import com.agilejava.docbkx.maven.AbstractHtmlMojo;
import com.agilejava.docbkx.maven.PreprocessingFilter;
import com.agilejava.docbkx.maven.TransformerBuilder;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
public abstract class XhtmlMojo extends AbstractHtmlMojo {
private File xslDirectory;
* @parameter expression="${}"
private File projectBuildDirectory;
* @parameter
* expression="${generate-html.failOnValidationError}"
* default-value="yes"
private String failOnValidationError;
* A parameter used to specify the security level (external, internal, reviewer, writeronly) of the document.
* @parameter
* expression="${}"
* default-value=""
private String security;
* Controls whether output is colorized based on revisionflag attributes.
* @parameter expression="${}"
private String showChangebars;
* Display built for OpenStack logo?
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.builtForOpenStack}" default-value="0"
private String builtForOpenStack;
* Controls whether output is colorized based on revisionflag attributes.
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.meta.robots}"
private String metaRobots;
* Controls whether the version string is used as part of the Disqus identifier.
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.use.version.for.disqus}" default-value="0"
private String useVersionForDisqus;
* Controls whether the disqus identifier is used.
* @parameter expression="${}" default-value="1"
private String useDisqusId;
* Controls the branding of the output.
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.branding}" default-value="rackspace"
private String branding;
* Controls whether Disqus comments appear at the bottom of each page.
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.enable.disqus}" default-value="0"
private String enableDisqus;
* A parameter used by the Disqus comments.
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.disqus.shortname}" default-value=""
private String disqusShortname;
* A parameter used to control whether to include Google Analytics goo.
* @parameter expression="${}" default-value=""
private String enableGoogleAnalytics;
* A parameter used to control whether to include Google Analytics goo.
* @parameter expression="${}" default-value=""
private String googleAnalyticsId;
* A parameter used to control whether to include Google Analytics goo.
* @parameter expression="${}" default-value=""
private String googleAnalyticsDomain;
* A parameter used to specify the path to the pdf for download in webhelp.
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.pdf.url}" default-value=""
private String pdfUrl;
* @parameter
* expression="${generate-xhtml.canonicalUrlBase}"
* default-value=""
private String canonicalUrlBase;
* @parameter
* expression="${generate-pdf.replacementsFile}"
* default-value="replacements.config"
private String replacementsFile;
* @parameter expression="${basedir}"
private File baseDir;
* A parameter used to specify the presence of extensions metadata.
* @parameter
* expression="${generate-xhtml.includes}"
* default-value=""
private File transformDir;
* A parameter used to configure how many elements to trim from the URI in the documentation for a wadl method.
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.trim.wadl.uri.count}" default-value=""
private String trimWadlUriCount;
* Controls how the path to the wadl is calculated. If 0 or not set, then
* The xslts look for the normalized wadl in /generated-resources/xml/xslt/.
* Otherwise, in /generated-resources/xml/xslt/path/to/docbook-src, e.g.
* /generated-resources/xml/xslt/src/docbkx/foo.wadl
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.compute.wadl.path.from.docbook.path}" default-value="0"
private String computeWadlPathFromDocbookPath;
* Sets the email for TildeHash (internal) comments. Note that this
* doesn't affect Disqus comments.
* @parameter expression="${}" default-value=""
private String feedbackEmail;
* Controls whether or not the social icons are displayed.
* @parameter expression="${}" default-value="0"
private String socialIcons;
* A parameter used to specify the path to the lega notice in webhelp.
* @parameter expression="${}" default-value="index.html"
private String legalNoticeUrl;
* A parameter used to specify the path to the lega notice in webhelp.
* @parameter expression="${generate-xhtml.chunk.section.depth}"
private String chunkSectionDepth;
protected TransformerBuilder createTransformerBuilder(URIResolver resolver) {
return super.createTransformerBuilder (new DocBookResolver (resolver, getType()));
public void adjustTransformer(Transformer transformer, String sourceFilename, File targetFile) {
GitHelper.addCommitProperties(transformer, baseDir, 7, getLog());
super.adjustTransformer(transformer, sourceFilename, targetFile);
protected String getNonDefaultStylesheetLocation() {
// Is this even used?
return "cloud/war/copy.xsl";
protected void setXslDirectory (File xslDirectory) {
this.xslDirectory = xslDirectory;
protected File getXslDirectory() {
return this.xslDirectory;
public void postProcessResult(File result) throws MojoExecutionException {
//final File targetDirectory = result.getParentFile();
String warBasename = result.getName().substring(0, result.getName().lastIndexOf('.'));
// Zip up the war from here.
String sourceDir = result.getParentFile() + "/" + warBasename;
String zipFile = result.getParentFile() + "/" + warBasename + ".war";
//create object of FileOutputStream
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(zipFile);
//create object of ZipOutputStream from FileOutputStream
ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(fout);
//create File object from source directory
File fileSource = new File(sourceDir);
FileUtils.addDirectory(zout, fileSource);
//close the ZipOutputStream
System.out.println("Zip file has been created!");
catch(IOException ioe)
System.out.println("IOException :" + ioe);
public void preProcess() throws MojoExecutionException {
final File targetDirectory = getTargetDirectory();
File xslParentDirectory = targetDirectory.getParentFile();
if (!targetDirectory.exists()) {
// Extract all images into the image directory.
setXslDirectory (new File (xslParentDirectory, "xsls"));
// Extract all fonts into fonts directory
protected Source createSource(String inputFilename, File sourceFile, PreprocessingFilter filter)
throws MojoExecutionException {
String pathToPipelineFile = "classpath:///war.xpl"; //use "classpath:///path" for this to work
Source source = super.createSource(inputFilename, sourceFile, filter);
Map<String, Object> map=new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("failOnValidationError", failOnValidationError);
map.put("transform.dir", transformDir);
if(feedbackEmail != null){
map.put("", feedbackEmail);
if(useDisqusId != null){
map.put("", useDisqusId);
if (useVersionForDisqus != null) {
map.put("use.version.for.disqus", useVersionForDisqus);
map.put("", projectBuildDirectory);
map.put("branding", branding);
map.put("builtForOpenStack", builtForOpenStack);
map.put("enable.disqus", enableDisqus);
if (disqusShortname != null) {
map.put("disqus.shortname", disqusShortname);
if (enableGoogleAnalytics != null) {
map.put("", enableGoogleAnalytics);
if (googleAnalyticsId != null) {
map.put("", googleAnalyticsId);
if(googleAnalyticsDomain != null){
map.put("", googleAnalyticsDomain);
if (pdfUrl != null) {
map.put("pdf.url", pdfUrl);
if (legalNoticeUrl != null) {
map.put("legal.notice.url", legalNoticeUrl);
if(canonicalUrlBase != null){
map.put("replacementsFile", replacementsFile);
if(security != null){
if(showChangebars != null){
if(metaRobots != null){
if(trimWadlUriCount != null){
if(chunkSectionDepth != null){
// sourceDocBook = new File(sourceFilename);
// sourceDirectory = sourceDocBook.getParentFile();
// map.put("docbook.infile",sourceDocBook);
// map.put("",sourceDirectory);
// Profiling attrs:
map.put("profile.os", getProperty("profileOs"));
map.put("profile.arch", getProperty("profileArch"));
map.put("profile.condition", getProperty("profileCondition"));
map.put("profile.audience", getProperty("profileAudience"));
map.put("profile.conformance", getProperty("profileConformance"));
map.put("profile.revision", getProperty("profileRevision"));
map.put("profile.userlevel", getProperty("profileUserlevel"));
map.put("profile.vendor", getProperty("profileVendor"));
map.put("inputSrcFile", inputFilename);
int lastSlash=inputFilename.lastIndexOf("/");
//This is the case if the path includes a relative path
String theFileName=inputFilename.substring(lastSlash);
String theDirName=inputFilename.substring(0,lastSlash);
int index = theFileName.indexOf('.');
File targetDir=new File("target/docbkx/xhtml/"+theDirName+theFileName.substring(0,index) + "/");
map.put("base.dir", targetDir);
//getLog().info("~~~~~~~~theFileName file has incompatible format: "+theFileName);
//This is the case when it's just a file name with no path information
String theFileName=inputFilename;
int index = theFileName.indexOf('.');
File targetDir=new File("target/docbkx/xhtml/"+theFileName.substring(0,index) + "/");
map.put("base.dir", targetDir);
map.put("input.filename", theFileName.substring(0,index));
//getLog().info("~~~~~~~~inputFilename file has incompatible format: "+inputFilename);
return CalabashHelper.createSource(getLog(), source, pathToPipelineFile, map);