// Triple Play - utilities for use in PlayN-based games
// Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Three Rings Design, Inc. - All rights reserved.
// http://github.com/threerings/tripleplay/blob/master/LICENSE
package tripleplay.platform;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import cli.MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform;
import cli.MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNotification;
import cli.MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNotificationCenter;
import cli.MonoTouch.Foundation.NSSet;
import cli.MonoTouch.Foundation.NSValue;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UIDevice;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UIDeviceOrientation;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UIEvent;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UIFont;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UIKeyboard;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UITextField;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UITextView;
import cli.MonoTouch.UIKit.UIView;
import cli.System.Drawing.PointF;
import cli.System.Drawing.RectangleF;
import cli.System.Drawing.SizeF;
import playn.core.Font;
import playn.core.PlayN;
import playn.ios.IOSFont;
import playn.ios.IOSPlatform;
import pythagoras.f.Point;
import static tripleplay.platform.Log.log;
* Handles shared bits for native text fields.
public class IOSTextFieldHandler
public IOSTextFieldHandler (IOSTPPlatform platform) {
_platform = platform;
_overlay = platform.overlay();
_touchDetector = new TouchDetector(_overlay.get_Bounds());
// dispatches text changes
change = new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_(new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_.Method() {
@Override public void Invoke (NSNotification nf) {
// we get notifications about all text fields, whether they're under our
// control or not
IOSNativeTextField field = _activeFields.get(nf.get_Object());
if (field != null) field.handleNewValue();
// dispatches text starting edit
didBegin = new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_(new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_.Method() {
@Override public void Invoke (NSNotification nf) {
IOSNativeTextField field = _activeFields.get(nf.get_Object());
if (field != null) field.didStart();
// dispatches text end notifications
didEnd = new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_(new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_.Method() {
@Override public void Invoke (NSNotification nf) {
IOSNativeTextField field = _activeFields.get(nf.get_Object());
if (field != null) field.didFinish();
NSNotificationCenter center = NSNotificationCenter.get_DefaultCenter();
// observe UITextField
center.AddObserver(UITextField.get_TextDidBeginEditingNotification(), didBegin);
center.AddObserver(UITextField.get_TextFieldTextDidChangeNotification(), change);
center.AddObserver(UITextField.get_TextDidEndEditingNotification(), didEnd);
// observe UITextView
center.AddObserver(UITextView.get_TextDidBeginEditingNotification(), didBegin);
center.AddObserver(UITextView.get_TextDidChangeNotification(), change);
center.AddObserver(UITextView.get_TextDidEndEditingNotification(), didEnd);
// slide the game view up when the keyboard is displayed
new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_(new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_.Method() {
@Override public void Invoke (NSNotification nf) {
if (_gameViewTransformed) {
// already transformed, bail with a warning
log.warning("Keyboard shown when already showing?", "viewTransform",
// find the first responder
IOSNativeTextField firstResponder = findFirstResponder();
if (firstResponder == null) return; // it's not a field we're managing, bail
// figure out how we need to transform the game view
SizeF size = ((NSValue) nf.get_UserInfo().get_Item(
RectangleF fieldFrame = firstResponder.getView().get_Frame();
// oddly, the size given for keyboard dimensions is portrait, always.
float targetOffset = -size.get_Width() +
_overlay.get_Bounds().get_Height() - fieldFrame.get_Bottom();
// give it a little padding, and make sure we never move the game view down,
// also make sure we never move the bottom of the game view past the top of the
// keyboard
targetOffset = Math.max(Math.min(targetOffset - 10, 0), -size.get_Width());
PointF target = new PointF(0, targetOffset);
target = _overlay.get_Transform().TransformPoint(target);
// update and set the transform on the game view
UIView gameView = _overlay.get_Superview();
CGAffineTransform trans = gameView.get_Transform();
_gameViewTransform = trans.Invert().Invert(); // clone
trans.Translate(target.get_X(), target.get_Y());
_gameViewTransformed = true;
// touches outside of the keyboard will close the keyboard
new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_(new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_.Method() {
@Override public void Invoke (NSNotification nf) {
// bail if not transformed; this might be ok, if the keyboard was shown outside
// of our purview
if (!_gameViewTransformed) return;
UIView gameView = _overlay.get_Superview();
_gameViewTransform = null;
_gameViewTransformed = false;
_currentOrientation = UIDevice.get_CurrentDevice().get_Orientation().Value;
new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_(new cli.System.Action$$00601_$$$_Lcli__MonoTouch__Foundation__NSNotification_$$$$_.Method() {
public void Invoke (NSNotification nf) {
UIDeviceOrientation orient = UIDevice.get_CurrentDevice().get_Orientation();
if (orient.Value == _currentOrientation) return; // NOOP
if (!((IOSPlatform)PlayN.platform()).supportedOrients().isSupported(orient)) {
return; // unsupported orientation, no rotation
_currentOrientation = orient.Value;
if (_gameViewTransformed) {
// the game rotated, and we've transformed it, kill the keyboard so it can
// get back to normal
IOSNativeTextField firstResponder = findFirstResponder();
if (firstResponder != null) firstResponder.getView().ResignFirstResponder();
public UIFont getUIFont (Font font) {
if (font == null) font = IOSFont.defaultFont();
String iosName = ((IOSFont)font).iosName();
UIFont uiFont = UIFont.FromName(iosName, font.size());
if (uiFont != null) return uiFont;
if (iosName.equals(IOSFont.defaultFont().iosName())) {
log.warning("Font shenanigans, default font not found!", "font", font);
return null;
// font not found, use the default font at the given size, and style
return getUIFont(new IOSFont(null, IOSFont.defaultFont().iosName(),
font.style(), font.size()));
public void activate (IOSNativeTextField field) {
_activeFields.put(field.getView(), field);
public void deactivate (IOSNativeTextField field) {
public void refreshNativeBounds () {
for (IOSNativeTextField field : _activeFields.values()) {
protected IOSNativeTextField findFirstResponder () {
for (Map.Entry<UIView, IOSNativeTextField> entry : _activeFields.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().get_IsFirstResponder()) return entry.getValue();
return null;
protected class TouchDetector extends UIView {
public TouchDetector (RectangleF bounds) {
@Override public void TouchesBegan (NSSet touches, UIEvent uiEvent) {
IOSNativeTextField firstResponder = findFirstResponder();
if (firstResponder != null) firstResponder.getView().ResignFirstResponder();
// call super, otherwise the TouchesEnded event for this touch are never dispatched
super.TouchesBegan(touches, uiEvent);
@Override public boolean PointInside (PointF pointF, UIEvent uiEvent) {
// let through any touch that the virtual keyboard controller wants to allow.
if (!hideVirtualKeyboardAt(pointF)) return false;
// allow through touches that hit text fields we manage
for (IOSNativeTextField field : _activeFields.values()) {
if (field.getView().PointInside(
ConvertPointToView(pointF, field.getView()), uiEvent)) {
return false;
// else absorb the hit at this point so that we can hide the keyboard in TouchesBegan
return true;
protected boolean hideVirtualKeyboardAt (PointF pointF) {
PointF overlay = ConvertPointToView(pointF, _overlay);
Point pythagOverlay = new Point(overlay.get_X(), overlay.get_Y());
return _platform._kfc == null ||
protected IOSTPPlatform _platform;
protected final UIView _overlay;
protected final Map<UIView, IOSNativeTextField> _activeFields =
new HashMap<UIView, IOSNativeTextField>();
// we specifically track whether we've transformed the game view in a boolean because
// CGAffineTransform is a value class and cannot be null
protected boolean _gameViewTransformed;
protected CGAffineTransform _gameViewTransform;
protected int _currentOrientation;
protected TouchDetector _touchDetector;