* Copyright 2012 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nokia.dempsy.router;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.nokia.dempsy.Adaptor;
import com.nokia.dempsy.Dempsy;
import com.nokia.dempsy.Dempsy.Application.Cluster.Node;
import com.nokia.dempsy.DempsyException;
import com.nokia.dempsy.Dispatcher;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.MessageKey;
import com.nokia.dempsy.annotations.MessageProcessor;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoException;
import com.nokia.dempsy.cluster.ClusterInfoSession;
import com.nokia.dempsy.config.ApplicationDefinition;
import com.nokia.dempsy.config.ClusterDefinition;
import com.nokia.dempsy.config.ClusterId;
import com.nokia.dempsy.container.MpContainer;
import com.nokia.dempsy.container.internal.AnnotatedMethodInvoker;
import com.nokia.dempsy.internal.util.SafeString;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.Destination;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.MessageTransportException;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.Sender;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.SenderFactory;
import com.nokia.dempsy.messagetransport.Transport;
import com.nokia.dempsy.monitoring.StatsCollector;
import com.nokia.dempsy.router.RoutingStrategy.Outbound;
import com.nokia.dempsy.serialization.SerializationException;
import com.nokia.dempsy.serialization.Serializer;
* <p>This class implements the routing for all messages leaving a node. Please note:
* This object is meant to be instantiated and manipulated by the {@link Dempsy}
* orchestrator and not used directly. However, it is important to understand how routing within
* Dempsy works.</p>
* <p>Routing a message to a message processor happens in three stages. Given an
* {@link ApplicationDefinition} that contains many message processor clusters, messages
* leaving any one {@link Node} need to be routed to the appropriate message processors
* in other clusters. The stages are as follows:</p>
* <p><li>Using the message's type information (and {@link ClusterDefinition} if "destinations"
* are set) determine the cluster that contains the message processor that the message
* needs to be sent to.</li>
* <li>Within the cluster determine the {@link Node} currently responsible for processing that
* message using the messages key ({@link MessageKey}) and the current {@link RoutingStrategy}
* for that cluster.</li>
* <li>Once the message is sent to the appropriate {@link Node} the {@link MpContainer}
* is responsible for routing the message to the appropriate {@link MessageProcessor}</li></p>
* <p>As mentioned, if the particular cluster that the node that this Router is instantiated in
* has explicitly defined destinations, then the message routing will be limited to
* only those destinations.</p>
* <p>A router requires a non-null ApplicationDefinition during construction.</p>
public class Router implements Dispatcher, RoutingStrategy.Outbound.Coordinator
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Router.class);
private AnnotatedMethodInvoker methodInvoker = new AnnotatedMethodInvoker(MessageKey.class);
private ApplicationDefinition applicationDefinition = null;
private ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Set<ClusterRouter>> routerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Set<ClusterRouter>>();
// protected for test access
protected ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Object> missingMsgTypes = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Object>();
private Set<RoutingStrategy.Outbound> outbounds = new HashSet<RoutingStrategy.Outbound>();
private ClusterInfoSession mpClusterSession = null;
private SenderFactory defaultSenderFactory;
private ClusterId currentCluster = null;
private StatsCollector statsCollector = null;
protected Set<Class<?>> stopTryingToSendTheseTypes = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Boolean>());
public Router(ApplicationDefinition applicationDefinition)
if (applicationDefinition == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't pass a null applicationDefinition to a " + SafeString.valueOfClass(this));
this.applicationDefinition = applicationDefinition;
* Provide the handle to the cluster factory so that each visible cluster can be reached.
public void setClusterSession(ClusterInfoSession factory) { mpClusterSession = factory; }
* @return a reference to the set ClusterInfoSession
public ClusterInfoSession getClusterSession() { return mpClusterSession; }
* Tell the {@link Router} what the current cluster is. This is typically determined by
* the {@link Dempsy} orchestrator through the use of the {@link CurrentClusterCheck}.
public void setCurrentCluster(ClusterId currentClusterId) { this.currentCluster = new ClusterId(currentClusterId); }
* This sets the default {@link Transport} to use for each cluster a message may be routed to.
* This can be overridden on a per-cluster basis.
public void setDefaultSenderFactory(SenderFactory senderFactory) { this.defaultSenderFactory = senderFactory; }
* This sets the StatsCollector to log messages sent via this dispatcher to.
public void setStatsCollector(StatsCollector statsCollector) { this.statsCollector = statsCollector; }
* Prior to the {@link Router} being used it needs to be initialized.
public void initialize() throws ClusterInfoException,DempsyException
// applicationDefinition cannot be null because the constructor checks
// put all of the cluster definitions into a map for easy lookup
Map<ClusterId, ClusterDefinition> defs = new HashMap<ClusterId, ClusterDefinition>();
for (ClusterDefinition clusterDef : applicationDefinition.getClusterDefinitions())
defs.put(clusterDef.getClusterId(), clusterDef);
// now see about the one that we are.
ClusterDefinition currentClusterDef = null;
if (currentCluster != null)
currentClusterDef = defs.get(currentCluster);
if (currentClusterDef == null)
throw new DempsyException("This Dempsy instance seems to be misconfigured. While this VM thinks it's an instance of " +
currentCluster + " the application it's configured with doesn't contain this cluster definition. The application configuration consists of: " +
// get the set of explicit destinations if they exist
Set<ClusterId> explicitClusterDestinations =
(currentClusterDef != null && currentClusterDef.hasExplicitDestinations()) ? new HashSet<ClusterId>() : null;
if (explicitClusterDestinations != null)
// TODO: This loop will eventually be replaced when the instantiation of the Outbound
// is driven from cluster information management events (Zookeeper callbacks).
// if the currentCluster is set and THAT cluster has explicit destinations
// then those are the only ones we want to consider
for (ClusterDefinition clusterDef : applicationDefinition.getClusterDefinitions())
if ((explicitClusterDestinations == null || explicitClusterDestinations.contains(clusterDef.getClusterId()))
&& !clusterDef.isRouteAdaptorType())
RoutingStrategy strategy = (RoutingStrategy)clusterDef.getRoutingStrategy();
ClusterId clusterId = clusterDef.getClusterId();
if (strategy == null)
throw new DempsyException("Could not retrieve the routing strategy for " + SafeString.valueOf(clusterId));
// This create will result in a callback on the Router as the Outbound.Coordinator with a
// registration event. The Outbound may (will) call back on the Router to retrieve the
// MpClusterSession and register itself with the appropriate cluster.
outbounds.add(strategy.createOutbound(this, mpClusterSession,clusterId));
public ClusterId getThisClusterId() { return currentCluster; }
* A {@link Router} is also a {@link Dispatcher} that is the instance that's typically
* injected into {@link Adaptor}s. The implementation of this dispatch routes the message
* to the appropriate {@link MessageProcessor} in the appropriate {@link ClusterDefinition}
public void dispatch(Object message)
if(message == null)
logger.warn("Attempt to dispatch null message.");
List<Object> messages = new ArrayList<Object>();
getMessages(message, messages);
for(Object msg: messages)
Class<?> messageClass = msg.getClass();
Object msgKeysValue = null;
if (!stopTryingToSendTheseTypes.contains(messageClass))
msgKeysValue = methodInvoker.invokeGetter(msg);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e1)
logger.warn("unable to retrieve key from message: " + String.valueOf(message) +
(message != null ? "\" of type \"" + SafeString.valueOf(message.getClass()) : "") +
"\" Please make sure its has a simple getter appropriately annotated: " +
e1.getLocalizedMessage()); // no stack trace.
catch(IllegalAccessException e1)
logger.warn("unable to retrieve key from message: " + String.valueOf(message) +
(message != null ? "\" of type \"" + SafeString.valueOf(message.getClass()) : "") +
"\" Please make sure all annotated getter access is public: " +
e1.getLocalizedMessage()); // no stack trace.
catch(InvocationTargetException e1)
logger.warn("unable to retrieve key from message: " + String.valueOf(message) +
(message != null ? "\" of type \"" + SafeString.valueOf(message.getClass()) : "") +
"\" due to an exception thrown from the getter: " +
if(msgKeysValue != null)
Set<ClusterRouter> routers = getRouter(msg.getClass());
if(routers != null)
for(ClusterRouter router: routers)
if (statsCollector != null) statsCollector.messageNotSent();
logger.warn("No router found for message type \""+ SafeString.valueOf(msg) +
(msg != null ? "\" of type \"" + SafeString.valueOf(msg.getClass()) : "") + "\"");
if (statsCollector != null) statsCollector.messageNotSent();
logger.warn("Null message key for \""+ SafeString.valueOf(msg) +
(msg != null ? "\" of type \"" + SafeString.valueOf(msg.getClass()) : "") + "\"");
public void stop()
// stop the MpClusterSession first so that ClusterRouters wont
// be notified after their stopped.
try { if(mpClusterSession != null) mpClusterSession.stop(); }
catch(Throwable th)
logger.error("Stopping the cluster session " + SafeString.objectDescription(mpClusterSession) + " caused an exception:", th);
// flatten out then stop all of the ClusterRouters
ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Set<ClusterRouter>> map = routerMap;
routerMap = null;
Set<ClusterRouter> routers = new HashSet<ClusterRouter>();
for (Collection<ClusterRouter> curRouters : map.values())
for (ClusterRouter router : routers)
for (RoutingStrategy.Outbound ob : outbounds)
public void registerOutbound(RoutingStrategy.Outbound outbound, Collection<Class<?>> classes)
ClusterId clusterId = outbound.getClusterId();
if (classes != null && classes.size() > 0)
// find the appropriate ClusterDefinition
ClusterDefinition curClusterDef = applicationDefinition.getClusterDefinition(clusterId);
if (curClusterDef != null)
// create a corresponding ClusterRouter
ClusterRouter clusterRouter = new ClusterRouter((Serializer<Object>)curClusterDef.getSerializer(),outbound);
for (Class<?> clazz : classes)
Set<ClusterRouter> cur = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<ClusterRouter, Boolean>()); // potential
Set<ClusterRouter> tmp = routerMap.putIfAbsent(clazz, cur);
if (tmp != null)
cur = tmp;
logger.error("Couldn't find the ClusterDefinition for " + clusterId + " while registering the Outbound " +
SafeString.objectDescription(outbound) + " given the ApplicationDefinition " + applicationDefinition);
public void unregisterOutbound(RoutingStrategy.Outbound outbound)
// we don't want to register and unregister the same Outbound at the same time
// but we can handle registering and unregistering different Outbound's
for (Map.Entry<Class<?>,Set<ClusterRouter>> entry : routerMap.entrySet())
Set<ClusterRouter> crs = entry.getValue();
for (Iterator<ClusterRouter> iter = crs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
ClusterRouter cur = iter.next();
if (cur.strategyOutbound == outbound)
// we're not going to remove a potentially empty set, or purpose.
public void finishedDestination(Outbound outbound, Destination destination)
// find the ClusterRouter that corresponds to the outbound
// First, make a uniqe set of ClusterRouters
Collection<Set<ClusterRouter>> ssrouters = routerMap.values();
Set<ClusterRouter> urouters = new HashSet<Router.ClusterRouter>();
for (Set<ClusterRouter> srouters : ssrouters)
// now go through the unique and find the one that corresponds to the outbound.
for (ClusterRouter r : urouters)
// "is" of identity
if (r.strategyOutbound == outbound)
// There should be only one ClusterRouter for this outbound so we can stop.
// This should only be called from tests
public Set<Outbound> dnuobtuOteg() { return outbounds; }
* This class routes messages within a particular cluster. It is protected for test
* access only. Otherwise it would be private.
protected class ClusterRouter
private Serializer<Object> serializer;
private SenderFactory senderFactory = defaultSenderFactory;
private RoutingStrategy.Outbound strategyOutbound;
private ClusterRouter(Serializer<Object> serializer, Outbound strategyOutbound)
this.strategyOutbound = strategyOutbound;
this.serializer = serializer;
* Returns whether or not the message was actually sent. Doesn't touch the statsCollector
public boolean route(Object key, Object message)
boolean messageFailed = true;
Sender sender = null;
Destination destination = strategyOutbound.selectDestinationForMessage(key, message);
if (destination == null)
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
logger.info("Couldn't find a destination for " + SafeString.objectDescription(message));
if (statsCollector != null) statsCollector.messageNotSent();
return false;
sender = senderFactory.getSender(destination);
if (sender == null)
logger.error("Couldn't figure out a means to send " + SafeString.objectDescription(message) +
" to " + SafeString.valueOf(destination) + "");
byte[] data = serializer.serialize(message);
sender.send(data); // the sender is assumed to increment the stats collector.
messageFailed = false;
catch(DempsyException e)
logger.info("Failed to determine the destination for " + SafeString.objectDescription(message) +
" using the routing strategy " + SafeString.objectDescription(strategyOutbound),e);
catch (SerializationException e)
logger.error("Failed to serialize " + SafeString.objectDescription(message) +
" using the serializer " + SafeString.objectDescription(serializer),e);
catch (MessageTransportException e)
logger.warn("Failed to send " + SafeString.objectDescription(message) +
" using the sender " + SafeString.objectDescription(sender),e);
catch (Throwable e)
logger.error("Failed to send " + SafeString.objectDescription(message) +
" using the serializer " + SafeString.objectDescription(serializer) +
"\" and using the sender " + SafeString.objectDescription(sender),e);
if (messageFailed)
return !messageFailed;
private void stop()
try { if (senderFactory != null) senderFactory.stop(); }
catch(Throwable th)
logger.error("Stopping the sender factory " + SafeString.objectDescription(senderFactory) + " caused an exception:", th);
} // end ClusterRouter definition.
protected void getMessages(Object message, List<Object> messages)
if(message instanceof Iterable)
Iterator it = ((Iterable)message).iterator();
getMessages(it.next(), messages);
* This is protected for test access only. Otherwise it would be private.
protected Set<ClusterRouter> getRouter(Class<?> msgType)
Set<ClusterRouter> routers = routerMap.get(msgType);
if(routers == null)
return null;
routers = routerMap.get(msgType);
if(routers == null)
for(Class<?> c: routerMap.keySet())
routers = routerMap.get(c);
routerMap.put(msgType, routers);
if(routers == null)
missingMsgTypes.put(msgType,new Object());
return routers;