package com.github.zathrus_writer.commandsex.api;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import com.github.zathrus_writer.commandsex.CommandsEX;
import com.github.zathrus_writer.commandsex.helpers.LogHelper;
import com.github.zathrus_writer.commandsex.helpers.Spawning;
public class SpawnAPI {
* Is the server set to have a spawn per world, or a global spawn point
* @return Return's true for global spawn, false for per world spawn
public static boolean isGlobalSpawnEnabled(){
return CommandsEX.getConf().getBoolean("perWorldSpawn");
* Enables or Disables Global Spawn
* @param set True for global spawn, false for per world spawn
public static void setGlobalSpawn(boolean set){
CommandsEX.getConf().set("perWorldSpawn", !set);
* If global spawn is enabled, this is the world players should be teleported to
* @param world The world to set the global spawn to
public static void setGlobalSpawnWorld(String world){
World w = Bukkit.getWorld(world);
if (w == null){
LogHelper.logDebug("Plugin tried to set default spawn world to " + world + " but that world does not exist");
CommandsEX.getConf().set("globalSpawnWorld", world);
* Gets the global spawn world, if global spawning is enabled
* @return Returns the name of the world that global spawn is set to
public static String getGlobalSpawnWorld(){
return CommandsEX.getConf().getString("globalSpawnWorld");
* Get's a worlds spawn
* @param world
* @return
public static Location getSpawn(String world){
return Spawning.getWorldSpawn(Bukkit.getWorld(world));
* Sets a worlds spawn
* @param world The world to set the spawn for
* @param loc The location to set the spawn to
public static void setSpawn(String world, Location loc){
if (Spawning.worldSpawns.containsKey(world)){
Spawning.worldSpawns.put(world, loc);
* Saves the spawning database
public static void saveDatabase(){