* Copyright 2010 The Rabbit Eclipse Plug-in Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package rabbit.ui.internal.viewers;
import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList;
import static com.google.common.collect.Sets.newHashSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.given;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreePath;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Observable;
import java.util.Observer;
import java.util.Set;
* Tests for a {@link TreePathContentProvider}.
public class TreePathContentProviderTest {
private static final Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};
private TreePathContentProvider content;
public void before() {
TreePath path1 = new TreePath(new Object[]{"1", "2", "3"});
TreePath path2 = new TreePath(new Object[]{"a", "b"});
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
when(builder.build(any())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(path1, path2));
content = create(builder);
// Call once to initialize:
content.inputChanged(null, null, null);
public void getChildrenShouldReturnAnEmptyArrayIfParentHasNoChildren() {
// Given a non-null parent has no children:
TreePath parent = new TreePath(new Object[]{this});
// When asking for the children of the parent:
Object[] children = content.getChildren(parent);
// The an empty array is returned:
assertThat(children, is(EMPTY_ARRAY));
public void getChildrenShouldReturnAnEmtpyArrayIfParentIsNull() {
// Given a parent path is null:
TreePath parent = null;
// When asking for the children of the null object:
Object[] children = content.getChildren(parent);
// The an empty array should be returned as the children:
assertThat(children, is(EMPTY_ARRAY));
public void getChildrenShouldReturnTheDistinctChildrenOfAParent() {
// Given a tree path has 3 children, 2 of which are equal:
TreePath branch = new TreePath(new Object[]{0, 1});
TreePath leaf1 = branch.createChildPath(2);
TreePath leaf2 = branch.createChildPath(3);
TreePath leaf3 = branch.createChildPath(3);
Object input = new Object();
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
given(builder.build(input)).willReturn(asList(leaf1, leaf2, leaf3));
content = create(builder);
// When asking for the children of the parent path:
content.inputChanged(null, null, input); // Sets the input.
List<Object> children = newArrayList(content.getChildren(branch));
// Then the distinct children should be returned:
List<Object> expected = newArrayList(newHashSet( // Get unique children
assertThat(children, is(equalTo(expected)));
public void getElementsShouldReturnAnEmptyArrayIfAllLeavesAreEmptyPaths() {
// Given all tree paths are empty paths:
Object input = new Object();
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
asList(TreePath.EMPTY, new TreePath(new Object[0])));
content = create(builder);
// When set and ask for elements:
content.inputChanged(null, null, input);
Object[] elements = content.getElements(input);
// Then an empty array is returned:
assertThat(elements, is(EMPTY_ARRAY));
public void getElementsShouldReturnAnEmptyArrayIfInputHasNoElements() {
// Given an non-null input element that has no child elements:
Object input = this;
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
given(builder.build(any())).willReturn(Collections.<TreePath> emptyList());
content = create(builder);
content.inputChanged(null, null, null);
// When asking for the child elements of the input:
Object[] elements = content.getElements(input);
// Then an empty array is returned:
assertThat(elements, is(EMPTY_ARRAY));
public void getElementsShouldReturnTheDistinctElementsOfAllLeaves() {
// Given we have 3 leaves, the 0th segments of 2 of them are equal::
TreePath leaf1 = new TreePath(new Object[]{0, 1});
TreePath leaf2 = new TreePath(new Object[]{2, 3});
TreePath leaf3 = new TreePath(new Object[]{9, 8});
Object input = new Object();
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
given(builder.build(input)).willReturn(asList(leaf1, leaf2, leaf3));
content = create(builder);
// When asking for elements of the new input:
content.inputChanged(null, null, input);
List<Object> actual = newArrayList(content.getElements(input));
// Then the distinct first elements of each leave is returned:
List<Object> expected = newArrayList(newHashSet( // Get distinct elements
assertThat(actual, is(equalTo(expected)));
public void getParentsShouldReturnAnEmptyArrayIsChildHasNoParents() {
// Given a non-null child that has no possible parents:
Object child = this;
// When asking for the possible parents of the child:
TreePath[] parents = content.getParents(child);
// Then an empty array is returned as the parents:
assertThat(parents, is(EMPTY_ARRAY));
public void getParentsShouldReturnAnEmptyArrayIsChildIsNull() {
// Given a child is null:
Object child = null;
// When asking for possible parents of the child:
TreePath[] parents = content.getParents(child);
// Then an empty array is returned:
assertThat(parents, is(EMPTY_ARRAY));
public void getParentsShouldReturnTheParentsOfAChild() {
// Given we have two leaves that have the same last segments:
Object child = "Child";
TreePath leaf1 = new TreePath(new Object[]{0, child});
TreePath leaf2 = new TreePath(new Object[]{2, child});
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
given(builder.build("input")).willReturn(asList(leaf1, leaf2));
content = create(builder);
// When getting the parents of the child:
content.inputChanged(null, null, "input");
Set<TreePath> actual = newHashSet(content.getParents(child));
// Then the parent path of the two leaves should be returned:e
Set<TreePath> expected = newHashSet(
assertThat(actual, is(expected));
public void getShouldReturnAnEmptyCollectionWhenFirstConstructed() {
assertThat(create(mock(ITreePathBuilder.class)).get().isEmpty(), is(true));
@Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
public void getShouldReturnAnImmutableCollection() {
content.get().add(new TreePath(new Object[]{}));
public void getShouldReturnTheTreePathsCurrentlyInUse() {
List<TreePath> paths = Lists.newArrayList();
paths.add(new TreePath(new Object[]{}));
paths.add(new TreePath(new Object[]{"a", "b"}));
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
content = create(builder);
content.inputChanged(null, null, null);
assertEquals(paths, content.get());
public void hasChildrenShouldReturnFalseIfTheGivenPathHasNoChildren() {
// Given a non-null parent has no children:
TreePath parent = new TreePath(new Object[]{this});
// When asking whether the parent has children or not:
boolean hasChildren = content.hasChildren(parent);
// Then false is returned:
assertThat(hasChildren, is(false));
public void hasChildrenShouldReturnFalseIfTheGivenPathIsNull() {
// Given a parent is null:
TreePath parent = null;
// When asking whether the parent has children:
boolean hasChildren = content.hasChildren(parent);
// Then false is returned:
assertThat(hasChildren, is(not(true)));
public void hasChildrenShouldReturnTrueIfTheGivenPathHasChildren() {
// Given a parent has children:
TreePath parent = new TreePath(new Object[]{0, 1, 2});
TreePath leaf = parent.createChildPath(100);
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
content = create(builder);
// When asking whether the parent has children:
content.inputChanged(null, null, "");
boolean hasChildren = content.hasChildren(parent);
// Then true is returned:
assertThat(hasChildren, is(true));
public void inputChangedShouldAcceptNullableNewInput() {
content.inputChanged(mock(Viewer.class), "", null); // No exception
public void inputChangedShouldAcceptNullableOldInput() {
content.inputChanged(mock(Viewer.class), null, ""); // No exception
public void inputChangedShouldAcceptNullableViewer() {
content.inputChanged(null, "", ""); // No exception
public void shouldAlwaysReturnTheDataOfTheLatestInput() {
// Given that an input has already been set:
List<TreePath> input1 = asList(new TreePath(new Object[]{"a", "b"}));
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
content = create(builder);
content.inputChanged(null, null, input1);
// When new input is set, gets the new root elements:
TreePath input2 = new TreePath(new Object[]{0, 1});
content.inputChanged(null, input1, input2);
Object[] elements = content.getElements(input2);
// Then data from new input should be returned:
Object[] expected = new Object[]{input2.getFirstSegment()};
assertThat(elements, is(expected));
public void shouldBuildTheTreePathsOnInputChange() {
// Given a content provider is built with a tree path builder:
Object input = new Object();
ITreePathBuilder builder = mock(ITreePathBuilder.class);
content = create(builder);
// When input is set:
content.inputChanged(null, null, input);
// Then the content provider should have called the tree path builder:
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void shouldThrowAnExceptionIfConstructedWithoutATreePathBulder() {
content = create(null);
public void shouldNotifyObserversOnInputChange() {
final int[] updateCount = {0};
Observer observer = new Observer() {
public void update(Observable arg0, Object arg1) {
TreePathContentProvider provider = create(mock(ITreePathBuilder.class));
provider.inputChanged(null, null, null);
assertThat(updateCount[0], is(1));
* Creates a content provider for testing.
private TreePathContentProvider create(ITreePathBuilder builder) {
return new TreePathContentProvider(builder);