import java.util.HashMap;
* The document node of a tree implemented as a wrapper around an XML DOM Document.
public class HTMLDocumentWrapper extends HTMLNodeWrapper implements DocumentInfo {
protected Configuration config;
protected String baseURI;
protected int documentNumber;
protected boolean domLevel3;
private HashMap<String, Object> userData;
private HashMap<String, HTMLNodeWrapper> idIndex;
private boolean isHttpRequested;
* Wrap a DOM Document or DocumentFragment node
* @param doc a DOM Document or DocumentFragment node
* @param baseURI the base URI of the document
* @param config the Saxon configuration
public HTMLDocumentWrapper(Node doc, String baseURI, Configuration config) {
this(doc, baseURI, config, DocType.UNKNOWN);
public final native String getBaseURI(Document doc) /*-{
if (doc.documentURI) {
return doc.doumentURI;
} else {
return null;
public HTMLDocumentWrapper(Node doc, String baseURI, Configuration config, DocType newDocType) {
super(doc, null, 0);
// if (doc.getNodeType() != Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node must be a DOM Document");
// }
nodeKind = Type.DOCUMENT;
if ((baseURI == null || baseURI == "") && doc.getNodeType() == Type.DOCUMENT) {
baseURI = ((Document)doc).getURL();
this.baseURI = (baseURI != null && baseURI != "")? baseURI : getBaseURI((Document)doc);
} else {
this.baseURI = baseURI;
// affects selectID() behaviour:
isHttpRequested = (newDocType == DocType.NONHTML);
docWrapper = this;
domLevel3 = true;
// crude test for XHTML by seeing if there's an identifying xmlns attribute on any
// top-level html element
if (newDocType != DocType.UNKNOWN) {
this.htmlType = newDocType;
// need to determine whether HTML, XHTML or neither so as to control case of node names
// and distinguish other XML/HTML behaviours - like SelectID
try {
AxisIterator iter = this.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD);
while (true) {
NodeInfo n = (NodeInfo);
if (n == null) {
} else if (n.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) {
// String uri = n.getURI();
// if (uri != null && uri.length() > 0) {
// htmlType = (uri.equals(NamespaceConstant.XHTML))? DocType.XHTML : DocType.NONHTML;
// return;
// }
String rawLocal = ((HTMLNodeWrapper)n).getRawLocalName().toLowerCase();
if (rawLocal.equals("html")) {
NamespaceBinding[] nb = n.getDeclaredNamespaces(null);
htmlType = DocType.HTML;
for (NamespaceBinding nBinding: nb) {
if (nBinding.getURI().equals(NamespaceConstant.XHTML)) {
htmlType = DocType.XHTML;
} else {
htmlType = DocType.NONHTML;
break; // only check first element
} catch(Exception e) {}
private DocType htmlType = DocType.UNKNOWN;
public enum DocType {
private boolean getIsXMLObjectTypeFromURIext() {
int pos = baseURI.indexOf('?');
String testUri = (pos < 0)? baseURI : baseURI.substring(pos);
return testUri.toLowerCase().endsWith("xhtml");
* @return type of document determined by tag name
public DocType getDocType() {
return htmlType;
* @return type of document determined by object type
public boolean isXMLDocumentObject() {
return isHttpRequested;
// does not seem to be a prescriptive way of distinguishing object types
private boolean isNodeXMLDocument() {
String nodeString = node.toString();
if (nodeString.endsWith("XMLDocument]")) {
return true;
} else if(nodeString.endsWith("HTMLDocument]")){
return false;
} else {
return !supportsGetElementById((Document)node);
public static native boolean supportsGetElementById(Document doc) /*-{
return !!(doc.getElementById);
* Create a wrapper for a node in this document
* @param node the DOM node to be wrapped. This must be a node within the document wrapped by this
* XMLDocumentWrapper
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node is not a descendant of the Document node wrapped by
* this XMLDocumentWrapper
public HTMLNodeWrapper wrap(Node node) {
if (node == this.node) {
return this;
Document doc = node.getOwnerDocument();
if (doc == this.node) {
return makeWrapper(node, this);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"XMLDocumentWrapper#wrap: supplied node does not belong to the wrapped DOM document");
* Set the Configuration that contains this document
public void setConfiguration(Configuration config) {
this.config = config;
documentNumber = config.getDocumentNumberAllocator().allocateDocumentNumber();
* Get the configuration previously set using setConfiguration
public Configuration getConfiguration() {
return config;
* Get the name pool used for the names in this document
public NamePool getNamePool() {
return config.getNamePool();
* Get the unique document number
public int getDocumentNumber() {
return documentNumber;
* Get the element with a given ID, if any
* @param id the required ID value
* @return a NodeInfo representing the element with the given ID, or null if there
* is no such element. This relies on the getElementById() method in the
* underlying DOM.
public NodeInfo selectID(String id) {
Node el;
// IE does not support getElementById for XML documents
// but it does support it for XHTML if its the host page
Document doc = ((Document)node);
if (!isHttpRequested) {
el = (doc).getElementById(id);
if (el == null) {
return null;
return wrap(el);
} else {
if (idIndex != null) {
return idIndex.get(id);
} else {
idIndex = new HashMap();
AxisIterator iter = iterateAxis(Axis.DESCENDANT, NodeKindTest.ELEMENT);
boolean useNS = isNSok(node);
while (true) {
NodeInfo node = (NodeInfo);
if (node == null) {
Node testNode = (Node)((HTMLNodeWrapper)node).getUnderlyingNode();
String xmlId = (useNS)? getXmlIdNS(testNode) : getXmlId(testNode);
//String xmlId = ((Element)((HTMLNodeWrapper)node).getUnderlyingNode()).getAttribute("xml:id");
if (xmlId != null && !xmlId.isEmpty()) {
idIndex.put(xmlId, (HTMLNodeWrapper)node);
return idIndex.get(id);
public static native String getXmlIdNS(Node inNode) /*-{
return inNode.getAttributeNS('', 'id');
public static native String getXmlId(Node inNode) /*-{
return inNode.getAttribute("xml:id");
private static native boolean isNSok(Node inNode) /*-{
return !!(inNode.getAttributeNS);
* Determine whether this is the same node as another node. <br />
* Note: a.isSameNode(b) if and only if generateId(a)==generateId(b)
* @return true if this Node object and the supplied Node object represent the
* same node in the tree.
public boolean isSameNodeInfo(NodeInfo other) {
return other instanceof HTMLDocumentWrapper && node == ((HTMLDocumentWrapper)other).node;
* Get the type annotation. Always XS_UNTYPED.
public int getTypeAnnotation() {
return StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED;
* Set user data on the document node. The user data can be retrieved subsequently
* using {@link #getUserData}
* @param key A string giving the name of the property to be set. Clients are responsible
* for choosing a key that is likely to be unique. Must not be null.
* @param value The value to be set for the property. May be null, which effectively
* removes the existing value for the property.
public void setUserData(String key, Object value) {
if (userData == null) {
userData = new HashMap(4);
if (value == null) {
} else {
userData.put(key, value);
* Get user data held in the document node. This retrieves properties previously set using
* {@link #setUserData}
* @param key A string giving the name of the property to be retrieved.
* @return the value of the property, or null if the property has not been defined.
public Object getUserData(String key) {
if (userData == null) {
return null;
} else {
return userData.get(key);
* Create a DocumentFragment node. Method not available from GWT
public static native Node createDocumentFragment(Document doc) /*-{
return doc.createDocumentFragment();
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