* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.walkaround.slob.server;
import static com.google.walkaround.slob.server.StoreAccessChecker.WALKAROUND_TRUSTED_HEADER;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.FIELD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.METHOD;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
import com.google.appengine.api.backends.BackendService;
import com.google.appengine.api.memcache.Expiration;
import com.google.appengine.api.memcache.MemcacheService.SetPolicy;
import com.google.appengine.api.urlfetch.FetchOptions;
import com.google.appengine.api.urlfetch.HTTPHeader;
import com.google.appengine.api.urlfetch.HTTPMethod;
import com.google.appengine.api.urlfetch.HTTPRequest;
import com.google.appengine.api.urlfetch.HTTPResponse;
import com.google.appengine.api.urlfetch.URLFetchService;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.net.UriEscapers;
import com.google.inject.BindingAnnotation;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.ServerMutateRequest;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.ServerMutateResponse;
import com.google.walkaround.proto.gson.ServerMutateResponseGsonImpl;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.MessageException;
import com.google.walkaround.slob.shared.SlobId;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.MonitoringVars;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.Util;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.appengine.MemcacheTable;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.auth.DigestUtils2.Secret;
import com.google.walkaround.util.server.servlet.TryAgainLaterException;
import com.google.walkaround.util.shared.RandomBase64Generator;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gson.GsonSerializable;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.Pair;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Used by frontends to process mutations.
* Processes mutations by trying to forward them to a backend to do the actual
* work. Implements a best-effort affinity policy so that in general writes to
* the same object hit one backend. Falls back to writing on the frondend under
* certain circumstances.
* @author danilatos@google.com (Daniel Danilatos)
public class AffinityMutationProcessor {
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AffinityMutationProcessor.class.getName());
@BindingAnnotation @Target({ FIELD, PARAMETER, METHOD }) @Retention(RUNTIME)
public @interface StoreBackendName {}
@BindingAnnotation @Target({ FIELD, PARAMETER, METHOD }) @Retention(RUNTIME)
public @interface StoreBackendInstanceCount {}
private class PostRequest {
private final StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
private final StringBuilder contentBuilder = new StringBuilder();
void urlParam(String key, String value) {
urlBuilder.append((urlBuilder.length() == 0 ? "?" : "&") + key + "=" + urlEncode(value));
void postParam(String key, String value) {
contentBuilder.append(key + "=" + urlEncode(value) + "&");
* @return the response body as a String.
* @throws IOException for 500 or above or general connection problems.
* @throws InvalidStoreRequestException for any response code not 200.
String send(String base) throws IOException {
URL url = new URL(base + urlBuilder.toString());
HTTPRequest req = new HTTPRequest(url, HTTPMethod.POST, getFetchOptions());
// TODO(ohler): use multipart/form-data for efficiency
req.setHeader(new HTTPHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
req.setHeader(new HTTPHeader(WALKAROUND_TRUSTED_HEADER, secret.getHexData()));
// NOTE(danilatos): Appengine will send 503 if the backend is at the
// max number of concurrent requests. We might come up with a use for
// handling this error code specifically. For now, we didn't go through
// the code to make sure that all other overload situations also manifest
// themselves as 503 rather than random exceptions that turn into 500s.
// Therefore, the code in this class treats all 5xx responses as an
// indication of possible overload.
req.setHeader(new HTTPHeader("X-AppEngine-FailFast", "true"));
log.info("Sending to " + url);
String ret = fetch(req);
log.info("Request completed");
return ret;
private FetchOptions getFetchOptions() {
FetchOptions options = FetchOptions.Builder
return options;
private String describeResponse(HTTPResponse resp) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(resp.getResponseCode()
+ " with " + resp.getContent().length + " bytes of content");
for (HTTPHeader h : resp.getHeaders()) {
b.append("\n" + h.getName() + ": " + h.getValue());
b.append("\n" + new String(resp.getContent(), Charsets.UTF_8));
return "" + b;
private String fetch(HTTPRequest req) throws IOException {
HTTPResponse response = fetchService.fetch(req);
int responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode >= 300 && responseCode < 400) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected redirect for url " + req.getURL()
+ ": " + describeResponse(response));
byte[] rawResponseBody = response.getContent();
String responseBody;
if (rawResponseBody == null) {
responseBody = "";
} else {
responseBody = new String(rawResponseBody, Charsets.UTF_8);
if (responseCode != 200) {
String msg = req.getURL() + " gave response code " + responseCode
+ ", body: " + responseBody;
if (responseCode >= 500) {
throw new IOException(msg);
} else {
throw new InvalidStoreRequestException(msg);
return responseBody;
private String urlEncode(String s) {
return UriEscapers.uriQueryStringEscaper(false).escape(s);
private static final String MEMCACHE_TAG = "OSM";
// TODO(danilatos): Make these flags.
private static final int AFFINITY_MIN_EXPIRATION_SECONDS = 30;
private static final int AFFINITY_MAX_EXPIRATION_SECONDS = 45;
private final Random random;
private final RandomBase64Generator random64;
private final URLFetchService fetchService;
private final BackendService backends;
private final LocalMutationProcessor localProcessor;
private final MemcacheTable<SlobId, Integer> objectServerMappings;
private final Secret secret;
private final int numStoreServers;
private final String storeServerName;
private final MonitoringVars monitoring;
public AffinityMutationProcessor(
Random random,
RandomBase64Generator random64,
URLFetchService fetchService,
BackendService backends,
LocalMutationProcessor localProcessor,
MemcacheTable.Factory memcacheFactory,
Secret secret,
@StoreBackendInstanceCount int numStoreServers,
@StoreBackendName String storeServer,
MonitoringVars monitoring) {
this.random = random;
this.random64 = random64;
this.fetchService = fetchService;
this.backends = backends;
this.localProcessor = localProcessor;
this.objectServerMappings = memcacheFactory.create(MEMCACHE_TAG);
this.secret = secret;
this.numStoreServers = numStoreServers;
this.storeServerName = storeServer;
this.monitoring = monitoring;
public ServerMutateResponse mutateObject(ServerMutateRequest req) throws IOException {
// TODO(danilatos): Document strategy.
ServerMutateResponse result;
SlobId objectId = new SlobId(req.getSession().getObjectId());
if (numStoreServers == 0) {
result = localProcessor.mutateObject(req);
} else {
Pair<Boolean, Integer> info = serverFor(objectId);
if (info == null) {
log.warning("Could not establish a mapping, falling back to processing on frontend");
// It's unlikely there is a backend owning this object for us to interfere with,
// so attempting to process on the frontend is better than nothing.
result = localProcessor.mutateObject(req);
} else {
try {
// Attempt normal situation - process on the backend to which
// the object has affinity.
int serverId = info.getSecond();
result = processOnBackend(serverId, req);
} catch (IOException e) { // "500" type errors.
boolean wasMapped = info.getFirst();
if (wasMapped) {
// Maybe the particular object is under high load.
// In such a case we don't know we won't be making matters worse
// by choosing another server or doing it locally, because we
// may increase contention on the object's entity group and slow
// things down further. (While one object won't make much difference,
// this policy applies on aggregate). By getting the client to
// back off, we degrade smoothly - and if it's just that server
// that's under load, the situation will rectify itself after
// the memcache association expires.
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Backend threw exception, getting client to back off", e);
throw new TryAgainLaterException("Client back off due to load", e);
} else {
// Maybe we're under-provisioned in terms of store servers.
// In this case, where the object was not mapped, it's far less
// likely that doing the work locally would contend with a backend
// trying to process mutations for that object. So we do the
// work locally to ensure progress. We also remove the mapping
// so that if it's just that server that was under load, the next
// attempt to write might choose a different backend and have
// more success. If all backends are over-loaded, then we degrade
// gracefully by processing the surplus writes on frontends for
// objects that fail to "claim" a mapping.
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Backend threw exception, attempting mutation on frontend", e);
// Remove mapping and process locally.
result = localProcessor.mutateObject(req);
return result;
* Returns and maybe creates a mapping to a server for the given object id.
* @return the mapped server, and true if that mapping already existed, false
* if it was created by this method.
* WARNING: if a mapping could not be established, returns null.
private Pair<Boolean, Integer> serverFor(SlobId objectId) {
boolean wasMapped;
int serverId;
Integer maybeServerId = objectServerMappings.get(objectId);
if (maybeServerId != null) {
wasMapped = true;
serverId = maybeServerId;
} else {
int newServerId = random.nextInt(numStoreServers);
log.info("No mapping for " + objectId + ", generated " + newServerId +
", expiration " + expiration);
boolean putSucceeded = objectServerMappings.put(objectId, newServerId,
if (putSucceeded) {
serverId = newServerId;
wasMapped = false;
} else {
log.warning("Mapping was generated concurrently");
maybeServerId = objectServerMappings.get(objectId);
if (maybeServerId != null) {
serverId = maybeServerId;
wasMapped = true;
} else {
log.warning("Concurrently generated mapping promptly disappeared!");
return null;
return Pair.of(wasMapped, serverId);
private ServerMutateResponse processOnBackend(int serverId, ServerMutateRequest req)
throws IOException {
String base = "http://" + backends.getBackendAddress(storeServerName, serverId);
// For debugging, to match up requests in the logs.
String requestId = random64.next(10) + "____" + req.getSession().getObjectId();
log.info("Using backend " + base + " for requestId " + requestId);
PostRequest post = new PostRequest();
post.urlParam("requestId", requestId);
post.postParam("req", GsonProto.toJson((GsonSerializable) req));
String response = post.send(Util.pathCat(base, "store/mutate"));
if (!response.startsWith("OK")) {
throw new RuntimeException("Backend gave junk " + response);
try {
return GsonProto.fromGson(new ServerMutateResponseGsonImpl(),
} catch (MessageException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Backend gave incompatible JSON: " + response, e);