* Copyright 2012 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nokia.dempsy.container;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
import com.nokia.dempsy.Dispatcher;
import com.nokia.dempsy.KeySource;
import com.nokia.dempsy.TestUtils;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.Activation;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.Evictable;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.MessageHandler;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.MessageProcessor;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.Output;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.Passivation;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.Start;
import com.nokia.dempsy.config.ClusterId;
import com.nokia.dempsy.container.mocks.ContainerTestMessage;
import com.nokia.dempsy.container.mocks.OutputMessage;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.Sender;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.blockingqueue.BlockingQueueAdaptor;
import com.nokia.dempsy.monitoring.coda.MetricGetters;
import com.nokia.dempsy.router.RoutingStrategy;
import com.nokia.dempsy.serialization.Serializer;
import com.nokia.dempsy.serialization.java.JavaSerializer;
// NOTE: this test simply puts messages on an input queue, and expects
// messages on an output queue; the important part is the wiring
// in TestMPContainer.xml
public class TestMpContainer
// Configuration
private MpContainer container;
private BlockingQueue<Object> inputQueue;
private BlockingQueue<Object> outputQueue;
private Serializer<Object> serializer = new JavaSerializer<Object>();
private ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context;
private long baseTimeoutMillis = 20000;
public static class DummyDispatcher implements Dispatcher
public Object lastDispatched;
public Sender sender;
public Serializer<Object> serializer = new JavaSerializer<Object>();
public void dispatch(Object message)
this.lastDispatched = message;
catch(Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public ClusterId getThisClusterId() { return null; }
public void setSender(Sender sender)
this.sender = sender;
public void setUp() throws Throwable { setUp("true"); }
public void setUp(String failFast) throws Exception
System.setProperty("failFast", failFast);
context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("TestMPContainer.xml");
container = (MpContainer)context.getBean("container");
inputQueue = (BlockingQueue<Object>)context.getBean("inputQueue");
outputQueue = (BlockingQueue<Object>)context.getBean("outputQueue");
public void tearDown() throws Exception
context = null;
container = null;
inputQueue = null;
outputQueue = null;
// Message and MP classes
public static class TestProcessor implements Cloneable
public volatile String myKey;
public volatile int activationCount;
public volatile int invocationCount;
public volatile int outputCount;
public volatile AtomicBoolean evict = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public AtomicInteger cloneCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
public volatile CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(0);
public static AtomicLong numOutputExecutions = new AtomicLong(0);
public static CountDownLatch blockAllOutput = new CountDownLatch(0);
public AtomicLong passivateCount = new AtomicLong(0);
public CountDownLatch blockPassivate = new CountDownLatch(0);
public AtomicBoolean throwPassivateException = new AtomicBoolean(false);
public AtomicLong passivateExceptionCount = new AtomicLong(0);
public AtomicLong startCalled = new AtomicLong(0);
public ClusterId clusterId = null;
public void startMe(ClusterId clusterId) { this.clusterId = clusterId; startCalled.incrementAndGet(); }
public TestProcessor clone()
throws CloneNotSupportedException
return (TestProcessor)super.clone();
public void activate(byte[] data)
public void passivate() throws InterruptedException
if (throwPassivateException.get())
throw new RuntimeException("Passivate");
public ContainerTestMessage handle(ContainerTestMessage message) throws InterruptedException
myKey = message.getKey();
// put it on output queue so that we can synchronize test
return message;
public boolean isEvictable(){ return evict.get(); }
public OutputMessage doOutput() throws InterruptedException
return new OutputMessage(myKey, activationCount, invocationCount, outputCount++);
// Test Cases
public void testConfiguration() throws Exception
// this assertion is superfluous, since we deref container in setUp()
assertNotNull("did not create container", container);
assertEquals(new ClusterId("test", "test"),container.getClusterId());
TestProcessor prototype = context.getBean(TestProcessor.class);
public void testMessageDispatch()
throws Exception
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals("did not create MP", 1, container.getProcessorCount());
TestProcessor mp = (TestProcessor)container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
assertNotNull("MP not associated with expected key", mp);
assertEquals("activation count, 1st message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 1st message", 1, mp.invocationCount);
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals("activation count, 2nd message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 2nd message", 2, mp.invocationCount);
public void testInvokeOutput()
throws Exception
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("bar")));
outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals("number of MP instances", 2, container.getProcessorCount());
assertTrue("queue is empty", outputQueue.isEmpty());
OutputMessage out1 = (OutputMessage)serializer.deserialize((byte[]) outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
OutputMessage out2 = (OutputMessage)serializer.deserialize((byte[]) outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertTrue("messages received", (out1 != null) && (out2 != null));
assertEquals("no more messages in queue", 0, outputQueue.size());
// order of messages is not guaranteed, so we need to aggregate keys
HashSet<String> messageKeys = new HashSet<String>();
assertTrue("first MP sent output", messageKeys.contains("foo"));
assertTrue("second MP sent output", messageKeys.contains("bar"));
public void testOutputInvoker() throws Exception {
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
ContainerTestMessage out1 = (ContainerTestMessage)serializer.deserialize((byte[]) outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertTrue("messages received", (out1 != null) );
assertEquals("number of MP instances", 1, container.getProcessorCount());
assertTrue("queue is empty", outputQueue.isEmpty());
public void testMtInvokeOutput()
throws Exception
final int numInstances = 20;
final int concurrency = 5;
for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++)
inputQueue.put(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo" + i)));
for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++)
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("number of MP instances", numInstances, container.getProcessorCount());
assertTrue("queue is empty", outputQueue.isEmpty());
for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++)
assertNotNull(serializer.deserialize((byte[]) outputQueue.poll(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
assertEquals("no more messages in queue", 0, outputQueue.size());
public void testEvictable() throws Exception {
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("did not create MP", 1, container.getProcessorCount());
TestProcessor mp = (TestProcessor)container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
assertNotNull("MP not associated with expected key", mp);
assertEquals("activation count, 1st message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 1st message", 1, mp.invocationCount);
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("activation count, 2nd message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 2nd message", 2, mp.invocationCount);
TestProcessor prototype = context.getBean(TestProcessor.class);
int tmpCloneCount = prototype.cloneCount.intValue();
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("Clone count, 2nd message", tmpCloneCount+1, prototype.cloneCount.intValue());
public void testEvictableWithPassivateException() throws Exception
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("did not create MP", 1, container.getProcessorCount());
TestProcessor mp = (TestProcessor)container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
assertNotNull("MP not associated with expected key", mp);
assertEquals("activation count, 1st message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 1st message", 1, mp.invocationCount);
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("activation count, 2nd message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 2nd message", 2, mp.invocationCount);
TestProcessor prototype = context.getBean(TestProcessor.class);
int tmpCloneCount = prototype.cloneCount.intValue();
assertEquals("Passivate Exception Thrown",1, mp.passivateExceptionCount.get());
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("Clone count, 2nd message", tmpCloneCount+1, prototype.cloneCount.intValue());
public void testEvictableWithBusyMp() throws Throwable
// first set the receiver to failFast
// This forces the instantiation of an Mp
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
// Once the poll finishes the Mp is instantiated and handling messages.
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("did not create MP", 1, container.getProcessorCount());
TestProcessor mp = (TestProcessor)container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
assertNotNull("MP not associated with expected key", mp);
assertEquals("activation count, 1st message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 1st message", 1, mp.invocationCount);
// now we're going to cause the processing to be held up.
mp.latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
mp.evict.set(true); // allow eviction
// sending it a message will now cause it to hang up while processing
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
TestProcessor prototype = context.getBean(TestProcessor.class);
// keep track of the cloneCount for later checking
int tmpCloneCount = prototype.cloneCount.intValue();
// invocation count should go to 2
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, mp, new TestUtils.Condition<TestProcessor>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(TestProcessor o) { return o.invocationCount == 2; } }));
assertNull(outputQueue.peek()); // this is a double check that no message got all the way
// now kick off the evict in a separate thread since we expect it to hang
// until the mp becomes unstuck.
final AtomicBoolean evictIsComplete = new AtomicBoolean(false); // this will allow us to see the evict pass complete
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { container.evict(); evictIsComplete.set(true); } });
// now check to make sure eviction doesn't complete.
Thread.sleep(50); // just a little to give any mistakes a change to work themselves through
assertFalse(evictIsComplete.get()); // make sure eviction didn't finish
mp.latch.countDown(); // this lets it go
// wait until the eviction completes
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, evictIsComplete, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicBoolean>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicBoolean o) { return o.get(); } }));
// now it comes through.
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("activation count, 2nd message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 2nd message", 2, mp.invocationCount);
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("Clone count, 2nd message", tmpCloneCount+1, prototype.cloneCount.intValue());
public void testEvictCollision() throws Throwable
// This forces the instantiation of an Mp
BlockingQueueAdaptor adaptor = context.getBean(BlockingQueueAdaptor.class);
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
// Once the poll finishes the Mp is instantiated and handling messages.
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("did not create MP", 1, container.getProcessorCount());
TestProcessor mp = (TestProcessor)container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
assertNotNull("MP not associated with expected key", mp);
assertEquals("activation count, 1st message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 1st message", 1, mp.invocationCount);
// now we're going to cause the passivate to be held up.
mp.blockPassivate = new CountDownLatch(1);
mp.evict.set(true); // allow eviction
// now kick off the evict in a separate thread since we expect it to hang
// until the mp becomes unstuck.
final AtomicBoolean evictIsComplete = new AtomicBoolean(false); // this will allow us to see the evict pass complete
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { container.evict(); evictIsComplete.set(true); } });
Thread.sleep(50); //let it get going.
assertFalse(evictIsComplete.get()); // check to see we're hung.
final MetricGetters sc = (MetricGetters)container.getStatsCollector();
// sending it a message will now cause it to have the collision tick up
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, sc, new TestUtils.Condition<MetricGetters>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(MetricGetters o) { return o.getMessageCollisionCount() == 1; } }));
// now let the evict finish
// wait until the eviction completes
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, evictIsComplete, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicBoolean>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicBoolean o) { return o.get(); } }));
// invocationCount should still be 1 from the initial invocation that caused the clone
// send a message that should go through
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
// Once the poll finishes a new Mp is instantiated and handling messages.
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
TestProcessor mp2 = (TestProcessor)container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
// make sure this new Mp isn't the old one.
assertTrue(mp != mp2);
public void testEvictCollisionWithBlocking() throws Throwable
// for this test we need to undo the setup
// and re-setUp setting failFast to false.
// This forces the instantiation of an Mp
BlockingQueueAdaptor adaptor = context.getBean(BlockingQueueAdaptor.class);
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
// Once the poll finishes the Mp is instantiated and handling messages.
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
assertEquals("did not create MP", 1, container.getProcessorCount());
TestProcessor mp = (TestProcessor)container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
assertNotNull("MP not associated with expected key", mp);
assertEquals("activation count, 1st message", 1, mp.activationCount);
assertEquals("invocation count, 1st message", 1, mp.invocationCount);
// now we're going to cause the passivate to be held up.
mp.blockPassivate = new CountDownLatch(1);
mp.evict.set(true); // allow eviction
// now kick off the evict in a separate thread since we expect it to hang
// until the mp becomes unstuck.
final AtomicBoolean evictIsComplete = new AtomicBoolean(false); // this will allow us to see the evict pass complete
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { container.evict(); evictIsComplete.set(true); } });
Thread.sleep(500); //let it get going.
assertFalse(evictIsComplete.get()); // check to see we're hung.
final MetricGetters sc = (MetricGetters)container.getStatsCollector();
// sending it a message will now cause it to have the collision tick up
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
// give it some time.
// make sure there's no collision
// make sure the message didn't get through
// make sure no message got handled
assertEquals(1,mp.invocationCount); // 1 is the initial invocation that caused the instantiation.
// now let the evict finish
// wait until the eviction completes
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, evictIsComplete, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicBoolean>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicBoolean o) { return o.get(); } }));
// Once the poll finishes a new Mp is instantiated and handling messages.
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
// get the new Mp
TestProcessor mp2 = (TestProcessor)container.getMessageProcessor("foo");
// invocationCount should be 1 from the initial invocation that caused the clone, and no more
assertTrue(mp != mp2);
// send a message that should go through
inputQueue.add(serializer.serialize(new ContainerTestMessage("foo")));
// Once the poll finishes mp2 invocationCount should be incremented
assertNotNull(outputQueue.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
static class FixedInbound implements RoutingStrategy.Inbound
AtomicReference<Set<Object>> validKeys = new AtomicReference<Set<Object>>(new HashSet<Object>());
public void stop(){ }
public boolean doesMessageKeyBelongToNode(Object messageKey) { return validKeys.get().contains(messageKey); }
public FixedInbound set(Object... keys) { validKeys.set(new HashSet<Object>(Arrays.asList(keys))); return this; }
public FixedInbound clear() { validKeys.set(new HashSet<Object>(Arrays.asList())); return this; }
static class FixedKeySource implements KeySource<String>
AtomicReference<List<String>> keys = new AtomicReference<List<String>>(new ArrayList<String>());
public Iterable<String> getAllPossibleKeys() { return keys.get(); }
public FixedKeySource set(String[]...keys)
List<String> newKeys = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String[] keyset : keys)
return this;
public void testKeyspaceExpandThenContraction() throws Throwable
final String[] keys = { "foo1", "foo2" };
// set an inbound strategy that provides a known value
FixedInbound inbound = new FixedInbound().set((Object[])keys);
FixedKeySource keysource = new FixedKeySource().set(keys);
// set a keysource with 2 keys
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inbound, false, true);
TestProcessor prototype = context.getBean(TestProcessor.class);
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, prototype.cloneCount, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicInteger>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicInteger o) { return o.intValue() == 2; } }));
inbound.clear(); // force the Inbound to deny that any Mp should run here.
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inbound, true, false);
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, container, new TestUtils.Condition<MpContainer>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(MpContainer o) { return o.getInstances().size() == 0; } }));
public void testKeyspaceExpandAndContraction() throws Throwable
final String[] keys = { "foo1", "foo2" };
final String[] keysShard2 = { "foo3", "foo4" };
// set an inbound strategy that provides a known value
FixedInbound inbound = new FixedInbound().set((Object[])keys);
FixedKeySource keysource = new FixedKeySource().set(keys, keysShard2);
// set a keysource with 2 keys
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inbound, false, true);
TestProcessor prototype = context.getBean(TestProcessor.class);
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, prototype.cloneCount, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicInteger>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicInteger o) { return o.intValue() == 2; } }));
inbound.set((Object[])keysShard2); // force the Inbound to deny that any Mp should run here.
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inbound, true, true);
// check to make sure the total clone count is now 4 since two new Mps should be there
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, prototype.cloneCount, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicInteger>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicInteger o) { return o.intValue() == 4; } }));
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, container, new TestUtils.Condition<MpContainer>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(MpContainer o) { return o.getInstances().size() == 2; } }));
public void testOverlappingKeyspaceContraction() throws Throwable
// need to get hold of the block passivate latch and set it to 1
TestProcessor prototype = context.getBean(TestProcessor.class);
CountDownLatch blockPassivate = new CountDownLatch(1);
prototype.blockPassivate = blockPassivate;
final String[] keys = { "foo1", "foo2" };
// set an inbound strategy that provides a known value
final FixedInbound inbound = new FixedInbound().set((Object[])keys);
FixedKeySource keysource = new FixedKeySource().set(keys);
// set a keysource with 2 keys
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inbound, false, true);
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, prototype.cloneCount, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicInteger>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicInteger o) { return o.intValue() == 2; } }));
// ok ... we have a container with 2 mps.
// now we're going to passivate but the passivate will block
inbound.clear(); // force the Inbound to deny that any Mp should run here.
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inbound, true, false);
// the Mp deletion should be hung in passivate on the frist one ... this test will break if eviction
// becomes concurrent since both Mps will be blocked and released at the same time. We want the
// second.
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, prototype.passivateCount, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicLong>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicLong o) { return o.intValue() == 1; } }));
// kick force a redo of the keyspaceResponsibilityChange. This will hang without the latch so
// we kick it off in the background. Here we are going to reset the inbound so that it rescues the
// other Mp
final AtomicBoolean isRunningKSChange = new AtomicBoolean(false);
Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inbound, true, false);
// let's make sure the keyspaceChanged call is hanging
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, isRunningKSChange, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicBoolean>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicBoolean o) { return o.get(); } }));
// the above will block unless the latch is released
blockPassivate.countDown(); // this lets them all go
// this should result in preservation of the other Mps since we preempted the keyspace deletion
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, container, new TestUtils.Condition<MpContainer>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(MpContainer o) { return o.getInstances().size() == 1; } }));
assertTrue(TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis, isRunningKSChange, new TestUtils.Condition<AtomicBoolean>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(AtomicBoolean o) { return !o.get(); } }));
public void testKeyspaceContractExpandRace() throws Throwable
// need to get hold of the block passivate latch and set it to 1
TestProcessor prototype = context.getBean(TestProcessor.class);
CountDownLatch blockPassivate = new CountDownLatch(1);
prototype.blockPassivate = blockPassivate;
final String[] keys = new String[10000];
final String[] keys2 = new String[10000];
final String[] emptyKeys = new String[0];
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
keys[i] = String.valueOf(i);
keys2[i] = String.valueOf(i + keys.length);
// set an inbound strategy that provides a known value
final FixedInbound inboundShards1 = new FixedInbound().set((Object[])keys);
final FixedInbound inboundShards2 = new FixedInbound().set((Object[])keys2);
final FixedInbound inboundShardsEmpty = new FixedInbound().set((Object[])emptyKeys);
// The keysource contains ALL keys even if they aren't in the current container
FixedKeySource keysource = new FixedKeySource().set(keys,keys2);
// set a keysource with all of the keys
// first run the pre-initialization work to create the Mps
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inboundShards1, false, true);
// assert the exact number were created.
TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 10, container, new TestUtils.Condition<MpContainer>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(MpContainer o) { return o.getProcessorCount() == keys.length; } });
assertEquals(keys.length, container.getProcessorCount());
// make sure that doesn't change
FixedInbound[] inbounds = { inboundShards1, inboundShards2 };
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
// now we need a rapid contract followed by expand
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inboundShardsEmpty, true, false);
container.keyspaceResponsibilityChanged(inbounds[i & 1], false, true);
// make sure we're back.
TestUtils.poll(baseTimeoutMillis * 10, container, new TestUtils.Condition<MpContainer>()
{ @Override public boolean conditionMet(MpContainer o) { return o.getProcessorCount() == keys2.length; } });
assertEquals("Num mps is " + container.getProcessorCount(), keys2.length, container.getProcessorCount());