/* Copyright (c) FIRST 2008. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Open Source Software - may be modified and shared by FRC teams. The code */
/* must be accompanied by the FIRST BSD license file in the root directory of */
/* the project. */
package edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.templates;
import com.grt192.actuator.GRTJaguar;
import com.grt192.controller.DashBoardController;
import com.grt192.controller.breakaway.auto.BreakawayAutoDeadReckoningController;
import com.grt192.controller.breakaway.teleop.BreakawayTeleopDriveController;
import com.grt192.controller.breakaway.teleop.KickerOmegaController;
import com.grt192.controller.breakaway.teleop.RecoveryController;
import com.grt192.controller.breakaway.teleop.RollerController;
import com.grt192.controller.breakaway.test.MechanismTestController;
import com.grt192.core.GRTRobot;
import com.grt192.mechanism.CameraAssembly;
import com.grt192.mechanism.GRTDriverStation;
import com.grt192.mechanism.breakaway.GRTBreakawayRobotBase;
import com.grt192.mechanism.breakaway.KickerOmega;
import com.grt192.mechanism.breakaway.Recovery;
import com.grt192.mechanism.breakaway.Roller;
import com.grt192.sensor.GRTGyro;
import com.grt192.sensor.GRTJoystick;
import com.grt192.sensor.GRTPotentiometer;
import com.grt192.sensor.GRTSwitch;
* The VM is configured to automatically run this class, and to call the
* functions corresponding to each mode, as described in the SimpleRobot
* documentation. If you change the name of this class or the package after
* creating this project, you must also update the manifest file in the resource
* directory.
public class MainRobot extends GRTRobot {
// Global Controllers
protected DashBoardController dbController;
// Autonomous Controllers
protected BreakawayAutoDeadReckoningController autoController;
// Teleop Controllers
protected BreakawayTeleopDriveController driveControl;
protected KickerOmegaController kickerController;
protected RecoveryController recoveryController;
protected RollerController rollerController;
protected MechanismTestController testController;
// Mechanisms
protected GRTDriverStation driverStation;
protected GRTBreakawayRobotBase robotbase;
protected KickerOmega shooter;
protected Roller rollers;
protected Recovery recovery;
protected CameraAssembly camera;
* Constructor for robot, where all components are created, registered with
* controllers and mechanisms.
public MainRobot() {
// Driver station components
GRTJoystick leftJoyStick = new GRTJoystick(1, 12, "left");
GRTJoystick rightJoyStick = new GRTJoystick(2, 12, "right");
GRTJoystick secondaryJoyStick = new GRTJoystick(3, 15, "secondary");
System.out.println("Joysticks Initialized");
// PWM outputs
GRTJaguar leftDT1 = new GRTJaguar(8);
GRTJaguar leftDT2 = new GRTJaguar(7);
GRTJaguar rightDT1 = new GRTJaguar(9);
GRTJaguar rightDT2 = new GRTJaguar(10);
GRTJaguar recovery1 = new GRTJaguar(5);
GRTJaguar recovery2 = new GRTJaguar(4);
GRTJaguar kicker = new GRTJaguar(2);
GRTJaguar roller1 = new GRTJaguar(3); // left
GRTJaguar roller2 = new GRTJaguar(6); // right
System.out.println("Motors Initialized");
// analog inputs
GRTPotentiometer batterySensor = new GRTPotentiometer(7, 50,
GRTGyro gyro = new GRTGyro(1, 15, "BaseGyro");
// digital inputs
GRTSwitch kickerSwitch = new GRTSwitch(1, 5, "KickLimit");
GRTSwitch recoveryUpSwitch = new GRTSwitch(2, 50, "RecoveryUp");
GRTSwitch recoveryGroundSwitch = new GRTSwitch(7, 50, "RecoveryDown");
System.out.println("Switches Initialized");
// Mechanisms
robotbase = new GRTBreakawayRobotBase(leftDT1, leftDT2, rightDT1,
rightDT2, batterySensor, gyro);
driverStation = new GRTDriverStation(leftJoyStick, rightJoyStick,
shooter = new KickerOmega(kicker, kickerSwitch);
rollers = new Roller(roller1, roller2);
recovery = new Recovery(recovery1, recovery2, recoveryUpSwitch,
System.out.println("Mechanisms Initialized");
// camera = new CameraAssembly();
// System.out.println("Camera Initialized");
// Controllers
dbController = new DashBoardController();
System.out.println("Dashboard Initialized");
autoController = new BreakawayAutoDeadReckoningController(robotbase,
rollers, shooter);
driveControl = new BreakawayTeleopDriveController(robotbase,
kickerController = new KickerOmegaController(driverStation, shooter);
rollerController = new RollerController(driverStation, rollers);
recoveryController = new RecoveryController(driverStation, recovery);
testController = new MechanismTestController(rollers, shooter,
robotbase, recovery, driverStation);
System.out.println("Controllers Initialized");
// Register Controllers
System.out.println("Robot initialized OK");