/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* C E D A R
* S O L U T I O N S "Software done right."
* S O F T W A R E
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Copyright (c) 2013 Kenneth J. Pronovici.
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
* See LICENSE for more information about the licensing terms.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Author : Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>
* Language : Java 6
* Project : Common Java Functionality
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
package com.cedarsolutions.server.service.impl;
import static com.cedarsolutions.shared.domain.OpenIdProvider.AOL;
import static com.cedarsolutions.shared.domain.OpenIdProvider.GOOGLE;
import static com.cedarsolutions.shared.domain.OpenIdProvider.MYOPENID;
import static com.cedarsolutions.shared.domain.OpenIdProvider.MYSPACE;
import static com.cedarsolutions.shared.domain.OpenIdProvider.UNKNOWN;
import static com.cedarsolutions.shared.domain.OpenIdProvider.YAHOO;
import static com.cedarsolutions.wiring.gae.security.GaeAuthenticationFilter.CLIENT_ROLES_ATTRIBUTE;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.cedarsolutions.exception.EnumException;
import com.cedarsolutions.exception.NotConfiguredException;
import com.cedarsolutions.exception.ServiceException;
import com.cedarsolutions.server.service.IGaeUserService;
import com.cedarsolutions.server.service.ISpringContextService;
import com.cedarsolutions.shared.domain.FederatedUser;
import com.cedarsolutions.shared.domain.OpenIdProvider;
import com.cedarsolutions.util.StringUtils;
import com.google.appengine.api.users.User;
import com.google.appengine.api.users.UserService;
* User service designed for use with Google App Engine.
* <p>
* This interface is intended as stable proxy over the static methods
* in the Google-provided GAE UserService. All of the service methods
* are targeted around federated users, with authentication provided
* via OpenId.
* <p>
* @author Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>
public class GaeUserService extends AbstractService implements IGaeUserService {
/** The underlying Google user service. */
private UserService userService;
/** Spring context service. */
private ISpringContextService springContextService;
* Invoked by a bean factory after it has set all bean properties.
* @throws NotConfiguredException In the event of misconfiguration.
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws NotConfiguredException {
if (this.userService == null || this.springContextService == null) {
throw new NotConfiguredException("GaeUserService is not properly configured.");
* Get a proper login URL.
* <p>
* This doesn't work as consistently as one might hope. It does seem to work
* OK on the development server. However, when the application is deployed
* into the cloud, UserService strips off URL parameters and fragments. This
* means that deep bookmarks won't work properly.
* </p>
* <p>
* For a while, I was able to work around this when using Google as the
* OpenId provider, by manually correcting the generated URL. However,
* as of late March 2011, that has started causing a server error on
* Google's end.
* </p>
* @param openIdProvider Open id provider to use
* @param destinationUrl Destination URL to redirect to after login
* @return Login URL that should be presented to the user.
* @see <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=3756">Issue 3756</a>
* @see <a href="http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=4303">Issue 4303</a>
public String getLoginUrl(OpenIdProvider openIdProvider, String destinationUrl) throws ServiceException {
Set<String> attributes = new HashSet<String>();
String providerUrl = deriveOpenIdProviderUrl(openIdProvider);
String loginUrl = this.userService.createLoginURL(destinationUrl, null, providerUrl, attributes);
return loginUrl;
* Get a proper logout URL.
* @param destinationUrl Destination URL to redirect to after logout
* @return Logout URL that should be presented to the user.
public String getLogoutUrl(String destinationUrl) throws ServiceException {
String logoutUrl = this.userService.createLogoutURL(destinationUrl);
return logoutUrl;
/** Returns true if there is a user logged in, false otherwise. */
public boolean isUserLoggedIn() throws ServiceException {
return this.userService.isUserLoggedIn();
/** Returns true if the user making this request is an admin for this application, false otherwise. */
public boolean isUserAdmin() throws ServiceException {
return this.userService.isUserAdmin();
/** The current logged in user, or null if no user is logged in. */
public FederatedUser getCurrentUser() throws ServiceException {
if (!this.isUserLoggedIn()) {
return null;
} else {
User user = this.userService.getCurrentUser();
boolean admin = this.isUserAdmin();
OpenIdProvider openIdProvider = deriveOpenIdProvider(user.getAuthDomain());
// Normally, I'd put a User constructor onto CurrentUser. That won't
// work, because then CurrentUser has a dependency on code which isn't
// translated and isn't available to GWT clients.
FederatedUser currentUser = new FederatedUser();
// We can't generate a user name until everything else is filled in
String userName = deriveUserName(currentUser);
return currentUser;
/** Add extra roles for the current user, for use by the security framework. */
public void addClientRoles(String ... roles) {
this.springContextService.setSessionAttribute(CLIENT_ROLES_ATTRIBUTE, roles);
* Derive the proper URL to use when logging in with an OpenIdProvider.
* These constants are provided by Google.
* @param openIdProvider Provider to get URL for
* @return Provider URL that must be used
protected static String deriveOpenIdProviderUrl(OpenIdProvider openIdProvider) {
// Originally, I put this information in with OpenIdProvider itself,
// assuming these were basically constants. However, it turns out that
// there's a lot of business logic around dealing with OpenId. This
// functionality belongs in the service layer.
switch(openIdProvider) {
case GOOGLE:
return "www.google.com/accounts/o8/id";
case YAHOO:
return "yahoo.com";
return "myspace.com";
case AOL:
return "aol.com";
return "myopenid.com";
throw new EnumException("Unknown open id provider: " + openIdProvider);
* Get an OpenIdProvider based on authentication domain.
* @param authenticationDomain Authentication domain as from User.getAuthDomain()
* @return OpenIdProvider associated with the authentication domain, or UNKNOWN.
protected static OpenIdProvider deriveOpenIdProvider(String authenticationDomain) {
// Originally, I put this information in with OpenIdProvider itself,
// assuming these were basically constants. However, it turns out that
// there's a lot of business logic around dealing with OpenId. This
// functionality belongs in the service layer.
// I initially expected the values in the authentication domain to map back
// to the values that we use (above) to select a particular open id
// provider. However, that's not the case. Instead, we get back provider-
// specific URLs.
if (StringUtils.contains(authenticationDomain, "google.com")) {
// Something like: https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/ud
return GOOGLE;
} else if (StringUtils.contains(authenticationDomain, "gmail.com")) {
// Handle gmail.com just in case
return GOOGLE;
} else if (StringUtils.contains(authenticationDomain, "yahoo.com")) {
// Handle yahoo.com just in case
return YAHOO;
} else if (StringUtils.contains(authenticationDomain, "yahooapis.com")) {
// Something like: https://open.login.yahooapis.com/openid/op/auth
return YAHOO;
} else if (StringUtils.contains(authenticationDomain, "myspace.com")) {
// Something like: http://api.myspace.com/openid
return MYSPACE;
} else if (StringUtils.contains(authenticationDomain, "aol.com")) {
// Something like: https://api.screenname.aol.com/auth/openidServer
return AOL;
} else if (StringUtils.contains(authenticationDomain, "myopenid.com")) {
// Something like: https://www.myopenid.com/server
return MYOPENID;
} else {
return UNKNOWN;
* Derive a user name for a federated user.
* <p>
* I want the username to be something legible and email-like. However, some
* providers don't provide an email address. So, I have to derive it based
* on other returned information -- usually based on the federated identity.
* </p>
* @param federatedUser Federated user to generate user name for
* @return Valid username for the passed-in user, possibly empty.
protected static String deriveUserName(FederatedUser federatedUser) {
switch(federatedUser.getOpenIdProvider()) {
case GOOGLE:
return deriveEmailBasedUserName(federatedUser);
case YAHOO:
return deriveEmailBasedUserName(federatedUser);
return deriveMySpaceUserName(federatedUser);
case AOL:
return deriveEmailBasedUserName(federatedUser);
return deriveMyOpenIdUserName(federatedUser);
return "";
* Derive a user name for a federated user based on email address.
* @param federatedUser Federated user to generate user name for
* @return Valid username for the passed-in user, possibly empty.
private static String deriveEmailBasedUserName(FederatedUser federatedUser) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(federatedUser.getEmailAddress())) {
return federatedUser.getEmailAddress();
return "";
* Derive the user name for a MySpace federated user.
* @param federatedUser Federated user to generate user name for
* @return Valid username for the passed-in user, possibly empty.
private static String deriveMySpaceUserName(FederatedUser federatedUser) {
// The federated identity looks like "http://www.myspace.com/its_misterphil"
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(http[s]?://www\\.myspace\\.com\\/)(.*$)");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(federatedUser.getFederatedIdentity())) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(federatedUser.getFederatedIdentity());
if (matcher.matches()) {
return matcher.group(2) + "@myspace.com";
return "";
* Derive the user name for a MyOpenId federated user.
* @param federatedUser Federated user to generate user name for
* @return Valid username for the passed-in user, possibly empty.
private static String deriveMyOpenIdUserName(FederatedUser federatedUser) {
// The federated identity looks like "https://pronovic.myopenid.com/"
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(http[s]?://)(.*)(\\.myopenid\\.com[\\/]?$)");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(federatedUser.getFederatedIdentity())) {
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(federatedUser.getFederatedIdentity());
if (matcher.matches()) {
return matcher.group(2) + "@myopenid.com";
return "";
public UserService getUserService() {
return this.userService;
public void setUserService(UserService userService) {
this.userService = userService;
public ISpringContextService getSpringContextService() {
return this.springContextService;
public void setSpringContextService(ISpringContextService springContextService) {
this.springContextService = springContextService;