* PromotionOffer is an object used transiently during compilation of an expression. It contains
* information passed by a containing expression to its subexpressions, when looking for subexpressions
* that can be promoted to a higher level because they are not dependent on the context established
* by the containing expression. The object is also used to pass back return information when the
* promotion actually takes place.
public class PromotionOffer {
* FOCUS_INDEPENDENT requests promotion of all non-trivial subexpressions that don't depend on the
* focus. This is typically used to extract subexpressions from a filter predicate. The offer is
* optional - each subexpression can decide whether it's worth the trouble of promoting itself.
* The offer is normally passed on to subexpressions, except subexpressions that are evaluated
* with a different focus
public static final int FOCUS_INDEPENDENT = 10;
* RANGE_INDEPENDENT requests promotion of all non-trivial subexpressions that don't depend on a
* specified range variable. This is typically used to extract subexpressions from the action of
* a for expression or the condition of a some/every quantified expression. The offer is
* optional - each subexpression can decide whether it's worth the trouble of promoting itself.
* The offer is normally passed on to subexpressions, except subexpressions that are evaluated
* with a different focus or a different range variable, because these may have other dependencies
* that prevent their promotion.
public static final int RANGE_INDEPENDENT = 11;
* Inline variable references causes all references to a variable V to be replaced by the
* expression E. The variable is supplied in the "binding" property; the replacement expression
* in the containingExpression property. A special case is where the replacement expression is
* a ContextItemExpression; in this case the offer is not passed on to subexpressions where
* the context is different.
public static final int INLINE_VARIABLE_REFERENCES = 12;
* UNORDERED indicates that the containing expression does not require the results
* to be delivered in any particular order. The boolean mustEliminateDuplicates
* is set if duplicate items in the result are not allowed.
public static final int UNORDERED = 13;
* REPLACE_CURRENT causes calls to the XSLT current() function to be replaced by
* reference to a variable. The variable binding is the single member of the array bindingList
public static final int REPLACE_CURRENT = 14;
* The optimizer in use
private Optimizer optimizer;
* The expression visitor in use
public ExpressionVisitor visitor;
* action is one of the possible promotion actions, FOCUS_INDEPENDENT, RANGE_INDEPENDENT,
public int action;
* In the case of FOCUS_INDEPENDENT, "promoteDocumentDependent" is a boolean that, when set to
* true, indicates that it is safe to promote a subexpression that depends on the context document
* but not on other aspects of the focus. This is the case, for example, in a filter expression when
* it is known that all the nodes selected by the expression will be in the same document - as happens
* when the filter is applied to a path expression. This allows subexpressions such as key() to be
* promoted
public boolean promoteDocumentDependent = false;
* In the case of FOCUS_INDEPENDENT, "promoteXSLTFunctions" is a boolean that, when set to true, indicates
* that it is safe to promote XSLT functions such as current(). This flag is set when rewriting XPath expressions
* and is unset when rewriting XSLT templates.
public boolean promoteXSLTFunctions = true;
* In the case of UNORDERED, "retainAllNodes" is a boolean that is set to
* true if the nodes can be delivered in any order so long as the right number of nodes
* are delivered. If this boolean is false, the caller doesn't care whether duplicate nodes
* are retained or whether they are eliminated.
public boolean retainAllNodes = true;
* In the case of RANGE_INDEPENDENT, "binding" identifies the range variables whose dependencies
* we are looking for. For INLINE_VARIABLE_REFERENCES it is a single Binding that we are aiming to inline
public Binding[] bindingList;
* When a promotion offer is made, containingExpression identifies the level to which the promotion
* should occur. When a subexpression is promoted, an expression of the form let $VAR := SUB return ORIG
* is created, and this replaces the original containingExpression within the PromotionOffer.
public Expression containingExpression;
* Flag that is set if the offer has been accepted, that is, if the expression has changed
public boolean accepted = false;
* Create a PromotionOffer for use with a particular Optimizer
* @param optimizer the optimizer
public PromotionOffer(Optimizer optimizer) {
this.optimizer = optimizer;
* Get the optimizer in use
* @return the optimizer
public Optimizer getOptimizer() {
return optimizer;
* Method to test whether a subexpression qualifies for promotion, and if so, to
* accept the promotion.
* @param parent
* @param child the subexpression in question
* @return if promotion was done, returns the expression that should be used in place
* of the child expression. If no promotion was done, returns null. If promotion is
* determined not to be necessary for this subtree, returns the supplied child expression
* unchanged
public Expression accept(Expression parent, Expression child) throws XPathException {
switch (action) {
int properties = child.getSpecialProperties();
if (((properties & StaticProperty.NON_CREATIVE) != 0) &&
!ExpressionTool.dependsOnVariable(child, bindingList) &&
(child.getDependencies() &
(StaticProperty.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS)) == 0) {
return promote(parent, child);
int dependencies = child.getDependencies();
int properties = child.getSpecialProperties();
if (!promoteXSLTFunctions && ((dependencies & StaticProperty.DEPENDS_ON_XSLT_CONTEXT) != 0)) {
if (ExpressionTool.dependsOnVariable(child, bindingList)) {
if ((dependencies &
(StaticProperty.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS)) != 0) {
if ((dependencies & StaticProperty.DEPENDS_ON_FOCUS) == 0 &&
(properties & StaticProperty.NON_CREATIVE) != 0) {
return promote(parent, child);
} else if (promoteDocumentDependent &&
(dependencies & StaticProperty.DEPENDS_ON_NON_DOCUMENT_FOCUS) == 0 &&
(properties & StaticProperty.NON_CREATIVE) != 0) {
return promote(parent, child);
if (child instanceof Current) {
LocalVariableReference var = new LocalVariableReference((Assignation)containingExpression);
ExpressionTool.copyLocationInfo(child, var);
return var;
} else if (!ExpressionTool.callsFunction(child, Current.FN_CURRENT)) {
return child;
if (child instanceof Reverse) {
return ((Reverse)child).getArguments()[0];
} else if (child instanceof DocumentSorter && !retainAllNodes) {
return ((DocumentSorter)child).getBaseExpression();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown promotion action " + action);
return null;
* Method to promote a subexpression. A LetExpression is created which binds the child expression
* to a system-created variable, and then returns the original expression, with the child expression
* replaced by a reference to the variable.
* @param child the expression to be promoted
* @return the expression that results from the promotion, if any took place
private Expression promote(Expression parent, Expression child) {
final TypeHierarchy th = optimizer.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
LetExpression let = new LetExpression();
let.setVariableQName(new StructuredQName("zz", NamespaceConstant.SAXON, "zz" + let.hashCode()));
SequenceType type = SequenceType.makeSequenceType(child.getItemType(th), child.getCardinality());
ExpressionTool.copyLocationInfo(containingExpression, let);
Cardinality.allowsMany(child.getCardinality()) ?
ExpressionTool.MAKE_MEMO_CLOSURE :
containingExpression = let;
accepted = true;
LocalVariableReference var = new LocalVariableReference(let);
int properties = child.getSpecialProperties()&StaticProperty.NOT_UNTYPED;
var.setStaticType(type, null, properties);
ExpressionTool.copyLocationInfo(containingExpression, var);
return var;
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