* Copyright 2007 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.paoding.analysis.knife;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import net.paoding.analysis.Constants;
import net.paoding.analysis.analyzer.impl.MostWordsModeDictionariesCompiler;
import net.paoding.analysis.analyzer.impl.SortingDictionariesCompiler;
import net.paoding.analysis.dictionary.support.detection.Difference;
import net.paoding.analysis.dictionary.support.detection.DifferenceListener;
import net.paoding.analysis.exception.PaodingAnalysisException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* @author Zhiliang Wang [qieqie.wang@gmail.com]
* @since 2.0.0
public class PaodingMaker {
public static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_PATH = "classpath:paoding-analysis.properties";
private PaodingMaker() {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PaodingMaker.class);
private static ObjectHolder/* <Properties> */propertiesHolder = new ObjectHolder/* <Properties> */();
private static ObjectHolder/* <Paoding> */paodingHolder = new ObjectHolder/* <Paoding> */();
// ----------------获取Paoding对象的方法-----------------------
* 读取类路径下的paoding-analysis.properties文件,据之获取一个Paoding对象.
* <p>
* 第一次调用本方法时,从该属性文件中读取配置,并创建一个新的Paoding对象,之后,如果
* 属性文件没有变更过,则每次调用本方法都将返回先前创建的Paoding对象。而不重新构建 Paoding对象。
* <p>
* 如果配置文件没有变更,但词典文件有变更。仍然是返回同样的Paoding对象。而且是,只要
* 词典文件发生了变更,Paoding对象在一定时间内会收到更新的。所以返回的Paoding对象 一定是最新配置的。
* @return
public static Paoding make() {
* 读取类指定路径的配置文件(如果配置文件放置在类路径下,则应该加"classpath:"为前缀),据之获取一个新的Paoding对象.
* <p>
* 第一次调用本方法时,从该属性文件中读取配置,并创建一个新的Paoding对象,之后,如果
* 属性文件没有变更过,则每次调用本方法都将返回先前创建的Paoding对象。而不重新构建 Paoding对象。
* <p>
* 如果配置文件没有变更,但词典文件有变更。仍然是返回同样的Paoding对象。而且是,只要
* 词典文件发生了变更,Paoding对象在一定时间内会收到更新的。所以返回的Paoding对象 一定是最新配置的。
* @param propertiesPath
* @return
public static Paoding make(String propertiesPath) {
return make(getProperties(propertiesPath));
* 根据给定的属性对象获取一个Paoding对象.
* <p>
* @param properties
* @return
public static Paoding make(Properties p) {
return implMake(p);
// --------------------------------------------------
public static Properties getProperties() {
return getProperties(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_PATH);
public static Properties getProperties(String path) {
if (path == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("path should not be null!");
try {
Properties p = (Properties) propertiesHolder.get(path);
if (p == null || modified(p)) {
p = loadProperties(new Properties(), path);
propertiesHolder.set(path, p);
String absolutePaths = p
log.info("config paoding analysis from: " + absolutePaths);
return p;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PaodingAnalysisException(e);
// -------------------私有 或 辅助方法----------------------------------
private static boolean modified(Properties p) throws IOException {
String lastModifieds = p
String[] lastModifedsArray = lastModifieds.split(";");
String files = p.getProperty("paoding.analysis.properties.files");
String[] filesArray = files.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < filesArray.length; i++) {
File file = getFile(filesArray[i]);
if (file.exists()
&& !String.valueOf(getFileLastModified(file)).equals(
lastModifedsArray[i])) {
return true;
return false;
private static Properties loadProperties(Properties p, String path)
throws IOException {
URL url;
File file;
String absolutePath;
InputStream in;
// 若ifexists为真表示如果该文件存在则读取他的内容,不存在则忽略它
boolean skipWhenNotExists = false;
if (path.startsWith("ifexists:")) {
skipWhenNotExists = true;
path = path.substring("ifexists:".length());
if (path.startsWith("classpath:")) {
path = path.substring("classpath:".length());
url = getClassLoader().getResource(path);
if (url == null) {
if (skipWhenNotExists) {
return p;
throw new FileNotFoundException("Not found " + path
+ " in classpath.");
file = new File(url.getFile());
in = url.openStream();
} else {
if (path.startsWith("dic-home:")) {
File dicHome = new File(getDicHome(p));
path = path.substring("dic-home:".length());
file = new File(dicHome, path);
} else {
file = new File(path);
if (skipWhenNotExists && !file.exists()) {
return p;
in = new FileInputStream(file);
absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
String lastModifieds = p
String files = p.getProperty("paoding.analysis.properties.files");
String absolutePaths = p
if (lastModifieds == null) {
p.setProperty("paoding.dic.properties.path", path);
lastModifieds = String.valueOf(getFileLastModified(file));
files = path;
absolutePaths = absolutePath;
} else {
lastModifieds = lastModifieds + ";" + getFileLastModified(file);
files = files + ";" + path;
absolutePaths = absolutePaths + ";" + absolutePath;
p.setProperty("paoding.analysis.properties.files", files);
String importsValue = p.getProperty("paoding.imports");
if (importsValue != null) {
String[] imports = importsValue.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < imports.length; i++) {
loadProperties(p, imports[i]);
return p;
private static long getFileLastModified(File file) throws IOException {
String path = file.getPath();
int jarIndex = path.indexOf(".jar!");
if (jarIndex == -1) {
return file.lastModified();
} else {
path = path.replaceAll("%20", " ").replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
jarIndex = path.indexOf(".jar!");
int protocalIndex = path.indexOf(":");
String jarPath = path.substring(protocalIndex + ":".length(),
jarIndex + ".jar".length());
File jarPathFile = new File(jarPath);
JarFile jarFile;
try {
jarFile = new JarFile(jarPathFile);
String entryPath = path.substring(jarIndex + ".jar!/".length());
JarEntry entry = jarFile.getJarEntry(entryPath);
return entry.getTime();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("error in handler path=" + path);
System.err.println("error in handler jarPath=" + jarPath);
throw e;
private static String getDicHome(Properties p) {
return p.getProperty("paoding.dic.home.absolute.path");
private static void postPropertiesLoaded(Properties p) {
if ("done".equals(p
.getProperty("paoding.analysis.postPropertiesLoaded"))) {
p.setProperty("paoding.analysis.postPropertiesLoaded", "done");
private static void setDicHomeProperties(Properties p) {
String dicHomeAbsultePath = p
if (dicHomeAbsultePath != null) {
// 获取词典安装目录配置:
// 如配置了PAODING_DIC_HOME环境变量,则将其作为字典的安装主目录
// 否则使用属性文件的paoding.dic.home配置
// 但是如果属性文件中强制配置paoding.dic.home.config-first=this,
// 则优先考虑属性文件的paoding.dic.home配置,
// 此时只有当属性文件没有配置paoding.dic.home时才会采用环境变量的配置
String dicHomeBySystemEnv = null;
try {
dicHomeBySystemEnv = getSystemEnv(Constants.ENV_PAODING_DIC_HOME);
} catch (Error e) {
log.warn("System.getenv() is not supported in JDK1.4. ");
String dicHome = getProperty(p, Constants.DIC_HOME);
if (dicHomeBySystemEnv != null) {
String first = getProperty(p, Constants.DIC_HOME_CONFIG_FIRST);
if (first != null && first.equalsIgnoreCase("this")) {
if (dicHome == null) {
dicHome = dicHomeBySystemEnv;
} else {
dicHome = dicHomeBySystemEnv;
// 如果环境变量和属性文件都没有配置词典安转目录
// 则尝试在当前目录和类路径下寻找是否有dic目录,
// 若有,则采纳他为paoding.dic.home
// 如果尝试后均失败,则抛出PaodingAnalysisException异常
if (dicHome == null) {
File f = new File("dic");
if (f.exists()) {
dicHome = "dic/";
} else {
URL url = PaodingMaker.class.getClassLoader()
if (url != null) {
dicHome = "classpath:dic/";
if (dicHome == null) {
throw new PaodingAnalysisException(
"please set a system env PAODING_DIC_HOME or Config paoding.dic.home in paoding-dic-home.properties point to the dictionaries!");
// 规范化dicHome,并设置到属性文件对象中
dicHome = dicHome.replace('\\', '/');
if (!dicHome.endsWith("/")) {
dicHome = dicHome + "/";
p.setProperty(Constants.DIC_HOME, dicHome);// writer to the properites
// object
// 将dicHome转化为一个系统唯一的绝对路径,记录在属性对象中
File dicHomeFile = getFile(dicHome);
if (!dicHomeFile.exists()) {
throw new PaodingAnalysisException(
"not found the dic home dirctory! "
+ dicHomeFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (!dicHomeFile.isDirectory()) {
throw new PaodingAnalysisException(
"dic home should not be a file, but a directory!");
p.setProperty("paoding.dic.home.absolute.path", dicHomeFile
private static Paoding implMake(final Properties p) {
// 将要返回的Paoding对象,它可能是新创建的,也可能使用paodingHolder中已有的Paoding对象
Paoding paoding;
// 作为本次返回的Paoding对象在paodingHolder中的key,使之后同样的key不会重复创建Paoding对象
final Object paodingKey;
// 如果该属性对象是通过PaodingMaker由文件读入的,则必然存在paoding.dic.properties.path属性
// 详细请参考loadProperties方法)
String path = p.getProperty("paoding.dic.properties.path");
// 如果该属性由文件读入,则文件地址作为Paoding对象在paodingHolder中的key
if (path != null) {
paodingKey = path;
// 否则以属性文件作为其key,之后只要进来的是同一个属性对象,都返回同一个Paoding对象
} else {
paodingKey = p;
paoding = (Paoding) paodingHolder.get(paodingKey);
if (paoding != null) {
return paoding;
try {
paoding = createPaodingWithKnives(p);
final Paoding finalPaoding = paoding;
String compilerClassName = getProperty(p,
Class compilerClass = null;
if (compilerClassName != null) {
compilerClass = Class.forName(compilerClassName);
if (compilerClass == null) {
String analyzerMode = getProperty(p, Constants.ANALYZER_MODE);
if ("most-words".equalsIgnoreCase(analyzerMode)
|| "default".equalsIgnoreCase(analyzerMode)) {
compilerClass = MostWordsModeDictionariesCompiler.class;
} else {
compilerClass = SortingDictionariesCompiler.class;
final DictionariesCompiler compiler = (DictionariesCompiler) compilerClass
new Function() {
public void run() throws Exception {
// 编译词典-对词典进行可能的处理,以符合分词器的要求
if (compiler.shouldCompile(p)) {
Dictionaries dictionaries = readUnCompiledDictionaries(p);
Paoding tempPaoding = createPaodingWithKnives(p);
setDictionaries(tempPaoding, dictionaries);
compiler.compile(dictionaries, tempPaoding, p);
// 使用编译后的词典
final Dictionaries dictionaries = compiler
setDictionaries(finalPaoding, dictionaries);
// 启动字典动态转载/卸载检测器
// 侦测时间间隔(秒)。默认为60秒。如果设置为0或负数则表示不需要进行检测
String intervalStr = getProperty(p,
int interval = Integer.parseInt(intervalStr);
if (interval > 0) {
new DifferenceListener() {
public void on(Difference diff)
throws Exception {
// 此处调用run方法,以当检测到**编译后**的词典变更/删除/增加时,
// 重新编译源词典、重新创建并启动dictionaries自检测
// Paoding对象创建成功!此时可以将它寄放到paodingHolder中,给下次重复利用
paodingHolder.set(paodingKey, paoding);
return paoding;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PaodingAnalysisException("", e);
private static Paoding createPaodingWithKnives(Properties p)
throws Exception {
// 如果PaodingHolder中并没有缓存该属性文件或对象对应的Paoding对象,
// 则根据给定的属性创建一个新的Paoding对象,并在返回之前存入paodingHolder
Paoding paoding = new Paoding();
// 寻找传说中的Knife。。。。
final Map /* <String, Knife> */knifeMap = new HashMap /*
* <String,
* Knife>
final List /* <Knife> */knifeList = new LinkedList/* <Knife> */();
final List /* <Function> */functions = new LinkedList/* <Function> */();
Iterator iter = p.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
final String key = (String) e.getKey();
final String value = (String) e.getValue();
int index = key.indexOf(Constants.KNIFE_CLASS);
if (index == 0 && key.length() > Constants.KNIFE_CLASS.length()) {
final int end = key
.indexOf('.', Constants.KNIFE_CLASS.length());
if (end == -1) {
Class clazz = Class.forName(value);
Knife knife = (Knife) clazz.newInstance();
knifeMap.put(key, knife);
log.info("add knike: " + value);
} else {
// 由于属性对象属于hash表,key的读取顺序不和文件的顺序一致,不能保证属性设置时,knife对象已经创建
// 所以这里只定义函数放到functions中,待到所有的knife都创建之后,在执行该程序
functions.add(new Function() {
public void run() throws Exception {
String knifeName = key.substring(0, end);
Object obj = knifeMap.get(knifeName);
if (!obj
"org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl")) {
Class beanWrapperImplClass = Class
Method setWrappedInstance = beanWrapperImplClass
new Class[] { Object.class });
Object beanWrapperImpl = beanWrapperImplClass
new Object[] { obj });
knifeMap.put(knifeName, beanWrapperImpl);
obj = beanWrapperImpl;
String propertyName = key.substring(end + 1);
Method setPropertyValue = obj.getClass().getMethod(
new Class[] { String.class, Object.class });
setPropertyValue.invoke(obj, new Object[] {
propertyName, value });
// 完成所有留后执行的程序
for (Iterator iterator = functions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Function function = (Function) iterator.next();
// 把刀交给庖丁
return paoding;
private static Dictionaries readUnCompiledDictionaries(Properties p) {
String skipPrefix = getProperty(p, Constants.DIC_SKIP_PREFIX);
String noiseCharactor = getProperty(p, Constants.DIC_NOISE_CHARACTOR);
String noiseWord = getProperty(p, Constants.DIC_NOISE_WORD);
String unit = getProperty(p, Constants.DIC_UNIT);
String confucianFamilyName = getProperty(p,
String combinatorics = getProperty(p, Constants.DIC_FOR_COMBINATORICS);
String charsetName = getProperty(p, Constants.DIC_CHARSET);
Dictionaries dictionaries = new FileDictionaries(getDicHome(p),
skipPrefix, noiseCharactor, noiseWord, unit,
confucianFamilyName, combinatorics, charsetName);
return dictionaries;
private static void setDictionaries(Paoding paoding,
Dictionaries dictionaries) {
Knife[] knives = paoding.getKnives();
for (int i = 0; i < knives.length; i++) {
Knife knife = (Knife) knives[i];
if (knife instanceof DictionariesWare) {
((DictionariesWare) knife).setDictionaries(dictionaries);
private static File getFile(String path) {
File file;
URL url;
if (path.startsWith("classpath:")) {
path = path.substring("classpath:".length());
url = getClassLoader().getResource(path);
final boolean fileExist = url != null;
file = new File(fileExist ? url.getFile() : path) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4009013298629147887L;
public boolean exists() {
return fileExist;
} else {
file = new File(path);
return file;
private static ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (loader == null) {
loader = PaodingMaker.class.getClassLoader();
return loader;
private static String getProperty(Properties p, String name) {
return Constants.getProperty(p, name);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
private static class ObjectHolder/* <T> */{
private ObjectHolder() {
private Map/* <Object, T> */objects = new HashMap/* <Object, T> */();
public Object/* T */get(Object name) {
return objects.get(name);
public void set(Object name, Object/* T */object) {
objects.put(name, object);
public void remove(Object name) {
private static interface Function {
public void run() throws Exception;
private static String getSystemEnv(String name) {
try {
return System.getenv(name);
} catch (Error error) {
String osName = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
try {
String cmd;
if (osName.indexOf("win") != -1) {
cmd = "cmd /c SET";
} else {
cmd = "/usr/bin/printenv";
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream());
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
String line;
while((line = br.readLine()) != null && line.startsWith(name)) {
int index = line.indexOf(name + "=");
if (index != -1) {
return line.substring(index + name.length() + 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("unable to read env from os." + e.getMessage(), e);
return null;