
// many semaphore permits.
if (playerMark == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
// By default, we consider the game is not running.
boolean isGameRunning = false;
// In some weird case, the client game model may not be equal
// to the current game model, especially when the previous game
// has been stopped by a client.
if (gameModel != null && gameModel.equals(clientGameModel))
gameModel.play(colIndex, playerMark);
isGameRunning = isGameRunning();
// In case the game is still running, we release
// the next player.
if (isGameRunning)
// No risk here, since there's only one thread running at this stage.
if (!isScoreUpdated)
isScoreUpdated = true;
Set<GamePlayer> gamePlayers = new HashSet<GamePlayer>(players.values());
GamePlayer winner = null;
// Increments by one the score of the latest player if
// he's won.
if (gameModel != null && gameModel.getGameStatus() == GameStatus.WON_STATUS)
Iterator<GamePlayer> it = gamePlayers.iterator();
boolean winnerFound = false;
while (it.hasNext() && !winnerFound)
GamePlayer player = it.next();
if (player.getPlayerMark().equals(playerMark))
winnerFound = true;
winner = player;
gamePlayerProvider.storeGame(winner, gamePlayers);
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#registerPlayer(String, org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer.ServerTicket)
public synchronized PlayerDescriptor registerPlayer(final String playerName, final ServerTicket serverTicket) throws NullPointerException,
PlayerRegisterException, RemoteException, ServerTicketException, RuntimeException
if (playerName == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
if (isGameRunning())
throw new RuntimeException("There's already a running game.");
String name = usedTickets.get(serverTicket);
if (name != null)
throw new PlayerRegisterException("The ticket with which you attempt to register a player has already been used.");
GamePlayer result = players.get(playerName);
if (result == null)
// Looks for the next free mark and assigns it to the player.
PlayerMark mark = null;
Iterator<PlayerMark> it = PlayerMark.getPlayerIterator();
while (it.hasNext() && mark == null)
PlayerMark markTest = it.next();
if (!usedPlayerMarks.contains(markTest))
mark = markTest;
if (mark == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to add another player.");
result = gamePlayerProvider.getGamePlayer(playerName, mark);
players.put(playerName, result);
throw new PlayerRegisterException("There's already a player with name " + playerName);
usedTickets.put(serverTicket, playerName);
// Assigns the game owner.
boolean isGameOwner = gameOwnerPlayerName == null;
if (isGameOwner)
gameOwnerPlayerName = playerName;
return new PlayerDescriptor(new UnmodifiableGamePlayer(result), isGameOwner);
* Unregisters from the server the player which has for name
* <code>playerName</code>, and ends the current game if any.
* @param playerName the player name.
* @throws NullPointerException if any of the method parameter is null.
private synchronized void unregisterPlayer(final String playerName) throws NullPointerException
if (playerName == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
GamePlayer p = players.remove(playerName);
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#getGameImmediately()
public synchronized GameModel getGameImmediately() throws RemoteException
if (gameModel == null)
return null;
return new GameModel(gameModel);
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#getPlayers()
public synchronized Set<GamePlayer> getPlayers() throws RemoteException
Set<GamePlayer> result = new LinkedHashSet<GamePlayer>();
for (GamePlayer player: players.values())
result.add(new UnmodifiableGamePlayer(player));
return result;
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#isGameRunning()
public synchronized boolean isGameRunning() throws RemoteException
return gameModel != null && gameModel.getGameStatus().equals(GameStatus.CONTINUE_STATUS);
* @see org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer#newGame(org.gojul.fourinaline.model.GameServer.ServerTicket)
public synchronized void newGame(final ServerTicket serverTicket) throws NullPointerException, RuntimeException, RemoteException, ServerTicketException
if (usedPlayerMarks.size() < PlayerMark.getNumberOfPlayerMarks())
throw new RuntimeException("Not all the players have been registered !");
if (isGameRunning())
throw new RuntimeException("The game is already running !");
gameModel = new GameModel();
// The semaphores are reset for each game.
playerMarkSemaphores.put(PlayerMark.PLAYER_A_MARK, new Semaphore(0));
playerMarkSemaphores.put(PlayerMark.PLAYER_B_MARK, new Semaphore(0));
isScoreUpdated = false;
if (debugMode)
System.out.println("Game running !");
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
if (gameModel != null)
return gameModel.toString();
return "No game running";
* @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e)
* The game server instance is kept locally, in order to
* avoid system GCs at RMI startup.<br/>
* See <A href="http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5155806&messageID=9589670">there</A>
* for further information.
private static GameServer serverInstance = null;
* Starts the server daemon.
* @param debugMode true if we're in debug mode, false elsewhere.
* @return the server daemon.
public final static boolean startDaemon(final boolean debugMode)
serverInstance = new GameServerImpl("local", debugMode, new DefaultGamePlayerProvider());
Registry registry = MiscUtils.initRMIServer(1099);
// Ensure compliancy with previous JVM versions.
GameServer stub = (GameServer) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(serverInstance);
registry.rebind(STUB_NAME, stub);
System.out.println("Game daemon started !");
return true;
catch (Throwable t)
System.err.println("Error while starting daemon : ");
return false;
* Starts the game server daemon.
* @return true if the game server daemon is started, false elsewhere.
public final static boolean startDaemon()
return startDaemon(false);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable
if (startDaemon(true))
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry("");
GameServer gameServer = (GameServer) registry.lookup(STUB_NAME);
GameClient firstClient = new AIGameClient(gameServer, gameServer.getTicket(), "bougo", new DefaultEvalScore(), 4);
new Thread(firstClient).start();
new Thread(new AIGameClient(gameServer, gameServer.getTicket(), "bougoéland", new DefaultEvalScore(), 4)).start();
while (gameServer.isGameRunning());