import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* NamespaceReducer is a ProxyReceiver responsible for removing duplicate namespace
* declarations. It also ensures that an xmlns="" undeclaration is output when
* necessary. Used on its own, the NamespaceReducer simply eliminates unwanted
* namespace declarations. It can also be subclassed, in which case the subclass
* can use the services of the NamespaceReducer to resolve QNames.
* <p>
* The NamespaceReducer also validates namespace-sensitive content.
public class NamespaceReducer extends ProxyReceiver implements NamespaceResolver
// We keep track of namespaces to avoid outputting duplicate declarations. The namespaces
// array holds a list of all namespaces currently declared (organised as pairs of entries,
// prefix followed by URI). The countStack contains an entry for each element currently open; the
// value on the stack is an integer giving the number of namespaces added to the main
// namespace stack by that element.
private NamespaceBinding[] namespaces = new NamespaceBinding[50]; // all namespace codes currently declared
private int namespacesSize = 0; // all namespaces currently declared
private int[] countStack = new int[50];
private int depth = 0;
// Creating an element does not automatically inherit the namespaces of the containing element.
// When the DISINHERIT property is set on startElement(), this indicates that the namespaces
// on that element are not to be automatically inherited by its children. So startElement()
// stacks a boolean flag indicating whether the children are to disinherit the parent's namespaces.
private boolean[] disinheritStack = new boolean[50];
// When a child element does not inherit the namespaces of its parent, it acquires undeclarations
// to indicate this fact. This array keeps track of the undeclarations that need to be added to the
// current child element.
private NamespaceBinding[] pendingUndeclarations = null;
* Create a NamespaceReducer
public NamespaceReducer() {}
* startElement. This call removes redundant namespace declarations, and
* possibly adds an xmlns="" undeclaration.
public void startElement(int nameCode, int properties) throws XPathException {
nextReceiver.startElement(nameCode, properties);
// If the parent element specified inherit=no, keep a list of namespaces that need to be
// undeclared
if (depth>0 && disinheritStack[depth-1]) {
pendingUndeclarations = new NamespaceBinding[namespacesSize];
System.arraycopy(namespaces, 0, pendingUndeclarations, 0, namespacesSize);
} else {
pendingUndeclarations = null;
// Record the current height of the namespace list so it can be reset at endElement time
countStack[depth] = 0;
disinheritStack[depth] = (properties & ReceiverOptions.DISINHERIT_NAMESPACES) != 0;
if (++depth >= countStack.length) {
int[] newstack = new int[depth*2];
System.arraycopy(countStack, 0, newstack, 0, depth);
boolean[] disStack2 = new boolean[depth*2];
System.arraycopy(disinheritStack, 0, disStack2, 0, depth);
countStack = newstack;
disinheritStack = disStack2;
// Ensure that the element namespace is output, unless this is done
// automatically by the caller (which is true, for example, for a literal
// result element).
if ((properties & ReceiverOptions.NAMESPACE_OK) == 0) {
namespace(getNamePool().getNamespaceBinding(nameCode), 0);
* Output a namespace node (binding)
* @param nsBinding encapsulates the prefix and URI
* @param properties the properties of the namespace binding
* @throws XPathException
public void namespace(NamespaceBinding nsBinding, int properties) throws XPathException {
// Keep the namespace only if it is actually needed
if (isNeeded(nsBinding)) {
countStack[depth - 1]++;
nextReceiver.namespace(nsBinding, properties);
* Determine whether a namespace declaration is needed
* @param nscode the namespace code
* @return true if the namespace is needed: that is, if it not the XML namespace, is not a duplicate,
* and is not a redundant xmlns="".
private boolean isNeeded(NamespaceBinding nscode) {
if (nscode.isXmlNamespace()) {
// Ignore the XML namespace
return false;
// First cancel any pending undeclaration of this namespace prefix (there may be more than one)
if (pendingUndeclarations != null) {
for (int p=0; p<pendingUndeclarations.length; p++) {
if (pendingUndeclarations[p]!= null && (nscode.getPrefix().equals(pendingUndeclarations[p].getPrefix()))) {
pendingUndeclarations[p] = null;
for (int i=namespacesSize-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (namespaces[i].equals(nscode)) {
// it's a duplicate so we don't need it
return false;
if ((namespaces[i].getPrefix().equals(nscode.getPrefix()))) {
// same prefix, different URI.
return true;
// we need it unless it's a redundant xmlns=""
return (!nscode.isDefaultUndeclaration());
* Add a namespace declaration to the stack
* @param nscode the namespace code to be added
private void addToStack(NamespaceBinding nscode) {
// expand the stack if necessary
if (namespacesSize+1 >= namespaces.length) {
NamespaceBinding[] newlist = new NamespaceBinding[namespacesSize*2];
System.arraycopy(namespaces, 0, newlist, 0, namespacesSize);
namespaces = newlist;
namespaces[namespacesSize++] = nscode;
* startContent: Add any namespace undeclarations needed to stop
* namespaces being inherited from parent elements
public void startContent() throws XPathException {
if (pendingUndeclarations != null) {
for (int i=0; i<pendingUndeclarations.length; i++) {
NamespaceBinding nscode = pendingUndeclarations[i];
if (nscode != null) {
namespace(new NamespaceBinding(nscode.getPrefix(), ""), 0);
// relies on the namespace() method to prevent duplicate undeclarations
pendingUndeclarations = null;
* endElement: Discard the namespaces declared on this element.
public void endElement () throws XPathException
if (depth-- == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to output end tag with no matching start tag");
namespacesSize -= countStack[depth];
* Get the namespace URI corresponding to a given prefix. Return null
* if the prefix is not in scope.
* @param prefix the namespace prefix
* @param useDefault true if the default namespace is to be used when the
* prefix is ""
* @return the uri for the namespace, or null if the prefix is not in scope
public String getURIForPrefix(String prefix, boolean useDefault) {
if ((prefix.isEmpty()) && !useDefault) {
return NamespaceConstant.NULL;
} else if ("xml".equals(prefix)) {
return NamespaceConstant.XML;
} else {
for (int i=namespacesSize-1; i>=0; i--) {
if ((namespaces[i].getPrefix().equals(prefix))) {
return namespaces[i].getURI();
return (prefix.isEmpty() ? NamespaceConstant.NULL : null);
* Get an iterator over all the prefixes declared in this namespace context. This will include
* the default namespace (prefix="") and the XML namespace where appropriate
public Iterator iteratePrefixes() {
List prefixes = new ArrayList(namespacesSize);
for (int i=namespacesSize-1; i>=0; i--) {
String prefix = namespaces[i].getPrefix();
if (!prefixes.contains(prefix)) {
return prefixes.iterator();
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