import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* A sequence value implemented extensionally. That is, this class represents a sequence
* by allocating memory to each item in the sequence.
public final class SequenceExtent extends Value implements GroundedValue {
transient private Item[] value;
private int start = 0; // zero-based offset of the start
private int end; // the 0-based index of the first item that is NOT included
// If start=0 this is the length of the sequence
private ItemType itemType = null; // memoized
// private static int instances = 0;
* Construct an sequence from an array of items. Note, the array of items is used as is,
* which means the caller must not subsequently change its contents.
* @param items the array of items to be included in the sequence
public SequenceExtent(Item[] items) {
value = items;
end = items.length;
* Construct a SequenceExtent from part of an array of items
* @param value The array
* @param start zero-based offset of the first item in the array
* that is to be included in the new SequenceExtent
* @param length The number of items in the new SequenceExtent
public SequenceExtent(Item[] value, int start, int length) {
this.value = value;
this.start = start;
end = this.start + length;
* Construct a SequenceExtent as a view of another SequenceExtent
* @param ext The existing SequenceExtent
* @param start zero-based offset of the first item in the existing SequenceExtent
* that is to be included in the new SequenceExtent
* @param length The number of items in the new SequenceExtent
public SequenceExtent(SequenceExtent ext, int start, int length) {
value = ext.value;
this.start = ext.start + start;
end = this.start + length;
* Construct a SequenceExtent from a List. The members of the list must all
* be Items
* @param list the list of items to be included in the sequence
public SequenceExtent(List<? extends Item> list) {
Item[] array = new Item[list.size()];
value = list.toArray(array);
end = value.length;
* Construct a sequence containing all the items in a SequenceIterator.
* @exception if reading the items using the
* SequenceIterator raises an error
* @param iter The supplied sequence of items. This must be positioned at
* the start, so that hasNext() returns true if there are any nodes in
* the node-set, and next() returns the first node.
public SequenceExtent(SequenceIterator iter) throws XPathException {
if ((iter.getProperties() & SequenceIterator.LAST_POSITION_FINDER) == 0) {
List list = new ArrayList(20);
while (true) {
Item it =;
if (it == null) {
Item[] array = new Item[list.size()];
value = (Item[])list.toArray(array);
end = value.length;
} else {
end = ((LastPositionFinder)iter).getLastPosition();
value = new Item[end];
int i = 0;
while (true) {
Item it =;
if (it == null) {
value[i++] = it;
* Factory method to make a Value holding the contents of any SequenceIterator
* @param iter a Sequence iterator that will be consumed to deliver the items in the sequence
* @return a ValueRepresentation holding the items delivered by the SequenceIterator. If the
* sequence is empty the result will be an instance of {@link EmptySequence}. If it is of length
* one, the result will be an {@link Item}. In all other cases, it will be an instance of
* {@link SequenceExtent}.
public static ValueRepresentation makeSequenceExtent(SequenceIterator iter) throws XPathException {
if ((iter.getProperties() & SequenceIterator.GROUNDED) != 0) {
return ((GroundedIterator)iter).materialize();
Value extent = new SequenceExtent(iter);
int len = extent.getLength();
if (len==0) {
return EmptySequence.getInstance();
} else if (len==1) {
return extent.itemAt(0);
} else {
return extent;
* Factory method to make a Value holding the contents of any List of items
* @param input a List containing the items in the sequence
* @return a ValueRepresentation holding the items in the list. If the
* sequence is empty the result will be an instance of {@link EmptySequence}. If it is of length
* one, the result will be an {@link Item}. In all other cases, it will be an instance of
* {@link SequenceExtent}.
public static ValueRepresentation makeSequenceExtent(List<Item> input) throws XPathException {
int len = input.size();
if (len==0) {
return EmptySequence.getInstance();
} else if (len==1) {
return input.get(0);
} else {
return new SequenceExtent(input);
* Simplify this SequenceExtent
* @return a Value holding the items delivered by the SequenceIterator. If the
* sequence is empty the result will be an instance of {@link EmptySequence}. If it is of length
* one, the result will be an {@link AtomicValue} or a {@link SingletonItem}.
* In all other cases, the {@link SequenceExtent} will be returned unchanged.
public Value simplify() {
int n = getLength();
if (n == 0) {
return EmptySequence.getInstance();
} else if (n == 1) {
return Value.asValue(itemAt(0));
} else {
return this;
* Reduce a value to its simplest form. If the value is a closure or some other form of deferred value
* such as a FunctionCallPackage, then it is reduced to a SequenceExtent. If it is a SequenceExtent containing
* a single item, then it is reduced to that item. One consequence that is exploited by class FilterExpression
* is that if the value is a singleton numeric value, then the result will be an instance of NumericValue
public Value reduce() {
return simplify();
* Get the number of items in the sequence
* @return the number of items in the sequence
public int getLength() {
return end - start;
* Get the (lowest common) item type
* @return integer identifying an item type to which all the items in this
* sequence conform
* @param th the type hierarchy cache
public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) {
if (itemType != null) {
// only calculate it the first time
return itemType;
if (end==start) {
itemType = AnyItemType.getInstance();
} else {
itemType = Type.getItemType(value[start], th);
for (int i=start+1; i<end; i++) {
if (itemType == AnyItemType.getInstance()) {
// make a quick exit
return itemType;
itemType = Type.getCommonSuperType(itemType, Type.getItemType(value[i], th), th);
return itemType;
* Get the n'th item in the sequence (starting with 0 as the first item)
* @param n the position of the required item
* @return the n'th item in the sequence
public Item itemAt(int n) {
if (n<0 || n>=getLength()) {
return null;
} else {
return value[start+n];
* Swap two items (needed to support sorting)
* @param a the position of the first item to be swapped
* @param b the position of the second item to be swapped
public void swap(int a, int b) {
Item temp = value[start+a];
value[start+a] = value[start+b];
value[start+b] = temp;
* Return an iterator over this sequence.
* @return the required SequenceIterator, positioned at the start of the
* sequence
public SequenceIterator iterate() {
return new ArrayIterator(value, start, end);
* Return an enumeration of this sequence in reverse order (used for reverse axes)
* @return an AxisIterator that processes the items in reverse order
public UnfailingIterator reverseIterate() {
return new ReverseArrayIterator(value, start, end);
* Get the effective boolean value
public boolean effectiveBooleanValue() throws XPathException {
int len = getLength();
if (len == 0) {
return false;
} else if (value[start] instanceof NodeInfo) {
return true;
} else if (len > 1) {
// this is a type error - reuse the error messages
return ExpressionTool.effectiveBooleanValue(iterate());
} else {
return ((AtomicValue)value[start]).effectiveBooleanValue();
* Get a subsequence of the value
* @param start the index of the first item to be included in the result, counting from zero.
* A negative value is taken as zero. If the value is beyond the end of the sequence, an empty
* sequence is returned
* @param length the number of items to be included in the result. Specify Integer.MAX_VALUE to
* get the subsequence up to the end of the base sequence. If the value is negative, an empty sequence
* is returned. If the value goes off the end of the sequence, the result returns items up to the end
* of the sequence
* @return the required subsequence. If min is
public GroundedValue subsequence(int start, int length) {
int newStart;
if (start < 0) {
start = 0;
} else if (start >= end) {
return EmptySequence.getInstance();
newStart = this.start + start;
int newEnd;
if (length == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
newEnd = end;
} else if (length < 0) {
return EmptySequence.getInstance();
} else {
newEnd = newStart + length;
if (newEnd > end) {
newEnd = end;
return new SequenceExtent(value, newStart, newEnd - newStart);
public String toString() {
FastStringBuffer fsb = new FastStringBuffer(FastStringBuffer.SMALL);
for (int i=start; i<end; i++) {
if (i != end-1) {
fsb.append(", ");
return fsb.toString();
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