* oltpbenchmark.com
* Project Info: http://oltpbenchmark.com
* Project Members: Carlo Curino <carlo.curino@gmail.com>
* Evan Jones <ej@evanjones.ca>
* DIFALLAH Djellel Eddine <djelleleddine.difallah@unifr.ch>
* Andy Pavlo <pavlo@cs.brown.edu>
* CUDRE-MAUROUX Philippe <philippe.cudre-mauroux@unifr.ch>
* Yang Zhang <yaaang@gmail.com>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.tpcc;
* jTPCCUtil - utility functions for the Open Source Java implementation of
* the TPC-C benchmark
* Copyright (C) 2003, Raul Barbosa
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006, Denis Lussier
import static com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.tpcc.jTPCCConfig.dateFormat;
import static com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.tpcc.jTPCCConfig.nameTokens;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Random;
import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.tpcc.pojo.Customer;
public class TPCCUtil {
* Creates a Customer object from the current row in the given ResultSet.
* The caller is responsible for closing the ResultSet.
* @param rs an open ResultSet positioned to the desired row
* @return the newly created Customer object
* @throws SQLException for problems getting data from row
public static Customer newCustomerFromResults(ResultSet rs)
throws SQLException {
Customer c = new Customer();
// TODO: Use column indices: probably faster?
c.c_first = rs.getString("c_first");
c.c_middle = rs.getString("c_middle");
c.c_street_1 = rs.getString("c_street_1");
c.c_street_2 = rs.getString("c_street_2");
c.c_city = rs.getString("c_city");
c.c_state = rs.getString("c_state");
c.c_zip = rs.getString("c_zip");
c.c_phone = rs.getString("c_phone");
c.c_credit = rs.getString("c_credit");
c.c_credit_lim = rs.getFloat("c_credit_lim");
c.c_discount = rs.getFloat("c_discount");
c.c_balance = rs.getFloat("c_balance");
c.c_ytd_payment = rs.getFloat("c_ytd_payment");
c.c_payment_cnt = rs.getInt("c_payment_cnt");
c.c_since = rs.getTimestamp("c_since");
return c;
public static String randomStr(long strLen) {
char freshChar;
String freshString;
freshString = "";
while (freshString.length() < (strLen - 1)) {
freshChar = (char) (Math.random() * 128);
if (Character.isLetter(freshChar)) {
freshString += freshChar;
return (freshString);
} // end randomStr
public static String randomNStr(Random r, int stringLength) {
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
char base = '0';
while (output.length() < stringLength) {
char next = (char) (base + r.nextInt(10));
return output.toString();
public static String getCurrentTime() {
return dateFormat.format(new java.util.Date());
public static String formattedDouble(double d) {
String dS = "" + d;
return dS.length() > 6 ? dS.substring(0, 6) : dS;
// TODO: TPCC-C 2.1.6: For non-uniform random number generation, the
// constants for item id,
// customer id and customer name are supposed to be selected ONCE and reused
// for all terminals.
// We just hardcode one selection of parameters here, but we should generate
// these each time.
private static final int OL_I_ID_C = 7911; // in range [0, 8191]
private static final int C_ID_C = 259; // in range [0, 1023]
// NOTE: TPC-C specifies that abs(C_LAST_LOAD_C - C_LAST_RUN_C) must
// be within [65, 119]
private static final int C_LAST_LOAD_C = 157; // in range [0, 255]
private static final int C_LAST_RUN_C = 223; // in range [0, 255]
public static int getItemID(Random r) {
return nonUniformRandom(8191, OL_I_ID_C, 1, 100000, r);
public static int getCustomerID(Random r) {
return nonUniformRandom(1023, C_ID_C, 1, 3000, r);
public static String getLastName(int num) {
return nameTokens[num / 100] + nameTokens[(num / 10) % 10]
+ nameTokens[num % 10];
public static String getNonUniformRandomLastNameForRun(Random r) {
return getLastName(nonUniformRandom(255, C_LAST_RUN_C, 0, 999, r));
public static String getNonUniformRandomLastNameForLoad(Random r) {
return getLastName(nonUniformRandom(255, C_LAST_LOAD_C, 0, 999, r));
public static int randomNumber(int min, int max, Random r) {
return (int) (r.nextDouble() * (max - min + 1) + min);
public static int nonUniformRandom(int A, int C, int min, int max, Random r) {
return (((randomNumber(0, A, r) | randomNumber(min, max, r)) + C) % (max
- min + 1))
+ min;
} // end jTPCCUtil