package de.timroes.axmlrpc.serializer;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.XMLRPCClient;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.XMLRPCException;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.XMLRPCRuntimeException;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.XMLUtil;
import de.timroes.axmlrpc.xmlcreator.XmlElement;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* The serializer handler serializes and deserialized objects.
* It takes an object, determine its type and let the responsible handler serialize it.
* For deserialization it looks at the xml tag around the element.
* The class is designed as a kind of singleton, so it can be accessed from anywhere in
* the library.
* @author Tim Roes
public class SerializerHandler {
public static final String TYPE_STRING = "string";
public static final String TYPE_BOOLEAN = "boolean";
public static final String TYPE_INT = "int";
public static final String TYPE_INT2 = "i4";
public static final String TYPE_LONG = "i8";
public static final String TYPE_DOUBLE = "double";
public static final String TYPE_DATETIME = "dateTime.iso8601";
public static final String TYPE_STRUCT = "struct";
public static final String TYPE_ARRAY = "array";
public static final String TYPE_BASE64 = "base64";
public static final String TYPE_NULL = "nil";
private static SerializerHandler instance;
* Initialize the serialization handler. This method must be called before
* the get method returns any object.
* @param flags The flags that has been set in the XMLRPCClient.
* @see XMLRPCClient
public static void initialize(int flags) {
instance = new SerializerHandler(flags);
* Return the instance of the SerializerHandler.
* It must have been initialized with initialize() before.
* @return The instance of the SerializerHandler.
public static SerializerHandler getDefault() {
if(instance == null) {
throw new XMLRPCRuntimeException("The SerializerHandler has not been initialized.");
return instance;
private StringSerializer string;
private BooleanSerializer bool = new BooleanSerializer();
private IntSerializer integer = new IntSerializer();
private LongSerializer long8 = new LongSerializer();
private StructSerializer struct = new StructSerializer();
private DoubleSerializer floating = new DoubleSerializer();
private DateTimeSerializer datetime = new DateTimeSerializer();
private ArraySerializer array = new ArraySerializer();
private Base64Serializer base64 = new Base64Serializer();
private NullSerializer nil = new NullSerializer();
private int flags;
* Generates the SerializerHandler.
* This method can only called from within the class (the initialize method).
* @param flags The flags to use.
private SerializerHandler(int flags) {
this.flags = flags;
string = new StringSerializer(
* Deserializes an incoming xml element to an java object.
* The xml element must be the value element around the type element.
* The type of the returning object depends on the type tag.
* @param element An type element from within a value tag.
* @return The deserialized object.
* @throws XMLRPCException Will be thrown whenever an error occurs.
public Object deserialize(Element element) throws XMLRPCException {
if(!XMLRPCClient.VALUE.equals(element.getNodeName())) {
throw new XMLRPCException("Value tag is missing around value.");
if(!XMLUtil.hasChildElement(element.getChildNodes())) {
// Value element doesn't contain a child element
if((flags & XMLRPCClient.FLAGS_DEFAULT_TYPE_STRING) != 0) {
return string.deserialize(element);
} else {
throw new XMLRPCException("Missing type element inside of value element.");
// Grep type element from inside value element
element = XMLUtil.getOnlyChildElement(element.getChildNodes());
Serializer s = null;
String type;
// If FLAGS_IGNORE_NAMESPACE has been set, only use local name.
if((flags & XMLRPCClient.FLAGS_IGNORE_NAMESPACES) != 0) {
type = element.getLocalName() == null ? element.getNodeName() : element.getLocalName();
} else {
type = element.getNodeName();
if((flags & XMLRPCClient.FLAGS_NIL) != 0 && TYPE_NULL.equals(type)) {
s = nil;
} else if(TYPE_STRING.equals(type)) {
s = string;
} else if(TYPE_BOOLEAN.equals(type)) {
s = bool;
} else if(TYPE_DOUBLE.equals(type)) {
s = floating;
} else if (TYPE_INT.equals(type) || TYPE_INT2.equals(type)) {
s = integer;
} else if(TYPE_DATETIME.equals(type)) {
s = datetime;
} else if (TYPE_LONG.equals(type)) {
if((flags & XMLRPCClient.FLAGS_8BYTE_INT) != 0) {
s = long8;
} else {
throw new XMLRPCException("8 byte integer is not in the specification. "
+ "You must use FLAGS_8BYTE_INT to enable the i8 tag.");
} else if(TYPE_STRUCT.equals(type)) {
s = struct;
} else if(TYPE_ARRAY.equals(type)) {
s = array;
} else if(TYPE_BASE64.equals(type)) {
s = base64;
} else {
throw new XMLRPCException("No deserializer found for type '" + type + "'.");
return s.deserialize(element);
* Serialize an object to its representation as an xml element.
* The xml element will be the type element for the use within a value tag.
* @param object The object that should be serialized.
* @return The xml representation of this object.
* @throws XMLRPCException Will be thrown, if an error occurs (e.g. the object
* cannot be serialized to an xml element.
public XmlElement serialize(Object object) throws XMLRPCException {
Serializer s = null;
if((flags & XMLRPCClient.FLAGS_NIL) != 0 && object == null) {
s = nil;
} else if(object instanceof String) {
s = string;
} else if(object instanceof Boolean) {
s = bool;
} else if(object instanceof Double || object instanceof Float
|| object instanceof BigDecimal) {
s = floating;
} else if (object instanceof Integer || object instanceof Short
|| object instanceof Byte) {
s = integer;
} else if(object instanceof Long) {
// Check whether the 8 byte integer flag was set.
if((flags & XMLRPCClient.FLAGS_8BYTE_INT) != 0) {
s = long8;
} else {
// Allow long values as long as their fit within the 4 byte integer range.
long l = (Long)object;
if(l > Integer.MAX_VALUE || l < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
throw new XMLRPCException("FLAGS_8BYTE_INT must be set, if values "
+ "outside the 4 byte integer range should be transfered.");
} else {
s = integer;
} else if(object instanceof Date) {
s = datetime;
} else if(object instanceof Calendar) {
object = ((Calendar)object).getTime();
s = datetime;
} else if (object instanceof Map) {
s = struct;
} else if(object instanceof byte[]) {
byte[] old = (byte[])object;
Byte[] boxed = new Byte[old.length];
for(int i = 0; i < boxed.length; i++) {
boxed[i] = new Byte(old[i]);
object = boxed;
s = base64;
} else if(object instanceof Byte[]) {
s = base64;
} else if(object instanceof Iterable<?> || object instanceof Object[]) {
s = array;
} else {
throw new XMLRPCException("No serializer found for type '"
+ object.getClass().getName() + "'.");
return s.serialize(object);