* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.walkaround.slob.server;
import com.google.appengine.api.memcache.Expiration;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.ServerMutateRequest;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.ServerMutateResponse;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.server.MutationLog.DeltaIterator;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.server.MutationLog.MutationLogFactory;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.server.SlobMessageRouter.TooManyListenersException;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.ChangeData;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.ChangeRejected;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.ClientId;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.SlobId;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.SlobModel.ReadableSlob;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.StateAndVersion;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.RetryHelper.PermanentFailure;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.RetryHelper.RetryableFailure;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.appengine.CheckedDatastore;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.appengine.CheckedDatastore.CheckedTransaction;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.appengine.MemcacheTable;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.appengine.MemcacheTable.IdentifiableValue;
import com.google.walkaround.util.shared.RandomBase64Generator;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Pair;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Datastore (and other app enginy things) backed implementation.
* @author danilatos@google.com (Daniel Danilatos)
* @author ohler@google.com (Christian Ohler)
public class SlobStoreImpl implements SlobStore {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SlobStoreImpl.class.getName());
// Split out because InternalPostCommitAction can't depend on the full
// SlobStoreImpl, which needs an AccessChecker and thus a UserContext, which
// task queue tasks don't have.
static class Cache {
private final MemcacheTable<SlobId, Long> currentVersions;
@Inject Cache(MemcacheTable.Factory memcacheFactory,
@SlobRootEntityKind String rootEntityKind) {
this.currentVersions = memcacheFactory.create(MEMCACHE_TAG_PREFIX + rootEntityKind);
static class InternalPostCommitAction implements PostCommitAction {
@Inject Cache cache;
@Override public void unreliableImmediatePostCommit(SlobId slobId, long resultingVersion,
ReadableSlob resultingState) {
// We have to put null rather than deleting since what we do here must
// interfere with a concurrent getIdentifiable/putIfUntouched sequence,
// and MemcacheService's Javadoc does not specify that putIfUntouched will
// abort if the value was absent during the lookup and delete has been
// called between the lookup and putIfUntouched.
cache.currentVersions.put(slobId, null);
@Override public void reliableDelayedPostCommit(SlobId slobId) {
cache.currentVersions.put(slobId, null);
private static final String MEMCACHE_TAG_PREFIX = "slobversion-";
private static final int VERSION_NUMBER_CACHE_EXPIRATION_MILLIS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
private final CheckedDatastore datastore;
private final MutationLogFactory mutationLogFactory;
private final SlobMessageRouter messageRouter;
private final AffinityMutationProcessor defaultProcessor;
private final AccessChecker accessChecker;
private final String rootEntityKind;
private final Cache cache;
private final LocalMutationProcessor localProcessor;
public SlobStoreImpl(CheckedDatastore datastore,
MutationLogFactory mutationLogFactory,
SlobMessageRouter messageRouter,
Random random, RandomBase64Generator random64,
AffinityMutationProcessor defaultProcessor,
LocalMutationProcessor localProcessor,
AccessChecker accessChecker,
@SlobRootEntityKind String rootEntityKind,
Cache cache) {
this.datastore = datastore;
this.mutationLogFactory = mutationLogFactory;
this.messageRouter = messageRouter;
this.defaultProcessor = defaultProcessor;
this.localProcessor = localProcessor;
this.accessChecker = accessChecker;
this.rootEntityKind = rootEntityKind;
this.cache = cache;
public Pair<ConnectResult, String> connect(SlobId slobId, ClientId clientId)
throws SlobNotFoundException, IOException, AccessDeniedException {
return connectOrReconnect(slobId, clientId, true);
public ConnectResult reconnect(SlobId slobId, ClientId clientId)
throws SlobNotFoundException, IOException, AccessDeniedException {
return connectOrReconnect(slobId, clientId, false).getFirst();
private Pair<ConnectResult, String> connectOrReconnect(
SlobId slobId, ClientId clientId, boolean withSnapshot)
throws SlobNotFoundException, IOException, AccessDeniedException {
String snapshot;
long version;
IdentifiableValue<Long> cachedVersion = cache.currentVersions.getIdentifiable(slobId);
if (!withSnapshot && cachedVersion != null && cachedVersion.getValue() != null) {
version = cachedVersion.getValue();
log.info("Version number from cache: " + version);
snapshot = null;
} else {
try {
CheckedTransaction tx = datastore.beginTransaction();
try {
MutationLog mutationLog = mutationLogFactory.create(tx, slobId);
if (withSnapshot) {
StateAndVersion x = mutationLog.reconstruct(null);
version = x.getVersion();
snapshot = x.getState().snapshot();
} else {
version = mutationLog.getVersion();
snapshot = null;
if (version == 0) {
throw new SlobNotFoundException(
"Slob " + slobId + " (" + rootEntityKind + ") not found");
} finally {
} catch (PermanentFailure e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} catch (RetryableFailure e) {
throw new IOException(e);
cache.currentVersions.putIfUntouched(slobId, cachedVersion, version,
// Since the cache is invalidated by a task queue task, we only need this expiration to
// protect from admins deleting tasks and similar situations.
String channelToken;
if (clientId != null) {
try {
channelToken = messageRouter.connectListener(slobId, clientId);
} catch (TooManyListenersException e) {
channelToken = null;
} else {
channelToken = null;
return Pair.of(new ConnectResult(channelToken, version), snapshot);
public String loadAtVersion(SlobId slobId, @Nullable Long version)
throws IOException, AccessDeniedException {
try {
CheckedTransaction tx = datastore.beginTransaction();
try {
MutationLog l = mutationLogFactory.create(tx, slobId);
return l.reconstruct(version).getState().snapshot();
} finally {
} catch (PermanentFailure e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} catch (RetryableFailure e) {
throw new IOException(e);
public HistoryResult loadHistory(SlobId slobId, long startVersion, @Nullable Long endVersion)
throws SlobNotFoundException, IOException, AccessDeniedException {
IdentifiableValue<Long> cachedVersion = cache.currentVersions.getIdentifiable(slobId);
log.info("loadHistory(" + slobId + ", " + startVersion + " - " + endVersion + "); cached: "
+ cachedVersion);
if (cachedVersion != null && cachedVersion.getValue() != null
&& startVersion >= cachedVersion.getValue()
&& endVersion == null) {
return new HistoryResult(ImmutableList.<ChangeData<String>>of(), false);
final int MAX_MILLIS = 3 * 1000;
try {
CheckedTransaction tx = datastore.beginTransaction();
try {
// TODO(ohler): put current version into cache
DeltaIterator result = mutationLogFactory.create(tx, slobId).forwardHistory(
startVersion, endVersion);
if (!result.hasNext()) {
return new HistoryResult(ImmutableList.<ChangeData<String>>of(), false);
ImmutableList.Builder<ChangeData<String>> list = ImmutableList.builder();
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch().start();
do {
} while (result.hasNext() && stopwatch.elapsedMillis() < MAX_MILLIS);
return new HistoryResult(list.build(), result.hasNext());
} finally {
} catch (PermanentFailure e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} catch (RetryableFailure e) {
// TODO(danilatos): Retry?
throw new IOException(e);
public MutateResult mutateObject(ServerMutateRequest req)
// TODO(ohler): Actually throw SlobNotFoundException.
throws SlobNotFoundException, IOException, AccessDeniedException {
SlobId objectId = new SlobId(req.getSession().getObjectId());
Preconditions.checkArgument(req.getVersion() != 0,
// NOTE(ohler): In Google Wave, there were security concerns around
// creating objects by submitting deltas against version 0. I'm not
// sure Walkaround has the same problems, but let's disallow it anyway.
"Can't create objects with mutateObject()");
ServerMutateResponse response = defaultProcessor.mutateObject(req);
MutateResult result = new MutateResult(response.getResultingVersion());
if (response.getBroadcastData() != null) {
messageRouter.publishMessages(objectId, response.getBroadcastData());
return result;
public void newObject(CheckedTransaction tx,
SlobId slobId, String metadata, List<ChangeData<String>> initialHistory,
boolean inhibitPreAndPostCommit)
throws SlobAlreadyExistsException, AccessDeniedException, RetryableFailure, PermanentFailure {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(tx, "Null tx");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(slobId, "Null slobId");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(metadata, "Null metadata");
Preconditions.checkNotNull(initialHistory, "Null initialHistory");
MutationLog l = mutationLogFactory.create(tx, slobId);
String existingMetadata = l.getMetadata();
if (existingMetadata != null) {
log.info("Slob " + slobId + " already exists: found metadata: " + existingMetadata);
throw new SlobAlreadyExistsException(slobId + " already exists");
// Check for the existence of deltas as well because legacy conv
// wavelets have no metadata entity.
long version = l.getVersion();
if (version != 0) {
log.info("Slob " + slobId + " already exists at version " + version);
throw new SlobAlreadyExistsException(slobId + " already exists (found deltas)");
MutationLog.Appender appender = l.prepareAppender().getAppender();
try {
} catch (ChangeRejected e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid initial history: " + initialHistory, e);
if (!inhibitPreAndPostCommit) {
localProcessor.runPreCommit(tx, slobId, appender);
if (!inhibitPreAndPostCommit) {
localProcessor.schedulePostCommit(tx, slobId, appender);