Package com.wot.client

Source Code of com.wot.client.LineChartExample

package com.wot.client;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ChartLoader;
import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ChartPackage;
import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.ColumnType;
import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.DataTable;
import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.corechart.LineChart;
import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.corechart.LineChartOptions;
import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.HAxis;
import com.googlecode.gwt.charts.client.options.VAxis;
import com.wot.shared.CommunityAccount;
import com.wot.shared.DataPlayerInfos;

public class LineChartExample extends SimplePanel {
  private LineChart chart;
  List<CommunityAccount> listAccount ;
  String stat;
  public LineChartExample(String stat, List<CommunityAccount> listAccount) {
    this.listAccount = listAccount;
    this.stat = stat;

  private void initialize() {
    ChartLoader chartLoader = new ChartLoader(ChartPackage.CORECHART);
    chartLoader.loadApi(new Runnable() {

      public void run() {
        // Create and attach the chart
        chart = new LineChart();

  private void draw() {
    //String[] countries = new String[] { "Austria", "Bulgaria", "Denmark", "Greece" };
    //new stats WOT
    List<String> listStats = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (CommunityAccount commAcc: listAccount) {
    // Prepare the data
    DataTable dataTable = DataTable.create();
    dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "dates");
//    for (int i = 0; i < countries.length; i++) {
//      dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, countries[i]);
//    }
    for (String nameStat: listStats) {
      dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, nameStat);
    CommunityAccount commAccount = listAccount.get(0);
    //String  tabDates[] = new String [100] ;
    //init tabDates
    int i = 0;
//    for(String date :commAccount.listDates) {
//      tabDates[i] = date;
//      i++;
//    }
//    //wn8 directe
//    Double [] tabWn8= new Double [100];
//    i = 0;
//    for(DataPlayerInfos data :commAccount.listDataPlayerInfos) {
//      tabWn8[i] = data.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWn8();
//      i++;
//    }
    //wn8 directe
//    Double [] tabWr= new Double [100];
//    i = 0;
//    for(DataPlayerInfos data :commAccount.listDataPlayerInfos) {
//      tabWr[i] = data.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattle_avg_performanceCalc()*100;
//      i++;
//    }
//    Integer [] tabBattlesWins = new Integer [100];
//    i = 0;
//    for(Integer wn :commAccount.listBattlesWins) {
//      tabBattlesWins[i] = wn;
//      i++;
//    }
//    Integer [] tabBattles = new Integer [100];
//    i = 0;
//    for(Integer wn :commAccount.listbattles) {
//      tabBattles[i] = wn;
//      i++;
//    }
//    for (int i = 0; i < years.length; i++) {
//      dataTable.setValue(i, 0, String.valueOf(years[i]));
//    }
    //on set la légende des abscisses ligne 0
//    i = 0;
//    for (String date: commAccount.listDates ) {
//      //String partdate= date.substring(0, 8);
//      dataTable.setValue(i, 0, String.valueOf(i));
//      i++;
//    }
    for (int row = 0; row < commAccount.listDates.size(); row++) {
      int index = commAccount.listDates.size() -1 ;
      index = index - row;
      String partdate = commAccount.listDates.get(index);
      partdate = partdate.substring(0, 5);
      dataTable.setValue(row, 0, String.valueOf(partdate));
//    for (int col = 0; col < values.length; col++) {
//      for (int row = 0; row < values[col].length; row++) {
//        dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, values[col][row]);
//      }
//    }
//    for (int col = 0; col < listStats.size() ; col++) {
//      for (int row = 0; row < commAccount.listDates.size(); row++) {
//        int bw = tabBattlesWins[col] ;
//        int b = tabBattles[col] ;
//        double db =  (double)bw/(double)b ;
//        int intdb = (int) (db * 100);
//        db = (double) intdb / (double)100 ;
//        dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, db);
//      }
//    }
    int col = 0 ;
    double avg = 0.0;
    int previousNbBattle = 0;
    for (CommunityAccount commAcc: listAccount) {
      avg = 0.0;
      previousNbBattle = 0;
      for (int row = 0; row < commAccount.listDates.size(); row++) {
        int index = commAccount.listDates.size() -1 ;
        index = index - row;
         DataPlayerInfos dataPlayerInfos = commAcc.listDataPlayerInfos.get(index);
         if (stat.equalsIgnoreCase("WN8")) {
           double tmp = dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWn8();
           if (dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWn8()!=0 && !Double.isNaN(dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWn8())){
             avg = dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWn8();
           if (avg != 0.0) {
             int nb = (int) (avg * 100);
             avg = (double)nb/100;
             dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, avg);
         if (stat.equalsIgnoreCase("WR")) {
           if (dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattle_avg_performanceCalc() ==null) {
             if (dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWins() !=0 && dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattles() != 0) {
               avg = (double)dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWins()/ (double)dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattles();
               avg = avg *100 ;
             if (avg != 0.0)
               dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, avg);
           } else {
             avg = dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattle_avg_performanceCalc() 100 ;
             if (avg != 0.0) {
               int nb = (int) (avg * 100);
               avg = (double)nb/100;
               dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, avg);
         if (stat.equalsIgnoreCase("BATTLE")) {
//           if (dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattle_avg_performanceCalc() == null) {
//             if (dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWins() !=0 && dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattles() != 0) {
//               avg = (double)dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getWins()/ (double)dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattles();
//               avg = avg *100 ;
//             }
//             if (avg != 0.0)
//               dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, avg);
//           } else {
//             avg = dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattle_avg_performanceCalc() *  100 ;
//             if (avg != 0.0) {
//               int nb = (int) (avg * 100);
//               avg = (double)nb/100;
//               dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, avg);
//             }
//           }
           if (dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics()!= null) {
             int nbBattle = dataPlayerInfos.getStatistics().getAllStatistics().getBattles();
             avg = nbBattle;
             if (previousNbBattle == 0 )
               dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, previousNbBattle);
             else {
               //diff par rapoort au précédent
               dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, nbBattle - previousNbBattle);
             previousNbBattle = nbBattle;
           }else {
             dataTable.setValue(row, col + 1, avg);

    // Set options
    LineChartOptions options = LineChartOptions.create();

    // Draw the chart
    chart.draw(dataTable, options);

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