* ParentNodeImpl is an implementation of a non-leaf node (specifically, an Element node
* or a Document node)
* @author Michael H. Kay
abstract class ParentNodeImpl extends NodeImpl {
private Object children = null; // null for no children
// a NodeImpl for a single child
// a NodeImpl[] for >1 child
private int sequence; // sequence number allocated during original tree creation.
// set to -1 for nodes added subsequently by XQuery update
* Get the node sequence number (in document order). Sequence numbers are monotonic but not
* consecutive. In the current implementation, parent nodes (elements and document nodes) have a zero
* least-significant word, while namespaces, attributes, text nodes, comments, and PIs have
* the top word the same as their owner and the bottom half reflecting their relative position.
* For nodes added by XQUery Update, the sequence number is -1L
* @return the sequence number if there is one, or -1L otherwise.
protected final int[] getSequenceNumber() {
return new int[]{getRawSequenceNumber(), 0};
protected final int getRawSequenceNumber() {
return sequence;
protected final void setRawSequenceNumber(int seq) {
sequence = seq;
* Set the children of this node
* @param children null if there are no children, a single NodeInfo if there is one child, an array of NodeInfo
* if there are multiple children
protected final void setChildren(Object children) {
this.children = children;
* Determine if the node has any children.
public final boolean hasChildNodes() {
return (children!=null);
* Determine how many children the node has
* @return the number of children of this parent node
public final int getNumberOfChildren() {
if (children == null) {
return 0;
} else if (children instanceof NodeImpl) {
return 1;
} else {
return ((NodeInfo[])children).length;
* Get an enumeration of the children of this node
* @param test A NodeTest to be satisfied by the child nodes, or null
* if all child node are to be returned
* @return an iterator over the children of this node
protected final AxisIterator enumerateChildren(NodeTest test) {
if (children==null) {
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
} else if (children instanceof NodeImpl) {
NodeImpl child = (NodeImpl)children;
if (test == null || test instanceof AnyNodeTest) {
return SingleNodeIterator.makeIterator(child);
} else {
return Navigator.filteredSingleton(child, test);
} else {
if (test == null || test instanceof AnyNodeTest) {
return new NodeArrayIterator((NodeImpl[])children);
} else {
return new ChildEnumeration(this, test);
* Get the first child node of the element
* @return the first child node of the required type, or null if there are no children
public final NodeInfo getFirstChild() {
if (children==null) return null;
if (children instanceof NodeImpl) return (NodeImpl)children;
return ((NodeImpl[])children)[0];
* Get the last child node of the element
* @return the last child of the element, or null if there are no children
public final NodeInfo getLastChild() {
if (children==null) return null;
if (children instanceof NodeImpl) return (NodeImpl)children;
NodeImpl[] n = (NodeImpl[])children;
return n[n.length-1];
* Get the nth child node of the element (numbering from 0)
* @param n identifies the required child
* @return the last child of the element, or null if there is no n'th child
protected final NodeImpl getNthChild(int n) {
if (children==null) return null;
if (children instanceof NodeImpl) {
return (n==0 ? (NodeImpl)children : null);
NodeImpl[] nodes = (NodeImpl[])children;
if (n<0 || n>=nodes.length) return null;
return nodes[n];
* Return the string-value of the node, that is, the concatenation
* of the character content of all descendent elements and text nodes.
* @return the accumulated character content of the element, including descendant elements.
public String getStringValue() {
return getStringValueCS().toString();
public CharSequence getStringValueCS() {
FastStringBuffer sb = null;
NodeImpl next = (NodeImpl)getFirstChild();
while (next!=null) {
if (next instanceof TextImpl) {
if (sb==null) {
sb = new FastStringBuffer(FastStringBuffer.SMALL);
next = next.getNextInDocument(this);
if (sb==null) return "";
return sb.condense();
* Add a child node to this node. For system use only. Note: normalizing adjacent text nodes
* is the responsibility of the caller.
* @param node the node to be added as a child of this node. This must be an instance of
* {@link}. It will be modified as a result of this call (by setting its
* parent property and sibling position)
* @param index the position where the child is to be added
protected synchronized void addChild(NodeImpl node, int index) {
NodeImpl[] c;
if (children == null) {
c = new NodeImpl[10];
} else if (children instanceof NodeImpl) {
c = new NodeImpl[10];
c[0] = (NodeImpl)children;
} else {
c = (NodeImpl[])children;
if (index >= c.length) {
NodeImpl[] kids = new NodeImpl[c.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(c, 0, kids, 0, c.length);
c = kids;
c[index] = node;
children = c;
* Compact the space used by this node
* @param size the number of actual children
public synchronized void compact(int size) {
if (size==0) {
children = null;
} else if (size==1) {
if (children instanceof NodeImpl[]) {
children = ((NodeImpl[])children)[0];
} else {
NodeImpl[] kids = new NodeImpl[size];
System.arraycopy(children, 0, kids, 0, size);
children = kids;
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