import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
* Main Client for Plurk API.
* @author Askeing
public class PlurkClient {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Init PlurkClient">
private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PlurkClient.class);
protected HttpExecutor executor;
private ISettings config;
* Load Setting from property file.
* @param settings
public PlurkClient(ISettings settings) {
this.config = settings;
this.executor = new HttpExecutor(settings);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Users/login">
* /API/Users/login<br/>
* Login an already created user. Login creates a session cookie,
* which can be used to access the other methods.
* On success it returns the data returned by /API/Profile/getOwnProfile.
* @param user The user's nick name or email.
* @param password The user's password.
* @return The JSONObject of /API/Profile/getOwnProfile
public JSONObject login(String user, String password) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Users/register">
* /API/Users/register<br/>
* Register a new user account.
* @param nickName
* @param fullName
* @param password
* @param gender
* @param dateOfBirth
* @return JSONObject with user info {"id": 42, "nick_name": "frodo_b", ...}
public JSONObject register(String nickName, String fullName,
String password, Gender gender, String dateOfBirth) throws PlurkException {
return this.register(nickName, fullName, password, gender, dateOfBirth, "");
* /API/Users/register<br/>
* Register a new user account. (with optional parameters.)
* @param nickName
* @param fullName
* @param password
* @param gender
* @param dateOfBirth
* @param email (optional)
* @return JSONObject with user info {"id": 42, "nick_name": "frodo_b", ...}
public JSONObject register(String nickName, String fullName,
String password, Gender gender, String dateOfBirth, String email) throws PlurkException {
final int FLAG = Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE;
Matcher m;
// validation of nick_name
m = Pattern.compile("[\\w]{3,}", FLAG).matcher(nickName);
if (!m.find()) {
return null;
// validation of full_name
m = Pattern.compile(".+", FLAG).matcher(fullName);
if (!m.find()) {
return null;
// validation of password
m = Pattern.compile(".{3,}", FLAG).matcher(password);
if (!m.find()) {
return null;
// validation of date_of_birth
m = Pattern.compile("[0-9]{4}\\-(0[1-9])|(1[0-2])\\-(0[1-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-9])|(3[0-1])", FLAG).matcher(dateOfBirth);
if (!m.find()) {
return null;
try {
Args paramMap = config.args().name("nick_name").value(nickName)
if (email != null && !email.equals((""))) {
paramMap ="email").value(email);
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().register(paramMap.getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Users/update">
* /API/Users/update
* @param currentPassword User's current password.
* @param fullName Change full name.
* @param newPassword Change password.
* @param email Change email.
* @param displayName User's display name, can be empty and full unicode. Must be shorter than 15 characters.
* @param privacyPolicy User's privacy settings. The option can be world (whole world can view the profile), only_friends (only friends can view the profile) or only_me (only the user can view own plurks).
* @param birth Should be YYYY-MM-DD, example 1985-05-13.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject update(String currentPassword, String fullName,
String newPassword, String email, String displayName,
PrivacyPolicy privacyPolicy, DateTime birth) throws PlurkException {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(currentPassword)) {
logger.warn("current password can not be null.");
throw new PlurkException("current password can not be null");
Args args = config.args();"current_password").value(currentPassword);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fullName)) {"full_name").value(fullName);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(newPassword)) {"new_password").value(newPassword);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(displayName)) {"display_name").value(displayName);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(email)) {"email").value(email);
if (privacyPolicy != null) {"privacy").value(privacyPolicy.toString());
if (birth != null) {"privacy").value(birth.birthday());
try {
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().update(args.getMap())));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Users/updatePicture">
* /API/Users/updatePicture <br />
* @param file a image file will be uploaded
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject updatePicture(File file) throws PlurkException {
if (file == null || !file.exists() || !file.isFile()) {
logger.warn("not a valid file: " + file);
throw new PlurkException("not a valid file: " + file);
HttpPost method = new HttpPost("");
try {
ThinMultipartEntity entity = new ThinMultipartEntity();
entity.addPart("api_key", config.getApiKey());
entity.addPart("profile_image", file);
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
* /API/Users/updatePicture <br />
* @param fileName a image file will be uploaded
* @param inputStream a input stream can read image data
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject updatePicture(String fileName, InputStream inputStream) throws PlurkException {
HttpPost method = new HttpPost("");
try {
ThinMultipartEntity entity = new ThinMultipartEntity();
entity.addPart("api_key", config.getApiKey());
entity.addPart("profile_image", fileName, inputStream);
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/FriendsFans/getFriendsByOffset">
* /API/FriendsFans/getFriendsByOffset <br/>
* @param userId
* @param offset
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONArray getFriendsByOffset(String userId, int offset) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
.name("offset").value((offset < 0 ? 0 : offset)).getMap());
return JsonUtils.toArray(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/FriendsFans/getFansByOffset">
* /API/FriendsFans/getFansByOffset <br />
* @param userId
* @param offset
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONArray getFansByOffset(String userId, int offset) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
.name("offset").value((offset < 0 ? 0 : offset)).getMap());
return JsonUtils.toArray(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/FriendsFans/getFollowingByOffset">
* /API/FriendsFans/getFollowingByOffset
* @param offset The offset, can be 10, 20, 30 etc.
* @return Returns a list of JSON objects users, e.g. [{"id": 3, "nick_name": "alvin", ...}, ...]
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONArray getFollowingByOffset(int offset) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
.name("offset").value((offset < 0 ? 0 : offset)).getMap());
return JsonUtils.toArray(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/FriendsFans/becomeFriend">
* /API/FriendsFans/becomeFriend
* @param friendId The ID of the user you want to befriend.
* @return {"success_text": "ok"} if a friend request has been made.
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject becomeFriend(int friendId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/FriendsFans/removeAsFriend">
* /API/FriendsFans/removeAsFriend
* @param friendId The ID of the user you want to remove
* @return {"success_text": "ok"} if friend_id has been removed as friend.
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject removeAsFriend(int friendId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/FriendsFans/becomeFan">
* /API/FriendsFans/becomeFan
* @param fanId The ID of the user you want to become fan of
* @return {"success_text": "ok"} if the current logged in user is a fan of fan_id.
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject becomeFan(int fanId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
.becomeFan(config.args().name("fan_id").value("" + fanId).getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/FriendsFans/setFollowing">
* /API/FriendsFans/setFollowing
* @param userId
* @param follow true if the user should be followed, and false if the user should be unfollowed.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject setFollowing(int userId, boolean follow) throws PlurkException {
try {
Boolean isFollow = follow;
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/FriendsFans/getCompletion">
* /API/FriendsFans/getCompletion <br/>
* Returns a JSON object of the logged in users friends (nick name and full name).
* This information can be used to construct auto-completion for private plurking.
* Notice that a friend list can be big, depending on how many friends a user has, so this list should be lazy-loaded in your application.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getCompletion() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/getPlurk">
* /API/Users/getPlurk
* @param plurkId
* @return JSON object of the plurk and owner
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getPlurk(String plurkId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="API/Timeline/getPlurks">
* /API/Timeline/getPlurks
* @param offset (optional) Return plurks older than offset, formatted as 2009-6-20T21:55:34.
* @param limit (optional) How many plurks should be returned? Default is 20.
* @param onlyUser (optional) filter of My Plurks
* @param onlyResponsed (optional) filter of Private
* @param onlyPrivate (optional) filter of Responded
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getPlurks(DateTime offset, int limit, boolean onlyUser, boolean onlyResponsed, boolean onlyPrivate) throws PlurkException {
try {
String _offset = (offset == null ? : offset).toTimeOffset();
Args args = config.args().name("offset").value(_offset)
.name("limit").value((limit <= 0 ? 20 : limit));
if (onlyUser) {"only_user").value("true");
if (onlyResponsed) {"only_responded").value("true");
if (onlyPrivate) {"only_private").value("true");
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/getUnreadPlurks">
* /API/Timeline/getUnreadPlurks<br/>
* Get unread plurks.
* @return JSONObject of unread plurks and their users
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getUnreadPlurks() throws PlurkException {
return this.getUnreadPlurks(null);
* /API/Timeline/getUnreadPlurks<br/>
* Get unread plurks older than offset.
* @param offset (optional), formatted as 2009-6-20T21:55:34
* @return JSONObject of unread plurks and their users
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getUnreadPlurks(DateTime offset) throws PlurkException {
return this.getUnreadPlurks(offset, 0);
* /API/Timeline/getUnreadPlurks<br/>
* Get the limited unread plurks.
* @param limit (optional), Limit the number of plurks
* @return JSONObject of unread plurks and their users
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getUnreadPlurks(int limit) throws PlurkException {
return this.getUnreadPlurks(null, limit);
* /API/Timeline/getUnreadPlurks<br/>
* Get the limited unread plurks older than offset.
* @param offset (optional), formatted as 2009-6-20T21:55:34
* @param limit (optional), limit the number of plurks. 0 as default, which will get 10 plurks
* @return JSONObject of unread plurks and their users
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getUnreadPlurks(DateTime offset, int limit) throws PlurkException {
try {
Args args = config.args();
if (offset != null) {
args ="offset").value(offset.toTimeOffset());
if (limit > 0) {
args ="limit").value(limit);
} else if (limit == 0) {
args ="limit").value(10);
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().getUnreadPlurks(args.getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/plurkAdd">
* /API/Timeline/plurkAdd<br/>
* Add new plurk to timeline.
* @param content
* @param qualifier
* @return JSON object of the new plurk
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject plurkAdd(String content, Qualifier qualifier) throws PlurkException {
return this.plurkAdd(content, qualifier, CommentBy.All);
* /API/Timeline/plurkAdd<br/>
* Add new plurk to timeline.
* @param content
* @param qualifier
* @param commentBy (optional), true or false
* @return JSON object of the new plurk
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject plurkAdd(String content, Qualifier qualifier, CommentBy commentBy) throws PlurkException {
return this.plurkAdd(content, qualifier, null, commentBy, null);
* /API/Timeline/plurkAdd<br/>
* Add new plurk to timeline.
* @param content
* @param qualifier
* @param lang (optional)
* @return JSON object of the new plurk
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject plurkAdd(String content, Qualifier qualifier, Lang lang) throws PlurkException {
return this.plurkAdd(content, qualifier, null, CommentBy.All, lang);
* /API/Timeline/plurkAdd<br/>
* Add new plurk to timeline.
* @param content
* @param qualifier
* @param limited_to (optional), JSON Array contains friends ids. If limited_to is [0], then the Plurk is privatley posted to the poster's friends.
* @param commentBy (optional), true or false
* @param lang (optional)
* @return JSON object of the new plurk
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject plurkAdd(String content, Qualifier qualifier, String limited_to, CommentBy commentBy, Lang lang) throws PlurkException {
try {
Args args = config.args().name("content").value(content)
.name("lang").value(lang == null ? config.getLang() : lang.toString());
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(limited_to)) {
args ="limited_to").value(limited_to);
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().plurkAdd(args.getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/plurkDelete">
* /API/Timeline/plurkDelete<br/>
* Deletes a plurk.
* @param plurkId
* @return {"success_text": "ok"}
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject plurkDelete(String plurkId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/plurkEdit">
* /API/Timeline/plurkEdit<br/>
* Edits a plurk.
* @param plurkId
* @param content
* @return JSON object of the updated plurk
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject plurkEdit(String plurkId, String content) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/mutePlurks">
* /API/Timeline/mutePlurks
* @param ids the plurk ids will be muted
* @return JSONObject represent the {"success_text": "ok"}
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject mutePlurks(String... ids) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpUriRequest method = PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().mutePlurks(
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/unmutePlurks">
* /API/Timeline/unmutePlurks
* @param ids the plurk ids will be unmuted.
* @return JSONObject represent the {"success_text": "ok"}
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject unmutePlurks(String... ids) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpUriRequest method = PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().unmutePlurks(
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/favoritePlurks">
* /API/Timeline/favoritePlurks
* @param ids The plurk ids, formated as JSON, e.g. [342,23242,2323]
* @return JSONObject represent the {"success_text": "ok"}
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject favoritePlurks(String... ids) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpUriRequest method = PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().favoritePlurks(
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/unfavoritePlurks">
* /API/Timeline/unfavoritePlurks
* @param ids The plurk ids, formated as JSON, e.g. [342,23242,2323]
* @return JSONObject represent the {"success_text": "ok"}
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject unfavoritePlurks(String... ids) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpUriRequest method = PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().unfavoritePlurks(
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/markAsRead">
* /API/Timeline/markAsRead
* @param ids the plurk ids will mark as read.
* @return JSONObject represent the {"success_text": "ok"}
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject markAsRead(String... ids) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpUriRequest method = PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().markAsRead(
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/uploadPicture">
* /API/Timeline/uploadPicture
* @param file a image file will be uploaded
* @return json with thumbnail url. for example <pre>{"thumbnail":"","full":""}</pre>
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject uploadPicture(File file) throws PlurkException {
if (file == null || !file.exists() || !file.isFile()) {
logger.warn("not a valid file: " + file);
return null;
HttpPost method = new HttpPost("");
try {
ThinMultipartEntity entity = new ThinMultipartEntity();
entity.addPart("api_key", config.getApiKey());
entity.addPart("image", file);
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Timeline/uploadPicture">
* /API/Timeline/uploadPicture
* @param fileName a image file will be uploaded
* @param inputStream
* @return json with thumbnail url. for example <pre>{"thumbnail":"","full":""}</pre>
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject uploadPicture(String fileName, InputStream inputStream) throws PlurkException {
HttpPost method = new HttpPost("");
try {
ThinMultipartEntity entity = new ThinMultipartEntity();
entity.addPart("api_key", config.getApiKey());
entity.addPart("image", fileName, inputStream);
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Responses/responseAdd">
* /API/Responses/responseAdd
* @param plurkId which plurk will be response
* @param content the responsed content
* @param qualifier
* @return JSON object
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject responseAdd(String plurkId, String content, Qualifier qualifier) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Responses/get">
* /API/Responses/get
* @param plurkId
* @return JSON object
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject responseGet(String plurkId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Responses/responseDelete">
* /API/Responses/responseDelete
* @param plurkId the plurk id contains the response
* @param responseId the id of the response will be deleted.
* @return {"success_text": "ok"} when deletion is success, otherwise null.
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject responseDelete(String plurkId, String responseId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Alerts/getActive">
* /API/Alerts/getActive <br />
* Return a JSON list of current active alerts.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONArray getActive() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().getActive(config.args().getMap());
return JsonUtils.toArray(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Alerts/getHistory">
* /API/Alerts/getHistory <br />
* Return a JSON list of past 30 alerts.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONArray getHistory() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().getHistory(config.args().getMap());
return JsonUtils.toArray(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Alerts/addAsFan">
* /API/Alerts/addAsFan <br />
* Accept user_id as fan.
* @param userId The user_id that has asked for friendship.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject addAsFan(int userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Alerts/addAsFriend">
* /API/Alerts/addAsFriend <br />
* Accept user_id as friend.
* @param userId The user_id that has asked for friendship.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject addAsFriend(int userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Alerts/addAllAsFan">
* /API/Alerts/addAllAsFan <br />
* Accept all friendship requests as fans
* @return {"success_text": "ok"} when request success, otherwise null
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject addAllAsFan() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().addAllAsFan(config.args().getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Alerts/addAllAsFriends">
* /API/Alerts/addAllAsFriends <br />
* Accept all friendship requests as friends.
* @return {"success_text": "ok"} when request success, otherwise null
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject addAllAsFriends() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().addAllAsFriends(config.args().getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Alerts/denyFriendship">
* /API/Alerts/denyFriendship <br />
* Deny friendship to user_id.
* @param userId The user_id that has asked for friendship.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject denyFriendship(int userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Alerts/removeNotification">
* /API/Alerts/removeNotification <br />
* Remove notification to user with id user_id.
* @param userId The user_id that the current user has requested friendship for.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject removeNotification(int userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Profile/getOwnProfile">
* /API/Profile/getOwnProfile
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getOwnProfile() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Profile/getPublicProfile">
* /API/Profile/getPublicProfile
* @param userId
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getPublicProfile(String userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Realtime/getUserChannel">
* Get instant notifications when there are new plurks and responses on a
* user's timeline. This is much more efficient and faster than polling so
* please use it!
* This API works like this:
* <li /> A request is sent to /API/Realtime/getUserChannel and in it you get
* an unique channel to currnetly logged in user's timeline
* <li />You do requests to this unqiue channel in order to get notifications
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public PlurkNotifier getUserChannel() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return new PlurkNotifier(executor.getHttpClient(), JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method)));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Polling/getPlurks">
* /API/Polling/getPlurks <br/>
* You should use this call to find out if there any new plurks posted to the user's timeline.
* It's much more efficient than doing it with /API/Timeline/getPlurks, so please use it :)
* @param offset
* @param limit
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getPollingPlurks(DateTime offset, int limit) throws PlurkException {
try {
String _offset = (offset == null ? : offset.toTimeOffset());
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
.name("limit").value((limit <= 0 ? 20 : limit)).getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Polling/getUnreadCount">
* /API/Polling/getUnreadCount <br/>
* Use this call to find out if there are unread plurks on a user's timeline.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getPollingUnreadCount() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/PlurkSearch/search">
* /API/PlurkSearch/search <br/>
* Returns the latest 20 plurks on a search term.
* @param query
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject searchPlurk(String query) throws PlurkException {
return searchPlurk(query, 0);
* /API/PlurkSearch/search <br/>
* Returns the latest 20 plurks on a search term.
* @param query
* @param offset A plurk_id of the oldest Plurk in the last search result.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject searchPlurk(String query, int offset) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
.name("offset").value((offset < 0 ? 0 : offset)).getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/UserSearch/search">
* /API/UserSearch/search <br/>
* Returns 10 users that match query, users are sorted by karma. <br/>
* (Hint: This API seems like do nothing...)
* @param query
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject searchUser(String query) throws PlurkException {
return searchUser(query, 10);
* /API/UserSearch/search <br/>
* Returns 10 users that match query, users are sorted by karma.
* @param query
* @param offset Page offset, like 10, 20, 30 etc. .
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject searchUser(String query, int offset) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
.name("offset").value((offset < 0 ? 0 : offset)).getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Emoticons/get">
* /API/Emoticons/get <br/>
* This call returns a JSON object that looks like: <br/>
* {"karma": {"0": [[":-))", "http:\/\/\/XXX.gif"], ...], ...},
* "recuited": {"10": [["(bigeyes)", "http:\/\/\/XXX.gif"], ...], ...} } <br/>
* emoticons["karma"][25] denotes that the user has to have karma over 25 to use these emoticons. <br/>
* emoticons["recuited"][10] means that the user has to have user.recuited >= 10 to use these emoticons. <br/>
* It's important to check for these things on the client as well, since the emoticon levels are checked in the models.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getEmoticons() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Blocks/get">
* /API/Blocks/get <br/>
* default offset 0
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getBlocks() throws PlurkException {
return getBlocks(0);
* /API/Blocks/get
* @param offset
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getBlocks(int offset) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
.name("offset").value((offset < 0 ? 0 : offset)).getMap());
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Blocks/block">
* /API/Blocks/block
* @param userId
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject block(String userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Blocks/unblock">
* /API/Blocks/unblock
* @param userId
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject unblock(String userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Cliques/get_cliques">
* /API/Cliques/get_cliques
* @return a JSON list of users current cliques
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONArray getCliques() throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toArray(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Cliques/create_clique">
* /API/Cliques/create_clique <br/>
* Create the new clique.
* @param cliqueName The name of the new clique
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject createClique(String cliqueName) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Cliques/get_clique">
* /API/Cliques/get_clique <br/>
* Get the user in the clique.
* @param cliqueName
* @return Returns the users in the clique, e.g. [{"display_name": "amix3", "gender": 0, "nick_name": "amix", "has_profile_image": 1, "id": 1, "avatar": null}]
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONArray getClique(String cliqueName) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toArray(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Cliques/renameClique">
* /API/Cliques/renameClique <br/>
* Rename the clique.
* @param cliqueName
* @param newName
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject renameClique(String cliqueName, String newName) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Cliques/delete_clique">
* /API/Cliques/delete_clique <br/>
* Delete the clique.
* @param cliqueName
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject deleteClique(String cliqueName) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Cliques/add">
* /API/Cliques/add <br/>
* Add the user into the clique.
* @param cliqueName
* @param userId
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject addToClique(String cliqueName, String userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="/API/Cliques/remove">
* /API/Cliques/remove <br/>
* Remove user from the clique
* @param cliqueName
* @param userId
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject removeFromClique(String cliqueName, String userId) throws PlurkException {
try {
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance()
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);
// </editor-fold>
* [Non-Offical API]
* /API/Timeline/getPlurks
* Add new function: filter of Liked.
* Function getFavoritePlurks() also use getPlurks API, because onlyFavorite can NOT using with onlyUser, onlyResponsed, and onlyPrivate, so this function is split out.
* @param offset (optional) Return plurks older than offset, formatted as 2009-6-20T21:55:34.
* @param limit (optional) How many plurks should be returned? Default is 20.
* @param onlyFavorite (optional) filter of Liked.
* @return
* @throws PlurkException
public JSONObject getFavoritePlurks(DateTime offset, int limit, boolean onlyFavorite) throws PlurkException {
try {
String _offset = (offset == null ? : offset).toTimeOffset();
Args args = config.args()
.name("limit").value((limit <= 0 ? 20 : limit));
if (onlyFavorite) {"only_favorite").value("true");
// Function getFavoritePlurks() also use getPlurks API,
// because onlyFavorite can NOT using with onlyUser, onlyResponsed, and onlyPrivate, so this function is split out.
HttpGet method = (HttpGet) PlurkActionSheet.getInstance().getPlurks(
return JsonUtils.toObject(executor.execute(method));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw PlurkException.create(e);