Package de.iritgo.aktera.models.util

Source Code of de.iritgo.aktera.models.util.Sequence

* This file is part of the Iritgo/Aktera Framework.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Iritgo Technologies.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 BueroByte GbR.
* Iritgo licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package de.iritgo.aktera.models.util;

import de.iritgo.aktera.model.Command;
import de.iritgo.aktera.model.Input;
import de.iritgo.aktera.model.ModelException;
import de.iritgo.aktera.model.ModelRequest;
import de.iritgo.aktera.model.ModelResponse;
import de.iritgo.aktera.model.ResponseElement;
import de.iritgo.aktera.model.StandardLogEnabledModel;
import org.apache.avalon.excalibur.pool.Poolable;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.context.DefaultContext;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

* A Sequence Model runs other models in a specified sequence. The sequence
* is highly configurable. To use a sequence, you must specify a "sequence"
* element in configuration, like so:
* <br>
* <pre>
* &lt;sequence id="somesequence"&gt;
*     &lt;model name="somemodel"/&gt;
*     &lt;model name="someothermodel"/&gt;
* &lt;/sequence&gt;
* </pre>
* <br>
* This sequence would be called with "model=somesequence" (in Struts) or
* with /model/somesequence.html (in Cocoon), just like any other model. It would
* (as configured above) execute "somemodel" and return the results to the
* user. When the user submitted their next request, it would run whatever that
* request was (presumably a "submit" of a command emitted by "somemodel"), then
* immediately run "someothermodel", again returning the response to the user.
* <br>
* By specifying the attribute "return" with value "false" on a "model" line
* within a sequence, you can skip the return to the user - this has the effect
* of "combining" or "merging" the responses from the two models into a single
* response, then returning that combined response to the user. For example:
* <br>
* Also, you can specify an attribute "merge" with a value of "true" or "false". By
* default, all responses from each running model in the sequence are merged.
* If you do not want that (annoying for command-line models) specify
* merge="false" for each model in the sequence definition.
* <pre>
* &lt;sequence id="somesequence"&gt;
*     &lt;model name="nav.navigate" return="false"/&gt;
*     &lt;model name="somemodel"/&gt;
* &lt;/sequence&gt;
* </pre>
* <br>
* Would return the results from "somemodel" which would now include any results
* produced by "nav.navigate" - this can be useful when displaying a navigation
* menu with the "somemodel" output.
* <br>
* As another example, say a particular model must be run only by users
* who are logged in to the system:
* <pre>
* &lt;sequence id="somesequence"&gt;
*     &lt;model name="register.verify-login" return="ifinput"/&gt;
*     &lt;model name="somemodel"/&gt;
* &lt;/sequence&gt;
* </pre>
* <br>
* In the above configuration, the special value "ifinput" is used on the
* register.verify-login model. If this model's execution emits any Input
* objects, control will be returned to the user at that point. If not,
* execution continues with the "somemodel" model. This can be very useful
* in controlling the flow of a sequence.
* A sequence can be called in either of the following two ways:  <br>
*    model=mySequence?seq=1  (calls the first step of mySequence)  or  <br>
*    model=mySequence?step=1 (also calls the first step of mySequence).
* The "step" parameter was added for naming clarity.  The "seq" parameter was left in to
* ensure backwards compatibility.
* @avalon.component
* @avalon.service type=de.iritgo.aktera.model.Model
* name=sequence
* type=request
* @version                $Revision: 1.1 $  $Date: 2005/08/15 08:23:44 $
* @author                Michael Nash
public class Sequence extends StandardLogEnabledModel implements Poolable
  public static final String SEQUENCE_NAME = "SEQUENCE_NAME";

  public static final String SEQUENCE_NUMBER = "SEQUENCE_NUMBER";

  static final boolean sequenceWideMergeDefaultIfNotSpecified = true;

  private Map params = new HashMap();

  //The default is to mergeResponses
  public ModelResponse execute(ModelRequest req) throws ModelException
      Configuration config = getConfiguration();

       * Clear the params HashMap class variable if specified in system.xconf
       * Default is false for backwards compatibility
       * Added by Santanu Dutt
      boolean clearParams = config.getAttributeAsBoolean("clearParams", true);

      if (clearParams)

      //Get "merge" attribute from the <sequence> tag, or use the hard-coded default if there isn't one.
      boolean mergeDefaultFromSequenceDefinition = config.getAttributeAsBoolean("merge",

      return runSequence(config, req, mergeDefaultFromSequenceDefinition);
    catch (ConfigurationException ce)
      throw new ModelException("Configuration exception in sequence", ce);

  private ModelResponse runSequence(Configuration myConf, ModelRequest req, boolean mergeDefaultForThisSequence)
    throws ModelException, ConfigurationException
    boolean createNewSeqContext = false;
    boolean keepRunning = true;
    boolean mergeResponses = mergeDefaultForThisSequence;

    String seqString = (String) req.getParameter("seq");

    if (seqString == null)
      seqString = (String) req.getParameter("step");

    String seqName = req.getModel();

    //         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

    //             log.debug(
    //                 "Called seq " + req.getModel() + " with seq " + seqString);
    //         }
    int seq = 1;

    /* See if we were given a "seq" parameter */
    if ((seqString != null) && (! seqString.equals("")))
        seq = new Integer(seqString).intValue();
      catch (NumberFormatException ne)
        throw new ModelException("Invalid sequence '" + seqString + "'", ne);

    ModelResponse currentResponse = null;
    SequenceContext seqContext = null;

      seqContext = SequenceContext.getSequenceContext(req);

      if (seqContext != null)
        //                 log.debug("Found existing sequence context. Seq= " + (seq));
        String oldSeqName = seqContext.getSequenceName();

         * Added by ACR. Up until now, problems occured when seq steps from one sequence would
         * bleed into the next sequence, jumping the user up steps.
         * I have changed the system to now assume that when you jump from one sequence to another
         * you want to go to the first step of the next sequence.
        if (! seqName.equals(oldSeqName))
          //                     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
          //                       log.debug(
          //                         "Sequence is transitioning, from sequence "
          //                             + oldSeqName
          //                             + " to sequence "
          //                             + seqName
          //                             + ". Clearing sequence variables....");
          //                     }
          //Don't change the seq parameter, because we already read it in above, and we have already set it 1 if
          //there was no sequence param.
          currentResponse = req.createResponse();
          if (seq != 1)
            //we want to "recycle" the response to keep it going, since we are still in the same sequence....
            currentResponse = seqContext.getCurrentResponse();
            currentResponse = req.createResponse();
        } //end-if-else
      { //seqContext is null, so create a new one
        createNewSeqContext = true;
      } //end-if-else
    catch (ModelException e)
      //Error occured. Start a fresh response....
      currentResponse = req.createResponse();
      createNewSeqContext = true;

    createNewSeqContext = true;
    //Set flag to create a new sequence context.

    Configuration[] children = myConf.getChildren();

    if (seq > children.length)
      log.warn("Requested seq " + seq + " which is more than available steps " + children.length);

      if (currentResponse != null)
        return currentResponse;
        throw new ModelException("Response for end of sequence was null");

    //Added by Phil Brown to create and save a new Sequence Context if we don't have
    //This is desired so that our models have the sequenceContext available in case they
    //wish to examine it.
    if (seqContext == null || createNewSeqContext)
      seqContext = setNewSequenceContext(seqName, seq, children, mergeDefaultForThisSequence, req,

    /* If a particular step in the sequence has "return='false'" then */
    /* we simply continue on to the next step, without returning control */
    /* to the user. If "return" is not specified, it is assumed "true" */
    ModelResponse previousResponse = SequenceContext.mergeResponse(req.createResponse(), currentResponse);
    ModelResponse theResponse = req.createResponse();

    //Create a response to return. We will merge later if we need to.
    while (keepRunning)
      //             log.debug("Seq is " + seq);
      if (seq > children.length)
        keepRunning = false;

        //                 log.debug(
        //                     "No more steps in sequence (length "
        //                         + children.length
        //                         + ")");
        Configuration oneElement = children[seq - 1];

        //Update the current step in the seqContext -- add by Phil Brown

        //Update the "current" response.  -- add by Phil Brown
        if (oneElement.getName().equals("model"))
          currentResponse = runModel(oneElement, req, previousResponse, seq, seqName, seqContext);
        else if (oneElement.getName().equals("if"))
          //                     log.debug("Processing conditional in sequence");
          currentResponse = runIfTrue(oneElement);
          throw new ConfigurationException("Element '" + oneElement.getName()
                  + "' should be either 'model' or 'if'");

        if (oneElement.getAttribute("return", "").equals("ifinput"))
          //                     log.debug("We return if model just run has inputs");
          if (containsInputs(currentResponse))
            keepRunning = false;

            //                         log.debug("Model just run has inputs - returning");
            seq = getNextSequence(seq, req);
          if (oneElement.getAttributeAsBoolean("return", true))
            keepRunning = false;

            //                         log.debug("Model has input set to true - returning");
            seq = getNextSequence(seq, req);

        //ACR & PJB - Gets merge attribute from <model> element.  If not found, then uses default from SequenceContext
        if (oneElement.getAttributeAsBoolean("merge", seqContext.getMergeResponsesDefault()))
          mergeResponses = true;
          mergeResponses = false;
      } /* else we're still on a valid sequence */
      //ACR: Here is the merge...if a condition has been met where
      //multiple models are run in this "pass", they are each merged here.
      if (mergeResponses)
        theResponse = SequenceContext.mergeResponse(theResponse, currentResponse);
        theResponse = currentResponse;

      //            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      //                log.debug("Current merged context:" + theResponse.toString());
      //            }
    } //end-while

    /* Put our "placeholder" in the user context */
    if (seq < children.length)
      setNewSequenceContext(req.getModel(), seq + 1, children, mergeDefaultForThisSequence, req, theResponse);

      //             log.debug("Stored seq " + (seq + 1));
      //             log.debug("Sequence completed");

    return theResponse;

   * @param string
   * @param i
   * @param children
   * @param req
   * @param res
  private SequenceContext setNewSequenceContext(String modelName, int seq, Configuration[] children,
          boolean mergeDefault, ModelRequest req, ModelResponse res) throws ModelException
    SequenceContext mySeqContext = new SequenceContext(modelName, seq, children, res);


    //TODO -  Also, set this from the sequence config, if there is an attribute
    DefaultContext dc = (DefaultContext) req.getContext();

    dc.put(SequenceContext.CONTEXT_KEY, mySeqContext);

    return mySeqContext;

  private void clearSequence(ModelRequest req) throws ModelException
    DefaultContext dc = (DefaultContext) req.getContext();

    dc.put(SequenceContext.CONTEXT_KEY, null);

    //         log.debug("Sequence " + req.getModel() + " cleared");

  private ModelResponse runModel(Configuration modelConfig, ModelRequest req, ModelResponse existingResponse,
          int seqNumber, String seqName, SequenceContext seqContext)
    throws ConfigurationException, ModelException
    //         if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    //           log.debug("Run model " + modelConfig.getAttribute("name"));
    //         }
    Configuration[] children = modelConfig.getChildren();
    Configuration oneParam = null;
    HashMap postAttribs = new HashMap();

    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
      oneParam = children[i];

      if (oneParam.getName().equals("parameter"))
        String paramName = oneParam.getAttribute("name");

        params.put(paramName, oneParam.getAttribute("value"));
      else if (oneParam.getName().equals("attribute"))
        postAttribs.put(oneParam.getAttribute("name"), oneParam.getAttribute("value"));

    String modelName = getModelName(modelConfig, req);

    //         log.debug("Creating a command for modelName: " + modelName);
    Command c = existingResponse.createCommand(modelName);

    for (Iterator i = params.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
      String paramName = (String);

      c.setParameter(paramName, params.get(paramName));

      //             if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      //               log.debug(
      //                 "Setting parameter:" + paramName + "=" + params.get(paramName));
      //             }

    //         log.debug("About to execute the new command for " + modelName);
    c.setParameter(Sequence.SEQUENCE_NAME, seqName);
    c.setParameter(Sequence.SEQUENCE_NUMBER, "" + seqNumber);

    //c.setParameter(SequenceContext.CONTEXT_KEY, seqContext);
    //Add by Phil Brow to pass the seq Context as a param to each model
    //MN: Can't serialize a SequenceContext in the response
    ModelResponse commandRes = c.execute(req, existingResponse);

    //         log.debug("Executed command.");
    for (Iterator ii = postAttribs.keySet().iterator(); ii.hasNext();)
      String oneKey = (String);

      commandRes.setAttribute(oneKey, postAttribs.get(oneKey));

    return commandRes;

  private ModelResponse runIfTrue(Configuration ifConfig)
    return null;

  private boolean containsInputs(ModelResponse res)
    for (Iterator i = res.getAll(); i.hasNext();)
      if (containsInputs((ResponseElement)
        return true;

    for (Iterator j = res.getAttributes().keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();)
      Object oneAttrib = res.getAttribute((String);

      if (oneAttrib instanceof ResponseElement)
        if (containsInputs((ResponseElement) oneAttrib))
          return true;

    return false;

  private boolean containsInputs(ResponseElement re)
    if (re instanceof Input)
      return true;

    for (Iterator i = re.getAll().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
      if (containsInputs((ResponseElement)
        return true;

    for (Iterator j = re.getAttributes().keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext();)
      //Fixed by ACR. Old code was throwing a classcast exception.
      Object key =;
      String keyString = key.toString();
      Object oneAttrib = re.getAttribute(keyString);

      if (oneAttrib instanceof ResponseElement)
        if (containsInputs((ResponseElement) oneAttrib))
          return true;

    return false;

  protected int getNextSequence(int seq, ModelRequest req)
    return seq + 1;

  protected String getModelName(Configuration modelConfig, ModelRequest request) throws ConfigurationException
    return modelConfig.getAttribute("name");

Related Classes of de.iritgo.aktera.models.util.Sequence

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