// Triple Play - utilities for use in PlayN-based games
// Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Three Rings Design, Inc. - All rights reserved.
// http://github.com/threerings/tripleplay/blob/master/LICENSE
package tripleplay.platform;
import cli.MonoTouch.CoreAnimation.CAShapeLayer;
import cli.MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGPath;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UIEvent;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UIView;
import cli.System.Drawing.PointF;
import cli.System.Drawing.RectangleF;
import pythagoras.f.IRectangle;
public class IOSUIOverlay extends UIView
public IOSUIOverlay (RectangleF bounds) {
@Override public boolean PointInside (PointF pointF, UIEvent uiEvent) {
// if it's masked, we don't want it
if (_hidden != null && _hidden.Contains(pointF)) return false;
// only accept the touch if it is hitting one of our native widgets
UIView[] subs = get_Subviews();
if (subs == null) return false;
for (UIView view : subs)
if (view.PointInside(ConvertPointToView(pointF, view), uiEvent))
return true;
return false;
public void setHiddenArea (IRectangle area) {
_hidden = area == null ? null : new RectangleF(area.x(), area.y(),
area.width(), area.height());
if (_hidden == null) {
RectangleF bounds = get_Bounds();
CAShapeLayer maskLayer = new CAShapeLayer();
// draw four rectangles surrounding the area we want to hide, and create a mask out of it.
CGPath path = new CGPath();
// top
path.AddRect(new RectangleF(0, 0, bounds.get_Width(), _hidden.get_Top()));
// bottom
path.AddRect(new RectangleF(0, _hidden.get_Bottom(), bounds.get_Width(),
bounds.get_Bottom() - _hidden.get_Bottom()));
// left
path.AddRect(new RectangleF(0, _hidden.get_Top(), _hidden.get_Left(), _hidden.get_Height()));
// right
path.AddRect(new RectangleF(_hidden.get_Right(), _hidden.get_Top(), bounds.get_Right()
- _hidden.get_Right(), _hidden.get_Height()));
protected RectangleF _hidden;