* ExtendedGazeteer.java
package com.jpetrak.gate.stringannotation.extendedgazetteer2;
import gate.Annotation;
import gate.AnnotationSet;
import gate.Document;
import gate.Factory;
import gate.FeatureMap;
import gate.Utils;
import gate.creole.ExecutionException;
import gate.creole.metadata.CreoleParameter;
import gate.creole.metadata.CreoleResource;
import gate.creole.metadata.Optional;
import gate.creole.metadata.RunTime;
import gate.util.GateRuntimeException;
import gate.util.InvalidOffsetException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
//TODO: contemplate features:
// = processIfNoMatch: instead of processing annotations where there is a match, do for non-matches
// = what to do: add features, add Annotation (all, just the ones not already there),
// remove Annotation
* @author Johann Petrak
name = "Feature Gazetteer",
comment = "Run the gazetteer on individual feature values and add features, delete or annotate",
public class FeatureGazetteer extends GazetteerBase
// constants
private static boolean debug = false;
// *************************************************************************
// PR Parameters
// *************************************************************************
comment = "The input annotation set",
defaultValue = "")
public void setInputAnnotationSet(String ias) {
this.inputAnnotationSet = ias;
public String getInputAnnotationSet() {
return inputAnnotationSet;
private String inputAnnotationSet = "";
comment = "The word annotation set type",
defaultValue = "Token")
public void setWordAnnotationType(String val) {
this.wordAnnotationType = val;
public String getWordAnnotationType() {
return wordAnnotationType;
private String wordAnnotationType = "";
comment = "The feature from the word annotation to use as text, required.",
defaultValue = "")
public void setTextFeature(String val) {
this.textFeature = val;
public String getTextFeature() {
return textFeature;
private String textFeature = "";
comment = "The containing annotation set type",
defaultValue = "")
public void setContainingAnnotationType(String val) {
this.containingAnnotationType = val;
public String getContainingAnnotationType() {
return containingAnnotationType;
private String containingAnnotationType = "";
@CreoleParameter(comment = "Are matches required to start at the beginning of the feature value?",
defaultValue = "true")
public void setMatchAtStartOnly(Boolean yesno) {
matchAtStartOnly = yesno;
public Boolean getMatchAtStartOnly() {
return matchAtStartOnly;
private boolean matchAtStartOnly;
@CreoleParameter(comment = "Are matches required to end at the end of the feature value?",
defaultValue = "true")
public void setMatchAtEndOnly(Boolean yesno) {
matchAtEndOnly = yesno;
public Boolean getMatchAtEndOnly() {
return matchAtEndOnly;
private boolean matchAtEndOnly;
@CreoleParameter(comment = "Processing mode", defaultValue = "AddFeatures")
public void setProcessingMode(FeatureGazetteerProcessingMode mode) {
processingMode = mode;
public FeatureGazetteerProcessingMode getProcessingMode() {
return processingMode;
FeatureGazetteerProcessingMode processingMode;
@CreoleParameter(comment = "Output annotation set if mode is AddNewAnnotation", defaultValue = "")
public void setOutputAnnotationSet(String name) {
outputAnnotationSet = name;
public String getOutputAnnotationSet() {
return outputAnnotationSet;
protected String outputAnnotationSet = "";
@CreoleParameter(comment = "The output annotation type, overwriting the type from the list or the default, Lookup", defaultValue = "")
public void setOutputAnnotationType(String name) {
outputAnnotationType = name;
public String getOutputAnnotationType() {
return outputAnnotationType;
protected String outputAnnotationType = "";
@CreoleParameter(comment = "The output feature prefix, added to the start of all feature names added", defaultValue = "")
public void setOutputFeaturePrefix(String name) {
outputFeaturePrefix = name;
public String getOutputFeaturePrefix() {
return outputFeaturePrefix;
protected String outputFeaturePrefix = "";
// ************************************************************************
// other class fields
// ************************************************************************
public FeatureGazetteer() {
logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
public void execute() throws ExecutionException{
doExecute(document); // delegate so that a subclass can overwrite execute() and still use doExecute
public void doExecute(Document theDocument) throws ExecutionException {
interrupted = false;
//check the input
if(theDocument == null) {
throw new ExecutionException(
"No document to process!"
AnnotationSet inputAS = null;
if(inputAnnotationSet == null ||
inputAnnotationSet.equals("")) inputAS = theDocument.getAnnotations();
else inputAS = theDocument.getAnnotations(inputAnnotationSet);
AnnotationSet processAnns = null;
if(wordAnnotationType == null || wordAnnotationType.isEmpty()) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Word annotation type must not be empty!");
processAnns = inputAS.get(wordAnnotationType);
AnnotationSet containingAnns = null;
if(containingAnnotationType == null || containingAnnotationType.isEmpty()) {
// leave the containingAnns null to indicate we do not use containing annotations
} else {
containingAnns = inputAS.get(containingAnnotationType);
//System.out.println("DEBUG: got containing annots: "+containingAnns.size()+" type is "+containingAnnotationType);
AnnotationSet outputAS = document.getAnnotations(outputAnnotationSet);
fireStatusChanged("Performing look-up in " + theDocument.getName() + "...");
if(containingAnns == null) {
// go through all word annotations
for(Annotation ann : processAnns) {
Iterator<Lookup> ret = doMatch(featureAsString(ann,textFeature),matchAtStartOnly,matchAtEndOnly);
if(ret != null) {
processMatch(ann,ret, inputAS, outputAS);
} else {
} else {
for(Annotation containingAnn : containingAnns) {
AnnotationSet containedAnns = Utils.getContainedAnnotations(processAnns, containingAnn);
for(Annotation ann : containedAnns) {
Iterator<Lookup> ret = doMatch(featureAsString(ann,textFeature),matchAtStartOnly,matchAtEndOnly);
if(ret != null) {
processMatch(ann,ret, inputAS, outputAS);
} else {
fireStatusChanged("Look-up complete!");
} // execute
protected void processMatch(Annotation ann, Iterator<Lookup> lookups,
AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS) {
if(getProcessingMode().equals(FeatureGazetteerProcessingMode.AddFeatures)) {
addLookupsToAnn(ann, lookups, false);
} else if(getProcessingMode().equals(FeatureGazetteerProcessingMode.OverwriteFeatures)) {
addLookupsToAnn(ann, lookups, true);
} else if(getProcessingMode().equals(FeatureGazetteerProcessingMode.RemoveAnnotation)) {
} else if(getProcessingMode().equals(FeatureGazetteerProcessingMode.AddNewAnnotation)) {
addNewAnnotation(ann, lookups, inputAS, outputAS);
protected void processNonMatch(Annotation ann, Iterator<Lookup> lookups,
AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS) {
if(getProcessingMode().equals(FeatureGazetteerProcessingMode.KeepAnnotation)) {
protected void addNewAnnotation(Annotation ann, Iterator<Lookup> lookups,
AnnotationSet inputAS, AnnotationSet outputAS) {
int from = ann.getStartNode().getOffset().intValue();
int to = ann.getEndNode().getOffset().intValue();
//System.out.println("Trying to add annotation from "+from+" to "+to+" lookups="+lookups+"Annotation is "+ann);
while(lookups.hasNext()) {
Lookup lookup = lookups.next();
String type = gazStore.getLookupType(lookup);
type = getAnnotationTypeName(type);
FeatureMap fm = Factory.newFeatureMap();
gazStore.addLookupListFeatures(fm, lookup);
gazStore.addLookupEntryFeatures(fm, lookup);
try {
outputAS.add(new Long(from), new Long(to), type, fm);
} catch (InvalidOffsetException ex) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Invalid offset exception - doclen/from/to="
+ document.getContent().size() + "/" + from + "/" + to + " / ", ex);
protected String featureAsString(Annotation ann, String key) {
Object value = ann.getFeatures().get(key);
if(value == null) {
return "";
} else {
return value.toString();
protected void addLookupsToAnn(Annotation ann, Iterator<Lookup> lookups, boolean overwrite) {
FeatureMap fm = ann.getFeatures();
while(lookups.hasNext()) {
Lookup lookup = lookups.next();
FeatureMap newFm = Factory.newFeatureMap();
gazStore.addLookupListFeatures(newFm, lookup);
gazStore.addLookupEntryFeatures(newFm, lookup);
if(getOutputFeaturePrefix() != null && !getOutputFeaturePrefix().isEmpty()) {
FeatureMap newFm2 = Factory.newFeatureMap();
for(Object key : newFm.keySet()) {
newFm2.put(getOutputFeaturePrefix()+key.toString(), newFm.get(key));
newFm = newFm2;
if(overwrite) {
} else {
// now add only features not already in fm
for(Object key : newFm.keySet()) {
if(fm.get(key) == null) {
fm.put(key, newFm.get(key));
public Iterator<Lookup> doMatch(String theString, boolean matchAtStartOnly, boolean matchAtEndOnly)
throws ExecutionException {
interrupted = false;
int length = theString.length();
char currentChar;
State currentState = gazStore.getInitialState();
//System.out.println("Trying match for "+theString);
// an empty string never matches
if (theString == null || theString.isEmpty()) {
return null;
// if the match is required to start at the begging, we set the
// upper index of where we try to start from (matchfrom) to 0 otherwise
// we try all from 0 to the last.
// if the match is requried to end at the end, we set the minimim
// index a final state must reach (matchto) to the last index.
// otherwise it can end anywhere from offset 0 and up.
int matchfrom = 0;
if(!matchAtStartOnly) {
matchfrom = length-1;
int matchto = length-1;
if(!matchAtEndOnly) {
matchto = 0;
for (int pos = 0; pos <= matchfrom; pos++) {
for (int i = pos; i < length; i++) {
currentChar = theString.charAt(i);
currentChar = caseSensitive.booleanValue() ? currentChar : Character
currentState = currentState.next(currentChar);
if (currentState == null) {
currentState = gazStore.getInitialState();
if (currentState.isFinal()) {
if(i >= matchto) {
return gazStore.getLookups(currentState);
return null;
} // doMatch
// in the program, we use only this method to find the annotation type
// name to assign: if the annotation type is set as a runtime parameter,
// always use that, otherwise use the one we get from the gazetteer list
// specification in the def file.
public String getAnnotationTypeName(String defaultType) {
if(outputAnnotationType == null || outputAnnotationType.isEmpty()) {
return defaultType;
} else {
return outputAnnotationType;
} // FeatureGazetteer