package org.fonteditor.springs;
import org.fonteditor.elements.curves.Curve;
import org.fonteditor.elements.paths.FEPath;
import org.fonteditor.elements.paths.FEPathList;
import org.fonteditor.elements.points.FEPoint;
import org.fonteditor.elements.points.FEPointList;
import org.fonteditor.utilities.callback.CallBackWithReturn;
import org.fonteditor.utilities.general.For;
import org.fonteditor.utilities.random.JUR;
* Utility methods to construct lists of Springs from outlines...
public class SpringMaker implements SpringConstants {
private static final int SPRING_THRESHOLD = 0x1800;
private JUR rnd = new JUR();
private SpringManager spring_manager;
private FEPathList fepathlist;
private FEPointList fepointlist;
public SpringMaker(FEPathList fepathlist, FEPointList fepointlist) {
this.fepathlist = fepathlist;
this.fepointlist = fepointlist;
spring_manager = new SpringManager();
public SpringManager makeSprings() {
return spring_manager;
public void makeSpringFromPoints() {
if (fepointlist.getNumber() > 2) {
for (int i = fepointlist.getNumber() << 2; --i >= 0;) {
public void makeSpringFromPaths() {
for (int i = 0; i < fepathlist.getNumber(); i++) {
public void makeSpringFromPath(FEPath p) {
int length = p.getNumberOfCurves();
if (length > 2) {
for (int i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
makeSpringFromThreeCurves(p.getCurve(i - 1), p.getCurve(i), p.getCurve(i + 1));
makeSpringFromThreeCurves(p.getCurve(length - 1), p.getCurve(0), p.getCurve(1));
makeSpringFromThreeCurves(p.getCurve(length - 2), p.getCurve(length - 1), p.getCurve(0));
private void makeSpringFromThreeCurves(Curve curve1, Curve curve2, Curve curve3) {
if ((curve1.isStraight()) && (curve2.isStraight()) && (curve3.isStraight())) {
FEPoint p1 = curve3.returnStartPoint();
FEPoint p2 = curve2.returnStartPoint();
// check distance...
if (p1.quickDistanceFrom(p2) <= SPRING_THRESHOLD) {
// check h or v...
if ((p1.getX() == p2.getX()) || (p1.getY() == p2.getY())) {
add(p1, p2);
public void makeSpring() {
if (fepointlist.getNumber() > 2) {
int idx_p1 = rnd.nextInt(fepointlist.getNumber());
int idx_p2 = rnd.nextInt(fepointlist.getNumber());
idx_p2 = findNearestPoint(idx_p1, idx_p2);
if (idx_p1 != idx_p2) {
idx_p1 = findNearestPoint(idx_p2, idx_p1);
if (idx_p1 != idx_p2) {
idx_p2 = findNearestPoint(idx_p1, idx_p2);
if (idx_p1 != idx_p2) {
idx_p1 = findNearestPoint(idx_p2, idx_p1);
if (idx_p1 != idx_p2) {
FEPoint fep1 = fepointlist.getPoint(idx_p1);
FEPoint fep2 = fepointlist.getPoint(idx_p2);
if (fep1.squaredDistanceFrom(fep2) < SPRING_THRESHOLD_SQUARED) {
// is it headed outwards from point 1?
LocalPathAndIndex loc1 = findLocalPathAndIndex(fep1);
FEPath path1 = loc1.getPath();
int index1 = loc1.getIndex();
FEPoint fep1_plus = path1.safelyGetPoint(index1 + 1);
FEPoint fep1_minus = path1.safelyGetPoint(index1 - 1);
if (isClockwise(fep1, fep2, fep1_plus, fep1_minus)) {
// is it headed outwards from point 2?
LocalPathAndIndex loc2 = findLocalPathAndIndex(fep2);
FEPath path2 = loc2.getPath();
int index2 = loc2.getIndex();
FEPoint fep2_plus = path2.safelyGetPoint(index2 + 1);
FEPoint fep2_minus = path2.safelyGetPoint(index2 - 1);
if (isClockwise(fep2, fep1, fep2_plus, fep2_minus)) {
add(fep1, fep2);
boolean isClockwise(FEPoint fep1, FEPoint fep2, FEPoint fep3, FEPoint fep4) {
int x = fep1.getX();
int y = fep1.getY();
return isClockwise(fep2.getX() - x, fep2.getY() - y, fep3.getX() - x, fep3.getY() - y, fep4.getX() - x, fep4.getY() - y);
boolean isClockwise(int dx1, int dy1, int dx2, int dy2, int dx3, int dy3) {
int theta1 = getAngle(dx1, dy1);
int theta2 = getAngle(dx2, dy2);
int theta3 = getAngle(dx3, dy3);
if ((theta1 >= theta2) && (theta2 >= theta3)) {
return true;
if ((theta2 >= theta3) && (theta3 >= theta1)) {
return true;
if ((theta3 >= theta1) && (theta1 >= theta2)) {
return true;
return false;
int getAngle(int dx, int dy) {
if (dx == 0) {
if (dy > 0) {
return 0x80;
} else {
return 0x00;
if (dy == 0) {
if (dx > 0) {
return 0x40;
} else {
return 0xC0;
if (dx > 0) {
if (dy > 0) {
if (dx == dy) {
return 0x60;
if (dx > dy) {
return 0x50;
} else { // dx < dy
return 0x70;
} else { // dy < 0
if (dx == -dy) {
return 0x20;
if (dx > -dy) {
return 0x30;
} else { // dx > -dy
return 0x10;
} else { // dx < 0
if (dy > 0) {
if (-dx == dy) {
return 0xA0;
if (-dx > dy) {
return 0xB0;
} else {
return 0x90;
} else {
if (-dx == -dy) {
return 0xE0;
if (-dx > -dy) {
return 0xD0;
} else {
return 0xF0;
private void add(FEPoint fep1, FEPoint fep2) {
Spring s = new Spring(fep1, fep2);
private int findNearestPoint(int idx_p1, int idx_p2) { //, GlyphDisplayOptions gdo) {
int dir = rnd.nextBoolean() ? -1 : 1;
boolean flipped = false;
FEPoint p1 = fepointlist.getPoint(idx_p1);
FEPoint p2 = fepointlist.getPoint(idx_p2);
int max = p1.squaredDistanceFrom(p2);
FEPath path = fepathlist.getPath(p2);
FEPointList fepl = path.getFEPointList();
idx_p2 = fepl.getIndexOf(p2);
for (; true;) {
int new_idx_p2 = idx_p2 + dir;
if (new_idx_p2 < 0) {
new_idx_p2 = fepl.getNumber() - 1;
if (new_idx_p2 >= fepl.getNumber()) {
new_idx_p2 = 0;
p2 = fepl.getPoint(new_idx_p2);
int dist = p1.squaredDistanceFrom(p2);
if (dist <= max) {
max = dist;
idx_p2 = new_idx_p2;
} else {
if (flipped) {
return fepointlist.getIndexOf(fepl.getPoint(idx_p2));
} else {
dir = -dir;
flipped = true;
LocalPathAndIndex findLocalPathAndIndex(final FEPoint fepoint) {
return (LocalPathAndIndex) fepathlist.executeOnEachPath(new CallBackWithReturn() {
public Object callback(Object o) {
FEPath fepath = (FEPath) o;
if (fepath.contains(fepoint)) {
return new LocalPathAndIndex(fepath, fepath.indexOf(fepoint));
return null;
class LocalPathAndIndex {
private FEPath path;
private int index;
public LocalPathAndIndex(FEPath path, int index) {
this.path = path;
this.index = index;
void setPath(FEPath path) {
this.path = path;
FEPath getPath() {
return path;
void setIndex(int index) {
this.index = index;
int getIndex() {
return index;