* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.walkaround.util.server.writebatch;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.RetryHelper;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.RetryHelper.PermanentFailure;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.RetryHelper.RetryableFailure;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.writebatch.Messages.Message;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.writebatch.Messages.PermanentFailureMessage;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.writebatch.Messages.ResultMessage;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.writebatch.Messages.YourTurnMessage;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.writebatch.UpdateTransaction.BatchTooLargeException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Processes updates in a way that batches transactions whenever there are
* multiple concurrent requests from different threads.
* This class is thread-safe (and only useful if used from multiple threads).
* Usage: Keep one BatchingUpdateProcessor per shared object. The
* TransactionFactory argument of the processor defines, through the
* UpdateTransaction implementation that it returns, how the shared objects
* behave and how they are stored and updated. Incoming request handlers should
* get the BatchingUpdateProcessor p that is responsible for the object to be
* modified, create an object of type U that specifies the change to be made,
* and invoke p.processUpdate(U). The BatchingUpdateProcessor will serialize
* all concurrent calls to p.processUpdate() and turn them into sequential calls
* to a transaction object.
* The BatchingUpdateProcessor first calls TransactionFactory.beginTransaction()
* to create a new transaction tx, then tx.processUpdate() once for each update,
* and finally tx.commit().
* Once tx.commit() returns, each call to p.processUpdate() in the request
* threads returns the UpdateResult returned by the corresponding call to
* tx.processUpdate(). Results for rejected updates may be returned to the
* request thread immediately rather than after commit().
* If TransactionFactory.beginTransaction(), UpdateTransaction.processUpdate()
* or UpdateTransaction.commit() throw a RetryableFailure, the
* BatchingUpdateProcessor will retry, according to the strategy implemented by
* the RetryHelper argument, by starting another transaction through
* TransactionFactory.beginTransaction() and repeating the above procedure.
* Rejected updates may not be retried.
* If any method on an object of this type throws a RuntimeException, the object
* must be discarded as its internal state may be corrupted. If any method
* throws an Error, the entire JVM should be terminated, as threads may be
* deadlocked or otherwise wedged. If a method throws a checked exception, on
* the other hand, the object's state is still valid.
* @author ohler@google.com (Christian Ohler)
* @param <U> type of update
* @param <R> type of result of an update
* @param <T> type of transaction
public class BatchingUpdateProcessor<U, R extends UpdateResult, T extends UpdateTransaction<U, R>> {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BatchingUpdateProcessor.class.getName());
private class QueueItem {
private final Thread thread;
private final RestrictedChannel<R> channel = new RestrictedChannel<R>();
private final U update;
public QueueItem(Thread thread, U update) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(thread, "Null thread");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(update, "Null update");
this.thread = thread;
this.update = update;
public Thread getThread() {
return thread;
public RestrictedChannel<R> getChannel() {
return channel;
public U getUpdate() {
return update;
@Override public String toString() {
return "QueueItem(" + thread + ", " + channel + ", " + update + ")";
// A nontrivial invariant that we maintain is
// worker == null implies waitingItems.isEmpty()
// or, reading it the other way, "if there are waiting items, then worker is
// non-null". This invariant guarantees that we don't end up with waiting
// items with no worker to take care of them.
private final TransactionFactory<R, T> txFactory;
private final RetryHelper retryHelper;
private final Object lock = new Object();
// Concurrent so that we can remove rejected requests with no synchronization.
// Additions have to happen under the lock. (The invariant also implies that
// synchronization is needed for additions but not removals.)
private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<QueueItem> waitingItems =
new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<QueueItem>();
private Thread worker = null;
// If this is non-null, the updater is unusable because its state may be corrupted.
private volatile Throwable corrupted = null;
public BatchingUpdateProcessor(TransactionFactory<R, T> txFactory,
RetryHelper retryHelper) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(txFactory, "Null txFactory");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(retryHelper, "Null retryHelper");
this.txFactory = txFactory;
this.retryHelper = retryHelper;
@Override public String toString() {
return "BatchingUpdateProcessor(" + (corrupted == null ? "" : corrupted + ", ")
+ worker + ", " + waitingItems.size() + " waiting, " + waitingItems.peek() + ")";
private void setCorrupted(Throwable t) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, this + ": Corrupted", t);
corrupted = t;
private void assertWorker() {
Preconditions.checkState(worker == Thread.currentThread(),
"%s: Thread %s assumed it was the worker", this, Thread.currentThread());
public R processUpdate(U update) throws PermanentFailure {
try {
return doProcessUpdate(update);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// It's possible that this RuntimeException left the processor in a state
// where no thread feels responsible for doing any work any more, thus
// leaving the threads that are currently waiting deadlocked. (Future
// requests won't have this problem because our contract says that the
// caller has to discard the updater after a RuntimeException.) We could
// try to resolve the deadlock by sending a corruption notification
// message to all waitingItems. A simpler alternative would be to rely on
// App Engine's 30-second timeout to kill the hanging threads, but I don't
// think that works for servers. For now, we throw an Error, in the hope
// that this will terminate the JVM.
throw new Error("RuntimeException from doProcessUpdate()", e);
} catch (Error e) {
throw e;
private R doProcessUpdate(U update) throws PermanentFailure {
// TODO(ohler): reject if queue is too long
log.info(this + ": processUpdate(" + update + ")");
QueueItem item = new QueueItem(Thread.currentThread(), update);
synchronized (lock) {
if (corrupted != null) {
// This should be unnecessary since the contract says that we shouldn't be called any more
// after a RuntimeException, but that's easy to get wrong, so let's be defensive.
throw new Error("Updater is corrupted: " + this, corrupted);
log.info(this + ": doProcessUpdate(): waitingItems=" + waitingItems);
if (worker == null) {
log.info(this + ": doProcessUpdate(): no worker active, will become worker");
worker = Thread.currentThread();
} else {
log.info(this + ": doProcessUpdate(): will wait for current worker: " + worker);
log.info(this + ": doProcessUpdate(): waiting for message");
Message<R> message = item.getChannel().receive();
log.info(this + ": doProcessUpdate(): message=" + message);
if (message.isYourTurnMessage()) {
log.info(this + ": doProcessUpdate(): became worker");
return doWorkAndReturnResult(item);
} else {
log.info(this + ": doProcessUpdate(): piggybacked, got result " + message);
return handleResultMessage(message);
private R handleResultMessage(Message<R> message) throws PermanentFailure {
log.info(this + ": handleResultMessage(" + message + ")");
if (message.isYourTurnMessage()) {
throw new AssertionError(this + ": Expected result message, not " + message);
} else if (message.isResultMessage()) {
return message.asResultMessage().getResult();
} else if (message.isPermanentFailureMessage()) {
throw new PermanentFailure("Worker thread reported PermanentFailure",
} else {
throw new AssertionError(this + ": Unexpected message type: " + message);
private R doWorkAndReturnResult(QueueItem item) throws PermanentFailure {
Preconditions.checkState(!item.getChannel().isEmpty(), "%s", item);
log.info(this + ": doWorkAndReturnResult(): getting message");
Message<R> message = item.getChannel().receive();
log.info(this + ": doWorkAndReturnResult(): message=" + message);
return handleResultMessage(message);
private List<QueueItem> removeWaitingItems(int count) {
ImmutableList.Builder<QueueItem> b = ImmutableList.builder();
log.info(this + ": removeWaitingItems(): removing " + count + " waiting items from "
+ waitingItems);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
List<QueueItem> removedItems = b.build();
log.info(this + ": removeWaitingItems(): removed: " + removedItems);
log.info(this + ": removeWaitingItems(): remaining: " + waitingItems);
return removedItems;
private class WorkerBody implements RetryHelper.VoidBody {
private final List<Message<R>> messagesToSend;
private WorkerBody(List<Message<R>> messagesToSend) {
this.messagesToSend = messagesToSend;
@Override public String toString() {
return "WorkerBody(" + BatchingUpdateProcessor.this + ")";
private void dropRequest(Iterator<QueueItem> iterator, QueueItem item, Message<R> m) {
log.info("doWork(): dropping request " + item + " with message " + m);
private void processItems(T tx) throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
Iterator<QueueItem> iterator = waitingItems.iterator();
Preconditions.checkState(iterator.hasNext(), "%s", waitingItems);
int rejected = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
QueueItem next = iterator.next();
log.info("doWork(): next=" + next);
R result;
try {
result = tx.processUpdate(next.getUpdate());
} catch (BatchTooLargeException e) {
if (messagesToSend.isEmpty() && rejected == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException(tx + " rejected the first update: " + next);
log.log(Level.INFO, "doWork(): batch too large", e);
} catch (Error e) {
dropRequest(iterator, next, PermanentFailureMessage.<R>of(
new PermanentFailure("processUpdate() threw Error", e)));
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
dropRequest(iterator, next, PermanentFailureMessage.<R>of(
new PermanentFailure("processUpdate() threw RuntimeException", e)));
throw e;
log.info("doWork(): result=" + result);
if (result.isRejected()) {
log.info("doWork(): rejected");
dropRequest(iterator, next, ResultMessage.<R>of(result));
} else {
log.info("doWork(): accepted");
log.info("doWork(): " + rejected + " rejected, "
+ messagesToSend.size() + " messages to send");
@Override public void run() throws RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
if (waitingItems.isEmpty()) {
boolean commitCalled = false;
log.info("doWork(): calling beginTransaction()");
T tx = txFactory.beginTransaction();
log.info("doWork(): tx=" + tx);
try {
log.info("doWork(): waitingItems at start: " + waitingItems);
// We log waitingItems before and after to be able to see if anyone
// modified it concurrently.
log.info("doWork(): waitingItems at end but before removing: "
+ waitingItems);
log.info("doWork(): messagesToSend=" + messagesToSend);
log.info("doWork(): calling commit()");
commitCalled = true;
log.info("doWork(): commit() done");
} catch (Error e) {
// Log this in case the finally clause below masks it with another exception.
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in doWork()'s retry body", e);
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Log this in case the finally clause below masks it with another exception.
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "RuntimeException in doWork()'s retry body", e);
throw e;
} finally {
if (!commitCalled) {
log.info("doWork(): calling rollback()");
log.info("doWork(): rollback() done");
private void addPermanentFailureMessages(List<Message<R>> messagesToSend,
PermanentFailure failure) {
Message<R> failureMessage = PermanentFailureMessage.<R>of(failure);
if (messagesToSend.isEmpty()) {
log.warning(this + ": messagesToSend is empty");
// This is a weird situation. Perhaps beginTransaction() threw a
// PermanentFailure. We drop at least one request (if there are any) to
// avoid infinite loops.
if (!waitingItems.isEmpty()) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < messagesToSend.size(); i++) {
messagesToSend.set(i, failureMessage);
private void doWork() throws PermanentFailure {
log.info(this + ": doWork(): begin");
Preconditions.checkState(!waitingItems.isEmpty(), "%s: waitingItems is empty", this);
// This list is parallel with a prefix of waitingItems: On success, the Nth message in this list
// will be sent to the Nth waitingItem. On PermanentFailure, the same number of waitingItems
// will be notified, but all with a failure message.
List<Message<R>> messagesToSend = Lists.newArrayList();
try {
retryHelper.run(new WorkerBody(messagesToSend));
} catch (PermanentFailure failure) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Permanent failure", failure);
addPermanentFailureMessages(messagesToSend, failure);
throw failure;
} catch (Error e) {
// Log this in case the finally clause below masks it with another exception.
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in doWork()", e);
new PermanentFailure("Error in doWork()", e));
throw e;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Log this in case the finally clause below masks it with another exception.
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "RuntimeException in doWork()", e);
new PermanentFailure("RuntimeException in doWork()", e));
throw e;
} finally {
// Note that it is possible that messagesToSend is empty: If the batch succeeded and
// all results were rejections.
List<QueueItem> removed = removeWaitingItems(messagesToSend.size());
synchronized (lock) {
// NOTE(ohler): It is essential that this executes even if we throw PermanentFailure;
// otherwise, no thread will feel responsible for doing any work any more.
if (!waitingItems.isEmpty()) {
QueueItem item = waitingItems.element();
worker = item.getThread();
} else {
worker = null;
Preconditions.checkState(removed.size() == messagesToSend.size(), "%s %s",
removed.size(), messagesToSend.size());
for (int i = 0; i < removed.size(); i++) {
log.info(this + ": doWork(): sending result " + i);