package com.wot;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import com.wot.shared.ObjectFactory;
import com.wot.shared.XmlAchievements;
import com.wot.shared.XmlDescription;
import com.wot.shared.XmlListAchievement;
import com.wot.shared.XmlListCategoryAchievement;
import com.wot.shared.XmlListSrcImg;
import com.wot.shared.XmlSrc;
import com.wot.shared.XmlWiki;
public class BuildWikiFile {
static String lieu ="boulot";
static public void buildWikiXML() throws IllegalArgumentException {
URL urlAchievement = null;
String AllLinesWot = "";
try {
if(lieu.equalsIgnoreCase("boulot")) //on passe par 1 proxy
urlAchievement = new URL ("");
urlAchievement = new URL ("");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlAchievement.openStream()));
String line = "";
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
AllLinesWot = AllLinesWot + line;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//entre "Battle Hero Achievements" et "Commemorative Achievements" se positionner à la fin le la chaine "src="
// et extraire depuis cette position jusqu'au début de la chaine width
String cat1BattleHero = "Battle Hero Achievements";
String cat2Comm = "Commemorative Achievements";
String cat3Epc = "Epic Achievements (medals)"; //avec <i> à la fin
String cat4Special = "Special Achievements (titles)";
String cat5Step = "Step Achievements (medals)";
String cat6Rise = "Rise of the Americas Achievements (medals)" ;
String cat7Clan = "Clan Wars Campaigns Achievements (medals)";
ObjectFactory objFactory = null;
try {
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(XmlWiki.class);
Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller();
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
objFactory = new ObjectFactory();
//création WIKI
XmlWiki wiki = objFactory.createXmlWiki();
XmlAchievements myXmlAchievements = objFactory.createXmlAchievements();
//parsing HTML WIKI
parseHtmlAchievement(AllLinesWot, cat1BattleHero, cat2Comm, objFactory, wiki);
parseHtmlAchievement(AllLinesWot, cat2Comm, cat3Epc, objFactory, wiki);
parseHtmlAchievement(AllLinesWot, cat3Epc, cat4Special, objFactory, wiki);
parseHtmlAchievement(AllLinesWot, cat4Special, cat5Step, objFactory, wiki);
parseHtmlAchievement(AllLinesWot, cat5Step, cat6Rise, objFactory, wiki);
parseHtmlAchievement(AllLinesWot, cat6Rise, cat7Clan, objFactory, wiki);
parseHtmlAchievement(AllLinesWot, cat7Clan, "printfooter", objFactory, wiki);
m.marshal(wiki, System.out);
m.marshal(wiki, new File("./war/wotWiki.xml")); // D:\workspace\wotclan\\D:\workspace\wotclan
//JAXBContext.newInstance("com.wot.shared").createMarshaller().marshal(wiki, System.out);
//A partir du XML instancié les classes !!
// Unmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
// wiki = (XmlWiki) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new File("wotWiki.xml"));
// System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unmarshaller ");
// System.out.println(wiki.getACHIEVEMENTS().getCATEGORYACHIEVEMENT().get(0).getNAME());
HashMap<String, XmlListAchievement> hashMapAch = BuidHashMapAchievement (wiki) ;
} catch (JAXBException e2) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
* parse le HTML du wiki achieveemnt pour en extraire les noms de m�dailles , les src d'ic�nes et les descriptions
* @param AllLinesWot
* @param cat1Medal
* @param cat2Medal
* @param objFactory
* @param wiki
static void parseHtmlAchievement (String AllLinesWot, String cat1Medal, String cat2Medal, ObjectFactory objFactory, XmlWiki wiki) {
//création category achievement
XmlListCategoryAchievement myXmlListCategoryAchievement = objFactory.createXmlListCategoryAchievement();
//création xlmDescrition category achievement
XmlDescription myXmlDescription= objFactory.createXmlDescription();
myXmlDescription.setVALUE("Desccription de la ctégorie de médailles");
//Ajouter la catégorie achievement au wiki
//parse WIKI HTML
int pos1 = AllLinesWot.indexOf(cat1Medal+"</span></div>" );
int pos2 = -1;
if ("printfooter".equalsIgnoreCase(cat2Medal))
pos2 = AllLinesWot.indexOf(cat2Medal );
pos2 = AllLinesWot.indexOf(cat2Medal+"</span></div>" );
//selon les cat�gories de m�dailles, on doit aller rechercher la 2�me pour la 1�re ocurence du nom de la cat�gorie de m�dailles
//donc on prend toujours la derni�re
if (pos1 == -1)
pos1 = AllLinesWot.indexOf(cat1Medal+ " <i>" );
if (pos2 == -1)
pos2 = AllLinesWot.indexOf(cat2Medal+ " <i>" );
System.out.println("=======>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + cat1Medal);
if (pos1 != -1 && pos2 !=-1) {
int posSrc = 0 ;
while(posSrc != -1 && posSrc<pos2) {
posSrc = AllLinesWot.indexOf("src=", pos1);
int posSlashDiv = AllLinesWot.indexOf("</div>", posSrc); //on doit rechercher tous les src avant </div>
if (posSrc != -1 && posSrc<pos2) {
//on est dans les medailles en question
String srcImgMedal = "";
List<String> listSrcImgMedal = new ArrayList<String>();
do {
posSrc = AllLinesWot.indexOf("src=", pos1);
posSrc= posSrc+"src=".length();
int posWidth = AllLinesWot.indexOf("width", posSrc);
srcImgMedal = AllLinesWot.substring(posSrc+1, posWidth-2);
pos1= posWidth;
posSrc = AllLinesWot.indexOf("src=", pos1);
}while(posSrc < posSlashDiv);
int posDebutB = AllLinesWot.indexOf("<b>", pos1);
int posFinB = AllLinesWot.indexOf("</b>", pos1);
String titleMedal= AllLinesWot.substring(posDebutB+"<b>".length(), posFinB);
for (String src : listSrcImgMedal) {
System.out.println(src + "\t" + titleMedal + "\t"); //titre de la m�daille
pos1= posFinB;
//la description de la m�daille se trouve entre </b> et le prochain "</div"
int posNextSlashDiv = AllLinesWot.indexOf("</div", posFinB + "</b>".length());
//dans cette description, il faut supprimer un certain nombre de choses les href, les title les </a> s'il y en a bien sur
//<a href="/Jagdpanther" title="Jagdpanther">Jagdpanther</a>,
//<b>Hunter</b> - Destroy 100 or more of the following tanks:
// <a href="/" title="Jagdpanther">Jagdpanther</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Jagdtiger">Jagdtiger</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Pz.Kpfw. V Panther">Pz.Kpfw. V Panther</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Panther/M10">Panther/M10</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Panther II">Panther II</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger">Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P)">Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger (P)</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Pz.Kpfw. Tiger II">Pz.Kpfw. Tiger II</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Löwe">Löwe</a>,
// <a href="/" title="GW Panther" class="mw-redirect">GW Panther</a>,
// <a href="/" title="GW Tiger" class="mw-redirect">GW Tiger</a>,
// <a href="/" title="Jagdpanther II">Jagdpanther II</a> and
// <a href="/,8_cm_PaK_43_Jagdtiger" title="8,8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger">8,8 cm PaK 43 Jagdtiger</a>
String finalDescMedal = "";
String descMedalWithB= AllLinesWot.substring(posDebutB-1 + "<".length(), posNextSlashDiv);
// while (descMedalWithB.contains("<a")) {
// //ci dessous une seule fois
// if (finalDescMedal.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
// int posInfA = descMedalWithB.indexOf("<a");
// finalDescMedal = descMedalWithB.substring(posFinB + "</b>".length()+ " - ".length(), posInfA); //recup toute la description avant <a
// }
// //boucle
// int posSlashA = descMedalWithB.indexOf("</a>");
// int posSupHref = descMedalWithB.indexOf(">");
// String partDesc = descMedalWithB.substring(posSupHref+1, posSlashA);
// finalDescMedal = finalDescMedal + " " + partDesc;
// //on supprime le début de la description jusqu'au </a>
// descMedalWithB = descMedalWithB.substring(posSlashA+"</a>".length());
// }
if (finalDescMedal.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
finalDescMedal = descMedalWithB; //recup toute la description avant <a
///replace /wiki
finalDescMedal = finalDescMedal.replaceAll("/wiki.", "http://wiki.");
System.out.println("\t" + descMedalWithB);
//création d'un achievement
XmlListAchievement myXmlListAchievement = objFactory.createXmlListAchievement();
//set du nom de la médaille
//set description de la médaille
//création xlmDescrition achievement
myXmlDescription= objFactory.createXmlDescription();
//set des src des icônes des médailles
XmlListSrcImg myXmlListSrcImg = objFactory.createXmlListSrcImg();
for (String src : listSrcImgMedal) {
//création des src
XmlSrc myXmlSrc = objFactory.createXmlSrc();
src = src.replaceAll("/wiki.", "http://wiki.");
//ajout à la liste des src de la médaille
//ajouter listAchievement à Catégory achievement
public static HashMap<String, XmlListAchievement> BuidHashMapAchievement (XmlWiki xmlWiki) {
HashMap<String, XmlListAchievement> hashMapAchievement = new HashMap<String, XmlListAchievement>();
//parcours de toutes les cat�gories de m�dailles
for(XmlListCategoryAchievement listCatAch : xmlWiki.getACHIEVEMENTS().getCATEGORYACHIEVEMENT() ) {
for (XmlListAchievement ach : listCatAch.getACHIEVEMENT()) {
for (XmlSrc src : ach.getSRCIMG().getSRC()) {
String srcValue = src.getVALUE();
int posLastSlash = srcValue.lastIndexOf("/");
String nameFile = srcValue.substring(posLastSlash+1);
hashMapAchievement.put(nameFile, ach);
return hashMapAchievement;
public static void main(String[] args) {