* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.walkaround.wave.server.googleimport;
import com.google.appengine.api.backends.BackendServiceFactory;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Entity;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Key;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.KeyFactory;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Query;
import com.google.appengine.api.datastore.Text;
import com.google.appengine.api.taskqueue.InternalFailureException;
import com.google.appengine.api.taskqueue.Queue;
import com.google.appengine.api.taskqueue.TaskOptions;
import com.google.appengine.api.taskqueue.TransientFailureException;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.ImportTaskPayload;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.RobotSearchDigest;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.gson.ImportTaskPayloadGsonImpl;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.gson.RobotSearchDigestGsonImpl;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.server.GsonProto;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.MessageException;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.SlobId;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.RetryHelper.PermanentFailure;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.RetryHelper.RetryableFailure;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.appengine.CheckedDatastore.CheckedIterator;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.appengine.CheckedDatastore.CheckedTransaction;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.appengine.DatastoreUtil;
import com.google.walkaround.util.shared.Assert;
import com.google.walkaround.wave.server.WalkaroundServletModule;
import com.google.walkaround.wave.server.auth.StableUserId;
import com.google.walkaround.wave.server.gxp.SourceInstance;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.WaveId;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.WaveletId;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.id.WaveletName;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Pair;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.ValueUtils;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Holds data about import status. All data that should be stored in one entity
* group per user goes into this table.
* @author ohler@google.com (Christian Ohler)
public class PerUserTable {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PerUserTable.class.getName());
private static final String ROOT_ENTITY_KIND = "ImportUser";
private static final String WAVELET_ENTITY_KIND = "ImportWavelet";
private static final String WAVELET_DIGEST_PROPERTY = "digest";
// Last modified time is also stored in the digest but we put it in a separate
// property as well so that we can have an index on it.
private static final String WAVELET_LAST_MODIFIED_MILLIS_PROPERTY = "lastModified";
private static final String WAVELET_PRIVATE_LOCAL_ID_PROPERTY = "privateLocalId";
private static final String WAVELET_SHARED_LOCAL_ID_PROPERTY = "sharedLocalId";
// NOTE: This is referenced from mapreduce.xml, need to keep in sync.
private static final String TASK_ENTITY_KIND = "ImportTask4";
private static final String TASK_CREATION_TIME_MILLIS_PROPERTY = "created";
private static final String TASK_PAYLOAD_PROPERTY = "payload";
private final SourceInstance.Factory sourceInstanceFactory;
private final Queue taskQueue;
public PerUserTable(SourceInstance.Factory sourceInstanceFactory,
@ImportTaskQueue Queue taskQueue) {
this.sourceInstanceFactory = sourceInstanceFactory;
this.taskQueue = taskQueue;
private Key makeRootKey(StableUserId userId) {
return KeyFactory.createKey(ROOT_ENTITY_KIND, userId.getId());
private Pair<SourceInstance, WaveletName> parseWaveletKeyString(String key) {
String[] components = key.split(" ", -1);
Assert.check(components.length == 3, "Wrong number of spaces: %s", key);
return Pair.of(
private String makeWaveletKeyString(SourceInstance sourceInstance, WaveletName waveletName) {
// By design, wave ids should be unique across all instances, but it's easy
// not to rely on this, so let's not.
String key = sourceInstance.serialize()
+ " " + waveletName.waveId.serialise() + " " + waveletName.waveletId.serialise();
Assert.check(Pair.of(sourceInstance, waveletName).equals(parseWaveletKeyString(key)),
"Failed to serialize: %s, %s", sourceInstance, waveletName);
return key;
private Pair<SourceInstance, WaveletName> parseWaveletKey(Key key) {
return parseWaveletKeyString(key.getName());
private Key makeWaveletKey(StableUserId userId, SourceInstance sourceInstance,
WaveletName waveletName) {
return KeyFactory.createKey(makeRootKey(userId),
WAVELET_ENTITY_KIND, makeWaveletKeyString(sourceInstance, waveletName));
private Key makeTaskKey(StableUserId userId, long taskId) {
return KeyFactory.createKey(makeRootKey(userId), TASK_ENTITY_KIND, taskId);
private RemoteConvWavelet parseWaveletEntity(Entity entity) {
Pair<SourceInstance, WaveletName> instanceAndWaveId = parseWaveletKey(entity.getKey());
try {
RobotSearchDigest digest = GsonProto.fromGson(new RobotSearchDigestGsonImpl(),
DatastoreUtil.getExistingProperty(entity, WAVELET_DIGEST_PROPERTY, Text.class)
"Wave id mismatch: %s, %s", instanceAndWaveId, entity);
"Mismatched last modified times: %s, %s", digest, entity);
@Nullable String privateLocalId = DatastoreUtil.getOptionalProperty(
@Nullable String sharedLocalId = DatastoreUtil.getOptionalProperty(
return new RemoteConvWavelet(instanceAndWaveId.getFirst(), digest,
privateLocalId == null ? null : new SlobId(privateLocalId),
sharedLocalId == null ? null : new SlobId(sharedLocalId));
} catch (MessageException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse wave entity: " + entity, e);
private WaveletName getWaveletName(RemoteConvWavelet w) {
return WaveletName.of(WaveId.deserialise(w.getDigest().getWaveId()), w.getWaveletId());
private Entity serializeWavelet(StableUserId userId, RemoteConvWavelet w) {
Key key = makeWaveletKey(userId, w.getSourceInstance(), getWaveletName(w));
Entity e = new Entity(key);
DatastoreUtil.setNonNullUnindexedProperty(e, WAVELET_DIGEST_PROPERTY,
new Text(GsonProto.toJson(new RobotSearchDigestGsonImpl(w.getDigest()))));
DatastoreUtil.setNonNullIndexedProperty(e, WAVELET_LAST_MODIFIED_MILLIS_PROPERTY,
DatastoreUtil.setOrRemoveIndexedProperty(e, WAVELET_PRIVATE_LOCAL_ID_PROPERTY,
w.getPrivateLocalId() == null ? null : w.getPrivateLocalId().getId());
DatastoreUtil.setOrRemoveIndexedProperty(e, WAVELET_SHARED_LOCAL_ID_PROPERTY,
w.getSharedLocalId() == null ? null : w.getSharedLocalId().getId());
// Sanity check.
Assert.check(w.equals(parseWaveletEntity(e)), "Serialized %s incorrectly: %s", w, e);
return e;
ImportTask parseTaskEntity(Entity entity) {
long taskId = entity.getKey().getId();
StableUserId userId = new StableUserId(entity.getParent().getName());
try {
return new ImportTask(userId, taskId,
DatastoreUtil.getExistingProperty(entity, TASK_CREATION_TIME_MILLIS_PROPERTY, Long.class),
GsonProto.fromGson(new ImportTaskPayloadGsonImpl(),
DatastoreUtil.getExistingProperty(entity, TASK_PAYLOAD_PROPERTY, Text.class)
} catch (MessageException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse task entity: " + entity, e);
// Returns an entity with an incomplete key (the datastore will fill in an auto-allocated id).
private Entity serializeTask(
StableUserId userId, long creationTimeMillis, ImportTaskPayload payload) {
Entity entity = new Entity(TASK_ENTITY_KIND, makeRootKey(userId));
DatastoreUtil.setNonNullIndexedProperty(entity, TASK_CREATION_TIME_MILLIS_PROPERTY,
DatastoreUtil.setNonNullUnindexedProperty(entity, TASK_PAYLOAD_PROPERTY,
new Text(GsonProto.toJson((ImportTaskPayloadGsonImpl) payload)));
// Can't deserialize for sanity check here since the key is incomplete. But
// our caller can do the sanity check after put() completes the key.
return entity;
* Adds the given remote waves.
* Returns true if any entities were put (i.e., if a commit is needed), false
* otherwise.
public boolean addRemoteWavelets(
CheckedTransaction tx, StableUserId userId,
List<RemoteConvWavelet> convWavelets) throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("Adding " + convWavelets.size() + " digests");
List<Key> keys = Lists.newArrayList();
for (RemoteConvWavelet convWavelet : convWavelets) {
makeWaveletKey(userId, convWavelet.getSourceInstance(), getWaveletName(convWavelet)));
Map<Key, Entity> existingEntities = tx.get(keys);
Map<Key, Entity> entitiesToPut = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(convWavelets.size());
int newCount = 0;
int unchangedCount = 0;
int updatedCount = 0;
for (RemoteConvWavelet convWavelet : convWavelets) {
Key key =
makeWaveletKey(userId, convWavelet.getSourceInstance(), getWaveletName(convWavelet));
Entity existingEntity = existingEntities.get(key);
if (existingEntity == null) {
entitiesToPut.put(key, serializeWavelet(userId, convWavelet));
} else {
RemoteConvWavelet existing = parseWaveletEntity(existingEntity);
&& convWavelet.getWaveletId().equals(existing.getWaveletId()),
"%s, %s", convWavelet, existing);
RemoteConvWavelet merged = new RemoteConvWavelet(convWavelet.getSourceInstance(),
if (merged.equals(existing)) {
// Wavelet unchanged, do nothing.
} else {
// TODO(ohler): Fix PST protobuf toString() method to be meaningful.
log.info("Updating existing wavelet " + key + ": " + existing
+ " updated with " + convWavelet + " becomes " + merged);
entitiesToPut.put(key, serializeWavelet(userId, merged));
if (entitiesToPut.isEmpty()) {
return false;
log.info(newCount + " new, " + updatedCount + " updated, "
+ unchangedCount + " unchanged; putting " + entitiesToPut.size() + " entities: "
+ ValueUtils.abbrev("" + entitiesToPut, 500));
return true;
@Nullable public RemoteConvWavelet getWavelet(CheckedTransaction tx,
StableUserId userId, SourceInstance instance, WaveletName waveletName)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("getWavelet(" + userId + ", " + instance + ", " + waveletName + ")");
Entity entity = tx.get(makeWaveletKey(userId, instance, waveletName));
RemoteConvWavelet wavelet = entity == null ? null : parseWaveletEntity(entity);
log.info("Got " + wavelet);
return wavelet;
@Nullable public void putWavelet(CheckedTransaction tx,
StableUserId userId, RemoteConvWavelet wavelet) throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("putWavelet(" + userId + ", " + wavelet + ")");
Entity entity = serializeWavelet(userId, wavelet);
log.info("Putting " + wavelet);
// TODO(ohler): make this scalable, e.g. by adding pagination
public List<RemoteConvWavelet> getAllWavelets(CheckedTransaction tx, StableUserId userId)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("getAllWaves(" + userId + ")");
CheckedIterator i = tx.prepare(new Query(WAVELET_ENTITY_KIND)
ImmutableList.Builder<RemoteConvWavelet> b = ImmutableList.builder();
while (i.hasNext()) {
List<RemoteConvWavelet> out = b.build();
log.info("Got " + out.size() + " wavelets");
return out;
// Among other things, mutates q to make it keys-only.
private boolean deleteAll(CheckedTransaction tx, Query q)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
CheckedIterator i = tx.prepare(q).asIterator();
if (!i.hasNext()) {
return false;
while (i.hasNext()) {
return true;
// TODO(ohler): make this scalable, by deleting in chunks, or through the task queue
/** Returns true if any entities have been deleted (i.e., tx needs to be committed. */
public boolean deleteAllWaves(CheckedTransaction tx, StableUserId userId)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("deleteAllWaves(" + userId + ")");
return deleteAll(tx, new Query(WAVELET_ENTITY_KIND).setAncestor(makeRootKey(userId)));
/** Returns true if any entities have been deleted (i.e., tx needs to be committed. */
public boolean deleteAllTasks(CheckedTransaction tx, StableUserId userId)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("deleteAllTasks(" + userId + ")");
return deleteAll(tx, new Query(TASK_ENTITY_KIND).setAncestor(makeRootKey(userId)));
public ImportTask addTask(CheckedTransaction tx, StableUserId userId, ImportTaskPayload payload)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
Entity entity = serializeTask(userId, System.currentTimeMillis(), payload);
// Sanity check, and retrieve ID.
ImportTask written = parseTaskEntity(entity);
Assert.check(userId.equals(written.getUserId()), "User id mismatch: %s, %s", userId, written);
"Payload mismatch: %s, %s", payload, written);
tx.enqueueTask(taskQueue, makeTaskOptions(userId, written.getTaskId()));
return written;
void rescheduleExistingTask(ImportTask task) throws RetryableFailure {
try {
taskQueue.add(makeTaskOptions(task.getUserId(), task.getTaskId()));
} catch (TransientFailureException e) {
throw new RetryableFailure(e);
} catch (InternalFailureException e) {
throw new RetryableFailure(e);
private TaskOptions makeTaskOptions(StableUserId userId, long taskId) {
return TaskOptions.Builder.withUrl(WalkaroundServletModule.IMPORT_TASK_PATH)
.param(ImportTaskHandler.USER_ID_HEADER, userId.getId())
.param(ImportTaskHandler.TASK_ID_HEADER, "" + taskId);
public List<ImportTask> getAllTasks(CheckedTransaction tx, StableUserId userId)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("getAllTasks(" + userId + ")");
CheckedIterator i = tx.prepare(new Query(TASK_ENTITY_KIND)
.addSort(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY, Query.SortDirection.ASCENDING))
ImmutableList.Builder<ImportTask> b = ImmutableList.builder();
while (i.hasNext()) {
List<ImportTask> out = b.build();
log.info("Got " + out.size() + " tasks");
return out;
@Nullable public ImportTask getTask(CheckedTransaction tx, StableUserId userId, long taskId)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("getTask(" + userId + ", " + taskId + ")");
Entity entity = tx.get(makeTaskKey(userId, taskId));
ImportTask task = entity == null ? null : parseTaskEntity(entity);
log.info("Got " + task);
return task;
public void deleteTask(CheckedTransaction tx, StableUserId userId, long taskId)
throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
log.info("deleteTask(" + userId + ", " + taskId + ")");
tx.delete(makeTaskKey(userId, taskId));