import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import maze.model.Direction;
import maze.model.MazeCell;
* Maze solving algorithm that provides a right wall follower with a memory so
* it prefers unexplored cells.
public class Tremaux extends RobotBase
private Direction[][] ballOfString;
private final List<RobotStep> moveQueue = new LinkedList<RobotStep>();
private boolean turbo = false;
* This returns the name of the mathematician who came up with this process
public String toString()
return "Tremaux";
* This function should be called by the controller any time a new run is to
* commence
public void initialize()
Dimension size = robotLocation.getMazeSize();
ballOfString = new Direction[(int) size.getWidth()][(int) size.getHeight()];
for (int i = 0; i < size.getWidth(); i++)
Arrays.fill(this.ballOfString[i], null);
ballOfString[0][size.height - 1] = Direction.North;
* This returns the state of the turbo flag. Turbo should be true when
* traversing previously explored territories.
public boolean isInTurboMode()
return turbo;
* This returns the next step for the robot to take. It should be called by
* the controller.
public RobotStep nextStep()
RobotStep next;
if (getDirection(robotLocation.getCurrentLocation()) == null)
if (moveQueue.isEmpty())
if ( (robotLocation.isWallRight() == false) && (getRightNeighborDirection() == null))
next = RobotStep.RotateRight;
turbo = false;
else if ( (robotLocation.isWallFront() == false) && (getFrontNeighborDirection() == null))
next = RobotStep.MoveForward;
turbo = false;
else if ( (robotLocation.isWallLeft() == false) && (getLeftNeighborDirection() == null))
next = RobotStep.RotateLeft;
turbo = false;
//Retrace the steps
turbo = true;
if (robotLocation.getDirection() == getDirection(robotLocation.getCurrentLocation()))
next = RobotStep.MoveForward;
else if (robotLocation.getDirection().getLeft() == getDirection(robotLocation.getCurrentLocation()))
next = RobotStep.RotateLeft;
else if (robotLocation.getDirection().getRight() == getDirection(robotLocation.getCurrentLocation()))
next = RobotStep.RotateRight;
next = RobotStep.RotateRight;
next = moveQueue.get(0);
return next;
* This returns the direction for the understanding for the neighbor to the
* left.
private Direction getLeftNeighborDirection()
return getNeighborDirection(robotLocation.getDirection().getLeft());
* This returns the direction for the understanding for the neighbor to the
* front.
private Direction getFrontNeighborDirection()
return getNeighborDirection(robotLocation.getDirection());
* This returns the direction for the understanding for the neighbor to the
* right.
private Direction getRightNeighborDirection()
return getNeighborDirection(robotLocation.getDirection().getRight());
* This returns the direction for the understanding for the neighbor to the
* direction given from the current cell.
private Direction getNeighborDirection(Direction direction)
final MazeCell there = robotLocation.getCurrentLocation().neighbor(direction);
if (!there.isInRange(robotLocation.getMazeSize()))
return null;
return this.getDirection(there);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
return null;
* This sets the direction for the understanding for the current cell.
private void setDirection()
Direction wayBack = robotLocation.getDirection().getOpposite();
MazeCell here = robotLocation.getCurrentLocation();
ballOfString[here.getX() - 1][here.getY() - 1] = wayBack;
* This returns the direction for the understanding for the given cell
private Direction getDirection(MazeCell currentLocation)
return ballOfString[currentLocation.getX() - 1][currentLocation.getY() - 1];
* This returns the understanding of the maze. Tremaux's understanding is the
* directions needed to return to the start.
public Direction[][] getUnderstandingDir()
return ballOfString;