import org.zoolu.sip.address.*;
import org.zoolu.sip.provider.SipStack;
import org.zoolu.sip.provider.SipProvider;
/** UserProfile maintains the user configuration
public class UserAgentProfile extends Configure
/** The default configuration file */
private static String config_file="mjsip.cfg";
// ********************** user configurations *********************
/** User's AOR (Address Of Record), used also as From URL.
* <p/>
* The AOR is the SIP address used to register with the user's registrar server
* (if requested).
* <br/> The address of the registrar is taken from the hostport field of the AOR,
* i.e. the value(s) host[:port] after the '@' character.
* <p/>
* If not defined (default), it equals the <i>contact_url</i> attribute. */
public String from_url=null;
/** Contact URL.
* If not defined (default), it is formed by sip:local_user@host_address:host_port */
public String contact_url=null;
/** User's name (used to build the contact_url if not explitely defined) */
public String username=null;
/** User's realm. */
public String realm=null;
/** User's passwd. */
public String passwd=null;
/** Path for the 'ua.jar' lib, used to retrive various UA media (gif, wav, etc.)
* By default, it is used the "lib/ua.jar" folder */
public static String ua_jar="lib/ua.jar";
/** Path for the 'contacts.lst' file where save and load the VisualUA contacts
* By default, it is used the "config/contacts.lst" folder */
public static String contacts_file="contacts.lst";
/** Whether registering with the registrar server */
public boolean do_register=false;
/** Whether unregistering the contact address */
public boolean do_unregister=false;
/** Whether unregistering all contacts beafore registering the contact address */
public boolean do_unregister_all=false;
/** Expires time (in seconds). */
public int expires=3600;
/** Rate of keep-alive packets sent toward the registrar server (in milliseconds).
* Set keepalive_time=0 to disable the sending of keep-alive datagrams. */
public long keepalive_time=0;
/** Automatic call a remote user secified by the 'call_to' value.
* Use value 'NONE' for manual calls (or let it undefined). */
public String call_to=null;
/** Automatic answer time in seconds; time<0 corresponds to manual answer mode. */
public int accept_time=-1;
/** Automatic hangup time (call duartion) in seconds; time<=0 corresponds to manual hangup mode. */
public int hangup_time=-1;
/** Automatic call transfer time in seconds; time<0 corresponds to no auto transfer mode. */
public int transfer_time=-1;
/** Automatic re-inviting time in seconds; time<0 corresponds to no auto re-invite mode. */
public int re_invite_time=-1;
/** Redirect incoming call to the secified url.
* Use value 'NONE' for not redirecting incoming calls (or let it undefined). */
public String redirect_to=null;
/** Transfer calls to the secified url.
* Use value 'NONE' for not transferring calls (or let it undefined). */
public String transfer_to=null;
/** No offer in the invite */
public boolean no_offer=false;
/** Do not use prompt */
public boolean no_prompt=false;
/** Whether using audio */
public boolean audio=false;
/** Whether using video */
public boolean video=false;
/** Whether playing in receive only mode */
public boolean recv_only=false;
/** Whether playing in send only mode */
public boolean send_only=false;
/** Whether playing a test tone in send only mode */
public boolean send_tone=false;
/** Audio file to be played */
public String send_file=null;
/** Audio file to be recorded */
public String recv_file=null;
/** Audio port */
public int audio_port=21000;
/** Audio avp */
public int audio_avp=0;
/** Audio codec */
public String audio_codec="PCMU";
/** Audio sample rate */
public int audio_sample_rate=8000;
/** Audio sample size */
public int audio_sample_size=1;
/** Audio frame size */
public int audio_frame_size=160;
/** Video port */
public int video_port=21070;
/** Video avp */
public int video_avp=17;
/** Whether using JMF for audio/video streaming */
public boolean use_jmf=false;
/** Whether using RAT (Robust Audio Tool) as audio sender/receiver */
public boolean use_rat=false;
/** Whether using VIC (Video Conferencing Tool) as video sender/receiver */
public boolean use_vic=false;
/** RAT command-line executable */
public String bin_rat="rat";
/** VIC command-line executable */
public String bin_vic="vic";
// ************************** Costructors *************************
/** Costructs a void UserProfile */
public UserAgentProfile()
{ init();
/** Costructs a new UserAgentProfile */
public UserAgentProfile(String file)
{ // load configuration
// post-load manipulation
/** Inits the UserAgentProfile */
private void init()
{ if (realm==null && contact_url!=null) realm=new NameAddress(contact_url).getAddress().getHost();
if (username==null) username=(contact_url!=null)? new NameAddress(contact_url).getAddress().getUserName() : "user";
if (call_to!=null && call_to.equalsIgnoreCase(Configure.NONE)) call_to=null;
if (redirect_to!=null && redirect_to.equalsIgnoreCase(Configure.NONE)) redirect_to=null;
if (transfer_to!=null && transfer_to.equalsIgnoreCase(Configure.NONE)) transfer_to=null;
if (send_file!=null && send_file.equalsIgnoreCase(Configure.NONE)) send_file=null;
if (recv_file!=null && recv_file.equalsIgnoreCase(Configure.NONE)) recv_file=null;
// ************************ Public methods ************************
/** Sets contact_url and from_url with transport information.
* <p/>
* This method actually sets contact_url and from_url only if
* they haven't still been explicitly initilized.
public void initContactAddress(SipProvider sip_provider)
{ // contact_url
if (contact_url==null)
{ contact_url="sip:"+username+"@"+sip_provider.getViaAddress();
if (sip_provider.getPort()!=SipStack.default_port) contact_url+=":"+sip_provider.getPort();
if (!sip_provider.getDefaultTransport().equals(SipProvider.PROTO_UDP)) contact_url+=";transport="+sip_provider.getDefaultTransport();
// from_url
if (from_url==null) from_url=contact_url;
// *********************** Protected methods **********************
/** Parses a single line (loaded from the config file) */
protected void parseLine(String line)
{ String attribute;
Parser par;
int index=line.indexOf("=");
if (index>0) { attribute=line.substring(0,index).trim(); par=new Parser(line,index+1); }
else { attribute=line; par=new Parser(""); }
if (attribute.equals("from_url")) { from_url=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("contact_url")) { contact_url=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("username")) { username=par.getString(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("realm")) { realm=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("passwd")) { passwd=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("ua_jar")) { ua_jar=par.getStringUnquoted(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("contacts_file")) { contacts_file=par.getStringUnquoted(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("do_register")) { do_register=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("do_unregister")) { do_unregister=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("do_unregister_all")) { do_unregister_all=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("expires")) { expires=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("keepalive_time")) { keepalive_time=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("call_to")) { call_to=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("accept_time")) { accept_time=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("hangup_time")) { hangup_time=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("transfer_time")) { transfer_time=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("re_invite_time")) { re_invite_time=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("redirect_to")) { redirect_to=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("transfer_to")) { transfer_to=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("no_offer")) { no_offer=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("no_prompt")) { no_prompt=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("audio")) { audio=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("video")) { video=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("recv_only")) { recv_only=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("send_only")) { send_only=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("send_tone")) { send_tone=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("send_file")) { send_file=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("recv_file")) { recv_file=par.getRemainingString().trim(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("audio_port")) { audio_port=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("audio_avp")) { audio_avp=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("audio_codec")) { audio_codec=par.getString(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("audio_sample_rate")) { audio_sample_rate=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("audio_sample_size")) { audio_sample_size=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("audio_frame_size")) { audio_frame_size=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("video_port")) { video_port=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("video_avp")) { video_avp=par.getInt(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("use_jmf")) { use_jmf=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("use_rat")) { use_rat=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("bin_rat")) { bin_rat=par.getStringUnquoted(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("use_vic")) { use_vic=(par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")); return; }
if (attribute.equals("bin_vic")) { bin_vic=par.getStringUnquoted(); return; }
// for backward compatibily
if (attribute.equals("contact_user")) { username=par.getString(); return; }
if (attribute.equals("auto_accept")) { accept_time=((par.getString().toLowerCase().startsWith("y")))? 0 : -1; return; }
/** Converts the entire object into lines (to be saved into the config file) */
protected String toLines()
{ // currently not implemented..
return contact_url;