package com.isfasiel.util.smtp;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.FileDataSource;
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Multipart;
import javax.mail.Part;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetHeaders;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
* @Class Name :
* @Description : ���� ����
* @Modification Information
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* @ 2011. 1. 28. �躴��
* @author �躴��
public class EmailDelivery {
/** Static variable representing a high priority message. */
public final static String HIGH_PRIORITY = "1";
/** Static variable representing a normal priority message. */
public final static String NORMAL_PRIORITY = "3";
/** Static variable representing a low priority message. */
public final static String LOW_PRIORITY = "5";
EmailMimeMessage msg = null;
Session session = null;
Properties properties = null;
Multipart multipart = null;
/** The SMTP host used to send the message. */
String smtp_host = new String("");
/** If using SMTP authentication, then this is the username to login to the SMTP server as. */
String smtp_userId = null;
/** If using SMTP authentication, then this is the password for the username to login to the SMTP server as. */
String smtp_password = null;
/** The port the SMTP server is listening on. */
int smtp_port = 25;
boolean starttlsEnable = true;
/** If we are to use SMTP authentication when sending the message. */
boolean usingAuthentication = false;
* Create a new object to send email messages.
public EmailDelivery() {
properties = System.getProperties();
session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties, null);
msg = new EmailMimeMessage(session);
multipart = new MimeMultipart();
smtp_host = CacheManager.SMTP().getHost(id);
smtp_port = CacheManager.SMTP().getPort(id);
smtp_userId = CacheManager.SMTP().getUserId(id);
smtp_password = CacheManager.SMTP().getPassword(id);
starttlsEnable = CacheManager.SMTP().getStarttls(id);
* Set the SMTP host used for sending the mail message.
* @param p_host The SMTP host to use for sending the messgae.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
public void setSMTPHost(String p_host) throws MessagingException {
this.setSMTPHost(p_host, null, null);
* Set the SMTP host used for sending the mail message.
* This method allows a username and password to be specified for SMTP authentication.
* @param p_host The SMTP host to use for sending the messgae.
* @param p_username The username to log into the SMTP server with.
* @param p_password The password for the username to log into the SMTP server with.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
public void setSMTPHost(String p_host, String p_username, String p_password) {
//Log.print("setSMTPHost", "EmailDelivery in setSMTPHost Method. Host: "+p_host+" Username: "+p_username);
smtp_host = p_host;
smtp_userId = p_username;
smtp_password = p_password;
properties.put("", smtp_host);
//Determine if we are using authentication or not
if( smtp_userId != null || smtp_password != null ) {
properties.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
usingAuthentication = true;
} else {
usingAuthentication = false;
//Log.print("setSMTPHost", "EmailDelivery in setSMTPHost Method. UsingAuthenticaton: "+usingAuthentication);
public void setStarttlsEnable(boolean starttlsEnable) {
this.starttlsEnable = starttlsEnable;
if(this.starttlsEnable) {
properties.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", Boolean.toString(starttlsEnable));
public void setSMTPHost(String p_host, int p_port, String p_username, String p_password) throws Exception {
setSMTPHost(p_host, p_username, p_password);
public void setSMTPHost(String p_host, int p_port, String p_username, String p_password, boolean starttlsEnable) throws Exception {
setSMTPHost(p_host, p_username, p_password);
* Set the port that the SMTP server is listening on.
* @param p_port The port the SMTP server is listening on.
* @throws Exception If an error occurs.
public void setSMTPPort(int p_port) throws Exception {
smtp_port = p_port;
properties.put("mail.smtp.port", String.valueOf(smtp_port));
* Set who the email message is to.
* The to email address may be a comma separated list of email addresses so the message will be sent to multiple recipients.
* @param p_to The email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setTo(String p_to) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.setTo(p_to, null);
* Set who the email message is to.
* The to email address may be a comma separated list of email addresses so the message will be sent to multiple recipients.
* If the message is sent to multiple recipients, then the name parameter of who to send to is ignored, and the
* displayed recipient name is the recipient email address.
* @param p_to The email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @param p_to_name The textual name of who the message is to. e.g. "". This parameter is ignored if the to email address
* is a comma separated list of multiple email recipients.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setTo(String p_to, String p_to_name) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.processRecipientList(Message.RecipientType.TO, p_to, p_to_name);
* Set who is CC'ed on the email message.
* The to email address may be a comma separated list of email addresses who will be CC'ed on the email.
* @param p_cc The email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setCC(String p_cc) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.setCC(p_cc, null);
* Set who is CC'ed on the email message.
* The to email address may be a comma separated list of email addresses who will be CC'ed on the email.
* If the message is sent to multiple recipients, then the name parameter of who to send to is ignored, and the
* displayed recipient name is the recipient email address.
* @param p_cc The email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @param p_cc_name The textual name of who the message is to. e.g. "Bae, Byeongseon". This parameter is ignored if the to email address
* is a comma separated list of multiple email recipients.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setCC(String p_cc, String p_cc_name) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.processRecipientList(Message.RecipientType.CC, p_cc, p_cc_name);
* Set who is BCC'ed on the email message.
* The to email address may be a comma separated list of email addresses who will be BCC'ed on the email.
* @param p_bcc The email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setBCC(String p_bcc) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.setBCC(p_bcc, null);
* Set who is BCC'ed on the email message.
* The to email address may be a comma separated list of email addresses who will be BCC'ed on the email.
* If the message is sent to multiple recipients, then the name parameter of who to send to is ignored, and the
* displayed recipient name is the recipient email address.
* @param p_bcc The email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @param p_bcc_name The textual name of who the message is to. e.g. "Bae, Byeongseon". This parameter is ignored if the to email address
* is a comma separated list of multiple email recipients.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setBCC(String p_bcc, String p_bcc_name) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.processRecipientList(Message.RecipientType.BCC, p_bcc, p_bcc_name);
* Process a recipient list (To, CC, BCC) and setup the appropriate internet addresses to send to.
* This method will parse a list of recipients which may be separated by commas.
* @param recipientType The type of recipient the recipient list is being parsed for and sent to.
* @param p_to The email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @param p_to_name The textual name of who the message is to. e.g. "Bae, Byeongseon". This parameter is ignored if the to email address
* is a comma separated list of multiple email recipients.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
private void processRecipientList (Message.RecipientType recipientType, String p_to, String p_to_name) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
//If the to message address has a comma in it, then it must be a comma separated list of email recipients
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(p_to, ",");
int tokenCount = st.countTokens();
InternetAddress[] recipientList = new InternetAddress[tokenCount];
//Tokenize the recipient list, and create the Internet Address Array of Recipients
for (int i = 0; st.hasMoreTokens(); i++) {
//Get the next token
String msgTo = st.nextToken();
//Ensure the token received is a valid address
if (msgTo != null && msgTo.trim().length() > 0) {
//If we only have one email address then we can display the to name
if (tokenCount == 1 && p_to_name != null && p_to_name.length() > 0) {
recipientList[i] = new InternetAddress(msgTo, p_to_name);
} else {
//Otherwise just display the email address as the to name.
recipientList[i] = new InternetAddress(msgTo);
msg.setRecipients(recipientType, recipientList);
* Set who the email message is from.
* @param p_from The email address of who the message is from. e.g. ""
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setFrom(String p_from) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.setFrom(p_from, null);
* Set who the email message is from.
* @param p_from The email address of who the message is from. e.g. ""
* @param p_from_name The textual name of who the message is from. e.g. "Bae, Byeongseon"
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setFrom(String p_from, String p_from_name) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
String msg_from = p_from;
String msg_from_name = p_from_name;
if (p_from_name != null && p_from_name.length() > 0) {
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(msg_from, msg_from_name));
} else {
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(msg_from));
* Set the reply to address for the email message.
* @param p_reply_to The email address for the reply to of the message. e.g. ""
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setReplyTo(String p_reply_to) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.setReplyTo(p_reply_to, null);
* Set the reply to address for the email message.
* @param p_reply_to The email address for the reply to of the message. e.g. ""
* @param p_reply_to_name The textual name for the reply to of the message. e.g. "Bae, Byeongseon"
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void setReplyTo(String p_reply_to, String p_reply_to_name) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
String msg_reply_to = p_reply_to;
String msg_reply_to_name = p_reply_to_name;
if (msg_reply_to_name != null && msg_reply_to_name.length() > 0) {
InternetAddress[] address = {new InternetAddress(msg_reply_to, msg_reply_to_name)};
} else {
InternetAddress[] address = {new InternetAddress(msg_reply_to)};
* Set the subject of the email message.
* @param p_subject The subject of the email message.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
public void setSubject(String p_subject) throws MessagingException {
* Set the body of the email message.
* @param p_body The body of the email message.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
public void setBody(String p_body) throws MessagingException {
MimeBodyPart mbp_msgtext = new MimeBodyPart();
mbp_msgtext.setContent(p_body, "text/html; charset=UTF-8");
* Set a header tag in the email message. Replaces all existing header values
* with the same name with this new value. Note that RFC 822 headers must
* contain only US-ASCII characters, so a header that contains non
* US-ASCII characters must have been encoded by the caller as per
* the rules of RFC 2047.
* @param p_name The name of the header tag.
* @param p_value The value of the header tag.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
public void setHeader(String p_name, String p_value) throws MessagingException {
msg.setHeader(p_name, p_value);
* Set the priority of a message.
* 1 or 2 are high priority.
* 3 is normal priority.
* 4 or 5 are low priority.
* Most mail readers don't differentiate 1-2 and 4-5.
* @param priorityValue The priority code of the message.
* @throws Exception If an error occurs.
public void setPriority(String priorityValue) throws Exception {
//if (priorityValue < 1 || priorityValue > 5) {
// throw new Exception ("An invalid priority value of " + priorityValue + " has been specified for the email.");
if (priorityValue != null && priorityValue.trim().length() > 0) {
msg.setHeader("X-Priority", priorityValue);
* Set the value stored in the Message-ID header tag for the message.
* @param p_value The value of the Message-ID header tag.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
public void setMessageID(String p_value) throws MessagingException {
* Take an original MimeMessage object and forward it to a new destination.
* @param p_msgFrom Email address of who the message is from. e.g. ""
* @param p_msgTo Email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @param p_msgSubject Subject for the forwarded email message.
* @param p_msgBody Body of the forwarded email message.
* @param msgOrig The original MimeMessage that is being forwarded.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void forwardMessage(String p_msgFrom,
String p_msgTo,
String p_msgSubject,
String p_msgBody,
MimeMessage msgOrig) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
forwardMessage(p_msgFrom, null, p_msgTo, null, p_msgSubject, p_msgBody, msgOrig);
* Take an original MimeMessage object and forward it to a new destination.
* @param p_msgFrom Email address of who the message is from. e.g. ""
* @param p_msgFromText The textual name of who the message is from. e.g. "Bae, Byeongseon"
* @param p_msgTo Email address of who the message is to. e.g. ""
* @param p_msgToText The textual name of who the message is to. e.g. "Bae, Byeongseon"
* @param p_msgSubject Subject for the forwarded email message.
* @param p_msgBody Body of the forwarded email message.
* @param msgOrig The original MimeMessage that is being forwarded.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If an error occurs.
public void forwardMessage(String p_msgFrom,
String p_msgFromText,
String p_msgTo,
String p_msgToText,
String p_msgSubject,
String p_msgBody,
MimeMessage msgOrig) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
this.setFrom(p_msgFrom, p_msgFromText);
this.setTo(p_msgTo, p_msgToText);
MimeBodyPart part = new MimeBodyPart();
part.setContent(msgOrig, "message/rfc822");
* Add a file attachment to the email message.
* @param p_fileName The fully qualified name of the file to add to the message.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
public void addFileAttachment(String p_fileName) throws MessagingException {
MimeBodyPart mbp_file = new MimeBodyPart();
//Attach the file to the message
FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(p_fileName);
mbp_file.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds));
* Add a file attachment to the email message from an input stream.
* @param p_fileName The filename for the attachment displayed in the the message.
* @param istrm The input stream containing the file attachment to add to the file.
* @param stream_len The length of the data in the input stream in bytes.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
* @throws IOException If an error occurs.
public void addFileAttachmentFromStream(String p_fileName,
InputStream istrm,
int stream_len) throws MessagingException, IOException {
String logMsg = "";
byte b[] = new byte [stream_len];
byte enc_b[] = new byte [stream_len*3];
BufferedInputStream bistrm = new BufferedInputStream(istrm);
int bytes_read = 0;
bytes_read =, 0, stream_len);
logMsg = "Bytes Read From Stream: "+Integer.toString(bytes_read);
System.out.println("==addFileAttachmentFromStream==\n" + logMsg);
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Base64Encoder b64 = new Base64Encoder(new ByteArrayInputStream(b), bos);
enc_b = bos.toByteArray();
enc_b = Base64.encodeBase64(b);
logMsg = "Encoded Byte Count: "+Integer.toString(enc_b.length);
System.out.println("==addFileAttachmentFromStream==\n" + logMsg);
InternetHeaders hdr = new InternetHeaders();
hdr.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream; name=\""+p_fileName+"\"");
hdr.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64");
hdr.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=\""+p_fileName+"\"");
MimeBodyPart mbp_file = new MimeBodyPart(hdr, enc_b);
* Send the email message.
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs.
public void sendMsg() throws MessagingException, Exception {
setSMTPHost(smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_userId, smtp_password, starttlsEnable);
//add the Multipart to the message
// set the Date: header
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
//TEA 05/13/03, New method for sending so that we
//can support SMTP authentication
if (usingAuthentication) {
Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp");
transport.connect (smtp_host, smtp_userId, smtp_password);
transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
} else {