import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* A RangeExpression is an expression that represents an integer sequence as
* a pair of end-points (for example "x to y").
* If the end-points are equal, the sequence is of length one.
* <p>From Saxon 7.8, the sequence must be ascending; if the end-point is less
* than the start-point, an empty sequence is returned. This is to allow
* expressions of the form "for $i in 1 to count($seq) return ...." </p>
public class RangeExpression extends BinaryExpression {
* Construct a RangeExpression
* @param start expression that computes the start of the range
* @param op represents the operator "to", needed only because this class is a subclass of
* BinaryExpression which needs an operator
* @param end expression that computes the end of the range
public RangeExpression(Expression start, int op, Expression end) {
super(start, op, end);
* Type-check the expression
public Expression typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) throws XPathException {
operand0 = visitor.typeCheck(operand0, contextItemType);
operand1 = visitor.typeCheck(operand1, contextItemType);
boolean backCompat = visitor.getStaticContext().isInBackwardsCompatibleMode();
RoleLocator role0 = new RoleLocator(RoleLocator.BINARY_EXPR, "to", 0);
operand0 = TypeChecker.staticTypeCheck(
operand0, SequenceType.OPTIONAL_INTEGER, backCompat, role0, visitor);
RoleLocator role1 = new RoleLocator(RoleLocator.BINARY_EXPR, "to", 1);
operand1 = TypeChecker.staticTypeCheck(
operand1, SequenceType.OPTIONAL_INTEGER, backCompat, role1, visitor);
return makeConstantRange();
* Perform optimisation of an expression and its subexpressions.
* <p/>
* <p>This method is called after all references to functions and variables have been resolved
* to the declaration of the function or variable, and after all type checking has been done.</p>
* @param visitor an expression visitor
* @param contextItemType the static type of "." at the point where this expression is invoked.
* The parameter is set to null if it is known statically that the context item will be undefined.
* If the type of the context item is not known statically, the argument is set to
* {@link}
* @return the original expression, rewritten if appropriate to optimize execution
* @throws XPathException if an error is discovered during this phase
* (typically a type error)
public Expression optimize(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) throws XPathException {
operand0 = visitor.optimize(operand0, contextItemType);
operand1 = visitor.optimize(operand1, contextItemType);
return makeConstantRange();
private Expression makeConstantRange() throws XPathException {
if (operand0 instanceof Literal && operand1 instanceof Literal) {
Value v0 = ((Literal)operand0).getValue();
Value v1 = ((Literal)operand1).getValue();
if (v0 instanceof IntegerValue && v1 instanceof IntegerValue &&
((IntegerValue) v0).getDecimalValue().compareTo(DecimalValue.BIG_DECIMAL_MAX_INT) < 0 &&
((IntegerValue) v0).getDecimalValue().compareTo(DecimalValue.BIG_DECIMAL_MIN_INT) > 0 &&
((IntegerValue) v1).getDecimalValue().compareTo(DecimalValue.BIG_DECIMAL_MAX_INT) < 0 &&
((IntegerValue) v1).getDecimalValue().compareTo(DecimalValue.BIG_DECIMAL_MIN_INT) > 0) {
int i0 = ((IntegerValue)v0).intValue();
int i1 = ((IntegerValue)v1).intValue();
Literal result;
if (i0 > i1) {
result = Literal.makeEmptySequence();
} else if (i0 == i1) {
result = Literal.makeLiteral(new IntegerValue(new BigDecimal(i0)));
} else {
result = Literal.makeLiteral(new IntegerRange(i0, i1));
ExpressionTool.copyLocationInfo(this, result);
return result;
return this;
* Get the data type of the items returned
* @param th the type hierarchy cache
public ItemType getItemType(TypeHierarchy th) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Determine the static cardinality
public int computeCardinality() {
return StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO_OR_MORE;
* Return an iteration over the sequence
public SequenceIterator iterate(XPathContext context) throws XPathException {
AtomicValue av1 = (AtomicValue)operand0.evaluateItem(context);
if (av1 == null) {
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
NumericValue v1 = (NumericValue)av1;
AtomicValue av2 = (AtomicValue)operand1.evaluateItem(context);
if (av2 == null) {
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
NumericValue v2 = (NumericValue)av2;
if (v1.compareTo(v2) > 0) {
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
try {
return new RangeIterator(v1.intValue(), v2.intValue());
} catch (XPathException err) {
// values out of range for int; not much hope, but we'll try the hard way
BigDecimal ds = v1.getDecimalValue();
BigDecimal de = v2.getDecimalValue();
List<IntegerValue> list = new ArrayList<IntegerValue>();
do {
list.add(new IntegerValue(ds));
ds = ds.add(BigDecimal.ONE);
} while (ds.compareTo(de) <= 0);
return new ListIterator(list);
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