package maze.gui;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import maze.model.CellSizeModel;
import maze.model.Direction;
import maze.model.MazeCell;
import maze.model.MazeModel;
import maze.model.RobotPathModel;
import maze.util.Listener;
* This swing component displays a graphical view of a maze. It also has the
* capability to draw different things onto the maze like an image for the
* robots location.<br />
* Painting is handled by a UI delegate {@link maze.gui.MazePainter} that allows
* different themes to be used.
* @author Luke Last
public class MazeView extends JComponent implements Listener<MazeCell>
private static final boolean PRINT_DEBUG = false;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3249468255178771818L;
private static final int WALL_SIZE_DIVIDER = 6;
private static final int MAX_CELLS_TO_DRAW = 64;
* Determines the size of the walls relative to the cell size.
protected int wallSizeDivider = WALL_SIZE_DIVIDER;
* The maze model that stores the configuration of the maze.
protected MazeModel model;
* The background image holds the rendered maze cells. When cells are
* invalidated they are redrawn on this background image. When the screen is
* resized that reference is set to null so a newly sized image can be
* created.
private BufferedImage backgroundImage;
* Stores a reference to the graphics object for the background image. This
* prevents is from having to request it from the image every time.
private Graphics2D backgroundGraphics;
* Stores the sizes of a cell and its walls.
protected final CellSizeModel csm = new CellSizeModel(false);
* UI delegate used for drawing each maze component.
protected MazePainter painter = new MazePainterDefault();
* The current location of the robot while it is animating.
private volatile Point robotLocation = null;
* The current rotation of the robot in radians.
private volatile double robotRotation = 0.0;
* This is null unless an animation is running and then the
* <code>RobotAnimator</code> will populate it. This stores information about
* the robots paths and history.
private RobotPathModel robotPathModel;
* A flag for redrawing everything. When set true this tells us we are
* redrawing the whole view which means we must draw the outside walls.
* @see MazeView#invalidateAllCells()
* @see MazeView#paintComponent(Graphics)
private boolean repaintAll = true;
* Stores a set of maze cells that have been invalidated and need to be
* redrawn. ALL access to this set should be synchronized on the object
* itself.
private final Set<MazeCell> invalidatedCells = new TreeSet<MazeCell>();
private int[][] understandingInt = null;
private Direction[][] understandingDir = null;
private boolean drawPathCurrent = true;
private boolean drawPathFirst = true;
private boolean drawPathBest = true;
private boolean drawUnderstanding = true;
private boolean drawFog = true;
* Constructor.
public MazeView()
// We maintain our own background image buffer so we can turn this off.
// For catching resize events.
this.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter()
* When the component is resized we have to resize the cells and walls
* and resize the background image.
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e)
* Draws an arrow graphic.
* @param g What do draw on.
* @param local Direction to point the arrow.
* @param x Horizontal pixel location to draw arrow.
* @param y Vertical pixel location to draw arrow.
private void drawArrow(final Graphics2D g, final Direction local, final int x, final int y)
//Draws an arrow in the direction of "local" centered on the point (x,y)
if (local.equals(Direction.North))
final int[] ys =
y + this.csm.getCellHeight() * 3 / 8, y, y, y - this.csm.getCellHeight() * 3 / 8, y, y
final int[] xs =
x, x - this.csm.getCellWidth() / 8, x - this.csm.getCellWidth() / 4, x,
x + this.csm.getCellWidth() / 4, x + this.csm.getCellWidth() / 8
g.drawPolygon(xs, ys, 6);
if (local.equals(Direction.South))
final int[] ys =
y - this.csm.getCellHeight() * 3 / 8, y, y, y + this.csm.getCellHeight() * 3 / 8, y, y
final int[] xs =
x, x - this.csm.getCellWidth() / 8, x - this.csm.getCellWidth() / 4, x,
x + this.csm.getCellWidth() / 4, x + this.csm.getCellWidth() / 8
g.drawPolygon(xs, ys, 6);
if (local.equals(Direction.West))
final int[] xs =
x + this.csm.getCellWidth() * 3 / 8, x, x, x - this.csm.getCellWidth() * 3 / 8, x, x
final int[] ys =
y, y - this.csm.getCellHeight() / 8, y - this.csm.getCellHeight() / 4, y,
y + this.csm.getCellHeight() / 4, y + this.csm.getCellHeight() / 8
g.drawPolygon(xs, ys, 6);
if (local.equals(Direction.East))
final int[] xs =
x - this.csm.getCellWidth() * 3 / 8, x, x, x + this.csm.getCellWidth() * 3 / 8, x, x
final int[] ys =
y, y - this.csm.getCellHeight() / 8, y - this.csm.getCellHeight() / 4, y,
y + this.csm.getCellHeight() / 4, y + this.csm.getCellHeight() / 8
g.drawPolygon(xs, ys, 6);
* The primary draw method for a cell. This should draw all aspects of a
* cell.
* @param g Where to draw.
* @param cell The cell in question.
protected void drawCell(final Graphics2D g, final MazeCell cell)
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + " Drawing Cell: " + cell);
this.painter.drawCellBackground(g, this.getCellAreaInner(cell));
if (this.model.getWall(cell, Direction.East).isSet())
this.painter.drawWallSet(g, this.getWallArea(cell, Direction.East));
this.painter.drawWallEmpty(g, this.getWallArea(cell, Direction.East));
if (this.model.getWall(cell, Direction.South).isSet())
this.painter.drawWallSet(g, this.getWallArea(cell, Direction.South));
this.painter.drawWallEmpty(g, this.getWallArea(cell, Direction.South));
this.painter.drawPeg(g, this.getPegArea(cell));
if (this.robotPathModel != null)
//Draw the fog of war.
if (this.drawFog && !this.robotPathModel.hasCellBeenVisited(cell))
final Rectangle area = this.getCellArea(cell);
final MazeCell east = cell.neighbor(Direction.East);
final MazeCell south = cell.neighbor(Direction.South);
if (east.isInRange(this.model.getSize()) &&
area.width -= this.csm.getWallWidth();
if (south.isInRange(this.model.getSize()) &&
area.height -= this.csm.getWallHeight();
this.painter.drawFog(g, area);
// Draw a current path of dots.
if (this.drawPathCurrent && this.robotPathModel.getPathRecent().contains(cell))
final EnumSet<Direction> directions = EnumSet.noneOf(Direction.class);
for (final Direction dir : this.getAdjacentDirections(cell))
if (!this.model.getWall(cell, dir).isSet() &&
this.painter.drawRunCurrent(g, this.getCellAreaInner(cell), directions);
* Draws cells that have been invalidated. We only draw a limited number of
* cells per call and if not all invalidated cells were drawn repaint() is
* called.
* @param g Where to draw.
private void drawInvalidatedCells(final Graphics2D g)
final boolean notDone;
synchronized (this.invalidatedCells)
final Iterator<MazeCell> itr = this.invalidatedCells.iterator();
int limit = MAX_CELLS_TO_DRAW;
while (itr.hasNext() && 0 < limit--)
notDone = this.invalidatedCells.isEmpty() ? false : true;
if (notDone)
* Draws the top and left outside walls as these don't fall inside of any
* cells.
* @param g Where to draw.
private void drawOutsideWalls(final Graphics2D g)
if (this.model != null && this.painter != null)
final Rectangle pegArea = new Rectangle(0,
final Rectangle wallArea = new Rectangle(this.csm.getWallWidth(),
for (int i = 0; i <= this.model.getSize().width; i++)
this.painter.drawPeg(g, pegArea);
pegArea.x += this.csm.getCellWidth();
// We draw more pegs than walls.
if (i == 0)
this.painter.drawWallSet(g, wallArea);
wallArea.x += this.csm.getCellWidth();
pegArea.setLocation(0, this.csm.getCellHeight());
wallArea.setSize(this.csm.getWallWidth(), this.csm.getCellHeightInner());
wallArea.setLocation(0, this.csm.getWallHeight());
// Draw the left side column of pegs and walls.
for (int i = 1; i <= this.model.getSize().height; i++)
this.painter.drawPeg(g, pegArea);
pegArea.y += this.csm.getCellHeight();
this.painter.drawWallSet(g, wallArea);
wallArea.y += this.csm.getCellHeight();
* Draw a robot path onto the maze. The path will have the width of the cell
* walls.
* @param g Where to draw.
* @param path The cell to cell path to draw.
* @param offset Shift the path by the given amount so that you can draw
* multiple paths without them overlapping. A value of 0 draws to
* the center of the cell.
* @param trimTail If set to true the tail of the path will be trimmed to the
* location of the robot. This allows the current path to finish
* right on the current robot position.
private void drawPath(final Graphics2D g, final List<MazeCell> path, final int offset,
boolean trimTail)
if (path != null && !path.isEmpty())
MazeCell here = path.get(0);
MazeCell there;
int x, y;
int width, height;
for (int i = 1; i < path.size(); i++)
there = path.get(i);
// Check for a rare case where a lack of thread safety changes the list while in use.
if (there == null)
final Point center = this.getCellCenterInner(here);
if (here.getX() < there.getX())
//here is west of there, going east.
x = center.x + this.csm.getWallWidthHalf();
y = center.y - this.csm.getWallHeightHalf();
width = this.csm.getCellWidth();
height = this.csm.getWallHeight();
else if (here.getX() > there.getX())
//here is east of there, going west.
x = center.x - this.csm.getWallWidthHalf() - this.csm.getCellWidth();
y = center.y - this.csm.getWallHeightHalf();
width = this.csm.getCellWidth();
height = this.csm.getWallHeight();
else if (here.getY() > there.getY())
//here is south of there, going north.
x = center.x - this.csm.getWallWidthHalf();
y = center.y - this.csm.getWallHeightHalf() - this.csm.getCellHeight();
width = this.csm.getWallWidth();
height = this.csm.getCellHeight();
//here is north of there, going south.
x = center.x - this.csm.getWallWidthHalf();
y = center.y + this.csm.getWallHeightHalf();
width = this.csm.getWallWidth();
height = this.csm.getCellHeight();
// If we are at the last cell and we are trimming the tail up to the robot.
if (i == path.size() - 1 && trimTail && this.robotLocation != null)
if (here.getX() < there.getX())
//here is west of there, going east.
width = Math.abs(x - this.robotLocation.x);
else if (here.getX() > there.getX())
//here is east of there, going west.
width -= this.robotLocation.x - x;
x = this.robotLocation.x;
else if (here.getY() > there.getY())
//here is south of there, going north.
height -= this.robotLocation.y - y;
y = this.robotLocation.y;
//here is north of there, going south.
height = this.robotLocation.y - y;
g.fillRect(x - offset, y + offset, width, height);
here = there;
* Draws the very top of the maze view. This is the most frequently called
* draw method and is called every time the view is repainted. Because of
* this it should run as fast as possible. It is much better to draw in the
* <code>drawCell()</code> method.
* @param g What to draw on.
private void drawTopLayer(final Graphics2D g)
final RobotPathModel pathModel = this.robotPathModel;
if (pathModel != null)
if (this.drawPathFirst)
this.drawPath(g, pathModel.getPathFirst(), this.csm.getWallWidth(), false);
if (this.drawPathBest)
this.drawPath(g, pathModel.getPathBest(), -this.csm.getWallWidth(), false);
if (this.drawPathCurrent)
this.drawPath(g, pathModel.getPathRecent(), 0, true);
if (this.drawUnderstanding)
if (this.getRobotLocation() != null)
* Draws the arrows and numbers on the maze.
* @param g What to draw on.
private void drawUnderstanding(final Graphics2D g)
MazeCell here;
if (understandingInt != null)
int local;
for (int i = 1; i <= model.getSize().width; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= model.getSize().height; j++)
here = MazeCell.valueOf(i, j);
final Point center = this.getCellCenterInner(here);
local = understandingInt[i - 1][j - 1];
g.drawString(String.valueOf(local), center.x - 6, center.y + 2);
else if (understandingDir != null)
Direction local;
for (int i = 1; i <= model.getSize().width; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= model.getSize().height; j++)
here = MazeCell.valueOf(i, j);
final Point center = this.getCellCenterInner(here);
local = understandingDir[i - 1][j - 1];
if (local != null)
drawArrow(g, local, center.x, center.y);
* This event is triggered to invalidate a cell that needs to be repainted.
public void eventFired(final MazeCell cell)
* Gets all the cells that are adjacent to the given one.
* @param cell The cell in question.
* @return All adjacent or connecting cells.
private MazeCell[] getAdjacentCells(final MazeCell cell)
final Direction[] dirs = this.getAdjacentDirections(cell).toArray(new Direction[0]);
final MazeCell[] result = new MazeCell[dirs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++)
result[i] = cell.neighbor(dirs[i]);
return result;
* Gets a direction for each adjacent cell that exists. The only time one
* doesn't exists is when the given cell is on the maze edge.
* @param cell The cell in question.
* @return A set of directions with each direction confirming the existence
* of a neighbor cell.
private EnumSet<Direction> getAdjacentDirections(final MazeCell cell)
// We start with all and then remove because it is less likely.
final EnumSet<Direction> directions = EnumSet.allOf(Direction.class);
if (cell.getX() == 1)
if (cell.getY() == 1)
if (cell.getX() == this.model.getSize().width)
if (cell.getY() == this.model.getSize().height)
return directions;
* Get the graphics object that draws onto the background image. All drawing
* onto the background image must use this.
* @return The graphics object.
private Graphics2D getBackgroundGraphics()
if (this.backgroundImage == null)
// If creating a new background image make sure we paint it.
this.backgroundGraphics = null;
this.backgroundImage = new BufferedImage(getWidth(),
if (this.backgroundGraphics == null)
this.backgroundGraphics = this.backgroundImage.createGraphics();
return this.backgroundGraphics;
* Get the pixel space of a cell.
* @param cell The cell in question.
* @return The location and area in pixels of where the cell is located.
protected Rectangle getCellArea(final MazeCell cell)
return new Rectangle(this.csm.getWallWidth() + cell.getXZeroBased() * this.csm.getCellWidth(),
this.csm.getWallHeight() +
cell.getYZeroBased() *
* Similar to <code>getCellArea</code> but just the inside of the cell
* without the walls.
* @param cell The cell in question.
* @return Cell area minus the walls and corner peg.
protected Rectangle getCellAreaInner(final MazeCell cell)
return new Rectangle(this.csm.getWallWidth() + cell.getXZeroBased() * this.csm.getCellWidth(),
this.csm.getWallHeight() +
cell.getYZeroBased() *
* Get the center of the inner cell part without the walls.
* @param cell The cell in question.
* @return The point in pixel coordinates.
protected Point getCellCenterInner(final MazeCell cell)
return new Point(this.csm.getWallWidth() +
(cell.getXZeroBased() * this.csm.getCellWidth()) +
(this.csm.getCellWidthInner() / 2),
this.csm.getWallHeight() +
(cell.getYZeroBased() * this.csm.getCellHeight()) +
(this.csm.getCellHeightInner() / 2));
* Get the size of the maze in pixels.
private Dimension getMazeSize()
if (this.model != null)
return new Dimension(this.model.getSize().width * this.csm.getCellWidth(),
this.model.getSize().height * this.csm.getCellHeight());
return new Dimension();
* Get the maze model being used for this view.
public MazeModel getModel()
return model;
* Get the area of the peg of a cell.
* @param cell The cell in question.
* @return The location and size of the peg.
protected Rectangle getPegArea(final MazeCell cell)
return new Rectangle(cell.getX() * this.csm.getCellWidth(),
cell.getY() * this.csm.getCellHeight(),
* Get the current location of the robot in absolute view coordinates.
public Point getRobotLocation()
return this.robotLocation;
* Get the current rotation of the robot in Radians.
public double getRobotRotation()
return this.robotRotation;
* Get the area of a cell wall.
* @param cell The cell in question.
* @param wall Which wall do you want. Must be East or South.
* @return The absolute coordinates of the area.
protected Rectangle getWallArea(final MazeCell cell, final Direction wall)
switch (wall)
case East :
return new Rectangle(cell.getX() * this.csm.getCellWidth(),
this.csm.getWallHeight() +
cell.getYZeroBased() *
case South :
return new Rectangle(this.csm.getWallWidth() +
cell.getXZeroBased() *
cell.getY() * this.csm.getCellHeight(),
default :
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non supported direction: " + wall);
* Invalidate and repaint all cells.
public void invalidateAllCells()
this.repaintAll = true;
synchronized (this.invalidatedCells)
// We clear it first because it might have cells that are out of the current size.
for (int x = 1; x <= this.model.getSize().width; x++)
for (int y = 1; y <= this.model.getSize().height; y++)
this.invalidatedCells.add(MazeCell.valueOf(x, y));
* Invalidate a cell and mark it to be redrawn.
* @param cell The cell to be redrawn.
protected void invalidateCell(final MazeCell cell)
if (cell != null && this.model != null && cell.isInRange(this.model.getSize()))
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + " Invalidating Cell: " + cell);
synchronized (this.invalidatedCells)
public void loadUnderstanding(final int[][] understandingInt)
this.understandingInt = understandingInt;
public void loadUnderstandingDir(final Direction[][] arrows)
this.understandingDir = arrows;
* Master starting point for the custom painting. We want to draw as little
* as we can to keep performance up.
protected void paintComponent(final Graphics arg)
System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis() + " Painting Component");
final Graphics2D bgg = this.getBackgroundGraphics();
if (this.repaintAll)
this.repaintAll = false;
final Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) arg;
g.drawImage(this.backgroundImage, null, 0, 0);
* @param drawFog the drawFog to set
public void setDrawFog(boolean drawFog)
if (this.drawFog != drawFog)
this.drawFog = drawFog;
* @param drawPathBest the drawPathBest to set
public void setDrawPathBest(final boolean drawPathBest)
this.drawPathBest = drawPathBest;
* @param drawPathCurrent the drawPathCurrent to set
public void setDrawPathCurrent(final boolean drawPathCurrent)
if (this.drawPathCurrent != drawPathCurrent)
this.drawPathCurrent = drawPathCurrent;
* @param drawPathFirst the drawPathFirst to set
public void setDrawPathFirst(final boolean drawPathFirst)
this.drawPathFirst = drawPathFirst;
* Set whether or not this view should draw/display understanding information
* from the AI algorithm.
* @param draw Setter value.
public void setDrawUnderstanding(final boolean draw)
if (this.drawUnderstanding != draw)
this.drawUnderstanding = draw;
if (this.understandingInt != null || this.understandingDir != null)
* Set the maze model to use for this view.
* @param model The new model to back this view.
public void setModel(final MazeModel model)
if (this.model != model)
if (this.model != null)
this.model = model;
if (this.model != null)
* Set a new maze painting delegate for this maze view to use when drawing.
* @param newPainterDelegate The new delegate to do drawing for this view.
public void setPainterDelegate(MazePainter newPainterDelegate)
if (newPainterDelegate != null && this.painter != newPainterDelegate)
this.painter = newPainterDelegate;
// When changing the painter we want to redraw everything.
* Set the rendering hints to high quality.
* @param g The graphics object to set the rendering hints on.
private void setRenderingQualityHigh(Graphics2D g)
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
* Set the rendering hints to low quality.
* @param g The graphics object to set the rendering hints on.
private void setRenderingQualityLow(Graphics2D g)
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED);
g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF);
* Set the robot path model that this view should use to draw information
* about the robots path. This should be set while an animation is running
* and then set to null after and when no animation is running.
* @param model The model to set.
public void setRobotPathModel(final RobotPathModel model)
if (this.robotPathModel != model)
if (this.robotPathModel != null)
this.robotPathModel = model;
if (this.robotPathModel != null)
* Sets a new position for the robot and then sets the view to repaint
* itself.
* @param newLocation The new location for the robot in absolute view
* coordinates.
* @param newRotation The new rotation of the robot in Radians.
public void setRobotPosition(final Point newLocation, final double newRotation)
this.robotLocation = newLocation;
this.robotRotation = newRotation;
* Recalculates the sizes of the cells and walls from the current size of the
* component. We also delete the background image buffer so it can be
* recreated at the new size. We also invalidate all cells so they can be
* redrawn. This method itself returns quickly but it triggers some expensive
* operations.
private void updateViewSize()
if (model != null)
this.backgroundImage = null; // Trigger creation of a new buffer image.
csm.setCellWidth( (getWidth() - csm.getWallWidth()) / model.getSize().width);
csm.setCellHeight( (getHeight() - csm.getWallHeight()) / model.getSize().height);
final int wallSize = Math.min(csm.getCellWidth(), csm.getCellHeight()) /
// Have everything repainted.