/* Copyright (c) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package sample.sites;
import com.google.gdata.client.http.HttpGDataRequest;
import com.google.gdata.client.sites.SitesService;
import com.google.gdata.data.Link;
import com.google.gdata.data.MediaContent;
import com.google.gdata.data.OutOfLineContent;
import com.google.gdata.data.PlainTextConstruct;
import com.google.gdata.data.XhtmlTextConstruct;
import com.google.gdata.data.acl.AclEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.acl.AclFeed;
import com.google.gdata.data.media.MediaFileSource;
import com.google.gdata.data.media.MediaSource;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.ActivityFeed;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.AnnouncementEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.AnnouncementsPageEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.AttachmentEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.BaseActivityEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.BaseContentEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.BasePageEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.CommentEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.ContentFeed;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.FileCabinetPageEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.ListItemEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.ListPageEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.RevisionFeed;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.SiteFeed;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.SiteEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.SitesLink;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.Theme;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.WebAttachmentEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.sites.WebPageEntry;
import com.google.gdata.data.spreadsheet.Column;
import com.google.gdata.data.spreadsheet.Field;
import com.google.gdata.util.AuthenticationException;
import com.google.gdata.util.ServiceException;
import com.google.gdata.util.XmlBlob;
import com.google.gdata.util.XmlParser;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap;
* Wrapper class for lower level Sites API calls.
public class SitesHelper {
private String domain;
private String siteName;
public SitesService service;
public MimetypesFileTypeMap mediaTypes;
public static final String[] KINDS = {
"announcement", "announcementspage", "attachment", "comment",
"filecabinet", "listitem", "listpage", "webpage", "webattachment"
* Constructor
* @param applicationName The name of the application.
* @param domain The Site's Google Apps domain or "site".
* @param siteName The webspace name of the Site.
public SitesHelper(String applicationName, String domain, String siteName) {
this(applicationName, domain, siteName, false);
* Constructor
* @param applicationName The name of the application.
* @param domain The Site's Google Apps domain or "site".
* @param siteName The webspace name of the Site.
* @param logging Whether to enable HTTP requests to stdout
public SitesHelper(String applicationName, String domain, String siteName,
boolean logging) {
if (logging) {
this.domain = domain;
this.siteName = siteName;
this.service = new SitesService(applicationName);
private void registerMediaTypes() {
// Common MIME types used for uploading attachments.
mediaTypes = new MimetypesFileTypeMap();
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("application/msword doc");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("application/vnd.ms-excel xls");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("application/pdf pdf");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("text/richtext rtx");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("text/csv csv");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("text/tab-separated-values tsv tab");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet ods");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text odt");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("application/vnd.ms-powerpoint ppt pps pot");
+ "wordprocessingml.document docx");
+ "spreadsheetml.sheet xlsx");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("audio/mpeg mp3 mpeg3");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("image/png png");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("application/zip zip");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("application/x-tar tar");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("video/quicktime qt mov moov");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe mpv vbs mpegv");
mediaTypes.addMimeTypes("video/msvideo avi");
* Authenticates the user using ClientLogin
* @param username User's email address.
* @param password User's password.
public void login(String username, String password) throws AuthenticationException {
service.setUserCredentials(username, password);
* Authenticates the user using AuthSub
* @param authSubToken A valid AuthSub session token.
public void login(String authSubToken) {
* Logs HTTP requests and XML to stdout.
private void turnOnLogging(boolean logXML) {
// Create a log handler which prints all log events to the console
ConsoleHandler logHandler = new ConsoleHandler();
// Configure the logging mechanisms
Logger httpLogger =
if (logXML) {
Logger xmlLogger = Logger.getLogger(XmlParser.class.getName());
* Returns an entry's numeric ID.
private String getEntryId(BaseContentEntry<?> entry) {
String selfLink = entry.getSelfLink().getHref();
return selfLink.substring(selfLink.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
* Returns an entry's numeric ID.
private String getEntryId(String selfLink) {
return selfLink.substring(selfLink.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
public String getContentFeedUrl() {
return "https://sites.google.com/feeds/content/" + domain + "/" + siteName + "/";
public String getRevisionFeedUrl() {
return "https://sites.google.com/feeds/revision/" + domain + "/" + siteName + "/";
public String getActivityFeedUrl() {
return "https://sites.google.com/feeds/activity/" + domain + "/" + siteName + "/";
public String getSiteFeedUrl() {
return "https://sites.google.com/feeds/site/" + domain + "/";
public String getAclFeedUrl(String siteName) {
return "https://sites.google.com/feeds/acl/site/" + domain + "/" + siteName + "/";
* Fetches and displays the user's site feed.
public void getSiteFeed() throws IOException, ServiceException {
SiteFeed siteFeed = service.getFeed(
new URL(getSiteFeedUrl()), SiteFeed.class);
for (SiteEntry entry : siteFeed.getEntries()){
System.out.println("title: " + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
System.out.println("site name: " + entry.getSiteName().getValue());
System.out.println("theme: " + entry.getTheme().getValue());
* Fetches and displays a Site's acl feed.
public void getAclFeed(String siteName) throws IOException, ServiceException {
AclFeed aclFeed = service.getFeed(
new URL(getAclFeedUrl(siteName)), AclFeed.class);
for (AclEntry entry : aclFeed.getEntries()) {
System.out.println(entry.getScope().getValue() + " (" +
entry.getScope().getType() + ") : " + entry.getRole().getValue());
* Fetches and displays the Site's activity feed.
public void getActivityFeed() throws IOException, ServiceException {
ActivityFeed activityFeed = service.getFeed(
new URL(getActivityFeedUrl()), ActivityFeed.class);
for (BaseActivityEntry<?> entry : activityFeed.getEntries()){
* Fetches and displays the revisions feed for an entry.
public void getRevisionFeed(String contentEntryId) throws IOException, ServiceException {
URL url = new URL(getRevisionFeedUrl() + contentEntryId);
RevisionFeed revisionFeed = service.getFeed(url, RevisionFeed.class);
for (BaseContentEntry<?> entry : revisionFeed.getEntries()) {
System.out.println(" updated: " + entry.getUpdated().toUiString() + " by " +
System.out.println(" revision #: " + entry.getRevision().getValue());
* Fetches and displays entries from the content feed.
* @param kind An entry kind to fetch. For example, "webpage". If null, the
* entire content feed is returned.
public void listSiteContents(String kind) throws IOException, ServiceException {
String url = kind.equals("all") ? getContentFeedUrl() : getContentFeedUrl() + "?kind=" + kind;
ContentFeed contentFeed = service.getFeed(new URL(url), ContentFeed.class);
for (WebPageEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(WebPageEntry.class)) {
System.out.println(" title: " + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" id: " + getEntryId(entry));
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
System.out.println(" authors: " + entry.getAuthors().get(0).getEmail());
System.out.println(" content: " + getContentBlob(entry));
for (ListPageEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(ListPageEntry.class)) {
System.out.println(" title: " + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" id: " + getEntryId(entry));
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
for (Column col : entry.getData().getColumns()) {
System.out.print(" [" + col.getIndex() + "] " + col.getName() + "\t");
for (ListItemEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(ListItemEntry.class)) {
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
for (Field field : entry.getFields()) {
System.out.print(" [" + field.getIndex() + "] " + field.getValue() + "\t");
for (FileCabinetPageEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(FileCabinetPageEntry.class)) {
System.out.println(" title: " + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" id: " + getEntryId(entry));
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
System.out.println(" content: " + getContentBlob(entry));
for (CommentEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(CommentEntry.class)) {
System.out.println(" id: " + getEntryId(entry));
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
System.out.println(" in-reply-to: " + entry.getInReplyTo().toString());
System.out.println(" content: " + getContentBlob(entry));
for (AnnouncementsPageEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(AnnouncementsPageEntry.class)) {
System.out.println(" title: " + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" id: " + getEntryId(entry));
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
System.out.println(" content: " + getContentBlob(entry));
for (AnnouncementEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(AnnouncementEntry.class)) {
System.out.println(" title: " + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" id: " + getEntryId(entry));
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
System.out.println(" draft?: " + entry.isDraft());
System.out.println(" content: " + getContentBlob(entry));
for (AttachmentEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(AttachmentEntry.class)) {
System.out.println(" title: " + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" id: " + getEntryId(entry));
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
if (entry.getSummary() != null) {
System.out.println(" description: " + entry.getSummary().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" revision: " + entry.getRevision().getValue());
MediaContent content = (MediaContent) entry.getContent();
System.out.println(" src: " + content.getUri());
System.out.println(" content type: " + content.getMimeType().getMediaType());
for (WebAttachmentEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(WebAttachmentEntry.class)) {
System.out.println(" title: " + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" id: " + getEntryId(entry));
if (entry.getParentLink() != null) {
System.out.println(" parent id: " + getEntryId(entry.getParentLink().getHref()));
if (entry.getSummary() != null) {
System.out.println(" description: " + entry.getSummary().getPlainText());
System.out.println(" src: " + ((MediaContent) entry.getContent()).getUri());
public String getContentBlob(BaseContentEntry<?> entry) {
return ((XhtmlTextConstruct) entry.getTextContent().getContent()).getXhtml().getBlob();
private void setContentBlob(BaseContentEntry<?> entry) {
XmlBlob xml = new XmlBlob();
"content for %s", entry.getCategories().iterator().next().getLabel()));
entry.setContent(new XhtmlTextConstruct(xml));
public SiteEntry createSite(String title, String summary)
throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException {
return createSite(title, summary, null);
* Creates a new Google Sites.
* @param title A name for the site.
* @param summary A description for the site.
* @param theme A theme to create the site with.
* @return The created site entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
* @throws MalformedURLException
public SiteEntry createSite(String title, String summary, String theme)
throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException {
SiteEntry entry = new SiteEntry();
entry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(title));
entry.setSummary(new PlainTextConstruct(summary));
// Set theme if user specified it.
if (theme != null) {
Theme tt = new Theme();
return service.insert(new URL(getSiteFeedUrl()), entry);
* Copies a Google Site from an existing site.
* @param title A title heading for the new site.
* @param summary A description for the site.
* @param theme A theme to create the site with.
* @param sourceHref The self link of the site entry to copy this site from.
* If null, an empty site is created.
* @return The created site entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
* @throws MalformedURLException
public SiteEntry copySite(String title, String summary, String sourceHref)
throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException {
SiteEntry entry = new SiteEntry();
entry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(title));
entry.setSummary(new PlainTextConstruct(summary));
entry.addLink(SitesLink.Rel.SOURCE, Link.Type.ATOM, sourceHref);
return service.insert(new URL(getSiteFeedUrl()), entry);
public BaseContentEntry<?> createPage(String kind, String title)
throws MalformedURLException, SitesException, IOException, ServiceException {
return createPage(kind, title, null);
* Creates a new (sub)page.
* @param kind The type of page to created (e.g. webpage, filecabinet, listpage, etc).
* @param title A title heading for the page
* @param parent The full URL of the parent to create the subpage under
* or the parent entry's ID (e.g. 1234567890).
* @return The created entry.
* @throws SitesException
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
* @throws MalformedURLException
public BaseContentEntry<?> createPage(String kind, String title, String parent)
throws SitesException, MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException {
BaseContentEntry<?> entry = null;
if (kind.equals("announcement")) {
entry = new AnnouncementEntry();
} else if (kind.equals("announcementspage")) {
entry = new AnnouncementsPageEntry();
} else if (kind.equals("comment")) {
entry = new CommentEntry();
} else if (kind.equals("filecabinet")) {
entry = new FileCabinetPageEntry();
} else if (kind.equals("listitem")) {
entry = new ListItemEntry();
} else if (kind.equals("listpage")) {
entry = new ListPageEntry();
} else if (kind.equals("webpage")) {
entry = new WebPageEntry();
} else {
if (kind.equals("attachment") || kind.equals("webattachment")) {
throw new SitesException("Trying to create " + kind
+ ". Please use upload command instead.");
} else {
throw new SitesException("Unknown kind '" + kind + "'");
entry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(title));
// Upload to a parent page?
if (parent != null) {
if (parent.lastIndexOf("/") == -1) {
parent = getContentFeedUrl() + parent;
entry.addLink(SitesLink.Rel.PARENT, Link.Type.ATOM, parent);
return service.insert(new URL(getContentFeedUrl()), entry);
* Downloads a file from the specified URL to disk.
* @param downloadUrl The full URL to download the file from.
* @param fullFilePath The local path to save the file to on disk.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
private void downloadFile(String downloadUrl, String fullFilePath) throws IOException,
ServiceException {
System.out.println("Downloading file from: " + downloadUrl);
MediaContent mc = new MediaContent();
MediaSource ms = service.getMedia(mc);
InputStream inStream = null;
FileOutputStream outStream = null;
try {
inStream = ms.getInputStream();
outStream = new FileOutputStream(fullFilePath);
int c;
while ((c = inStream.read()) != -1) {
} finally {
if (inStream != null) {
if (outStream != null) {
* Downloads an attachment.
* @param entry The attachment (entry) to download.
* @param directory Path to a local directory to download the attach to.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public void downloadAttachment(AttachmentEntry entry, String directory)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
String url = ((OutOfLineContent) entry.getContent()).getUri();
downloadFile(url, directory + entry.getTitle().getPlainText());
* Downloads an attachment.
* @param entry The attachment (entry) to download.
* @param entryId The content entry id of the attachment (e.g. 1234567890)
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public void downloadAttachment(String entryId, String directory)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
AttachmentEntry attachment = service.getEntry(
new URL(getContentFeedUrl() + entryId), AttachmentEntry.class);
String url = ((OutOfLineContent) attachment.getContent()).getUri();
///*MediaSource mediaSource = service.getMedia((MediaContent) entry.getContent());*/
downloadFile(url, directory + attachment.getTitle().getPlainText());
* Downloads all attachments from a Site and assumes they all have different names.
* @param entry The attachment (entry) to download.
* @param directory Path to a local directory to download the attach to.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public void downloadAllAttachments(String directory) throws IOException, ServiceException {
URL contentFeedUrl = new URL(getContentFeedUrl() + "?kind=attachment");
ContentFeed contentFeed = service.getFeed(contentFeedUrl, ContentFeed.class);
for (AttachmentEntry entry : contentFeed.getEntries(AttachmentEntry.class)) {
downloadAttachment(entry, directory);
* Uploads an attachment to a selected parent page.
* @param file The file contents to upload.
* @param parentPage Entry of the page to upload the attachment to.
* @return Created attachment entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry uploadAttachment(File file, BasePageEntry<?> parentPage)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
return uploadAttachment(file, parentPage.getSelfLink().getHref(), file.getName(), "");
* Uploads an attachment to a selected parent page.
* @param file The file contents to upload,
* @param parentPage Entry of the page to upload the attachment to.
* @param title A title to name the attachment.
* @return Created attachment entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry uploadAttachment(File file, BasePageEntry<?> parentPage, String title)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
return uploadAttachment(file, parentPage.getSelfLink().getHref(), title, "");
* Uploads an attachment to a selected parent page.
* @param file The file contents to upload.
* @param parentPage Entry of the page to upload the attachment to.
* @param title A title to name the attachment.
* @param description A description for the file.
* @return Created attachment entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry uploadAttachment(File file, BasePageEntry<?> parentPage,
String title, String description) throws IOException, ServiceException {
return uploadAttachment(file, parentPage.getSelfLink().getHref(), title, description);
* Uploads an attachment to a selected parent page.
* @param filename Path of the file to upload.
* @param parentPage Entry of the page to upload the attachment to.
* @return Created attachment entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry uploadAttachment(String filename, BasePageEntry<?> parentPage)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
File file = new File(filename);
return uploadAttachment(file, parentPage.getSelfLink().getHref(), file.getName(), "");
* Uploads an attachment to a selected parent page.
* @param filename Path of the file to upload.
* @param parentUrl Full self id of the parent entry to upload the attachmen to.
* @param description A file description.
* @return Created attachment entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry uploadAttachment(String filename, String parentUrl, String description)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
File file = new File(filename);
return uploadAttachment(file, parentUrl, file.getName(), description);
* Uploads an attachment to a parent page using the file name for a title.
* @param file The file contents to upload.
* @param parentUrl Feed URL of the page to upload the attachment to.
* @return Created attachment entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry uploadAttachment(File file, String parentUrl)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
return uploadAttachment(file, parentUrl, file.getName(), "");
* Uploads an attachment to a parent page using the file name for a title.
* @param file The file contents to upload
* @param parentLink Full self id of the parent entry to upload the attach to.
* @param description A file description.
* @return The created attachment entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry uploadAttachment(File file, String parentLink, String description)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
return uploadAttachment(file, parentLink, file.getName(), description);
* Uploads an attachment to a parent page.
* @param file The file contents to upload
* @param parentLink Full self id of the parent entry to upload the attach to.
* @param title A title for the attachment.
* @param description A description for the attachment.
* @return The created attachment entry.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry uploadAttachment(File file, String parentLink, String title,
String description) throws IOException, ServiceException {
String fileMimeType = mediaTypes.getContentType(file);
AttachmentEntry newAttachment = new AttachmentEntry();
newAttachment.setMediaSource(new MediaFileSource(file, fileMimeType));
newAttachment.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(title));
newAttachment.setSummary(new PlainTextConstruct(description));
newAttachment.addLink(SitesLink.Rel.PARENT, Link.Type.ATOM, parentLink);
return service.insert(new URL(getContentFeedUrl()), newAttachment);
* Creates a web attachment under the selected file cabinet.
* @param contentUrl The full URL of the hosted file.
* @param filecabinet File cabinet to create the web attachment on.
* @param title A title for the attachment.
* @param description A description for the attachment.
* @return The created web attachment.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
* @throws MalformedURLException
public WebAttachmentEntry uploadWebAttachment(String contentUrl,
FileCabinetPageEntry filecabinet, String title, String description)
throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ServiceException {
MediaContent content = new MediaContent();
WebAttachmentEntry webAttachment = new WebAttachmentEntry();
webAttachment.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(title));
webAttachment.setSummary(new PlainTextConstruct(description));
webAttachment.addLink(SitesLink.Rel.PARENT, Link.Type.ATOM,
return service.insert(new URL(getContentFeedUrl()), webAttachment);
* Updates an existing attachment with new content.
* @param entry Attachment entry to update.
* @param newFile The replacement file content.
* @return The created attachment.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry updateAttachment(AttachmentEntry entry, File newFile)
throws IOException, ServiceException {
return updateAttachment(entry, newFile, null, null);
* Updates an existing attachment's metadata.
* @param entry Attachment entry to update.
* @param newTitle A new title for the attachment.
* @param newDescription A new description for the attachment.
* @return The created attachment.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry updateAttachment(AttachmentEntry entry, String newTitle,
String newDescription) throws IOException, ServiceException {
entry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(newTitle));
entry.setSummary(new PlainTextConstruct(newDescription));
return entry.update();
* Updates an existing attachment's metadata and content.
* @param entry Attachment entry to update.
* @param newFile The replacement file content.
* @param newTitle A new title for the attachment.
* @param newDescription A new description for the attachment.
* @return The created attachment.
* @throws ServiceException
* @throws IOException
public AttachmentEntry updateAttachment(AttachmentEntry entry, File newFile,
String newTitle, String newDescription) throws IOException, ServiceException {
entry.setMediaSource(new MediaFileSource(newFile, mediaTypes.getContentType(newFile)));
if (newTitle != null) {
entry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(newTitle));
if (newDescription != null) {
entry.setSummary(new PlainTextConstruct(newDescription));
return entry.updateMedia(true);