/* Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.code.datahub;
import static com.google.appengine.api.prospectivesearch.FieldType.*;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.appengine.api.prospectivesearch.FieldType;
import com.google.appengine.api.prospectivesearch.ProspectiveSearchService;
import com.google.appengine.api.prospectivesearch.Subscription;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.Document;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.Field;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.Index;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.IndexSpec;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.GetRequest;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.Query;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.QueryOptions;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.Results;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.ScoredDocument;
import com.google.appengine.api.search.SearchServiceFactory;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* JSON api combining to api.search and api.prospectivesearch.
* TODO(pmy): replace with, or promote to, a unified search API.
* TODO(pmy): User are required arguments for Store methods, but are
* currently ignored by the Search system as they're expected to be
* enforced in CompositeStore before calls to Search.
* @author pmy@google.com (Pablo Mayrgundter)
public class Search extends AbstractStore {
protected static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Search.class.getName());
// The following variables define a coordinated set of special
// encodings for internal access and internal state for the combined
// api.search and api.prospectivesearch API. These are not
// particularly elegant and the subsystems should probably be
// redesigned to work seamlessly together. Use only
// double-underscores here, not single. TODO(pmy): Use of
// double-underscores here is coordinated with escaping rules in
// Path.
private static final String INTERNAL_PREFIX = "INTERNAL__";
* " " (0x20) is used to prefix this query to move it before user
* queries in listings.
* TODO(pmy): I think this is being used as an always-satisfied
* query and as an empty partial query.
static final String EMPTY_QUERY = "";
* An non-trivial unsatisfiable query is created with the
* conjunction of a complex predicate and its negation. A trivial
* query, such as the conjunction of a simple predicate and its
* negation would be optimized away.
static final String UNSATISFIABLE_QUERY = "(a OR b) AND NOT (a OR b)";
* Wrapper class for ProspectiveSearchService to encapsulate topic
* reference.
static class ProspectiveSearchIndex {
static final ProspectiveSearchService pss =
static List<String> listTopics() {
return pss.listTopics("", 100);
final String topic;
private final QueryId defaultQueryId;
ProspectiveSearchIndex(Path path) {
topic = path.toDocId();
void add(Entity e) {
pss.match(e, topic);
List<Subscription> listQueries() {
return pss.listSubscriptions(topic, "!", Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0);
List<Subscription> listQueries(String queryStartId, int limit, long expiresBefore) {
if (queryStartId.length() == 0 || queryStartId.charAt(0) <= ' ') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Endpoint IDs must start with characters after the space character (0x20).");
return pss.listSubscriptions(topic, queryStartId, limit, expiresBefore);
QueryId subscribe(String endpointId, long duration, String query, Map<String, FieldType> schema) {
if (endpointId.startsWith(" ")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Endpoint IDs must start with characters after the space character (0x20).");
QueryId queryId = new QueryId(endpointId, topic, query);
System.err.printf("ProspectiveSearchIndex: subscribe: topic(%s)\n", topic);
pss.subscribe(topic, queryId.toString(), duration, query, schema);
return queryId;
void unsubscribe(QueryId queryId) {
System.err.printf("ProspectiveSearchIndex: unsubscribe: topic(%s), queryId(%s)\n",
topic, queryId);
pss.unsubscribe(topic, queryId.toString());
static final Map<Path, Search> CORPORA_BY_NAME = new LinkedHashMap<Path, Search>();
final Index docIndex;
final ProspectiveSearchIndex queryIndex;
final Path corpusPath;
final Search parent;
* Create a new search store that is rooted at the given corpusPath,
* which is itself prefixed by the (optional) given
* parentCorpusPath. Adding documents to the corpusPath will also
* add them to the parentCorpusPath, recursively until the root.
* A static map of path to Search objects is maintained to lookup
* the parent search object referenced by the given
* parentCorpusPath, so it is necessary to first construct the
* parent; otherwise an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if
* the referenced parent is not found in the map.
* @param parentCorpusPath may be null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given parentCorpusPath
* references a Search object that has not yet been constructed.
public Search(Path corpusPath, Path parentCorpusPath) {
logger.info(String.format("Creating search endpoint for corpusPath(%s), parentCorpusPath(%s)",
corpusPath, parentCorpusPath));
this.corpusPath = corpusPath;
Search parent = CORPORA_BY_NAME.get(parentCorpusPath);
if (parentCorpusPath != null && parent == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("No such parent(%s) for corpusPath(%s)\n",
parentCorpusPath, corpusPath));
this.parent = parent;
String indexName = corpusPath.toDocId();
docIndex = SearchServiceFactory.getSearchService()
queryIndex = new ProspectiveSearchIndex(corpusPath);
CORPORA_BY_NAME.put(corpusPath, this);
* Equivalent to create(new Path(path.toString() + Path.SEP + name), obj);
* @throws ServiceException to wrap low-level checked exceptions.
public Path create(Path path, String name, JSONObject obj, User user) {
return create(Path.fromString(path + Path.SEP + name), obj, user);
* TODO(pmy): returns the given path instead of the newly allocated
* child path, so incompatible with the Store interface.
* @throws ServiceException to wrap low-level checked exceptions.
public Path create(Path path, JSONObject obj, User user) {
System.out.printf("%s.isParentOf(%s)\n", corpusPath, path);
if (!corpusPath.isParentOf(path)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("path(%s) must be a sub-path of this corpusPath(%s)",
path, corpusPath));
try {
create(path, jsonToDocument(path, obj), Datastore.jsonToEntity(path, obj));
} catch (com.google.appengine.api.search.PutException e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
return path;
public void delete(User user, Path ... paths) {
String [] docIds = new String[paths.length];
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
docIds[i] = paths[i].toDocId();
if (parent != null) {
parent.delete(user, paths);
public void deleteQueries(User user, String ... queryIds) {
for (String queryId : queryIds) {
* Adds a scalable delete implementation which is lacking in both
* api.search or api.prospectivesearch.
public void deleteIndexes(Path path, User user) {
// TODO(pmy): lots of plumbing here. Backends for both systems
// should implement efficient delete.
Iterator<String> allDocIdsItr = new Tasks.IteratorChain<String>() {
Iterator<String> partialIterator() {
GetRequest.Builder listReq = GetRequest.newBuilder().setReturningIdsOnly(true);
if (this.lastIterated != null) {
Iterator<Document> docItr;
try {
docItr = docIndex.getRange(listReq.build()).getResults().iterator();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// This happens if there are not any documents indexed.
return new java.util.ArrayList<String>().iterator();
return new Tasks.ToStringIterator<Document>(docItr) {
public String next() {
return innerItr.next().getId();
Tasks.Processor deletor = new Tasks.Processor("deleteIndex") {
void process(String [] docIds) {
final int batchSize = 100;
Tasks.getInstance().enqueueProcess(allDocIdsItr, batchSize, deletor);
// Delete non-internal PSI subs for this path.
// TODO(pmy): split this up into an iterator chain.
Iterator<String> allQueryIdsItr =
new Tasks.ToStringIterator<Subscription>(queryIndex.listQueries().iterator()) {
public String next() {
return innerItr.next().getId();
Tasks.Processor psiDeletor = new Tasks.Processor("deleteIndexPsi") {
void process(String [] queryIds) {
for (String queryId : queryIds) {
Tasks.getInstance().enqueueProcess(allQueryIdsItr, batchSize, psiDeletor);
public JSONObject getIndexMap(Path path, User user) {
JSONObject idxMap = new JSONObject();
Util.jsonPut(idxMap, "com.google.appengine.api.search", docIndex.getName());
Util.jsonPut(idxMap, "com.google.appengine.api.prospectivesearch", queryIndex.topic);
return idxMap;
public JSONObject list(Path path,
int offset, int limit, String [] fields, int [] order,
String endpointId, long duration, User user) {
return search(path, Search.EMPTY_QUERY, offset, limit, fields, order, endpointId, duration,
public JSONObject retrieve(Path path, User user) {
Document doc = docIndex.get(path.toDocId());
return doc == null ? null : documentToJson(doc);
/** TODO(pmy): fields and order currently ignored. */
public JSONObject search(Path path, String query,
int offset, int limit,
String [] fields, int [] order,
String endpointId, long duration,
User user) {
query = fixupQuery(query);
if (!query.equals(EMPTY_QUERY)) {
query = " AND " + query;
String pathId = path.toDocId();
query = INTERNAL_QUERY_FIELD_PATH + ":" + pathId + query;
debug("search: path(%s) pathId(%s) query(%s) duration(%s)", path, pathId, query, duration);
// Save query before back-fill to prevent gaps. TODO(pmy): ensure
// this in backends.
QueryId queryId = null;
if (endpointId != null && duration >= 0) {
// This conversion of corpusPath toDocId requires reversal in
// MatchResponseServlet for the slash-delimited format expected
// by the client. TODO(pmy): shouldn't need to know path/docId
// here. Perhaps merge QueryId into ProspectiveSearchIndex.
String topic = corpusPath.toDocId();
duration = Math.min(duration, MAX_DURATION);
// TODO(pmy): this schema will potentially be empty if addQuery
// is called before any documents have been added to this path.
// However, fieldless queries will still work, which is
// sufficient for basic document delivery and keyword matching.
Map<String, FieldType> schema = SchemaManager.getSchemaForPsi(path);
// TODO(pmy): redundant? since jsonToDocument already adds this
// before fts schema is saved.
debug("search: query(%s) queryId(%s), duration(%s) schema(%s)",
query, queryId, duration, schema);
queryId = queryIndex.subscribe(endpointId, duration, query, schema);
QueryOptions.Builder queryOptions = QueryOptions.newBuilder();
Results<ScoredDocument> results;
try {
results = docIndex.search(Query.newBuilder().setOptions(queryOptions.build()).build(query));
} catch (com.google.appengine.api.search.SearchException e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
JSONObject rspJson = new JSONObject();
JSONArray resultsJson = new JSONArray();
for (ScoredDocument doc : results) {
final JSONObject result = new JSONObject();
final JSONObject obj = documentToJson(doc);
Util.jsonPut(result, Path.fromDocId(doc.getId()).toString(), obj);
Util.jsonPut(rspJson, "results", resultsJson);
Util.jsonPut(rspJson, "offset", offset);
Util.jsonPut(rspJson, "limit", Math.min(results.getNumberReturned(), limit));
if (queryId != null) {
Util.jsonPut(rspJson, "queryId", queryId);
return rspJson;
// Helpers
* Add to search and prospective and tail-recursively call
* parent.create.
void create(Path path, Document objAsDoc, Entity objAsEnt) throws ServiceException {
debug("create: path(%s), objAsDoc(%s), objAsEnt(%s), corpusPath(%s)",
path, objAsDoc, objAsEnt, corpusPath);
// Update schema at this path to include the fields of the given
// doc.
SchemaManager.updateSchema(path, objAsDoc);
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// TODO(pmy):
throw new IllegalStateException("FIXME: not sure what leads here.");
if (parent != null) {
parent.create(path, objAsDoc, objAsEnt);
public JSONObject retrieveQueries(User user, String queryIdStart, int limit, long expiration) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
for (Subscription sub : queryIndex.listQueries(queryIdStart, limit, expiration)) {
Util.jsonPut(json, sub.getId(), "\"" + sub + "\"");
return json;
// Document/JSON helpers.
// TODO(pmy): consolidate jsonToEntity mapping with Search and
// delegate for customziation.
static Document jsonToDocument(Path path, JSONObject json) {
final Document.Builder docBuilder = Document.newBuilder();
Util.visitJson(json, new Util.Visitor() {
// TODO(pmy): handle different val types.
public void visit(String key, Object val) {
return docBuilder.build();
static JSONArray documentsToJson(Iterable<Document> docs) {
JSONArray json = new JSONArray();
for (Document doc : docs) {
return json;
* Creates a JSONObject with the same fields as the given document,
* except internal fields are not mapped.
static JSONObject documentToJson(Document doc) {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
for (Field field : doc.getFields()) {
String fieldName = field.getName();
if (fieldName.startsWith(INTERNAL_QUERY_FIELD_PATH)) {
Object val = null;
switch (field.getType()) {
case TEXT: val = field.getText(); break;
case HTML: val = field.getHTML(); break;
case ATOM: val = field.getAtom(); break;
case DATE: val = field.getDate(); break;
Util.jsonPut(json, fieldName, val);
// Order matters.. override any field called "id".
return json;
// Misc helpers.
static String fixupQuery(String query) {
if (query == null) {
query = EMPTY_QUERY;
query = query.trim();
return query;
* Helper to generate parent path prefixes.
static String makePathTokens(Path path) {
String toks = "";
do {
toks += " " + path.toDocId();
} while ((path = path.getParent()) != Path.ROOT);
toks = toks + " " + Path.ROOT.toDocId();
System.err.printf("!!!! makePathTokens %s\n", toks);
return toks.trim();
void debug(String format, Object ... args) {
logger.fine(this + "." + String.format(format + "\n", args));
public String toString() {
return String.format("Search(corpusPath:'%s')", corpusPath);