* A NamePool holds a collection of expanded names, each containing a namespace URI,
* a namespace prefix, and a local name; plus a collection of namespaces, each
* consisting of a prefix/URI pair.
* <p>Each expanded name is allocated a unique integer namecode. The namecode enables
* all three parts of the expanded name to be determined, that is, the prefix, the
* URI, and the local name.</p>
* <p>The equivalence betweem names depends only on the URI and the local name.
* The namecode is designed so that if two namecodes represent names with the same
* URI and local name, the two namecodes are the same in the bottom 20 bits. It is
* therefore possible to compare two names for equivalence by performing an integer
* comparison of these 20 bits. The bottom 20 bits of a namecode are referred to as
* a fingerprint.</p>
* <p>The NamePool eliminates duplicate names if they have the same prefix, uri,
* and local part. It retains duplicates if they have different prefixes</p>
* <p>Internally the NamePool is organized as a fixed number of hash chains. The selection
* of a hash chain is based on hashing the local name, because it is unusual to have many
* names that share the same local name but use different URIs. There are 1024 hash chains
* and the identifier of the hash chain forms the bottom ten bits of the namecode. The
* next ten bits represent the sequential position of an entry within the hash chain. The
* upper bits represent the selection of prefix, from among the list of prefixes that have
* been used with a given URI. A prefix part of zero means no prefix; if the two prefixes
* used with a particular namespace are "xs" and "xsd", say, then these will be prefix
* codes 1 and 2.</p>
* <p>Fingerprints in the range 0 to 1023 are reserved for system use, and are allocated as constants
* mainly to names in the XSLT and XML Schema namespaces: constants representing these names
* are found in {@link StandardNames}.
* <p>Operations that update the NamePool, or that have the potential to update it, are
* synchronized. Read-only operations are done without synchronization. Although technically
* unsafe, this has not led to any problems in practice. Performance problems due to excessive
* contention on the NamePool have occasionally been observed: if this happens, the best strategy
* is to consider splitting the workload to use multiple Configurations each with a separate
* NamePool.</p>
* <h3>Internal organization of the NamePool</h3>
* <p>The NamePool holds two kinds of entry: name entries, representing
* expanded names (local name + prefix + URI), identified by a name code,
* and namespace entries (prefix + URI) identified by a namespace code.</p>
* <p>The data structure of the name table is as follows.</p>
* <p>There is a fixed size hash table; names are allocated to slots in this
* table by hashing on the local name. Each entry in the table is the head of
* a chain of NameEntry objects representing names that have the same hash code.</p>
* <p>Each NameEntry represents a distinct name (same URI and local name). It contains
* the local name as a string, plus a short integer representing the URI (as an
* offset into the array uris[] - this is known as the URIcode).</p>
* <p>The fingerprint of a name consists of the hash slot number (in the bottom 10 bits)
* concatenated with the depth of the entry down the chain of hash synonyms (in the
* next 10 bits). Fingerprints with depth 0 (i.e., in the range 0-1023) are reserved
* for predefined names (names of XSLT elements and attributes, and of built-in types).
* These names are not stored in the name pool, but are accessible as if they were.</p>
* <p>A nameCode contains the fingerprint in the bottom 20 bits. It also contains
* a 10-bit prefix index. This distinguishes the prefix used, among all the
* prefixes that have been used with this namespace URI. If the prefix index is
* zero, the prefix is null. Otherwise, it indexes an array of
* prefix Strings associated with the namespace URI. Note that the data structures
* and algorithms are optimized for the case where URIs usually use the same prefix.</p>
* <p>The nameCode -1 is reserved to mean "not known" or inapplicable. The fingerprint -1
* has the same meaning. Note that masking the nameCode -1 to extract its bottom 20 bits is
* incorrect, and will lead to errors.</p>
* @author Michael H. Kay
public class NamePool {
* FP_MASK is a mask used to obtain a fingerprint from a nameCode. Given a
* nameCode nc, the fingerprint is <code>nc & NamePool.FP_MASK</code>.
* (In practice, Saxon code often uses the literal constant 0xfffff,
* to extract the bottom 20 bits).
* <p>The difference between a fingerprint and a nameCode is that
* a nameCode contains information
* about the prefix of a name, the fingerprint depends only on the namespace
* URI and local name. Note that the "null" nameCode (-1) does not produce
* the "null" fingerprint (also -1) when this mask is applied.</p>
public static final int FP_MASK = 0xfffff;
// Since fingerprints in the range 0-1023 belong to predefined names, user-defined names
// will always have a fingerprint above this range, which can be tested by a mask.
public static final int USER_DEFINED_MASK = 0xffc00;
// Limit: maximum number of prefixes allowed for one URI
public static final int MAX_PREFIXES_PER_URI = 1023;
* Internal structure of a NameEntry, the entry on the hash chain of names.
private static class NameEntry {
String localName;
short uriCode;
NameEntry nextEntry; // link to next NameEntry with the same hashcode
* Create a NameEntry for a QName
* @param uriCode the numeric code representing the namespace URI
* @param localName the local part of the QName
public NameEntry(short uriCode, String localName) {
this.uriCode = uriCode;
this.localName = localName.intern();
nextEntry = null;
* Create a copy of a NameEntry, as well as the chain of NameEntries starting from this NameEntry
* @return the copy of the chain
public NameEntry copy() {
NameEntry n = new NameEntry(uriCode, localName);
if (nextEntry != null) {
n.nextEntry = nextEntry.copy();
return n;
NameEntry[] hashslots = new NameEntry[1024];
String[] prefixes = new String[100];
short prefixesUsed = 0;
String[] uris = new String[100];
String[][] prefixesForURI = new String[100][0];
short urisUsed = 0;
* Create a NamePool
public NamePool() {
prefixes[NamespaceConstant.NULL_CODE] = "";
uris[NamespaceConstant.NULL_CODE] = NamespaceConstant.NULL;
prefixesForURI[NamespaceConstant.NULL_CODE] = new String[]{""};
prefixes[NamespaceConstant.XML_CODE] = "xml";
uris[NamespaceConstant.XML_CODE] = NamespaceConstant.XML;
prefixesForURI[NamespaceConstant.XML_CODE] = new String[]{"xml"};
prefixes[NamespaceConstant.XSLT_CODE] = "xsl";
uris[NamespaceConstant.XSLT_CODE] = NamespaceConstant.XSLT;
prefixesForURI[NamespaceConstant.XSLT_CODE] = new String[]{"xsl"};
prefixes[NamespaceConstant.SAXON_CODE] = "saxon";
uris[NamespaceConstant.SAXON_CODE] = NamespaceConstant.SAXON;
prefixesForURI[NamespaceConstant.SAXON_CODE] = new String[]{"saxon"};
prefixes[NamespaceConstant.SCHEMA_CODE] = "xs";
uris[NamespaceConstant.SCHEMA_CODE] = NamespaceConstant.SCHEMA;
prefixesForURI[NamespaceConstant.SCHEMA_CODE] = new String[]{"xs"};
prefixes[NamespaceConstant.XSI_CODE] = "xsi";
uris[NamespaceConstant.XSI_CODE] = NamespaceConstant.SCHEMA_INSTANCE;
prefixesForURI[NamespaceConstant.XSI_CODE] = new String[]{"xsi"};
prefixes[NamespaceConstant.IXSL_CODE] = "ixsl";
uris[NamespaceConstant.IXSL_CODE] = NamespaceConstant.IXSL;
prefixesForURI[NamespaceConstant.IXSL_CODE] = new String[]{"ixsl"};
prefixesUsed = 7;
urisUsed = 7;
* Get a name entry corresponding to a given name code
* @param nameCode the integer name code
* @return the NameEntry for this name code, or null if there is none.
private NameEntry getNameEntry(int nameCode) {
int hash = nameCode & 0x3ff;
int depth = (nameCode >> 10) & 0x3ff;
NameEntry entry = hashslots[hash];
for (int i = 1; i < depth; i++) {
if (entry == null) {
return null;
entry = entry.nextEntry;
return entry;
* Search an array of strings (e.g. prefixes) for a given value
* @param codes the array to be searched
* @param value the value being sought
* @return the position of the first occurrence of the value in the array, or -1 if not found
private static int search(String[] codes, String value) {
for (int i=0; i<codes.length; i++) {
if (codes[i].equals(value)) {
return i;
return -1;
* Get a namespace binding for a given namecode.
* @param namecode a code identifying an expanded QName, e.g. of an element or attribute
* @return an object identifying the namespace binding used in the given name. The namespace binding
* identifies both the prefix and the URI.
public NamespaceBinding getNamespaceBinding(int namecode) {
short uriCode;
int fp = namecode & FP_MASK;
if ((fp & USER_DEFINED_MASK) == 0) {
uriCode = StandardNames.getURICode(fp);
} else {
NameEntry entry = getNameEntry(namecode);
if (entry == null) {
return null;
} else {
uriCode = entry.uriCode;
int prefixIndex = (namecode >> 20) & 0x3ff;
return new NamespaceBinding(getPrefixWithIndex(uriCode, prefixIndex), getURIFromURICode(uriCode));
* Get a namespace binding for a given namecode.
* @param namecode a code identifying an expanded QName, e.g. of an element or attribute
* @return an object identifying the namespace binding used in the given name. The namespace binding
* identifies both the prefix and the URI.
public StructuredQName getStructuredQName(int namecode) {
short uriCode;
String localName;
int fp = namecode & FP_MASK;
if ((fp & USER_DEFINED_MASK) == 0) {
uriCode = StandardNames.getURICode(fp);
localName = StandardNames.getLocalName(fp);
} else {
NameEntry entry = getNameEntry(namecode);
if (entry == null) {
return null;
} else {
uriCode = entry.uriCode;
localName = entry.localName;
int prefixIndex = (namecode >> 20) & 0x3ff;
return new StructuredQName(getPrefixWithIndex(uriCode, prefixIndex), getURIFromURICode(uriCode), localName);
* Determine whether a given namecode has a non-empty prefix (and therefore, in the case of attributes,
* whether the name is in a non-null namespace
* @param nameCode the name code to be tested
* @return true if the name has a non-empty prefix
public static boolean isPrefixed(int nameCode) {
return (nameCode & 0x3ff00000) != 0;
* Allocate the uri code for a given URI; create one if not found
* @param uri The namespace URI. Supply "" or null for the "null namespace"
* @return an integer code that uniquely identifies this URI within the namepool.
public synchronized short allocateCodeForURI(String uri) {
return allocateCodeForURIInternal(uri);
* Allocate the uri code for a given URI; create one if not found. This non-synchronized
* version of the external method is provided to avoid the overhead of synchronizing a second time.
* @param uri The namespace URI. Supply "" or null for the "null namespace"
* @return an integer code that uniquely identifies this URI within the namepool.
private short allocateCodeForURIInternal(String uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return NamespaceConstant.NULL_CODE;
for (short j = 0; j < urisUsed; j++) {
if (uris[j].equals(uri)) {
return j;
if (urisUsed >= uris.length) {
if (urisUsed > 32000) {
throw new RuntimeException("Too many namespace URIs");
String[][] p = new String[urisUsed * 2][0];
String[] u = new String[urisUsed * 2];
System.arraycopy(prefixesForURI, 0, p, 0, urisUsed);
System.arraycopy(uris, 0, u, 0, urisUsed);
prefixesForURI = p;
uris = u;
uris[urisUsed] = uri;
return urisUsed++;
* Get the uri code for a given URI
* @param uri the URI whose code is required
* @return the associated integer URI code, or -1 if not present in the name pool
public short getCodeForURI(String uri) {
for (short j = 0; j < urisUsed; j++) {
if (uris[j].equals(uri)) {
return j;
return -1;
* Suggest a prefix for a given URI. If there are several, it's undefined which one is returned.
* If there are no prefixes registered for this URI, return null.
* @param URI the namespace URI
* @return a prefix that has previously been associated with this URI, if available; otherwise null
public String suggestPrefixForURI(String URI) {
if (URI.equals(NamespaceConstant.XML)) {
return "xml";
short uriCode = getCodeForURI(URI);
if (uriCode == -1) {
return null;
if (prefixesForURI[uriCode].length >= 1) {
return prefixesForURI[uriCode][0];
return null;
* Get a prefix code among all the prefix codes used with a given URI, given its index
* @param uriCode the integer code identifying the URI
* @param index indicates which of the prefixes associated with this URI is required
* @return the prefix code with the given index. If the index is 0, the prefix is always 0.
private String getPrefixWithIndex(short uriCode, int index) {
if (index == 0) {
return "";
return prefixesForURI[uriCode][index-1];
* Allocate a name from the pool, or a new Name if there is not a matching one there
* @param prefix the namespace prefix. Use "" for the null prefix, representing the absent namespace
* @param uri the namespace URI. Use "" or null for the non-namespace.
* @param localName the local part of the name
* @return an integer (the "namecode") identifying the name within the namepool.
* The Name itself may be retrieved using the getName(int) method
public synchronized int allocate(String prefix, String uri, String localName) {
//System.err.println("Allocate " + prefix + " : " + uri + " : " + localName);
if (NamespaceConstant.isReserved(uri) || NamespaceConstant.SAXON.equals(uri) ||
NamespaceConstant.IXSL.equals(uri)) {
int fp = StandardNames.getFingerprint(uri, localName);
if (fp != -1) {
short uriCode = StandardNames.getURICode(fp);
int pindex;
if (prefix.length() == 0) {
pindex = 0;
} else {
final String[] prefixCodes = prefixesForURI[uriCode];
int prefixPosition = search(prefixCodes, prefix);
if (prefixPosition < 0) {
if (prefixCodes.length == MAX_PREFIXES_PER_URI) {
throw new RuntimeException("NamePool limit exceeded: max " +
MAX_PREFIXES_PER_URI + " prefixes per URI");
String[] p2 = new String[prefixCodes.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(prefixCodes, 0, p2, 0, prefixCodes.length);
p2[prefixCodes.length] = prefix;
prefixesForURI[uriCode] = p2;
prefixPosition = prefixCodes.length;
pindex = prefixPosition + 1;
return (pindex << 20) + fp;
// otherwise register the name in this NamePool
short uriCode = allocateCodeForURIInternal(uri);
int hash = (localName.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % 1023;
int depth = 1;
final String[] prefixCodes = prefixesForURI[uriCode];
int prefixIndex;
if (prefix.length() == 0) {
prefixIndex = 0;
} else {
int prefixPosition = search(prefixCodes, prefix);
if (prefixPosition < 0) {
if (prefixCodes.length == MAX_PREFIXES_PER_URI) {
throw new RuntimeException("NamePool limit exceeded: max " +
MAX_PREFIXES_PER_URI + " prefixes per URI");
String[] p2 = new String[prefixCodes.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(prefixCodes, 0, p2, 0, prefixCodes.length);
p2[prefixCodes.length] = prefix;
prefixesForURI[uriCode] = p2;
prefixPosition = prefixCodes.length;
prefixIndex = prefixPosition + 1;
NameEntry entry;
if (hashslots[hash] == null) {
entry = new NameEntry(uriCode, localName);
hashslots[hash] = entry;
} else {
entry = hashslots[hash];
while (true) {
boolean sameLocalName = (entry.localName.equals(localName));
boolean sameURI = (entry.uriCode == uriCode);
if (sameLocalName && sameURI) {
// may need to add a new prefix to the entry
} else {
NameEntry next = entry.nextEntry;
if (depth >= 1024) {
throw new RuntimeException("Saxon name pool is full");
if (next == null) {
entry.nextEntry = new NameEntry(uriCode, localName);
} else {
entry = next;
// System.err.println("name code = " + prefixIndex + "/" + depth + "/" + hash);
return ((prefixIndex << 20) + (depth << 10) + hash);
* Get the namespace-URI of a name, given its name code or fingerprint
* @param nameCode the name code or fingerprint of a name
* @return the namespace URI corresponding to this name code. Returns "" for the
* null namespace.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the nameCode is not known to the NamePool.
public String getURI(int nameCode) {
if ((nameCode & USER_DEFINED_MASK) == 0) {
return StandardNames.getURI(nameCode & FP_MASK);
NameEntry entry = getNameEntry(nameCode);
if (entry == null) {
return null; // to keep the compiler happy
return uris[entry.uriCode];
* Get the URI code of a name, given its name code or fingerprint
* @param nameCode the name code or fingerprint of a name in the name pool
* @return the integer code identifying the namespace URI part of the name
public short getURICode(int nameCode) {
if ((nameCode & USER_DEFINED_MASK) == 0) {
return StandardNames.getURICode(nameCode & FP_MASK);
NameEntry entry = getNameEntry(nameCode);
if (entry == null) {
return -1;
return entry.uriCode;
* Get the local part of a name, given its name code or fingerprint
* @param nameCode the integer name code or fingerprint of the name
* @return the local part of the name represented by this name code or fingerprint
public String getLocalName(int nameCode) {
if ((nameCode & USER_DEFINED_MASK) == 0) {
return StandardNames.getLocalName(nameCode & FP_MASK);
NameEntry entry = getNameEntry(nameCode);
if (entry == null) {
return null;
return entry.localName;
* Get the prefix part of a name, given its name code
* @param nameCode the integer name code of a name in the name pool
* @return the prefix of this name. Note that if a fingerprint rather than a full name code is supplied
* the returned prefix will be ""
public String getPrefix(int nameCode) {
// if ((nameCode & USER_DEFINED_MASK) == 0) {
// return StandardNames.getPrefix(nameCode & FP_MASK);
// }
int prefixIndex = (nameCode >> 20) & 0x3ff;
if (prefixIndex == 0) {
return "";
short uriCode = getURICode(nameCode);
return prefixesForURI[uriCode][prefixIndex-1];
* Get the display form of a name (the QName), given its name code or fingerprint
* @param nameCode the integer name code or fingerprint of a name in the name pool
* @return the corresponding lexical QName (if a fingerprint was supplied, this will
* simply be the local name)
public String getDisplayName(int nameCode) {
if ((nameCode & USER_DEFINED_MASK) == 0) {
// This indicates a standard name known to the system (but it might have a non-standard prefix)
short uriCode = getURICode(nameCode);
if (uriCode == NamespaceConstant.XML_CODE) {
return "xml:" + StandardNames.getLocalName(nameCode & FP_MASK);
} else {
if (isPrefixed(nameCode)) {
return getPrefix(nameCode) + ':' + StandardNames.getLocalName(nameCode & FP_MASK);
} else {
return StandardNames.getLocalName(nameCode & FP_MASK);
} else {
NameEntry entry = getNameEntry(nameCode);
if (entry == null) {
return null;
if (isPrefixed(nameCode)) {
return getPrefix(nameCode) + ':' + entry.localName;
} else {
return entry.localName;
* Get the Clark form of a name, given its name code or fingerprint
* @param nameCode the integer name code or fingerprint of a name in the name pool
* @return the local name if the name is in the null namespace, or "{uri}local"
* otherwise. The name is always interned.
public String getClarkName(int nameCode) {
if ((nameCode & USER_DEFINED_MASK) == 0) {
return StandardNames.getClarkName(nameCode & FP_MASK);
NameEntry entry = getNameEntry(nameCode);
if (entry == null) {
return null;
if (entry.uriCode == 0) {
return entry.localName;
} else {
String n = '{' + getURIFromURICode(entry.uriCode) + '}' + entry.localName;
return n.intern();
* Allocate a fingerprint given a Clark Name
* @param expandedName the name in Clark notation, that is "localname" or "{uri}localName"
* @return the fingerprint of the name, which need not previously exist in the name pool
public int allocateClarkName(String expandedName) {
String namespace;
String localName;
if (expandedName.charAt(0) == '{') {
int closeBrace = expandedName.indexOf('}');
if (closeBrace < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No closing '}' in Clark name");
namespace = expandedName.substring(1, closeBrace);
if (closeBrace == expandedName.length()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing local part in Clark name");
localName = expandedName.substring(closeBrace + 1);
} else {
namespace = "";
localName = expandedName;
return allocate("", namespace, localName);
* Internal error: name not found in namepool
* (Usual cause is allocating a name code from one name pool and trying to
* find it in another)
* @param nameCode the absent name code
private static void unknownNameCode(int nameCode) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown name code " + nameCode);
* Get a fingerprint for the name with a given uri and local name.
* These must be present in the NamePool.
* The fingerprint has the property that if two fingerprint are the same, the names
* are the same (ie. same local name and same URI).
* @param uri the namespace URI of the required QName
* @param localName the local part of the required QName
* @return the integer fingerprint, or -1 if this is not found in the name pool
public int getFingerprint(String uri, String localName) {
// A read-only version of allocate()
short uriCode;
if (uri.length() == 0) {
uriCode = 0;
} else {
if (NamespaceConstant.isReserved(uri) || uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.SAXON)) {
int fp = StandardNames.getFingerprint(uri, localName);
if (fp != -1) {
return fp;
// otherwise, look for the name in this namepool
uriCode = -1;
for (short j = 0; j < urisUsed; j++) {
if (uris[j].equals(uri)) {
uriCode = j;
if (uriCode == -1) {
return -1;
int hash = (localName.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff) % 1023;
int depth = 1;
NameEntry entry;
if (hashslots[hash] == null) {
return -1;
entry = hashslots[hash];
while (true) {
if (entry.uriCode == uriCode && entry.localName.equals(localName)) {
} else {
NameEntry next = entry.nextEntry;
if (next == null) {
return -1;
} else {
entry = next;
return (depth << 10) + hash;
* Get the namespace URI from a namespace code.
* @param code a namespace code, representing the binding of a prefix to a namespace URI
* @return the namespace URI represented by this namespace binding
public String getURIFromNamespaceCode(int code) {
return uris[code & 0xffff];
* Get the namespace URI from a URI code.
* @param code a code that identifies the URI within the name pool
* @return the URI represented by this code
public String getURIFromURICode(short code) {
return uris[code];
* Get the namespace prefix from a namespace code.
* @param code a namespace code representing the binding of a prefix to a URI)
* @return the prefix represented by this namespace binding
public String getPrefixFromNamespaceCode(int code) {
// System.err.println("get prefix for " + code);
return prefixes[code >> 16];
* Diagnostic print of the namepool contents.
public synchronized void diagnosticDump() {
System.err.println("Contents of NamePool " + this);
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
NameEntry entry = hashslots[i];
int depth = 0;
while (entry != null) {
System.err.println("Fingerprint " + depth + '/' + i);
System.err.println(" local name = " + entry.localName +
" uri code = " + entry.uriCode);
entry = entry.nextEntry;
for (int p = 0; p < prefixesUsed; p++) {
System.err.println("Prefix " + p + " = " + prefixes[p]);
for (int u = 0; u < urisUsed; u++) {
System.err.println("URI " + u + " = " + uris[u]);
FastStringBuffer fsb = new FastStringBuffer(FastStringBuffer.SMALL);
for (int p=0; p< prefixesForURI[u].length; p++) {
fsb.append(prefixesForURI[u][p] + ", ");
System.err.println("Prefix codes for URI " + u + " = " + fsb.toString());
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